
Dietary Choices Quotes

There are 851 quotes

"I don't offer you all those pathways to confuse you. I offer you those pathways to clarify the extent to which something as simple as eating or the decision to not eat is complicated."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Certain foods are packed with powerful nutrients and compounds that can help reduce the risk of cancer or even kill cancer cells."
"Deliciousness will win out...you've got to make delicious vegan food if you're going to actually convert people."
"The elephant in the room of modern American healthcare is that the vast majority of things that are killing Americans today are conditions based in our dietary and lifestyle choices over the course of our lifetime."
"All we have to do is eat the correct thing to our biologically appropriate design."
"People eat meat and think they will become strong as an ox, forgetting that the ox eats grass." - Pino Caruso
"He said, 'If somebody eats meat, they're not adorning their body with the bones.'"
"Get your popcorn, unless you're fasting, of course. Then, go ahead and get you some kale or some mushroom chickpea."
"You go through this like, oh, my god, I have the solution, and I feel a moral obligation to tell everyone. But the real moral obligation you have, whether you're like, a radical keto dieter or the vegan side of things, where, OK, this is it. Like, this is what's working for me right now. The best thing you can do, no matter what your diet is, and you just discovered it, is shut up and eat."
"Blueberries and raspberries, which may be different than if you're having red meat with fries and highly processed breads. It gets really complex, doesn't it?"
"Watermelon has 90 percentage water. So it's good for diet, good for skin."
"I was vegan for just over five years, and it was kind of everything to me."
"I'd much rather someone say they're going to eat one vegan meal a week than them say, 'I'm not doing anything at all.' That to me is an improvement and a step in the right direction."
"Eat for your gut microbiome first, and you have to choose foods that they want to eat."
"Magic Spoon is a zero sugar, grain-free, keto-friendly cereal."
"Can you believe that people would rather eat bean burritos and oatmeal and pasta then shoot themselves every day with insulin and die early?"
"Don't feel like you absolutely have to completely go vegan; it's just about reducing the damage, learning more about what's going on."
"The link between meat and cancer is such that even the Journal of Meat Science last year asked, 'Should we become vegetarians?'"
"The world is going vegan... it's not sustainable to eat meat anymore."
"Before we get started, I want to make it clear that I am not a vegetarian or vegan."
"Ultimately, people make intentional choices with regard to their diet and have some sort of a North star to head toward, and they're going to get healthier."
"Milk is for baby calves; it's for the growth and development of a baby cow. Are we baby cows? Nope."
"If you're eating properly fed animal flesh, it's a good source of polyphenols as well."
"Ostrich is healthier, it's very lean, doesn't have fat. It's a very much ecological solution. They don't drink as much water, they don't need as much land, and they don't need as much food."
"I think the best argument for veganism is the availability of readily available alternatives."
"I'm not trying to push anyone into eating the same way I do. I'm just sharing what has worked for me."
"That means we're gonna be choosing to avoid things like processed foods, processed snacks, sodas, high sugar, highly refined flours, and all that kind of stuff."
"The more choices you offer yourself per meal, the more you're likely to overeat because variety encourages overeating."
"Art is gonna make the buttery keto biscuits, just because we don't need that much extra gluten and carbs after eating the fried chicken."
"There's nothing healthy to eat at a theme park. This is absolutely not true any longer."
"I would quicker consume Splenda or aspartame than I would an emulsifier like polysorbate 80 or polysorbate 20."
"Enjoy the full fat versions, keep the sugar out, go for quality."
"This whole vegan movement, this is not a trend at all. There are real reasons why people are choosing this diet."
"Food can be our medicine or our slowest form of poison."
"I almost didn't eat any meat, it was basically like fruits and vegetables and beans and rice." - Valentine_domeJoanne
"Join me in the plant-based universe, extend your life by a little bit longer."
"Switching from an animal food-based diet to a starch-based diet can actually decrease their production of greenhouse gases by as much as 80 percent."
"I still eat meat because it tastes good, but I'm not against veganism."
"Veganism was driven by ethics and environmental concerns."
"If it's better, I will never eat meat again."
"Berries, especially cranberries: a powerhouse of nutrition directly benefiting the kidneys."
"I do not miss that style of eating it made me feel so horrible it made me feel lethargic it made me feel bloated it made me feel sleepy and just not good about myself like it just didn't make me feel good about myself."
"If rice is so bad and particularly white rice, we don't serve white rice that are clinical, we serve brown rice."
"Cutting out toxic foods will essentially remove the drivers of the mental health and metabolic crisis plaguing our societies."
"He gave them to people because he felt that made the diet more palatable, not because it slows the disease."
"Every time that pizza appears it's not like you're having a fight with it being like 'oh my god I really want to eat that thing' and you just, you see the pizza and you're just sort of like 'alright that's not Cyrus food.'"
"Not all plant foods are created equal. So if you're going to eat the rainbow, you will pay a price."
"It's okay to not be vegan because personal benefit. It's fucking hard and annoying not to eat animals, sure."
"I want people to get to a place of 'I choose to only eat meat' not 'I can only eat meat.' My real thing is if you heal with this you can help so many people."
"Even me being able to eat the diet that I currently eat, that is one real symbol of privilege."
"The bacon grease from the worst-fed hog on the planet is still a hundred times healthier than a bottle of Western canola oil."
"You need to figure out what foods fit into your life and how they fit in, or else you're not gonna end up cooking at home."
"I think that's absolutely what's happening here yeah but i think this sort of like superiority that people who eat these plant-based nuggets and burgers is misplaced um and not all vegetarians are like that."
"If you're afraid you're gonna get bored, get a cookbook. Maria Emmerich has an entire carnivore cookbook."
"The longer you give it, the less that will be an issue because you just want a hamburger or a steak or bacon and eggs. And you won't need a recipe because everything you eat is super, super simple."
"The ones that are zero on the glycemic index would be xylitol, monk fruit, and stevia."
"There's nothing radical about eating animals nose-to-tail."
"It doesn't make a whole sense to me that they would say you need carotenoids when you can get preformed vitamin A in animal foods."
"Lentils are super high in protein, iron, folate, and B vitamins."
"This low carb, high protein meal is really going to help keep us full and not thinking about food."
"Substituting sugary drinks with artificially sweetened alternatives like diet sodas ends up lowering your calorie intake and assists with weight loss."
"Rather than it going to waste, we put it to good use."
"Olive oil better than animal fats absolutely slam dunk, but learning to really minimize even the oils, even the olive oil is probably the best road."
"There's no doubt that being vegan or vegetarian is a more ethical option."
"Why the Brits refer to half of the foods they eat as some kind of pudding... make good choices."
"Green Chef offers a range of recipes to suit your preferences so you never get bored." - Mayim Bialik
"Replacing saturated fat with different foods mattered. Replacing with whole grains, so oats, whole wheat bread, quinoa, the risk came down."
"It's really not rocket science. Last principle, the source of saturated fat also matters."
"You don't have to be a vegan to beat so-called climate change."
"Eating less meat is inarguably better for health and the environment."
"Consider going plant-based is the one thing jack guys over 50 do."
"Flexitarian is where they eat plant-based some of the time they might eat some meat other times they're just flexible with their diet."
"Plant-based diet is a way more efficient use of Natural Resources."
"The reason I started looking into a low carb approach is because I had a lot of issues with my stomach going south in the middle of a race."
"I learned the hard way that you can't eat cheese curds and ice cream before filming."
"Nutrition is always about comparing one food to another."
"I want people to know who are vegan and plant-based that I got their back 100%."
"We need to stop filtering all of our healthy foods through animals first."
"Replace refined grains with trans fats, you're probably worse off. Replace with saturated fat, risk is not improved. Replaced with unsaturated fats or whole carbohydrates or protein, risk comes down."
"You can make a case that almond milk shouldn't be labeled as milk because it's not milk."
"Coconut oil is probably the safest one on the market."
"Successful self-management of diabetes is the simple difference between choosing a healthy complex carb with a low glycemic index and low glycemic load and avoiding refined sugary stuff."
"One of the ways you can do that is you can not eat any meat or any animal based products... inside minecraft."
"For every one gram of poor quality protein, they make one gram of high-quality protein."
"So I'm here to tell you that. The good news is that, yes, you can still eat your chocolate and you could still have your coffee, just be careful what else you mix in with them."
"Reducing or eliminating meat consumption is absolutely a part of saving the planet."
"The incidence of all cancers combined is lower among vegetarians than meat-eaters."
"Yes, people do eat meat because it tastes good. That is really their justification people have when it boils down to it."
"If you're doing it to regulate your hormones and get your periods a bit more manageable then certainly trying carnivore and seeing what you're like now when your hormones are working properly is a very good thing to do."
"Soluble fiber gives us more of an effect with less potential risk."
"You don't win friends with salad even vegetarians wouldn't be impressed with a bowl of salad and they love it."
"Eat things that come from animals. If a vegan wouldn't touch it, it's carnivore."
"Switching to a more plant-based diet would cut down on his grocery bills."
"I tend to have a small amount of fructose...post workout nutrition."
"It's difficult to be healthier than the foods that we are supposed to be eating right, which is natural foods."
"You should really just choose the natural option because that's gonna you're gonna be more right than wrong if you do that."
"I've never had a friend who actively advocated for a different way of eating."
"Approximately 98 percent of the meat, eggs, and dairy we eat comes from animals who were raised in factory farms."
"We can reduce and ultimately eliminate our consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy."
"Did God make a Twinkie? No. Did God make an avocado? Yes."
"I'm never going to stop eating meat. I don't care what these fools say."
"Eating a plant-based diet is probably worth 6 to 8 years over eating a standard American diet."
"The biggest things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint is move more towards a plant-based diet."
"They have an amazing selection of vegetarian and vegan options, which has been one of my favorite, like the Falafel Power Bowls, hello, amazing."
"The case is pretty clear that less meat eating is good in almost every way."
"The ecological case for doing that is unassailable."
"Less is more typically in food. The more odd it seems, the more I want to pause and get more information."
"Meat is by far the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet."
"Simply choosing something else on the menu is all we need to do to bring this horror show to an end."
"Eat where your body craves and eat for you not for anyone else."
"You're angry with her for saying don't eat the Krispy Kreme doughnut every day?"
"You don't have to feed fruits and vegetables to your bunny, you really don't."
"From a nutritional standpoint, insects might be more balanced than red meat."
"Changing mindsets with those delicious products has to be the way."
"All of us do have power, and each individual can exercise that power three times a day with the choices that you make about the food that you're putting on your plate."
"Egg whites are a game changer for anyone on a diet."
"If somebody wants to eat that way... that's their choice."
"What are the positives of Keto or low carb or no sugar no grain?"
"Creating a sustainable and compassionate way of eating."
"Clean eating means reducing the amount of processed foods or ingredients that you're consuming."
"I have to have certain vegetables and the vegetable that I've stuck on is broccoli."
"The allure of deep-fried delights raises a poignant question."
"Why is it wrong to slap a cat but not to put pigs in gas chambers for a bacon sandwich?"
"Quinoa is great because it's rich in fiber and protein."
"The most important lifestyle decision you make every day is what goes into your mouth, what's on the end of your fork." - Dr. David Harper
"If you're not gonna try going vegan could you at least stop bashing it to your 20k audience?"
"Magic Spoon is the best healthy cereal if you're trying to cut down on carbs, sugar, and unhealthy food."
"Thinking that we need a sweet treat every day is a very modern thought."
"Liver is the most dense micronutrient-rich food you could be eating."
"The goal for me was to eat pizza and burgers, I can go really crazy with those kind of stuff if I want."
"Never get caught without snacks that are healthy because then you're gonna stop and you're gonna go to a fast food restaurant or you're gonna go into a gas station and grab something that's really, really quick."
"Whenever I get things from like the lower calorie menu, I'm worried that the flavor is gonna be sacrificed, and that is not true for this."
"Choose foods that you like if you don't have the foods that you like you're not eating that you're gonna go for those chips in the pantry now aren't you."
"Eat what feels good to you, enjoy your blessed life!"
"You want to focus on the foods that are good or great in terms of insulin."
"My favorite kind of person though is not a vegan, it's not a vegetarian, it's a fruitarian."
"The false consensus bias... if most people aren't vegan... people want to do what everybody else does."
"If food is why I don't eat boring, what type of life is that? A longer one."
"Next time you sit at the barbecue and you're reaching for another handful of chips, just ask yourself, 'Is it worth it?'"
"Being more conscientious about not making meat the star of every meal means less pressure to buy so much of it."
"Breaking news: you don't have to eat either meat or tofu in order to get protein."
"I realized I'm a pescetarian, so I can't actually eat those."
"So, what we want to do is we want to actually use sweeteners that taste sweet, that give the perception of sweetness, but they do not raise our insulin levels."
"In this house, we eat strong foods that make you bulletproof to chronic Western disease."
"Not everyone's going to have success on intermittent fasting, because a lot of people-- some people like to have breakfast and they're going to miss that."
"Oh yeah, what's that now there's a fat in donuts anybody know what that's called? Trans trans fat that's right some people in Chicago know what a donut is some people avoid it some people eat a lot of it."
"Sea vegetables like kelp and nori are rich in iodine and trace minerals, supporting thyroid function."
"I'm still going to eat meat but it's interesting to see alternatives."
"Just 100 calories, gluten-free, no added sugar."
"To be against meat, you know, I think is an awkward position. A really productive position is to offer a different type of meat, a plant-based meat."
"There actually is data showing that we shouldn't be hitting up Chick-fil-A and McDonald's even when there is respiratory viruses circulating."
"We were supplementing with D and C and magnesium and zinc and quercetin."
"You gotta get some butter coffee, yo, it's makable."
"Seafood's low in carbs, it's high in omega-3s, it's very keto friendly, the ketogenic diet, it's paleo friendly so it has a really strong health angle."
"Eat things that make your body feel good and ignore all of the stupid noise."
"Our nutritional choices can absolutely impact our overall health."
"Every single thing you eat is a medicine or a poison."
"When you eat organic things you become healthy."
"Step away from the mac and cheese and come over to this sprouted broccoli."
"If you eat sick animals, you create sick people."
"I feel about food like you eat the right food so when you're older you're able to have the energy and your body is functioning because you made the right choices."
"These bad boys don't just taste incredible, they make you feel incredible."
"To eat a pal for food is akin to blasphemy against God."
"The truth is that Bonnie feels much better now eating mostly plants."
"I've been sneaking in this Magic Spoon on my cheat days."
"Judged on their nutritive value per calorie or gram of fat, the least healthy would be given the highest tax rate. Consumption of high-fat food would drop."
"Align your actions with your beliefs. If you love animals, don't [__] eat them."
"Stop involving innocent animals in your eating disorder."
"I [__] love pickles pickled onions too pineapple pickled everything spicy good it's Pi you can never go back to being a ccber no sugar no preservatives."
"How blessed am I that vegan mac and cheese exists."
"I feel so blessed that I get to be a vegan in 2021."
"If you don't want to drink artificial sweeteners you don't have to but to say that if you do it's going to make you fat it's nonsense."
"For some people, diet soda can be a real lifesaver."
"Even if you're going to have a special occasion where you eat something that's kind of unhealthy, only still only eat a very small portion of it."
"As strong women, we also don't want anyone telling us what we can eat or can't eat."
"The keto police aren't gonna throw you in Keto jail."
"Limiting or restricting [animal products] is not an act of denial."
"It's rice and asparagus yeah, you know rice asparagus some ground turkey."
"I think just trying to build the habit of meat free being the go-to um instead of the exception would be an incredible Habit to build."
"If you really like coconuts, try not to eat too many."
"You want to get incredibly high levels of phytonutrients into my body, and it just so happens that things like grass-fed butter... so the grass-fed is so much better than the grain-fed, that's a key principle."
"They're gonna eat what the [ __ ] they want to eat. They don't give a [ __ ] if it's real or if it's GMO or if it's whoomo or whatever. It's a fun topic."
"Nobody needs to eat protein bars, they taste like candy bars."
"Let's make your protein the sidekick, not the hero."
"Remind yourself of your goal weight and the core reasons for eating healthier."
"After studying environmentalism...I ended up going vegan."
"Only Happy Meals, that's the correct food portion of this food."
"If carbohydrates stimulate this much insulin and we want to reduce insulin, that's the first thing we want to change."
"It's fine to have hamburgers one day and it's fine to have a complex meal the next."
"Craving salt is not the same thing as craving sugar. It's not the same thing as craving processed foods. It's completely different."
"And so, to make your choices easier, just avoid packaged processed foods."
"If crickets need to be fried, sugared, or salted to gain our acceptance, they're not a solution to a food crisis."
"There's no scenario in which meat just disappears off the planet."
"The berries are the most packed with phytonutrients and antioxidants."
"Cereal is amazing but I don't need all that sugar. Zero grams of sugar is a good thing."
"If you don't get that 'oh [__]' effect of carbs making you stupid, is this how you want to live your life?"
"Anything you do other than getting 2,000 cars a day from greasy slimy fatty dead decaying flesh is likely to insult in some kind of systemic improvement."
"Realize if you are consuming flesh, you are also absorbing that energy."
"No more searching the grocery store for 100% grass-fed beef."
"Not only are you not compromising taste by eating vegan food but that vegan food can actually be the best."