
Decision-making Quotes

There are 53620 quotes

"I don't offer you all those pathways to confuse you. I offer you those pathways to clarify the extent to which something as simple as eating or the decision to not eat is complicated."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The beauty of being a human being is that knowledge of knowledge can allow you to make better decisions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The brain and our decisions about what we are going to stick to are tremendously powerful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"He stayed in the capital. Everybody, all the American military, the intelligence agencies, NATO, his own staff, advisors all told him to flee, and he stayed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You have to decide: Are you going to try and quiet stress, or are you going to actually lean into action?"
"Everything we go through is a lesson. As long as you learn and start making different choices, you're progressing."
"Every decision that you make reshapes your brain. The more powerful you are in making decision after decision, the more powerful your brain becomes."
"Change is nature, dad. The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide."
"Whatever environment you have around you, that's what's going to influence your decisions and that's what's going to influence your emotions."
"I've gotten very good at cutting my losses really quick."
"You're always in control, so whatever decisions you make, make them confidently."
"You make the best decision that you can with the information that you have at the time."
"The intent behind the decision is what's crucial."
"I am proud to say I think it was the best decision of my life."
"He decided to buy a new home the next day, bringing him one step closer to the future he envisioned with his mother."
"It is better to make a conventionally wrong decision confidently than to have a wishy-washy right decision."
"Sometimes it's better to actually make a decision, put something out there, try it out, learn, iterate, and if it doesn't work, course correct."
"Life is the C between the B and the D. Life is choice."
"Leadership is not a rank. Leadership is not a position. Leadership is a decision. Leadership is a choice."
"Children are children...we restrict children from making other decisions that have significant impact on their lives until they're at a spot where they can, from maturity level, brain development level...make those decisions."
"My first thought is, if you're considering it, do it. Because the worst-case scenario is that you go and you realize you're glad you did it, but you don't really need it."
"If you don't prioritize your life, someone else will."
"If we aren't able to have control or learn to navigate our emotion and the way we think, then we're going to make bad decisions which will turn into bad results for our health and our life."
"Never take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with."
"Don't do that ever, that's not my advice. Like feel free to choose your path and just be clear where you wanna get."
"Lean into your intuition as well when making a decision."
"This can be where we are being called to take a leap of faith on something."
"Free will is an illusion in the sense that your brain decides first, and you become aware of it after the fact."
"All policies shall be based on the weight of evidence."
"I'm the guy making the decision here, it's my responsibility. If it goes well, if it doesn't go well, it's on me and I can trust myself to make the right decision."
"The frontal cortex makes you do the harder thing when it's the right thing to do."
"The moment you make a new choice, get ready; you're leaving the known. It's going to be uncomfortable, it's going to be unfamiliar."
"Choose the higher path. There always is a path."
"Take a moment to pause and quiet your mind so that way you can ask your soul for guidance before you act."
"Moving on and moving up. If it's time to move, it's time to move."
"You're a king and you could say yes or no to various options that come your way."
"The most important decision we make is what we put in our mouths."
"Mature people make decisions based on truth, not based on feelings."
"When offered more options, we tend to be less satisfied with whatever we choose."
"In the age of information abundance, we all face an existential crisis of choosing what matters."
"You can carry on as you've always been, or you can try Silva Ultramind risk-free for 15 days. You have absolutely nothing to lose and a whole incredible, magical new life to gain."
"Everybody watching this already made a decision this morning that is either 'I'm going to get up, enter the world with no intention, go through the motions to hopefully get by or survive' or 'I am going to get clear this morning about what I want, what I'm going after, who I'm going to be, how I'm going to serve and whether or not I'm going to be excellent and extraordinary or not.'"
"Make decisions based on standards and values, not emotions or feelings."
"You're ready to follow your heart, to follow your passion."
"Reality is that you are responsible for the decisions you make."
"Every decision you make is either a pleasurable decision that will give you pleasure but then lead to pain, or a decision that experiences pain right now but will lead to pleasure or happiness in the long run."
"If you raise them right till 18, from there, they're going to make some decisions, some of them you can agree with, some of them you're not going to agree with."
"What we need to teach is how to cope with the so-called tyranny of choice... When exposed to too much choice, it actually has the opposite effect; we shut down."
"If you're having questions about 'Should I?', you shouldn't."
"People are willing to make decisions that are preferential towards themselves, their family, their community, and their country, usually in that order."
"Risk comes into play and there is a risk with everything."
"A big opportunity is coming to you, but you might be scared to take it."
"They're not going to make any foolish decisions, but they're also not going to give up."
"Clarity is like a sword slicing through a foggy situation."
"You're gaining new perspectives, changing your mind, making decisions."
"When you're making decisions, slow down. Slow is fast."
"It's important to remember that it is ultimately the decisions we make on the level of the heart, on the level of consciousness, which, will determine where we go in the future."
"Don't make a permanent decision on a temporary emotion."
"Fear of loss is the single biggest driver of decision-making in the history of mankind."
"Intuition cuts through the thicket, declutters our lives, our minds."
"Listen to your feeling every time, even when you have no rational proof why."
"The decision you make in the next few seconds is literally the difference between life and death."
"You will not be able to make the right decision if you're operating out of fear."
"Realize that both paths will be terribly difficult, but only one of them leaves a possibility of your future happiness."
"Either way it's going to be brutally difficult. Which difficult do you want to choose?"
"Using something called the 24-hour rule just says that before you make one of these impulse decisions, breathe and tell yourself you're going to wait 24 hours before you make that purchasing decision."
"Only call for a roll if there are meaningful consequences for failure."
"If you fail this, this is going to happen, and if you succeed, this is going to happen, particularly if the circumstances with the roll are obvious enough that the player would understand that."
"Every decision you make should help you become the best version of yourself."
"The most important question to answer, the fundamentalist discipline: How can I allocate more of these chips to the things that are in line with my values?"
"The spiritual life is all about bringing yourself to the point to make that decision and then, by God, live by it."
"If we were connected to our gut feelings, there's a lot of things we wouldn't be choosing."
"Every action has a risk, but we have to consider if people truly understand and consent to those risks."
"I think one of the reasons most of us don't know who we are is because we're making decisions that are inconsistent with that true cause, with that why."
"Play my cards right, it takes one false move and you'll be gone, but maybe it's all right."
"The reality that you're currently living is actually the byproduct of somebody else that made choices for you, which happens to be a past version of you."
"Ethical fading can grip an organization's culture where people within that culture become capable of making highly unethical decisions believing they were well within their own ethical frameworks."
"Part of leadership is to allow your team to essentially learn from and change their decisions, not stay stuck with them just because that's the decision that we took."
"Sometimes you have to make decisions without having all the facts and it's important to go back and learn from those decisions, whether they were right or wrong."
"I think a lot of people are afraid. I think a lot of people are in a position where they just don't know what to think, they don't know what to do, they don't know where to turn."
"It's hard to fathom just how many bad choices and questionable decisions that this game has made."
"I honor my time and energy by making smart choices that leave me feeling good about myself."
"Grounded means well-balanced mentally and emotionally stable, practical, in control of your emotions, making wise decisions."
"I always believe in making your own decisions but making it with peace and through and in prayer."
"Feeling-based decisions have incredible unintended consequences."
"The paradox of choice is when you get so frustrated because you have so many options."
"As you think, feel, and choose, this automatically causes a structural change inside of your brain."
"You have more options than you thought you did."
"Life is about choices and trade-offs. Yeah, it is."
"If the second one works, then I'll make more, but he says if it doesn't work, then that's the end of Star Wars, like forever."
"Feminism is about women making their own decisions with their own bodies and their own lives."
"Making good choices and listening to your intuition pay off."
"Every one of us has such similarities, and then we're unique based on the decisions that we make. That uniqueness is our power and is our greatness."
"A message from spirit for you guys is to start listening to yourself, to start making decisions for yourself, to also start following what you internally desire most."
"Listen to both, gather your information, and then make your decision."
"Our decisions are up to us; we just happen to know that their outcomes could be predicted with enough information."
"Trust in your ability to make great choices and do something or make the decision that resonates with your soul, that makes you excited, that is something you feel like doing. Don't listen to other people's opinions because you feel like other people know better."
"You need to know what you care about in rank order, which I find people have a very hard time doing."
"The obvious appointment is Eric ten Hag, and you make that appointment and get on with it."
"You're one decision away from a different life."
"You can face hard things, survive hard things, and that in learning more deeply about yourself, you are handed a moment where you can make a decision."
"Between your mind, your intellect, and your intuition, you have the answer."
"The ultimate decision-making should not be for this life... everything that we do here is in order to get to Jannah."
"Making the decision to love yourself is something you can actually do."
"It's a warning of the potential for a series of logical decisions to result in an illogical concept that ultimately doesn't deliver anything militarily useful."
"You make your decisions, and then your decisions make you."
"Opportunity cost is one of the fundamental concepts related to economic decision making."
"We have the power in this moment and going forward to choose how you pay attention to your thoughts and emotions."
"I've made the conscious decision to only make decisions that I feel like will contribute to living a pleasant life."
"It's work when we know it's productive, we should work, and when we know there's a brick wall, we should let go."
"It's as important to know what you don't want to do or where you shouldn't be as is to know what you want to do."
"Any decision is the right decision, all that matters is where you focus your attention after having made the decision."
"The most unlikeliest of a small child unwillingly thrust into the world. Force one disaster after another had been diverted due to her diligent and cunning decision making."
"Everything depends on learning to keep your brain and your nervous system regulated...because when you're regulated, you can think clearly, you can make decisions, and act on those decisions. That is everything."
"To actively do nothing is a decision as well."
"We can take a decision right now that we will approach this challenge with a stubborn form of gritty, realistic and determined optimism."
"Money is sometimes a reward but it is not a decision maker in terms of whether I'm going to do something or not."
"This person coming forward with a new offer, will you take that offer, you know, it's going to lead you through a new gateway, a new beginning."
"In Spider-Man 2002, Peter has a radioactive spider bite the size of a golf ball but instead of going to a doctor, he decides to sleep it off. This is because Peter lives in America."
"There's nothing more important than being informed. There's nothing more important than making an informed decision."
"Become stress-free first, and decisions will become easy."
"It's not making the right decision that makes you chill; it is becoming chill first that allows you to make the right decision."
"Every day is a sacred gift, it is we are being gifted the opportunity every day to create new and decide what we want to do from that day."
"Every president will face difficult choices; whether to intentionally commit a federal crime should not be one of them."
"When you make your decisions based on your pride and your ego, you often make very bad decisions."
"Diverse groups make better decisions than homogeneous ones."
"Oh my God, that just increased the property value tenfold. You can see Donger Tower perfectly from here."
"Our job is to make sure that kids can make adult decisions as adults and that they don't end up making a decision prematurely that will cut off their choices."
"Choices have consequences, and we are all given a choice."
"Your angels are asking you to make an important decision that you've been putting off."
"Ask Heaven for guidance and then make the choice that celebrates who you truly are."
"What we can do is make educated decisions based off of what we do know."
"People are more likely to accept an order if they've had a part in the decision that caused the order to be issued."
"My job is to go learn what's true about the universe because that's important. It helps me make better decisions...it's a good thing to do."
"Choose to be loved, do what is right for everyone involved."
"High performing people cultivate their minds and meditate. Stay cool under pressure, make more creative decisions, and do more with less stress."
"The key to feeling good is to decide to stop feeling bad."
"War is always about choosing the lesser of two bad options."
"You're one decision away from a different life...changing your life does not take motivation, it takes discipline."
"It's not about getting every decision right but getting the important decisions right."
"Leaders make decisions based on their character."
"You have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions."
"Super Saiyan 3 just looks a lot cooler, so I know a lot of people would pick Super Saiyan 3 over blue just because of appearance alone."
"Go with your first option, your gut feeling. You don't have to overthink this. There really is no right or wrong answer."
"This is a moment for responsible leaders to think carefully about where they stand and who they stand with."
"I hope I don't have to give the order to release our terrible weapon."
"If you think with your heart, you're going to lose most of the time. If you think with your mind, you will achieve everything you want."
"It takes a lot of courage to stop something than to keep going sometimes."
"Pick a go/no-go point and abort if you're not going fast enough to do the takeoff."
"I think people look at the outcome of decisions and make these assumptions and make these claims and they don't look at the intention."
"Your brain's involved in everything you do - how you think, how you feel, how you act, how you get along with other people. Your brain is the organ of intelligence, character, and every single decision you make."
"Whenever you come to a decision point in your day, ask yourself this question, 'Is this good for my brain or bad for it?'"
"The Lord told me to stay sober and not to get drunk because when I'm outside of my faculties, I make decisions that could turn into permanent consequences."
"Usado decides against it, fearing the beginning of a life of crime over a $5 umbrella."
"Fearing the beginning of a life of crime over a $5 umbrella."
"Making better decisions comes much easier when you have a purpose and process to frame your attention into and make decisions in alignment with."
"The Maximizer... thinks that he's going to become happy this way... the Satisficer... he's actually the one that's happy because happiness is about acceptance."
"Sometimes you have to take sides. Sometimes stuff happens where it's just like, you know what, enough is enough."
"The most successful, intelligent people I've ever met have an unbelievable ability to quit things that make no objective sense."
"Keep following down your path, trust yourself to make the decisions that are right for you."
"I think we're giving up the good for the great because I think there's real major steps we can make here."
"You might love dogs, but you could do more good; your altruism could be more effective if you use your head instead of your heart."
"My job is to tell you what the theory says and why people believe it, so that whatever you decide to do, you do it with your eyes open."
"Say no to something that isn't in alignment with your soul. Don't be afraid to say no."
"Fight or flight isn't it? It was there; they just needed to grab it."
"Never just follow the crowd, always make up your own mind."
"An optimal policy has the property that whatever the initial state and initial decision are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal policy with regard to the state resulting from the first decision."
"The world would be a better place if people actually took responsibility in deciding what they technically want."
"When you say no to something, you're saying yes to something better."
"The logic is, if nothing happens, what have you lost? But if something does happen, it's way too late."
"You can trust yourself to make good decisions."
"The wrong road can railroad your career the same as the wrong song or album can kill your career as a singer or rapper."
"Trust in your intuition to make the right decisions; you're already equipped with the truth and guidance you need."
"If someone's got a stomach ache, just let them stay home."
"Pick one of the options with your intuition."
"If you don't feel you're worth it, you're going to keep making the wrong decisions, and you are worth it."
"Everyone seems to be talking about a birthday party that Lacy wasn't invited to. Should we ask her friend or let it go? Just let it go."
"In life, we need to make some big decisions sometimes... whether it's marriage, a huge business, sometimes shifting from one area or city to another."
"Something you've been wanting to do, all of a sudden, it's like you're grabbing the yes."
"The achiever chooses how to proceed based on one's own critical examination of what works and what is important."
"We are getting more and more information, and it is affecting our understanding and therefore our strategies."
"Why would the Knight do a pull-up contest with his armor on? You know that's just weighing you down."
"A mistake repeated more than once is a decision."
"Ethics in the context of how to live life well and make good decisions really feels like the right framework."
"I choose not to do that because it's going to take you away from really thinking about what you want to do."
"Anytime anyone has ever made any kind of positive change in their life, it started with the decision. It starts with a decision inside your head."
"It's a continual cost-benefit analysis, I think."
"Sometimes that turnover can be crazy, and that's why I wanted to go to Vegas."
"Your ability to make good choices that will quickly move you towards what you want in life is directly proportional to your ability to keep yourself in a peaceful and relaxed state and get yourself right emotionally after something traumatic or disconcerting has happened or occurred in your life."
"It's better to make the wrong decision because at least that wrong decision will lead you to the right decision later on."
"We will continue to make our decisions meeting by meeting and communicate our thinking as clearly as possible."
"If we knew enough and if we understood enough about morality and about situations, we should be able to come up with best resolutions in line with what would be considered correct moral applications."
"The best we can do is one, make the best decision we can make with the information we have at the time."
"Emotions are important. They should be considered in the calculus of your decision-making."
"I'm a big believer in informed decision-making."
"This is a story of love, greed, money, good people who make bad decisions, and bad people who make good decisions."
"Emotions are data, but they are not directives."
"Our emotions help us to identify what we're feeling and allow us to make better decisions for our lives."
"You need to decide what it is that you want and then act accordingly."
"Being a CEO taught me... it's about making the best possible decision, not about protecting your ego."