
Complexity Quotes

There are 24452 quotes

"I don't offer you all those pathways to confuse you. I offer you those pathways to clarify the extent to which something as simple as eating or the decision to not eat is complicated."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The beauty of it all is the complexity is within us, but it's not out of our reach to understand ourselves better and help ourselves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're complex, but the beauty of it all is the complexity is within us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"As the more you understand the mind from a serious scientific point of view; the more you come to appreciate its complexity, its uniqueness and its beauty."
"It's sort of a small masterpiece that your brain mobilizes all those different processes to make that happen."
"The business of love is quite complex, isn't it?"
"I think the biggest miracle of the universe is that our brains are the most complex objects in the universe."
"AlphaFold is the most complex and also probably most meaningful system we've built so far."
"Understanding and navigating the complexities of professional titles and credentials."
"Winning is not what I once thought it was. I have found it to be much more complex than our traditional definitions of success."
"How did this massive media empire, famous for its fan culture of unbridled positivity and fervent dedication to these brothers, turn into this? The answer is complicated."
"People are complicated. We're walking contradictions."
"Morality is more complicated than internal happiness."
"Wisdom is not algorithmic and cannot be made algorithmic. You can't have an 'if this, then that' algorithm that actually equals wisdom."
"The trickiest thing about depression as a clinician dealing with it is that one problem leads to another problem."
"Systems thinking is a way of looking at the world as a series of interconnected webs, systems within systems within systems, all interacting with each other in interesting and counterintuitive ways."
"A system is a set of interconnected things... a web built of things plus the connections that connect these things in a meaningful way."
"Empathy is identifying how you feel. Sympathy is like, 'Wow, I feel bad for you.'"
"Reading the Internal Revenue Code...that's what's mentally draining."
"What makes thriving relationships is not only feelings; it's a mix of feelings, actions, beliefs, touches, physicality. It's a more all-encompassing thing."
"The first time that you play Path of Exile, it is such a complicated game that I would beg you to use a guide."
"When these wars stop...that's when the really interesting stuff comes, that's where the complexity of geopolitics and economics comes in."
"The beauty of StarCraft lies in its complexity and depth."
"Automotive electrical systems exhibited a clear trajectory towards growing sophistication and complexity."
"Personal development, whether it's scientific advancement, political progress, never takes the simple, glorious, idealistic form we expect."
"The human brain is the most complex of any animal’s on earth, with 86 billion neurons."
"The Middle East is the most ridiculously complicated place in the world right now."
"History is often shades of gray, and rarely black and white."
"Complexity can only arise by accumulation, by one system becoming more complex and then gaining and adding little bits of complexity here and there."
"It's that step by step incremental accumulation of complexity that is what natural selection is."
"It's the ecology that's driving the evolution of complexity."
"You've got to think about the ecology because it's the ecology that's driving the evolution of complexity."
"Complexity can only arise by accumulation, by one organism or one system becoming more complex and then gaining and adding little bits of complexity here and there."
"With a small number of symbols, we can create infinitely many thoughts and even convey to others who have no access to our minds the inner workings of our minds."
"Imagine trying to put together a puzzle with no known outcome, without knowing what it's going to be when you're done. It's just a jumbled mess."
"The path to passion is often way more complicated than simply figuring out in advance this is what I want to do and then going out and doing it."
"People think they know exactly what to do and people think that if they were in my situation, they would know what to do. But it's just, it's not that easy."
"People are very, very complex... they are made up of many different qualities and many characteristics, with no one quality defining them."
"The complexity and precision of the mechanism wouldn't be seen again for over a thousand years."
"In programming, when we cross paths with programs that are too complicated to be solved all at once, we implement methods to break them down into smaller pieces."
"Mutant Menace is the most complex of the four, much better synergy within it, and some really cool new ideas utilizing the rad counters."
"If you thought that we'd opened a can of worms when it came to defining averages and measurements, well, trying to define what a thing is, is like opening a whole truckload of cans of worms."
"In computer science, all problems can be solved by another level of indirection, except for the problem of too many layers of indirection."
"A relationship with two people is difficult enough to manage; bring a third in, and now you really got a mess."
"Sometimes love and hate go hand in hand, opposite sides of the same coin."
"Her quirk reacts to her thinking and her desires, so it isn't just as simple as using it straightforwardly."
"Parenting doesn't exist in a vacuum. Parenting and child-rearing and families exist in these many complex, multifaceted environments that are all influenced by each other."
"There's a beauty and there's an intrigue to complexity, but too much complication and too much complexity does not make for more fulfilling or happier lives."
"You've got Hydra Quark... so quarks are diabolical in this way."
"Everything within nature is infinitely complex and it resists the type of simplicity that fascists and other shallow thinkers want to impose upon it."
"You were a complicated bundle of all kinds of stuff, some of it good and some of it bad, and I accept all of it."
"Did you know that even Nature has its own metronome? This river is an example of Nature's complexity, located at the foot of a rugged mountain near the town of Afton, Wyoming."
"The hard answer is... it is a matter of opinion."
"The Acolyte is definitely a special case when it comes to Star Wars TV series; it's a lot like an onion: it's got many layers to it, and the more layers you peel away, the more you want to cry."
"It's not just a single multiple choice; it can be a number of choices, the order you make them in, the best deal with a really interesting mechanic that can be used in almost infinite ways depending on the scenario you're presented."
"A situationship is a situation to one person and nothing to the other."
"Thank you God for making me so wonderfully complex."
"It's easy, really easy, and it is comforting to think that maybe it's not as complicated and detailed as real life is. But unfortunately, everyone is actually an individual."
"It's possible that somewhere in her, there would be remorse or sadness or missing her daughter, even if she had something to do with this."
"Contradictions are what make characters interesting...every person has a contradiction."
"This is a really well-made game, it's pretty complex like you got to manage your inventory and stuff."
"Magic: The Gathering is a highly complex and intricate game with a comprehensive rule book that is literally 286 pages long."
"Democracy is complicated and there are fundamental difficulties in making it work in practice that we've never been able to fully resolve."
"Shania Twain: The woman behind the music has led a much more complex and fascinating life than you could possibly imagine."
"We're at the cusp of the beginnings of really understanding what is the most complex system that we've encountered, which is that of a biological system."
"You can't fix a complex system unless you understand it."
"Counting up how many countries there are is a pretty complicated and pretty controversial business."
"Xavier is the most complex chip NVIDIA has ever created...supercomputing capability, computer vision capability, deep learning capability, rich with sensor processing abilities all in just 30 watts."
"I don't believe there are two sides to every story. I believe there are infinite sides to every story, and that's why it's important to look at infinite sides to every story."
"So it's a pretty complex topic. There you have it, the key facts about it and now I'd really like to hear your opinion."
"Maturing and growing up is about tolerating ambiguity and having room for things being complicated."
"Biology is a study of complicated things that have the appearance of having been designed with a purpose."
"The more that we study the origins of life...the more intractable Darwinian naturalistic type explanations actually appear to be."
"Embrace and love who you are for a multi-talented, complex being."
"People are multifaceted... They can hold multiple beliefs about different things and they actually probably understand them."
"Big O notation is used to classify algorithms based on how fast they grow or decline."
"Morality is not black and white... there's no easy answer to a lot of these questions."
"Man evolves outward to the periphery of complexity and then involves back to the central simplicity."
"I don't think problems are simple at all; in fact, I think problems are often very complex, but I think the solutions are often very simple."
"Sometimes things can have good aspects and some bad aspects."
"All human behaviors are multifaceted and have the ability to mean different things with different intentions."
"It's one of the most complex products I've ever had to review. I have so many different feelings about it."
"The more complex the issue, the more important it becomes to explore the nuance."
"This algorithm shows that with the right approach, even complex pattern matching problems like regex can be broken down and solved methodically."
"The beauty of complexity is not in the entanglement but in the unraveling."
"It's not brain surgery, but it is rocket science."
"We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life."
"The mission was clear, yet unimaginably complex: to reverse-engineer advanced extraterrestrial technology."
"We live in a time where everything is boiled down, but that song kind of demands room for nuance and humanness and complexity."
"What is it about physical reality that gives me complexity?"
"The universe is evolving or uses chemistry to evolve, and that's where all that complexity comes from."
"The biggest thing to understand...is that most things in life are a lot more complex than that and there are...good people do bad things and...bad people do good things."
"Education, tolerance for complexity, and a comfort with ambiguity."
"It's hard not to see, as humans, that there's some kind of purpose to it, like a momentum towards complexity and beauty."
"There are no easy answers; life is just too broad for that to work."
"Point is, in the real world, morality is a lot more complicated than it looks on the surface."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home is a miracle. There is no reason that a film balancing this many characters, plot elements, villains, and Spider-Men should have worked this well. But here we are."
"To understand Self-Love Deficit Disorder, you have to understand the origins and the levels of the problem."
"The whole Evangelical industrial complex be baffling my brain sometimes."
"Success is not a straight line; it's a maze."
"But we begin to see here is in the right areas, we have categories that we impose on things that are not categorical."
"And if you're going to try to do that, there is a problem which is, officially, it's complicated."
"It's been proven that classic NES and SNES era of video games such as Super Mario Brothers, The Legend of Zelda, and Donkey Kong Country can be formally classified as non-deterministic polynomial time hard or NP-hard for short."
"To be human or to be alive is a story of a complex ecosystem within us, made of something much greater than a single species."
"The brain is obviously the most sophisticated computer in the universe up to now."
"You don't just have the requirement of satisfying the immediate need of the single individual right now, you have the problem of iterated needs across vast spans of time in a complex social environment."
"You are a multi-faceted spiritual creature that has innumerable facets and faces to you. There is such beauty and complexity in you."
"It's just crazy. It's mentally complicated because our culture has made it more complicated."
"DNA is like a software program, only much more complex than any we've ever created."
"The more people you add to the world, the more complexity is added to the world, the more problems are added to the world, and the more potential solutions are added to the world."
"We need to discuss what is good representation, accepting the fact that being queer is as messy and complex as heterosexual relationships."
"The SCP Foundation has a lot of containment procedures, many of these are pretty simple: throw the weird thing in a box and move on, while others are bewilderingly complex, involving rituals layered on rituals."
"The world is so complicated and building a company is so complicated, it's going to be 10 times more difficult if you don't seek out advice."
"Traveling salesman problem is the classic one but it's extraordinary how many other problems have this quality."
"The human objective is really the totality of human ethics and values; it's very complicated and it's not clear even to us."
"Depression is messy. There's a lot of nuance in everything from how it happens to how it's treated."
"The soul is a far more complicated entity and one that's much more mysterious than we can ever know."
"It's not EU4, this isn't Civilization VI or something. They do what they can do, and there are incredibly complicated variables which determine what they're able to do."
"Nature has some special secret that allows it to make things that are much more complex than we as humans normally build."
"The greatest thing about science as opposed to art, unless you're just a great, great artist is, you know, in art you're always trapped in your own head... Science, nature is so much more complex than our imaginations, that it takes you places."
"If you knew all the pieces, I think you'd have a lot of empathy for what's going on."
"The bittersweet truth that means there's some good and bad in everything else in there."
"Goodness, what a complex job. What a complex, high stakes, high consequence job."
"Life is complex...The point is we're talking about hundreds of thousands of bankruptcies."
"It's hard to even figure out what to think as of yet because it is so convoluted."
"You need to think about a world of gray areas."
"The truth is complicated; scientific truth is quite complicated."
"Sushi is about perfection, but it's so incredibly not simple. Starting with the rice, you try to refine it to make it appear super simple, and that's the most complex thing of all."
"We live in a bizarre, nonlinear world with a kind of profusion, a superfluous surplus of information that makes anybody's brain short-circuit."
"This old woodcut of the story of the blind man and the elephant is a reminder that any complex subject can be studied in many ways."
"The most complicated, most finely optimized thing that we know of in the entire universe... that's probably the human brain."
"We're all contributing to harm in some way, and it speaks to the broader issue of the complexity of all of this."
"This is a grand design of the highest brilliance, a design that is so epically brilliant that you struggle to even comprehend a fraction of it."
"The US-Mexico border is a complex and multifaceted issue, and it is important to consider the full context of the situations depicted."
"The beauty of complex analysis is full of theorems that are really surprising, theorems that shouldn't be true but somehow are."
"The universe is far richer and more complex than we originally thought."
"Every time human beings intervene in a complex system, we're trying to do accomplish A but we end up creating unintended consequence B, C, D, E, G."
"Humans really aren’t that complicated. We subconsciously yearn for truth - we just don’t know where to find it."
"How do you live and lead and build in a world where so many things are going on simultaneously?"
"The problem with the truth usually is that the truth is complicated and it's painful."
"Our connection is so beautiful but it's also painful and confusing as hell."
"You can't judge people by moments of their life; it's very difficult."
"No archaeologist who studies that period would describe hunter-gatherers as simple. They were incredible artists."
"If we could understand the universe, it would mean that it was too simple for us to comprehend."
"The increasingly sophisticated system of writing also helped the civilization develop further, facilitating the management of complex commercial, religious, political, and military systems."
"Science is often like solving puzzles... You have multiple constraints you have to satisfy that are competing with one another."
"All of the greatest heroes have flaws; all of the greatest villains have moments of humanity."
"It is at once genius and deplorable, admirable and reprehensible, inspiring and perturbing."
"Like the United States of America itself, the legacy of George Washington is not simple, clean, or bloodless."
"There's something very special about our patriotism, about our democracy, as messy and as nasty as it is."
"Survival is extremely elaborate and sophisticated."
"Creating order out of chaos is far more complex than simply surviving within chaos."
"The bonds between your related Sims are important and complex."
"Reality, however, is far more complex and nuanced than we've allowed ourselves to view it as, and history is no exception."
"The idea of how do you get to a better place in the Middle East? First of all, if it were simple, we wouldn't be dealing with this kind of turmoil."
"Paris Geller is what we call a good complex character."
"I absolutely loved when he said to Raven that he's not looking for a simple girl; he wants someone complex, someone that can challenge him, someone that's interesting."
"It's very easy to have a partial truth that polarizes that isn't held with other partial truths that polarize."
"Even if you're as despicable and vile as someone like him, it is still possible to resonate, connect, and pity with someone like Trevor."
"This is perhaps the most complex thing humanity has ever attempted."
"Reality is so complicated, this multilayered pattern array that you can’t even model without using death as the mechanism."
"The universe is extremely simple on small scales and then on large scales utterly simple too, but in between, it's this horrible complicated mess."
"Language learning is a lot more complicated than you use the right sentence there nice or you didn't use the right sentence there what are you doing."
"The process of language learning is complex, as complex as the individual quirks of people who embark upon the journey of learning a new language."
"This is almost a love story, but it's not as simple as that."
"The great projects of living creation are not the products of chance and error; they show us a creating intelligence."
"From simple things, emerges beautiful complexities, and that's the repertoire. It seems if you have enough stuff, just beautiful complexity emerges."
"Physics is really nothing more than a search for ultimate simplicity, but so far all we have is a kind of elegant messiness."
"The fact that you've found a way to communicate what is very complex in a way that's not just understandable, but very practical and actionable, is a great service."
"Quick fixes to complex problems rarely work."
"Counting, I guess, is a pretty simple affair conceptually, but it's a topic that can also get to be pretty tricky."
"Quantum mechanics is such a big topic that it's going to be more than one idea."
"Scripture...represents every single aspect of the human nature: the peaceful aspect, the warlike aspect, the loving aspect, the hateful aspect."
"I don't think that this stuff is black and white or that you're ever going to have like a perfect AI system. I think it's all trade-offs all the way down."
"Let's try to understand what the hell's going on."
"These findings remind us that our planet is a complex, interconnected system."
"Humans are complex messes of chemistry, what makes us who we are. Some of it's genes, some of it's behavior, some of it's exposure, some of it's trauma."
"Society operates a lot like an organism, in many ways it's orders of magnitude more complex than even the most complex of biological organisms."
"If you have something that's huge and complex and it's gonna take an hour to go through it, I don't know how any theists came to theism."
"The entire human drama is really complex. The same way as nature is complex, so is human nature."
"The idea to index minimum wage to local rents, which is a pretty cute policy."
"The easy thing to say is just lock them up, let's arrest ourselves out of this, right? That plays to your emotion. But actually, it's my job to, in an unpatronizing way, try and educate you without excusing criminality but saying it's a bit more complex than that."
"Lawyers are paid a lot of money to write contracts in natural language. Why? Because it's really hard to write natural language that describes a contract."
"The complexity one, back to that business, swarm intelligence, and being able to solve the traveling salesman problem for you with remarkable efficiency."
"Sam's love for his daughter and his cynicism towards his line of work helped to create a more complex and deep character to explore."
"Quantum mechanics is too big to have just in one video."
"A story with more twists than a bag of pretzels and so many characters that you just won't remember them all."
"The commercial real estate sector is among the most bizarre and confusing sectors in finance. It's a complete enigma."
"This contrast between his outward facade and his inward emotions paints a picture of a complex character who is torn between his past and his present life."
"It's a thousand games within the game of basketball and everyone cannot articulate that."
"Love is the trickiest word in the English language."
"As I started to dig a little deeper, this story got a lot more complicated and a lot more interesting than I first expected."
"People really admire that about you but at the same time people kind of find it a little difficult to figure you out fully."
"I love everything about this villain, but it's hard to call him a villain."
"The trauma, guilt, and powerlessness that Ichigo feels combined to form a rich character backstory."
"It gets a lot more complex and nuanced like what's going on and I think as time goes on, your views change."
"This ability is probably the only thing with more versatility than bungee gum, and along with that versatility, it also adds a lot of complexity."
"I do believe in a God... it's just far more complicated than what anybody's ever even realized."
"When you move past the surface on this issue, ignoring the sound bite spoon-fed to us in order to provide quick and easy answers to complex problems, several factors float to the surface providing us insight into what is causing a tectonic shift in worker priorities, desires, and job availability."
"These issues with beauty are never completely black or white; it's more of a confusing English essay than multiple choice."