
Statistics Quotes

There are 7122 quotes

"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the one that seems to be best, at least by way of the statistics and papers that exist."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We have a skyrocketing mental health crisis in the world. The rates of death from mental illness have doubled over the last 20 years."
"The actual statistics show that crime and murder were far higher in the past. It's actually pretty rare today."
"90% of incarcerated women in California are battered and beaten or have been battered and beaten, and now they're continuing to be battered and beaten."
"A Muslim child is born every 2.5 seconds. Boom, that's a Muslim child there, Masha'Allah."
"Every strength point increases your HP by 19. Every point of agility increases your armor by one and your attack speed by one percent."
"According to the Surgeon General, recent national surveys of young people have shown alarming increases in the prevalence of certain mental health challenges."
"Most distributions are not normal distributions but Power law distributions."
"The three most common ways to measure that central tendency are mean, median, and mode."
"Two generations have now relied on this right, and one out of every four women makes the decision to end a pregnancy."
"The marriage rate in the United States is lower than it's ever been since we started recording it."
"Some people use statistics like a drunken man uses lamp posts, more for support than for illumination."
"The deck was incredibly effective... with a 61 point something percent win rate."
"Popularity increased by 77%, which is a lot."
"Shadow Mewtwo is the strongest Pokémon in the entire game stat-wise."
"Statistically, if this is applicable to guys as well... it made me a lot more comfortable about relationships."
"Numbers matter because they're not just numbers; they are people whose lives and families have been turned upside down."
"You're more likely to die in a car accident than you are likely to die skydiving."
"I believe that statistically speaking, we're probably in a simulation."
"A histogram is created with a column of measurement data and the corresponding column of frequency data...it's used for displaying data and assessing its symmetry or skewness."
"The purpose of conducting a normality test is to check if the data is derived from normal distribution...the test results will confirm either you should reject or fail the hypothesis as there are chances that non-normal data may produce misleading results."
"An interval plot is a graphical presentation of the distribution of any sample that shows the sample's central tendency and variability."
"It is actually sort of important to learn how to read statistics. It's sort of important to learn how to read studies."
"78% of people today are living paycheck to paycheck."
"The truth is if you want to know how well we could have done, look at the continent of Africa. 1.3 billion people, fewer than 30,000 deaths."
"78% of NBA players are bankrupt within three years of leaving the sport."
"Over the past one or two generations, the rate of firearm deaths are down 50%."
"47.8% of the world's wealth is now in the hands of just 1.2% of people, who are around 62.5 million adults with a net worth of over 1 million US Dollars."
"Statistically, within the first three or four hours, if the child is not found, it becomes highly problematic."
"The punt is more likely than the touchdown and field goal combined. Consider that."
"The Galton board illustrates one of the most prominent distributions in all of probability, known as the Normal distribution, more colloquially known as a Bell curve."
"100 acres of pizza are served in the US every day."
"The average IQ for a woman and the average IQ for a man is identical."
"Actually, one of my favorite statistics is something like 73% of Americans think they're above average looks."
"These are individuals we're talking about, not just projections."
"There are so many hairs on your head, but it seems unlikely that two people are going to have the same number of hairs on their head."
"Statistics are not reality," said Simons, "they're just a way of showing reality."
"I think it's very obvious, isn't it? People go searching for stats that suit their agenda."
"To understand what the agenda was behind the legalization of abortion, all you need to do is look at the statistics from the U.S. Government."
"Trying to take people's stats and objectively applying it to their play and their ability to play and have impact as a whole is grossly mis-evaluating them as a player because it fails to have context."
"Statistics collected in recent years show that the campaign to whip up fears of violence on the subways has no basis in fact."
"This is the highest number recorded since they started keeping track of these incidents in 2012. I love the fact they even started tracking this stuff."
"Numbers still are important on a high level to inform policies because without them, we would have no direction on what to do."
"Shark attacks result in fewer fatalities annually than selfies."
"There are lots of paradoxes in statistics that people don't know about that are important to know about."
"Simpson's paradox is a paradox in statistics where when you look at things in aggregate as opposed to separately, you get completely opposite results."
"We can make big decisions based on statistics, and there are so many other ones as well, various fallacies and paradoxes that people just aren't aware of."
"All models are wrong, but some models are useful."
"I've lost more than 8 trades in a row before... with a 60% chance to win, losing 8 trades in a row with my risk management at 1 to 2% per trade does not bother me."
"How likely is it that two people have the same birthday?"
"Most Ukrainians are confident they can win, that's what the statistics we have available to us and what the anecdotal evidence I've seen suggests to us."
"69% of all problems in a relationship are not solvable."
"The Bayesian approach is a tool to one, include mathematically our prior knowledge into statistical procedures."
"Statistics has somewhat evolved into machine learning in recent years."
"Statistics will probably be used in whatever career path you choose for yourself."
"Statistics is about going backwards. It's saying, if I have some data, what was the truth that generated it."
"We seem to live in a society that is, according to these people and this ideology, has never been worse. But statistically speaking, it's actually the opposite. It has never been as good as it is now."
"The average American spends 47% of their take-home pay for a roof over their head."
"The couples that start businesses together have a 10% divorce rate if they start and make a dollar in a business together."
"Approximately a third of all food produced for human consumption is either lost or thrown away."
"According to a BBC article from 2020, 83 percent of cell phones lost in Tokyo are eventually retrieved."
"In 2020 alone, Lego produced over 36 billion bricks and 98,000 tons of Legos."
"The odds of being shot and killed by the police are statistically non-existent."
"Indigenous women are raped at 2.5 times the national average."
"One out of every four girls and one out of every six boys are molested before the age of eighteen."
"It is quantifiable and statistically different, but only barely statistically different."
"Last stage FDA approvals have an 80% chance of getting passed."
"Statistics don't lie, but statistics are like a bikini: what they reveal is enticing but what they conceal is vital."
"When you turn them into a statistic, you are removing their personality, their feelings, their lived experience, their life. You are saying you are bad because this graph says so. Well, a person's not a graph."
"The statistics show time and again that UBI would be beneficial for the segment of our country that needs it most."
"High blood pressure was a factor in at least a half a million deaths in 2019, and the price tag that comes with it is something that would give anybody sticker shock, costing the US $131 billion every year."
"Simpson's paradox is the confusing phenomenon that arises when we find different directions of association between small groups and overall totals."
"The odds on that have to be one in a billion."
"In statistics, the word disjoint means that the events are mutually exclusive."
"I just have a basic understanding of why data collection is important and why statistics matter."
"I want you guys to understand, if I'm the one in four Black women to get married, and then if I'm one of the 80% of women who file for divorce, why are you going all the way to the end in the horror?"
"Theory deals with in-sample error and out-of-sample error."
"When we regress standardized values, some interesting things become apparent that are kind of happening under the hood."
"Standardized values can be very helpful in that regard."
"Standard deviation is preferred over variance because it operates on the same scale as the data."
"Statistics should always be cited, not generally, always."
"Every statistic is better for people who live in a positive space."
"Remember, in Part 1, we went over the basics of multiple regression."
"You are relying on statistics, and you are not looking at humanity."
"In early 2021, emergency department visits in the United States for suspected suicide attempts were 51 percent higher for adolescent girls and 4 percent higher for adolescent boys compared to the same time period in early 2019."
"Sharks killed by people...the blue line is the amount of people killed by sharks...the blue line...is this flat line on the bottom of the graph that blends in with the x-axis."
"If you think about it, just the numbers though, the people commenting compared to the people that's actually [__], it's such a small number."
"In 2019, 4 billion 590 million people flew on airplanes."
"The Steelers made the playoffs in a year where they combined to throw just 13 touchdown passes, the fewest of any team in the playoffs."
"Without context, you can make numbers say whatever you want them to say."
"In the end, 11 couples agreed to a second date. That's 54%."
"Arguments for intentional design are statistical ones."
"We're the only country that has more guns than people. We're the only advanced country that has these mass shootings."
"A war in which 99% of combatants have been killed has never occurred so far in history."
"If you're right half the time you're break-even, but if you're right 75% of the time, you're profitable."
"I cannot overstate how important those big statistical studies were that Galaxy Zoo made possible."
"America has 25% of the entire incarcerated population of the planet despite making up 4% of the entire population."
"99.5% of them were not vaccinated." - On the severity of COVID-19 cases in hospitals
"When groups of people are polled to pick a random number between 1 and 100, the most commonly chosen number is 37."
"These groups experienced 150% more hate crimes in 2020, despite a 7% drop in overall hate crimes. That's shockingly awful."
"Republicans think we have 25 times the number of single mothers as anybody else... but you know what we do have 25 times more? Guns."
"Every day over the last goodness knows how many decades, 175,000 people have been raised out of poverty every day."
"More people in the world own a mobile device than own a toothbrush."
"The average person spends five years and four months of their life on social media."
"Every victory feels sweet, but there's something extra satisfying about proving the statistics right."
"Nate Silver is an extremely interesting guy. He's the founder of 538, a genius statistician, and an accomplished poker player."
"It's really great and paired shown to increase relationship quality by 36%, which is crazy."
"What then should we make of it if the average life expectancy drops by 7 months in a couple of years? That would mean a ubiquitous change has taken place, wouldn't it?"
"People who work from home are eighty-seven percent more likely to love their job."
"Remote work has increased a hundred and fifty-nine percent since 2005."
"Sixty-three percent of US companies now already have remote workers."
"Basic appreciation of statistics... I use pretty much every day to a point where it's a kind of superpower."
"You can cherry-pick the numbers and certainly make that argument, but I think it's a mistake to focus just on economic growth."
"Crime is usually represented by arrest, which is what sometimes can be misleading."
"The statistics regarding physical death are 100 percent."
"The United States represents five percent of the world's population, and yet it's home to nearly 25% of the world's prison population."
"Everybody wants it, but statistics prove that most of us are not ready for it."
"Our population growth is at a fractional increase, never as tiny as it was last year."
"Even though they're around 50,000 pay-per-view buys, there were around 1.3 to 3 million viewers."
"Last year, probably 90,000 Americans died as a result of drug overdose."
"Just remember this one thing in your past: statistics don't lie, liars use statistics."
"Suicide is the number two reason for death among people under the age of 35."
"Every single person who scores highly in one of those two categories has a specific... and there's incredibly high correlation between these two facts."
"When Sandy Hook happened, we were selling about eight million guns per year in this country. Today, we sell 20 million guns per year."
"America makes up 4 percent of the world's population but 25% of the world's incarcerated."
"I just saw this statistic from the Washington Post showing that from 2008 to 2018..."
"The numbers don't lie, they are what they are, and if you try to disprove your hypothesis enough, you can actually get close to something very few people care about nowadays: an objective truth."
"Anime OSTs like My Hero and [ __ ] [ __ ] pumps me up real hard."
"Ninja was the biggest like ninja even now is the most famous gamer by a mile like if you don't consider like pewdiepie or mr beast you just look at the numbers."
"Germs: 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells per hour."
"86% of pilots' abilities compromised due to tiredness."
"55% of Americans hold a favorable view of unions."
"Airplanes are very, very safe. Statistically, you just cannot deny."
"98.2 percent of people think Johnny Depp's team won this trial."
"We cannot change the probability by part in 100."
"The largest one-week drop in these addresses in history."
"Beyond the numbers and beyond the figures, these are persons, these are human beings."
"It won over a hundred thousand votes or just over 1% of the national popular vote"
"We are the only country in the world with significantly more guns than people."
"There's almost a desired p-value for p-values."
"Disability is not rare. 13.3% of all Americans are disabled. That's over 42 million people."
"Our word is incredibly common about one in five women experience s-a and false reports are rare two to eight percent so if a woman comes forward about being assaulted occam's razor suggests she's probably telling the truth."
"One in ten children will be sexually abused by their 18th birthday. One in seven girls, one in 25 boys."
"It was damn near 600,000 missing people in 2022. 57 were white including Hispanic, 39 were minorities."
"Eighty percent of the time, they’re going to fill it in."
"Numbers don't lie, but I can make them say whatever I want."
"Public behavior better, death rate cases and death rate down."
"A study found that an estimate of 1464 COVID deaths in Montana, one of every three could have been prevented if every eligible adult had been vaccinated."
"People who are over 65, there is a decent risk for people over 40, and the risk diminishes for people who are under 40."
"Numbers don't lie, and those numbers are loud and clear. This country is falling apart."
"Avery Skinner, first team all-American, 6-1 senior out of Katy, Texas. 3.8 kills per set, 359 on the year. That is just gaudy for somebody who hit so many tough balls. It really is."
"Correlation is not proof of causation." - Patrick Moore
"This combo generally does around 400,000 damage."
"Dunning Krueger doesn't exist. They did the statistics wrong in an easily provable way."
"The numbers tell you the winner and the loser for the most part. The numbers don't lie."
"The world produces more than 2.3 billion tons of municipal waste each year."
"Less than 1% of stoners actually use it this way."
"It's statistically impossible for this to happen and somehow this is being accepted and not only is it being accepted, it's being accepted without judges being willing to look at the evidence."
"You've got a staggering 1 in 10 trillion chance that it's not the case."
"Ninety-five percent of cancers are preventable."
"900 DPM against SK, he was 30 CS up against SK at 15, he was averaging 11.3 CS per minute against G2, like these are really high numbers."
"Statistics can also be used to distort real risks."
"The real life numbers are probably a lot higher."
"Stay safe out there. Every year there are about two and a half million burglaries, that's one every 13 seconds."
"We all know men lie, women lie, numbers don't."
"Marijuana seizures are down, but my men and women so far this year have seized over ninety-one thousand pounds."
"I think excess deaths give us a much better idea of the death toll from covid."
"Support has the highest KDA in the game by the way... There's only one hero that has a positive win rate in every single rank guys, only one hero."
"Commercial aviation is one of the safest ways to travel, according to statistics measuring passenger injury and fatalities."
"Stats are great because sometimes it's hard to see the wood for the trees until you see the numbers in clear black and white."
"The United States has almost 6 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus and has suffered nearly 200,000 deaths from the pandemic."
"Tests are up, cases are down, hospital emissions down, the number of patients overall in hospital and specifically those on mechanical ventilation beds both down."
"The probability of collision for a customer using a safety score versus not is 30 percent lower."
"Almost 80% right now looks like ascetics may cross 80%."
"I would put a 10% chance on one getting approved in October. That would be my number. What about this year? 25% chance by the end of the year."
"Linear regression: laying a foundation for future neural networks."
"Endings are hard, and I've always had the intention to stay in this race. I am the math guy, and it's clear from the numbers we're not going to win this campaign."
"There's a 95% probability that this interval contains the true mean difference between the two call centers."
"The overall infection fatality rate is a lot lower than originally was supposed."
"It's all about variance. That's why it's called analysis of variance."
"If you rape someone and you get arrested and you tell them you're a woman, that gets recorded as a crime committed by a woman."
"It can't be understated how dire these numbers truly are."
"Nature's supposed perfect killing machine really outclassed by humble vending machines."
"Rodman certainly has an argument and no stat may better prove that point than this one."
"The reality is high levels of gun ownership don't necessarily mean high levels of gun violence."
"As our sample size becomes small and smaller, we are less certain that it is representative of our entire population."
"The T distribution allows us to use small samples, which is very beneficial."
"Once our sample size becomes sufficiently large, there really is no practical difference between the T distribution and the Z distribution."
"The probability of having a value further from the true mean is greater when the sample size is small."
"Degrees of freedom is just an adjustment to our sample size that gives us slightly more wiggle room in our estimates."
"Knowing what happens on one trial gives some information about the probabilities on other trials."
"If under a given assumption the probability of an event is really small, then that assumption is probably wrong."
"England have the most valuable squad at Euro 2020."
"95% of dysphoric people grow out of it in puberty."
"We're looking at over 30 million people who in the last several months had to file for unemployment."
"And speaking of quid pro quo... I was checking my YouTube stats and only 30% of this audience is subscribed to this channel."
"It's this emerging statistical fact that leads many scientists to be confident that extraterrestrial life does exist."
"Understanding statistical probability in trading and crypto markets."
"You start looking at all these numbers and all this text and you get down here and you say oh yes."