
Health Indicators Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Nobody knows what truly healthy eating is. We only know the measurements we can take: liver enzymes, blood lipid profiles, body weight, athletic performance, mental performance, whether or not you're cranky all day, whether or not you're feeling relaxed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your waist-hip ratio and/or abdominal circumference is a much more accurate indicator of health than your weight or your BMI."
"The best predictor of your long-term longevity is your blood sugar levels."
"Weight is not the only indicator of good health and health is also about more than just physical health."
"Pay attention to the skin because it's the window to your physiology."
"That is myth confirmed, dog's tails will go down when they are lower health."
"How do I know if I'm dehydrated? Your magnesium status."
"It's a quality of life issue and it's a clue to clogged heart arteries."
"The presence of mucus in your stools... a sign your body's fighting an infection."
"If you see your bunny having excessive secret ropes then that could be an indication of a digestive imbalance."
"Nail changes can be subtle indicators of underlying health issues, particularly when it comes to heart disease."
"When you look at it grouped with high HDL and low triglycerides, it’s associated with low mortality."
"So, another reason or another way you might detect that you're in ketosis is you might smell it on your breath."
"The best indicator to know that this is working is your appetite."
"The absence of hunger actually revealed something that wasn't right."
"If you can wake feeling refreshed, that's probably a good indication that you got the quantity and quality of sleep you need."
"Having good testosterone levels... is a surrogate of overall health and vitality."
"Your complexion will definitely show when something is missing in our body nutrient-wise."
"You will know something's wrong with me if I start drinking every day."
"Now if your buns are burned, then your BUN is typically high because the body is dry."
"More than money and assets, the GDP indicates the health of an economy."
"If you're having skin issues, it's your body saying something isn't happy."
"And depending on these two things, as well as the health of our bodies, our lips can change color."
"Your cystic acne is basically your body telling you something. It's talking to you, and we need to interpret what is it saying."
"It's stressful, did you notice that our hair follicle went from a normal hair color and now the vasculature has pulled away from the root? Our little seed is in there but our hair follicle has turned gray."
"The most important medical parameter is how much body fat you have on your body is the most thing because it feeds the growth of every other disease you could develop."
"Having all of your teeth is a major indicator of overall health."
"A strength test is a better predictor of all-cause mortality than a blood lipid test or a blood pressure test."
"So if we're losing hair, something's not functioning optimally."
"Loss of smell and taste, a significant symptom."
"High blood pressure is almost a guarantee if someone has insulin resistance."
"If your body's sick sometimes it shows you here's a symptom I'm not showing you this because I hate you I'm showing you this because I love you and you need to know something's wrong with you."
"Feeling happy, healthy, and energetic reflects in your posture."
"Listen to your body: hair changes can signal underlying health issues."
"Family history is important. Even if there's nobody else sick in the family, it could be a positive indication of immune deficiency."
"...sleep disruption and stress can have a negative impact on your training, and so can overdoing it, which is why these indicators can help you work out if you're in a fit state to do your training that day."
"Your skin, although not perfect, might be an easy way to tell whether or not something is going on on the inside. So pay attention to how your skin looks. If you notice lots of changes, it might be more than just your skin."
"Perturbance of the respiratory rate was basically the great predictor of mortality risk due to COVID-19."
"You can feel a nice little rib cage; that means you just got a strong and healthy dog."
"Everything is looking really tidy. The shrimp seem to be really, really active as well, which is just what you want. So, that's going to be one of my first signs if there's ever problems."
"After you have a few years into reefing, you kind of get a good feel of what a coral should look like and when it's not healthy or not happy about something."
"Erectile dysfunction is literally the canary in the coal mine telling you that you have cardiovascular issues."
"Weight loss is one of those successful indicators, but what about all the other great indicators like the improved blood sugars, like the having less of a fatty liver, better cholesterol levels, better energy, better cognitive function, less inflammation, a better mood."
"Aging rate indicators... tell you how quickly you're aging and not how far you've gone."
"Erectile dysfunction is the first sign of a nitric oxide problem."
"So many things about the length of your cycle, your temperature, these different symptoms can tell you a lot about your health."
"The disease tissue all over your body is all over your body, including your face. Your face reveals your health."
"An increase in white blood cell count means acute infection, inflammation, allergies, even pregnancy."
"That's indicating more resilience, that's indicating more youth."
"Socialist forces and regimes have more frequently than not improved health and social indicators better than capitalist forces and regimes."
"Pay attention to the health markers: energy, libido, hair, nails, skin."
"For a normal non-stress test, you expect to see at least two increases in baby's heart rate."
"That mile and a half that I ran with the dog yesterday is the biggest indicator of how beneficial this stuff is."
"Symptoms like feeling cold and weight gain are very consistent with hypothyroidism."
"Healthy skin, a small waistline, and lean muscle, those are all signs of health."
"The proof is in the pudding and how my fish look and how my corals look."
"Having a good functioning period, having a good libido, that's missing a lot from a lot of spheres."
"Vital signs are temperature, pulse, pupils, respirations, mental status, and blood pressure."
"One of the biggest predictors of quality of life as people age is their hand grip strength."
"The brighter the blue of their feet, the healthier the bird is."
"We need to look at body composition and waist hip ratio as a much better predictor of your cardiovascular and metabolic risks."
"If you're getting sick a lot, it's probably a sign that you need to work on your lifestyle or your stress or your diet."
"Biochemical assessment is based on testing body fluids such as blood and urine as they are indicators of nutrient status."
"When there's high levels of LDL in the blood, that means there's a lot of things broken in the body."