
Risks Quotes

There are 321 quotes

"I want to emphasize that self-diagnosis can be both a terrific, but also a very precarious thing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You achieve the most satisfaction, the most pleasure, when you take risks, when you have intense life experiences."
"Realizing that you would rather have life experiences and take a risk responsibly...leads to great creative discoveries."
"Low vitamin D, which occurs in about 60 percent of the population, is associated virtually with every bad thing, including a smaller brain."
"Life becomes very boring if you don't take risks."
"We're about to see an arms race with artificial intelligence. What could go wrong?"
"You have to take risks, you have to fight for some things for which there doesn't exist any immediate precedent."
"Whether I die, or I get arrested, or I break, or I get stabbed, or I get flamed, or I become God, or I go crazy, those are the possibilities of a streamer."
"However, I believe that the potential benefits of AI far outweigh the risks."
"The foundation should really never attempt to bring back someone from the dead, as at best they just fail and at worst they threaten the annihilation of countless universes."
"Every second that this pursuit goes on, there's an opportunity for somebody to get hurt."
"Anything can go wrong at any minute. The stakes are high because the secret to Earth's future lies buried in Antarctica's past."
"Once you start tinkering and messing around with people's brain chemistry when they're all different, I think this leaves for a recipe for disaster."
"Are we exposing young people to new and damaging experiences we often don't see and don't understand?"
"The topic of the negatives of AI, the downsides, the scary stuff, the riskiness of AI that is the hottest topic in the world of AI right now."
"The likelihood of being hurt by someone who's got a mental illness is way less than getting struck by lightning."
"It's the desperation of the poor that really plays into the intrigue and fascination in these shows because so often in the real world, we don't think of the empirical risks associated with a lot of the stuff people will do to escape poverty."
"What are the dangers of using such devices? Can they conjure up evil entities and demons, or can they make users go insane?"
"There's a real nuclear risk here that we shouldn't underestimate."
"You cannot tell me you care about your kids if you're taking these type of penitentiary chances."
"People died to get the Apollo program off the ground; space travel is fraught with risk."
"Anytime we become certain about any position, then we close our mind to information and learning and growing, and that's a dangerous place to live in."
"Forcing people into treatment who don't want treatment can increase overdoses and deaths."
"I think there is much more downside to a surge of inflation than upside."
"Don't let a Reese's Pieces cost you a chocolate factory."
"In the unhealthy aspects, they can be suicidal or murderous."
"Inflammation is a healing process; systemic inflammation can kill you."
"For any president to dare disclose such a horror story to the American people would be political suicide."
"The biggest risks to the ape movement failing is the actual community, it's not Wall Street."
"They'll take your phone and money? They'll try, yeah. Yeah."
"Messiness is absolutely a shortcut to growth. It's a cheat code, but things that blow up quickly will go away quickly."
"Are we increasing the risk for suicide and drug overdose? Are we creating a future of substance use and addiction for millions of additional Americans?"
"Their reputation, career, assets, sleep, family, friends, everything hangs in the balance."
"You're the risk of falling into an endless loop."
"Meeting alien civilisations might sound exciting. But it would inevitably come with terrible risks… and possibly fantastic rewards."
"Statistics can also be used to distort real risks."
"Knowledge was spreading fast, and in trying to cover it up, both the Foundation and the GOC risked exposing even their own existences to the public in the process."
"The revelation of such consequences adds a chilling dimension to the narrative, highlighting the potential risks associated with unveiling classified information."
"Love is a risk but it's still the best game in town."
"There's a chance um what about the side effects well they can be mild to practically non-existent or they can be pretty darn awful"
"Fame like you said, fame can kill you or it can be the greatest thing in the world if you use it right."
"The worst killer was cos you couldn't actually smell it."
"Online risks have never come in so many forms."
"Life is about adjustments, risks, and growing."
"Be careful of shallow roots because they will make you trip."
"You have permission we have all given you permission because we all love you to take those risks yes take risks."
"Money ceases to give value once you reach a certain stage of music, you just got to take that chance, say, well, it's a chance. And I might live without money before I do that again."
"Risk one: let crackpots utter hateful dialogue. Risk two: hand over to the state the ability to police speech."
"Almost everyone wants to earn easy money and get rich, but taking shortcuts often leads to trouble."
"Light cursing can make you seem more authentic to your supporters but there are shades of language that are dangerous."
"You need to be able to let comedians take chances, take risks, cross the line because that's what comedy is."
"Or will the durian craze cost them everything?"
"Let's explore what these potential dangers of the spike protein actually are."
"This movie took risks left and right. It did not play it safe like a DC movie previous to this."
"Compiling a piece of software and doing it the wrong way can trash your system."
"Roko's basilisk is a cautionary tale about the potential risks of advanced artificial intelligence."
"It's the people that are desperate to be elite right now who dive into a reckless drug protocol."
"Take some of your worst phobias, talk to your worst fears, and force yourself to take risks."
"Many risks arising from AI are inherently international in nature."
"Chasing the games as a service model is even more dangerous than investing in massive AAA games."
"Deep web is a scary place to operate on man i mean you can get arrested on the deep web if you're committing crimes of course i don't endorse anything that people are doing."
"Can you explain the inherent risks like what are the risks? What does it mean when a box of ballots turns up in a dumpster?"
"If we're not going to stand up and reject the silencing, we are on a very dangerous slippery slope."
"Relying on supplement sellers for health advice is risky business."
"Trying to miss a bear market can be more damaging than actually going through the bear market itself."
"I think it's better to have upside risks and shoot for the stars."
"You can fail in life doing something you hate, so you might as well risk it and do something you love."
"Wouldn't you say it's all a fun little game until someone gets hurt?"
"Always listen to your inner guide voice. Don't just do stuff to impress people because you might literally oof for no reason."
"Nightcrawler's teleportation comes with the risk of merging with objects or appearing where something already exists."
"It is a double-edged sword having real-time prices on cryptocurrencies."
"Enough people vote for Jill Stein, they risk losing."
"You don't get to choose none. If you get vaccinated, there are some risks and a lot of benefits."
"It's a hugely combustible combination of events."
"Quitting Europe would put all of that at risk, all of it, and it would also turn us into a country that we don't want to be, closed and narrow, isolated."
"It's a steal now, the only downside is the contract and the salary cap space."
"We need to talk about the risks inherent in a CBDC system and push back against potential social control."
"Things go wrong out here, they go wrong in a big way."
"This blind followership, this reliance on conspiracy theory-esque information, and most importantly, the existential risk that comes with that such strident belief."
"When you access the spirit realm without the channel of the Holy Spirit, you're following a forbidden path."
"Player characters should face some sort of risk during their careers, whether that risk be of death, loss of items, imprisonment, banishment, or whatever it is."
"Falling away from faith is a dangerous path."
"They moved up their date to beat Jeff Bezos's first flight, balls on board, they put the boss on board, yep, Richard Branson's on board, they do the flight, and then come to find out afterwards there were multiple problems with the flight."
"Your fans can never get enough until they kill you."
"I mean, they don't let anybody walk around with guns because it's super dangerous, guns kill people."
"If you're gonna go big let it take you where it needs to go."
"Using social media as the sole judge of who someone is can be dangerous."
"If there is a small chance at happiness, I'd rather maybe be happy."
"Don't do it, John. Absolutely not join a victory on a [__] deal."
"There are benefits to having habituated gorillas but there are also risks."
"Leverage is not good. Don't do it if you don't know what you're doing."
"No amount of YouTube entertainment is worth losing your life."
"Nothing wonderful will happen to you unless you take an uncomfortable risk."
"Geopolitical contests provide dangers but they also provide opportunities."
"The first one through the door sometimes gets a little bloody."
"Tell the truth about things you care about... speaking truth to power comes with its own set of risks, doesn't it?"
"If you go for the king, you got to kill the king."
"I'm recognizing there's a whole lot of benefit, but show, the machines might turn against us."
"Don't go on the dark web. It isn't worth it."
"It's been described as the third rail of American politics. If you touch it, you die. You never get to come back again."
"If a hacker is connected to the same encrypted wi-fi network as you, they can easily access your information."
"The risks and rewards of following our biggest dreams and the price we are willing to pay for the thrill of the climb."
"Objects, no matter what their size, are always in danger of being pulled out of their orbits by orbital decay."
"That early 2000s period was interesting because they were really having to take a punt on all of these movies."
"Reading Lawrence has taught me much about risks and challenges of trying to intervene in a culture that is so alien to your own."
"Implications of having a gigantic account like this taken over are much worse than a simple scam."
"Mixing gambling and gaming, especially at a young age, is dangerous for the mental health of a child."
"It's very dangerous to grow an AI and teach it to lie."
"Untreated depression, untreated anxiety is a recipe for disaster."
"You think about the things that you could do at 18 or 19, I could get you thrown in jail for 20 years."
"Anti-vaxxers listed by World Health Organization as one of the top ten health threats for 2019."
"The #MeToo movement has contributed to male sexlessness, yes, they don't want the risk."
"But overall, doctors and parents alike are weighing the options and saying, you know, that the symptoms of myocarditis are not great."
"No opinion is without hazards, and our responsibility is to reduce them."
"Nuclear power can be a great source of energy, but it can also lead to catastrophe."
"Chernobyl is the poster child for the dangers of nuclear power."
"Using force is a very dangerous instrument... often produces consequences other than those we expected or intended."
"Isn't it sad that we're in a country riddled with misinformation, where the potential to lose the Democratic process and one's freedoms are all at stake over a mistake?"
"We open ourselves up to a lot of really dangerous counter-arguments."
"Ebola could be a vector agent for bioterrorism."
"The most dangerous situation for a country... is for it to be non-aligned."
"Artificial intelligence is more dangerous than nuclear power."
"But from what I understand, the actual being choked out isn't particularly dangerous, it's just the being dropped on your head that you want to worry about, right?"
"The worst place to be when you're indecisive is in the air."
"Cheating is really easy, but it's also easy to get caught now."
"Previous vaccination and myocarditis only smallpox vaccine is the only one."
"The red line is the line you must not cross, it's the line beyond which potentially catastrophic results can happen."
"The carnivore diet: countless benefits from weight loss to heart health, but what about the risks?"
"I'm quite worried about artificial superintelligence these days. I think it's maybe something more dangerous than nuclear weapons."
"Boredom trading or over trading are usually shortcuts leading to disasters."
"You're literally gambling your 20s and 30s and if it doesn't work out you're starting over at 28, 35, 40 and it's a scary thing."
"I would never risk like actually flirting... it's just kind of disastrous."
"Synthetic biology has the potential to be dangerous."
"I have some concerns about Advanced AI... super Advanced AI is one... and probably the second biggest risk after that is population collapse."
"Rebellion is serious business. It is nothing like having to worry about what government entity is gonna take us out."
"We should be paying much more attention, like I believe the Federal Reserve is, toward the downside risks."
"These easy money policies have unintended consequences."
"The holidays are about gathering, giving, and gambling."
"Mystical states can be addictive... feel really good but then you get hooked on those."
"Legal advice by super chat is only a door to a disaster."
"Loneliness is as toxic as binge drinking alcohol for 20 years."
"Be careful with those Kickstarter campaign spreads."
"I'ma take a chance on me, and that's what dreams are made of."
"Detrimental to mental well-being and perceptions of self, excessive social media use can not only cause unhappiness and a general dissatisfaction with life in users but also increase the risk of developing mental health issues..."
"A failure to acknowledge these economic realities will only end with an economic debacle on top of what I suspect will be a military debacle."
"One of the biggest regrets that we have in life is that we didn't have enough love in our life we didn't put ourselves out that we didn't take enough risks."
"Browsing the internet with an uncry connection is basically like sending a private message to a group chat."
"But to not take a shot at this to change your life forever you're you're [ __ ] up."
"You can't play with these things - they can be worse than a nuclear bomb."
"Calls into question the safety and security of using centralized exchanges."
"Hard work pays off, sometimes it puts you in the hospital but, you know, it is what it is."
"It's very possible to just ruin all your goodwill in one fell swoop."
"Nobody should be losing their life as a food delivery driver trying to deliver some DoorDash over to somebody's crib."
"Life is all about risks, it's all about taking chances."
"Don't dig straight down unless you want lava in your face."
"They're worried about something that poses a far more imminent risk to their lives and livelihoods."
"Every part of our life has a safety net but not this one. If you lose your password to your bank someday you'll get into your bank account if you lose your key for crypto account you're out of luck."
"The risks of hydrotherapy are so small... it is reasonable to at least think about and consider and understand how hydrotherapy would work."
"When one plays the criminal game, there are several hazards to committing crimes that you have to accept."
"You only regret the chances in life that you don't take."
"As the AI models are getting smarter, there's one AI risk on which everyone agrees: AIs will be convincing."
"You might not have the same journey, and you might struggle, you might not get the result, or you might have life-threatening diseases that come afterwards, so always keep that in mind."
"Men know there's a good chance to lose their friends, their respect, their space, their sex life, their money, and if it all goes wrong, their family."
"Understanding the potential risks and implementing healthy digital habits can mitigate the negative impact of technology on mental health."
"These risks are very small compared to the benefits of reducing cardiovascular disease."
"What I really want to focus on today are the very real, concrete, well-evidenced current risks of generative AI."
"Hypertension, often called the silent killer, can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening health issues."
"Weight loss drugs are risky, expensive, and often unnecessary."
"When you need money to start your business, there's some pretty epic ways for it to go wrong."
"Being trans can be really scary not only due to the discrimination that we face but also a lot of us take really grand risks to medically transition."
"Too much salt increases the risk of autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis."
"Enduring the myriad of risks is a small price to pay for the chance to witness the Wonder of the cosmos in person."
"In order to live your best life and know what you are meant to do in this world, you have to take risks."
"Does it actually have a psychedelic kind of effect on the human mind causing people to snap and go psychotic? Yeah, there are genetic predispositions that people have to that I would encourage people not to do it."
"What makes life Rich are the risks, the rewards of overcoming risks."
"Stimulants like sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs impact DNA." - Recognizing the risks.
"Dying from a smack cam is the worst way to die."
"You got to take risks. I mean, that is what an entrepreneur does."
"The third one is much more interesting most people think that people that are billionaires they took these giant risks and they won and rarely is that true those billionaires don't stay billionaires usually."
"Chasing after risks is her long-awaited adventure."
"Overall, hip replacement surgery, especially with the anterior approach, offers significant benefits in terms of pain relief and improved mobility, with manageable risks."
"Taking risks takes courage and courage makes us feel better about ourselves."
"I'm glad to see them take more risks like this."
"We are holding onto those similar views, but the risks have definitely tilted in different directions."
"Blood pressure is a major risk for heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, and diabetes complications."
"The weakest point in risk management is the human element, where errors, biases, or wrong intentions can pose significant risks."
"What is the point of life if you don't take risks?"
"They need to get strong and take risks. The resurrection scroll will be a huge advantage."
"Bold with the opportunities but responsible in mitigating the risks."
"There are hidden risks in options, particularly when you are buying them, which if you have a superficial understanding of options can really cause some pain."
"We all want those super intelligent benefits, but one of the challenges is the benefits are directly connected to the risks right now."
"Repeatedly taking risks that result in self-harm, humiliation, and loss of self and social respect, denying or justifying an active addiction is a common example."
"Being a pilgrim on the road to Jerusalem came with huge risks, and many didn’t make it to their destination alive."
"Deep-fried chocolate, what could go wrong?"
"Both countries have risks of natural disasters... no matter which way you go, you're going to have to deal with some kind of natural weather event in both places."
"Great risks are accompanied by also great benefits."
"...never be afraid to take risks for what you believe and never never give up."
"If we're not careful, it can actually dictate our lives and direct where we do or don't take risks."
"'...with so many risks, it's no surprise that underwater welders typically earn between $100,000 to $200,000 per year...'"
"AI could also become a scammer's dream."