
Mental Health Treatment Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Without question, drug therapies are going to be most effective when done also with talk therapies."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Allow neural circuitry in the brain to be shaped and changed, such that people can combat diseases like depression, or trauma, or other disorders of the mind that cause tremendous suffering."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What these agents may do that increase the flow through circuitry, if you will, the percolation of activity through circuitry may end up doing for depression is increasing the escape of some tendrils of process of forward progression through the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In clinical trials, psychedelics like LSD showed extraordinary potential."
"Single dose psilocybin produces rapid anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects that were a very large magnitude."
"Medications can be very helpful, very very helpful if not necessary for folks who struggle with schizophrenia."
"We have such great evidence behind behavioral therapy."
"The good news is that even though we don't entirely understand how depression works, we still have ways to treat it that help lots of people."
"In the model of therapy that I do, the client's story is way more important than the client's symptoms."
"The prognosis is pretty good...if the borderline keeps turning up for the therapy."
"I'm a complete buyer of psychedelics for depression, for addiction, for empathy, for self-expression."
"Exercise increases the size of the hippocampus, improves memory, and is at least as good as antidepressants for treating depression."
"It's not a lost cause...this is a treatable disorder."
"Even if the overwhelming evidence suggests that a good treatment for depression is an SSRI like prozac if it doesn't work for you it doesn't [ __ ] work for you."
"Lithium is tried and true first-line treatment for bipolar disorder."
"Virtual reality: used for video games, theme park rides, and even treating trauma and anxiety in people."
"They had gotten more mental health treatment than any American generation on record. Instead, they were the picture of despair."
"The best depression medicine is support from family and friends."
"Psilocybin and many other psychedelics have major potential especially in treating mood disorders depression anxiety and so on."
"Psychedelics like MDMA can make therapy much more effective."
"Antidepressants, they'll numb those feelings."
"There is treatment, it's called DBT dialectical therapy."
"First of all, antidepressants should never be a last resort."
"If you're really messed up like I was a year ago, get medication."
"Ketamine has the potential to revolutionize the management of suicide."
"Substances are not a treatment, they're a short-term band-aid for underlying problems."
"Previous suicide attempt is the most important risk factor for suicide."
"Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is the therapy of choice for OCD."
"I'm here to meet Skip Rizzo who's come up with a way to use virtual reality to treat PTSD."
"Therapy necessarily involves two people together face-to-face in a room."
"Consider the possibility that psychedelics can help with mental illness."
"BPD is treatable, it is something that you can work on and overcome."
"The pharmaceutical model of mental health is only capable of treating symptoms."
"If a paleo diet doesn't help or doesn't help enough with your mood or concentration issues, a ketogenic diet is also usually the next logical step."
"We are doing some really amazing and kind of groundbreaking work around treating mental illnesses like schizophrenia."
"I have seen patients recover from putting their symptoms of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder into remission."
"There is this false moral imperative that seems to be all around us, that treatment of depression, the medications and so on, are an artifice, and that it's not natural. And I think that's very misguided."
"ECT in its modern form: safe, does not cause permanent brain damage in most cases, does not cause permanent memory loss."
"I started doing therapy three times a week...I needed to throw myself in head first to my mental health and mental well-being."
"Mindfulness is like Tylenol; it's over the counter but still a medical treatment."
"Psychedelics may treat depression by reviving emotional responsiveness in the brain."
"When executive dysfunction happens because of a mental health condition, the goal is usually to treat the underlying condition causing it."
"Psychedelics are proven to work against depression more effectively than antidepressant medication."
"Exposure therapy is the king... followed by cognitive therapy and some of the social skills training components."
"Taking meds alongside talk therapy is just like... it helps you while you're healing but you have to do the healing work psychologically for it to all work."
"It's been shown that combining both therapeutic techniques with medication helps give people the best results when it comes to their mental health."
"Treating ADHD with medicine is like giving people glasses. It's helping their self-esteem, giving them the sense that they can accomplish."
"Psilocybin can be a powerful treatment for multiple mental health disorders."
"Studies have shown that psilocybin has great potential when it comes to depression, alcohol addiction, smoking... Eating Disorders, OCD potentially..."
"It's actually the therapy combined with psychedelics that's proving so beneficial to people suffering from depression."
"We can actually modify what we thought were fixed brain disorders like depression and autism."
"If depression can be treated pharmaceutically and therapeutically, what's the point of philosophizing over it?"
"Unlike depression where treatment generally includes either therapy, medications, or both, with bipolar disorder the standard of care is to almost always use medications."
"...anti-depressants... I actually don't think they're working in the ways that many people think they're working."
"We need to fix what's wrong with people and be judicious with our use of medications."
"...complex problems like mental illness and suicidal ideation have complex solutions. It's multifaceted - it's psychotherapy, it can be medication, it can be social engagement."
"TMS therapy has the potential to save the lives of millions of depressed and hopeless people who might otherwise give up as I did."
"If we can address just 10% of the population that's suffering from depression, anxiety, addiction, we're saving people's lives."
"She's been in therapy and she's even cut back on social media as a part of her treatment."
"Meditation with the ethical construct... most people will actually have a higher success rate in 10 days than in a three or six month treatment center somewhere else."
"She's continued to be 100% compliant with her medications."
"It's for the treatment of schizophrenia or as an adjunct, an add-on medicine for people who have treatment-resistant depression."
"We might imagine that big pharma would invest more in more effective, humane treatments for mental illness."
"Eighty to ninety percent of people who seek help get better."
"Protecting clients is a higher priority for the mental health treatment community."
"It's perfectly okay and a lot of times necessary to get a professional treatment plan."
"The introduction of psychopharmacology is arguably one of the most significant and successful contributions to mental illness treatment."
"The most effective treatment in handling a patient's depression is being a good listener."