
Medical History Quotes

There are 324 quotes

"So lithium really stands as this kind of golden example of a treatment that works, at least in many individuals, prior to an understanding of the biological basis of the disease for which that treatment is needed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Medical historians believe that Anne's numerous tragic losses were due to her having Hughes syndrome, which causes the blood to be sticky and thick."
"Hospitals had operating theaters where people underwent experimental surgeries against their will in front of dozens of people."
"Andreas Vesalius, the 16th-century physician who pretty much revolutionized the anatomy of man."
"Dr. Christiaan Barnard of South Africa performed the first-ever heart transplant."
"Back in the 1700s, a Scottish doctor by the name of George Cleghorne discovered that quinine could be used for treatment and prophylaxis of malaria."
"Now here's the even more striking thing. If Auguste had instead been alive today, we could offer her no more help than Alois was able to 114 years ago."
"When you look back 15 years ago, nobody was talking about pain."
"Edward H. Clarke, a professor at the Harvard Medical School, said that women seeking advanced education in medicine would develop 'monstrous brains and puny bodies, and abnormally weak digestion.' This is tosh. Edward tosh."
"It was a black man who came up with the inoculation for smallpox."
"Medicines have come a long way since we used to put leeches all over our faces."
"The plague doctor... designed to protect them from what was thought of as evil smells or bad air."
"Stubbins Ffirth... went to shockingly extreme lengths to show that he could not be infected by exposure to Yellow Fever."
"The innovation and fearless campaigning of Victorian medical reformers laid the foundations for the National Health Service we owe them a great deal."
"Liston did not get to see the new age that he helped to usher in because, on the 7th of December, 1847, just under a year after his pioneering operation, he died of an aortic aneurysm at the age of just 53."
"Liston truly was one of the last of a dying breed of surgeons, but maybe the end of this era was for the best."
"In the early 1900s, medical use of the ketogenic diet emerged as a strategy to treat epilepsy."
"David Vetter: The 'bubble boy' who saved lives."
"Screaming mummy: new evidence suggests a woman mummified in a wordless scream may have died of a heart attack."
"While European surgeons were bleeding people to death, the Chinese had already unlocked the secret of inoculation against disease."
"An amputation was the only treatment on offer."
"If 'The Yellow Wallpaper' helped end the practice of separating the sick from the world then I am grateful."
"Maybe it was fame, maybe it was his ego, but Walter refused to admit lobotomy wasn't a good thing until his dying day in 1972."
"When we talk about vaccines like for mmr at schools and stuff i'm like yeah but these are vaccines that have been around researched for decades."
"It wasn't until 1946 that penicillin became available in the United Kingdom for public use, but its spread became the catalyst to a new approach to medicine."
"Terrified and desperate, Tarrare returned to the military hospital and begged Doctor Percy to cure his hunger by any means possible."
"So even though Snow wasn't celebrated during his lifetime, there's a lot to celebrate about him today because in the end, there's no doubting that his contributions have helped save millions of lives."
"The discovery of the miracle drug insulin is history that deserves to be remembered."
"The inventor of the polio vaccine Dr. Jonas Salk could have made billions patenting his vaccine but instead gave it away for free so that human suffering could be prevented."
"Faced with an army determined to keep doing things the old way, Nightingale had no choice but to start trying to save those soldiers herself."
"He would be hospitalized at the University Hospital in Seattle in 1978 where doctors theorized that he weighed approximately 1400 pounds."
"Louise Brown was no ordinary baby; she was in fact the very first baby to have been born after conception by in vitro fertilization."
"You've got to do a history with them. Okay, what have you done? Because all those things that you've done that didn't work, we have to do something totally different."
"Their medicine was completely insane... it was a throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks approach."
"Victorian days: an orgasm was a medical procedure."
"It was clear that the survivors of plague-stricken Europe had passed on a stunning legacy to their descendants: protection from the most feared killer of our time, AIDS."
"An issue which seems to have become a major factor affecting his personality and his actions as ruler of Uganda was that he had contracted syphilis in his younger years."
"Washing one's hands, Klein reasoned, had nothing to do with spreading infection."
"These findings prove that tuberculosis is at least 3000 years older than scientists previously thought and helped to shed light on the disease's bacterial evolution into modern times."
"John Snow proposed the radical idea that cholera was transmitted by water, not bad air."
"Before Band-Aids, they just wrapped it up, like [__] boss."
"I've got some links below, especially to 'The Medical Invention of Sex,' which is written by this doctor and I really like."
"Daniel Hale Williams, performs one of the first successful open heart surgeries and opens the first interracial hospital, leaving a lasting impact on healthcare."
"Harold Gillies his Innovations and expertise would be needed sooner than most could imagine."
"Old medical equipment just gives you bad vibes, bro."
"Many previously healthy individuals were left with permanent cognitive and physical defects from this procedure."
"Before the advent of pharmaceutical medicine, iodine was a go-to solution for a lot of things."
"Misinformation has always been a challenge throughout medical history, with a lot of pseudoscience and misinformation still present today."
"Y'all are mad at a black person who's skeptical about taking medicine? Let's not act like medical treatment has been fair to black people in the past."
"One of the greatest medical scandals of the last century..."
"Drugs that were really life-saving... didn't end up becoming available until 1996."
"Vikings tasted blood from wounds to discern the severity of injuries, a gross but fascinating practice."
"Heart disease becomes the leading cause of death, virtually unknown 30 years earlier."
"Thomas Beatie, the first man in the entire world to get pregnant."
"The prospect of life without antibiotics is barely imaginable for a world that has had a cheap and plentiful supply of them since the end of World War II."
"So, back to the craze. When it was announced that Radium could be used to attack cancer cells, people went Radium crazy and it became a health fad."
"It's evident that prehistoric surgeons possessed knowledge several steps beyond modern-day surgery."
"Treatments and diagnosis of eye ailments are included in some of the oldest surviving written materials."
"The German scientist Virgo identified sluggish blood flow as one of the three main risk factors for thrombosis in the 19th century."
"The history of women's health from ancient remedies to modern medicine."
"Radium was seen as a magic substance, a panacea for everything."
"Exploring everything surrounding the presenting complaint is the golden rule of taking a history."
"Past medical history is extremely important; sometimes the problem now can be a complication of an existing condition."
"Original insulin discovered in 1921 is inexpensive."
"Part of this is because of the patriarchy. I'm just going to let that sit. Part of it is because we've been left out of medical decision making specifically for the last several hundred years."
"The work of Lazear is notable for being the first discovery of a human virus, rather than a bacterial infectious agent, in medical history." - Jesse William Lazear
"turns out people have been suffering from ear infections for thousands of years"
"If vaccines per their current standard are proven to be safe as a fact and effective than all other modalities practice for over a thousand years are also safe and effective."
"They experienced intense pains in head and bones, and soon boils appeared all over the body."
"The signs fit only one disease, and this disease was syphilis."
"Finally, we had the picture of syphilis coming together."
"The true story of syphilis begins to unfold."
"The fact that an Egyptian pharaoh who lived more than 2,000 years ago even had a personal eye doctor is a reminder of how advanced the Egyptians were when it came to medicine."
"Previous vaccination and myocarditis only smallpox vaccine is the only one."
"Jonas Salk was able to randomize 400,000 kids. We are 70 years in the future."
"The ketogenic diet is a 100 year old evidence-based treatment for epilepsy."
"Wow, that's great, and the drug has been around for 65 years."
"Medical advances at work before germs were discovered."
"People who've taken them in the past actually have better mental health outcomes."
"Vaccines have been around for a very long time and have saved thousands perhaps millions of lives."
"Defendant suffered a concussion within days of the accident... his long-term doctor noted a resolution of memory impairment back in 2017."
"Gardner Quincy Colton, the same man who organized the event that introduced Wells to Nitrous oxide's efficacy, firmly established the use of Nitrous in dentistry in 1863."
"Melissa had an extensive mental health history, including diagnoses for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder."
"Most of the information we get about our medical examination is from the history, is what the patient tells us. We have to listen."
"The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was ethically unjustified."
"Pest houses were isolation hospitals where the victims or suspected victims of plague would stay."
"Did you know that penicillin was discovered completely by accident in 1928?"
"Smallpox was a uniquely horrible disease for the suddenness and unpredictability of its attack, the grotesque torture of its victims, the brutality of its lethal or disfiguring outcome, and the terror that it inspired."
"Within days the bleeding stopped and Alexei made a miraculous recovery."
"The science of gynecology was perfected on black women."
"X-ray development: a journey of suffering to discover a diagnostic tool."
"In the old days we used to have this concept called convalescence."
"So if you at home have gotten the polio shot, maybe you've done IVF, maybe even got checked out for HPV, or I know, even taken your dog in for a parvo shot, well guess what? Ms. Henrietta Lacks has indeed been a part of your life."
"It's got a very interesting history to it, it's a very, very safe drug."
"250 years ago, they recognized immunity from prior infection, but we've gone more than 250 years backwards because we don't recognize immunity that's conferred from an infection."
"We've forgotten the entire history of Hippocratic medicine."
"This is the story of Isabelle de noir, the world's first recipient of a face transplant."
"Fleming once wrote: 'When I woke up just after dawn on September 28, 1928, I certainly didn’t plan to revolutionize all medicine by discovering the world’s first antibiotic, or bacteria killer.'"
"His studies of the human body were revolutionary and became the foundation of modern anatomy."
"Aspirin is also the first ever anti-inflammatory and pain reliever mentioned in history."
"Plague masks with their long beaks stuffed with herbs were used to filter the unhealthy air."
"For this case to be related to trans people in any way, there would have to have been an over 65-year-old male in the '90s who received Lupron as a puberty blocker from his doctor."
"The history is the story that the doctor composes to help him diagnose and treat the patient."
"The bones went on to reveal more signs of medical care that have astonished scientists around the world."
"These vaccines are unprecedented because they were the fastest vaccines ever approved in history."
"The history to a neurologist is the most important thing."
"Lobotomies were really done for a lot of different reasons. They were kind of seen as this miracle catch-all like 'Oh you can have a lobotomy it will like fix you'."
"Prior to 1980, if you saw fatty liver under the microscope, that patient was an alcoholic. But today, 25% of children in the United States have fatty liver, and they don't drink alcohol."
"Haslar provided the blueprint for further naval hospitals at Plymouth and Chatham."
"These are sulfonamides— the first drugs that made a meaningful impact on humans’ ability to survive bacterial infections."
"But even with this research, there was a lot of doubt — Prontosil seemed too good to be true."
"The report led the United States to give actual regulatory power to the Food and Drug Administration."
"But starting in the 1940s, sulfa drugs were replaced by more effective antibiotics."
"Before chemical testing was developed in the early 1800s, doctors had to test for diabetes by tasting a patient's urine to see if it was sugary."
"Once sent Liston's haste to remove a leg, his knife took a testicle along with it. Oops."
"One damaging food is that the ECT treatment he had in his last 6 months caused his memory problems. It did not."
"Let's make that your textile, just tell me how you got this mole."
"Viagra was developed to be a blood pressure medication. They started noticing that everyone was getting erections in the trial."
"The interesting part is that as we repeat the history taking we find a consistency in the individual patients which suggests to us that they're there, the central theme is valid, the central difficulty for that particular person is valid."
"A recent study published in the February 2023 edition of the international Journal of osteoarcheology has revealed that a middle-aged woman living in longabard Italy over 1 300 years ago underwent at least two invasive skull surgeries and survived them both."
"In the 1980s, you saw the beginning of a revisionist school of physicians who felt that the medical establishment had not been taking pain seriously enough as a problem."
"Buckle up folks, this isn't science fiction, these are real treatments real patients used throughout history. Thank God modern medicine has come a long way."
"While his story is one of hope, sadly, many lobotomized patients were left with the inability to make any decisions about themselves for the rest of their lives after going under the ice pick."
"We might laugh at the bloodletting procedures and failures of our predecessors, but what will physicians think of our current medical practice in 100 years?"
"One day, he underwent a transfusion from a student who turned out to have malaria, which would lead to his death in 1928."
"There's one thing: penicillin. Everyone who came up with that, who came up with that? Fleming was it? Yeah, he discovered it, alright. I'm 30, don't think I've ever used it."
"Surely if they're asking about your medical history this sort of thing would be one of the first things they asked."
"I brought I had a doctor's letter, a neurologist that I saw when I was a kid saying that I had Tourette's."
"Doctors sought out the bodies of the dead to dissect and improve anatomical knowledge."
"Surgery wouldn't improve until the development of anesthesia and antiseptic practices."
"Black people and especially black women endured violent medical treatment and experimentation against their will."
"The first blood bank was at Cook County Hospital."
"The ketogenic diet was developed for a brain disorder: epilepsy."
"My brother-in-law got an infection that almost killed him. I don't talk to him or my sister all that much, so I didn't know about it, but I had the same symptoms that he had and went to the doctor about it."
"20 years ago, the majority of women decided to stop taking their hormones."
"Galen pioneered understanding of things like the circulatory system."
"Penicillin is a fermented form of mold."
"When you're asking your questions about your patient who comes in with a chief complaint of a rash what are the things that really need to be in your history of present illness that will help alert you to the potential for something serious going on."
"The incidence of childbirth fever dropped from 35 percent to 1 percent."
"He was largely credited with the first vaccine to be developed."
"Immunotherapy actually started 125 years ago."
"Last year, he started having headaches."
"How small was his dick that he got killed by kidney stones? No dude, like, a kidney stone shredded up his urethra."
"Her cells were just known as hela cells, h-e-l-a, the first two letters of Henrietta's Lacks's first and last name."
"With this, I would like now to take you to a little bit of the history of the stem cells."
"We do not have any indication that at one time he would have had multiple."
"There aren't many things it's more difficult to imagine living without than a heart... that was until 1967 when a surgeon in South Africa named Christian Bernard achieved it."
"When they pulled that out and used the seed oils, the heart epidemics, you know, it was undeniable."
"One of her brilliant inventions is the laser Foo probe for which she became the first African-American female doctor to hold a patent for a medical device."
"The first case of bone cancer that's confirmed in a dinosaur and the first case of cancer in the fossil record that's diagnosed to the level that we would expect in a human patient."
"The life of the flesh is in the blood... long before men discovered scientifically the presence of viruses and bacterias."
"It's fascinating to talk with him just because, you know, for a long time, they prescribed opioids like candy too."
"One of the single most important discoveries in the history of human life is the discovery of penicillin in 1929 arguably this is the most significant medical breakthrough ever achieved in the history of medical science."
"He received the achievement of the father surgeon, that is the discoverer of surgery for future generations."
"No people have an earlier literature in medicine, no people have an earlier literature in mathematics."
"The discovery of x-rays happened around 1895, that's not much more than a hundred years ago."
"Most heart disease today... we didn't see a hundred years ago."
"The tree was Cinchona, and its bark contained quinine, found to be the first effective treatment for malaria."
"The ketogenic diet first came to us in the 1920s with the treatment of patients with epilepsy and seizures."
"The Emperor of All Maladies chronicles the genesis and evolution of our knowledge of cancer."
"The real hero of this infection is attributable to a single person, Carlos Chagas."
"Medical knowledge was actually quite advanced in ancient Egypt."
"We're examining the career of what might be called scientific medicine, from humoralism through several subsequent incarnations, down to the modern biomedical paradigm."
"The Paris School of Medicine... is universally known as the moment of transition from medieval medicine to modernity."
"The rise of the Paris clinic was said to mark a time of transition between the medical Middle Ages and the beginning of a modern era."
"The use of antiseptics immediately reduced death rates from around 30% in 1867 to 1870 to around 15%."
"He believed that successful surgery would only be possible if doctors had a proper understanding of human anatomy."
"Harvey's research was a major breakthrough in anatomy and changed how people understood the anatomy."
"After Queen Victoria gave birth to her 8th child using chloroform in 1853, it became widely used in operating theatres."
"Our four founders... came back from World War I inspired by the efficiency of battlefield medicine."
"The problem with women was that they had wet humors and men had dry humors."
"The battles against disease throughout the centuries have often found man in the unfortunate position of having to combat this enemy only after it had infiltrated his community and infected much of the population."
"How we unraveled the way hormones work is one of the most fascinating stories in the whole history of medicine."
"Home care providers are commonly very familiar with their patients; do not hesitate to ask them about the patient’s baseline status, medical history, medications, or other pertinent information."
"The immediate success of DDT saved millions of lives and was touted as a solution to typhus, the dreaded plague that had followed in the wake of every great war in history."
"So with the patient's consent, let's think about history and examination which you can start almost simultaneously as you ask questions."
"Just 40 years ago, the wall of the living human heart was presented with an impenetrable anatomic barrier to the surgeon's knife."
"The discovery led to his 1892 theory of immunity."
"History is of the utmost importance in evaluating any patient with suspected epilepsy."
"The theory that an imbalance of bodily humors caused illness persisted until the Renaissance."
"How did Dr. Christian Barnard create medical history in 1967? Performed the first human heart transplant."
"Jonas Salk needed human subjects to test his polio vaccine... so he just experimented on himself."
"An epidemic that turned humans into living statues."
"I cannot emphasize enough how important the history is in evaluating a patient with a bleeding disorder."
"It is a testament to the resilience of the human body that many survived this procedure."
"Electrocardiograms or EKGs were invented by a German Dutch scientist named Dr. Einthoven."
"I got extremely thoughtful and started thinking about the transition of this old technique into the modern cataract surgery in Nepal."
"This boy is the first ever to receive insulin."
"The asylum was a regular stop for a physician who conducted extreme medical procedures."
"Founded on the 5th of May 1928, the RFDS is the world's oldest air ambulance service."
"When you have a woman who comes in with a fever and she's given birth recently, you want to first ascertain the history."
"It's quite frankly outrageous when insulin was discovered almost a hundred years ago, it was given to humans within a couple of months and became a drug within a year or so."
"Sometimes the history will tell you what the patient has."
"Smallpox had a number of unique characteristics that made it eradicatable."
"The successes in treating bacterial infections with antibiotics after World War I led to the search for antivirals."
"Helmholtz, about 150 years ago, invented the ophthalmoscope, and it worked great for 150 years."
"An ancient science improves itself by adding scientific viability; modern medicine finds cures hidden in centuries-old texts."
"In 1887, Waller invented a machine to record the heart speed, and it was the first time that we had this kind of time series that shows the activity of our heart."
"It's all about starts with the history, what does the patient actually want."
"Harriet Cowell made a huge contribution to the development of medicine."