
Bipolar Disorder Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"So lithium really stands as this kind of golden example of a treatment that works, at least in many individuals, prior to an understanding of the biological basis of the disease for which that treatment is needed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Antidepressants are not recommended for bipolar disorder."
"Bipolar disorder is can be a difficult illness but it also can be treated, you can still live a good life."
"Bipolar disorder is a lethal illness. It does have a risk of suicide that's up to 20 to 30 times greater compared to the general population."
"Bipolar disorder, even if it doesn't cause the more extreme problems of suicide, is also a leading cause of disability."
"Lithium is tried and true first-line treatment for bipolar disorder."
"Giving an antidepressant to a bipolar disorder patient will make them manic."
"Creativity and creative achievements may be increased in people with bipolar disorder."
"Bipolar disorder is a chronic and recurrent illness."
"It is extremely important to dispel the stigma against those with bipolar disorder that they should be feared."
"If you're bipolar and you take depression medication it drastically messes with your brain chemistry."
"I realized that I was bipolar and so when I go to gonna go to know more information it actually helps me it doesn't scare me once I know it."
"Some people just don't understand it. I have bipolar. Kind of hard."
"Connie has openly said that he has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder but he thinks of it more so as a superpower."
"Living with bipolar disorder does not diminish or invalidate his dreams and his creative ideas."
"Sympathy for people who have bipolarity, no sympathy for anti-Semitic statements."
"I had my last bipolar or manic episode, and I haven't looked back."
"There's a very strong link between creativity and a particular mental illness, which is bipolar disorder."
"If there's one word that characterizes bipolar disorder it is dysregulation."
"Bipolar 1 is the serious one, that is the one that you think you're the most amazing thing ever, most often you're going to end up either in prison or hospitalized."
"Bipolar disorder elevates people to extreme highs and then drives them to extreme lows."
"There's a 30% underdiagnosis rate in bipolar illness."
"I absolutely loved it. I'm also a big therapy guy because I'm I'm bipolar."
"Creativity is enhanced in patients with bipolar disorder."
"I was diagnosed bipolar when I was in my 30s. My early 30s and it was one of those things, the diagnosis, you know, is it's upsetting, it's not something you want to hear, but it did also at the same time really reframe a lot of my experiences growing up."
"Antidepressants SSRIs in particular can be dangerous for people with bipolar disorder and they are prescribed to people with bipolar disorder every day, and that needs to stop."
"I am on medication, I'm on two types of medication, one during the day and one at night because I know if I don't take my nighttime medicine and I can't sleep, I know I'm going to hypomania and even though I love the feeling of hypomania, right behind it comes depression."
"During a manic phase, an individual is energetic, goal-directed, impulsive, reckless, optimistic, and may feel invincible."
"In general, an individual with bipolar disorder will spend over three times more time with depressive symptoms as compared to manic symptoms."
"If you're watching, get into a NAMI group. NAMI groups are for family and for people suffering from bipolar and associated mental illnesses."
"And then of course they'll be well and or stay living well with bipolar disorder."
"People with bipolar disorder can live full, happy, and productive lives."
"Even though patients thoroughly enjoy being manic, it can be dangerous if it's not treated."
"Medication compliance is going to be really, really beneficial for patients with bipolar disorder."
"These psychosocial interventions have shown a lot of efficacy for bipolar disorder. They are not a replacement for medication."
"Lee was suffering from manic depression, now called bipolar disorder."
"I'm bipolar...and apparently it doesn't matter if I think that sucks either"
"So I'll say that many patients, they cycle to being euthymic, that is, without symptoms, or in a mixed state, rather than one pole or the other one, you know?"
"This process of accepting and treating bipolar disorder is actually a learning experience."
"They diagnosed him with being bipolar manic depressive."
"The bipolar aspect is so different from just excessive partying or drug addiction."
"The major clinical problem in treating bipolar illness is not that there are not effective medications, there are."
"There's a particular kind of pain, elation, loneliness, and terror involved in this kind of madness."
"When you're high, it's tremendous, the ideas and feelings are fast and frequent like shooting stars."
"When Carrie Fisher came out about being bipolar and said all the things she said, it was so helpful and comforting to me."
"We have to have a better understanding of bipolar disorder."
"Feeling emotions is important the aim of treatment of bipolar is not to suppress all emotions away."
"A dawn simulator... anyone who has bipolar disorder ought to have a regular rise time, and one of the ways to have a regular rise time is to have light show up at the exact same time every day."
"I have compassion for people who are bipolar and struggling with mental illness issues."
"When bipolar one overwhelms, Vraylar helps smooth the ups and downs."
"A cure for bipolar disorder now, doesn't that sound amazing?"
"Reversing bipolar disorder has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
"Bipolar disorder isn't really a diagnosis by itself; it would be Bipolar I Disorder or Bipolar II Disorder."
"Hypomania appears in both Bipolar I Disorder and Bipolar II Disorder."
"She suffers from a bipolar disorder, manic depression."
"It's very important to seek treatment if you have bipolar disorder due to a dramatically increased risk of suicide."
"Honesty is required when you're in a relationship with someone who has bipolar disorder."
"By treating bipolar first, you get to remove the main obstacle that's in your relationship, and that's mood swings."
"Can you make a relationship where one partner or even both partners have bipolar disorder work? Absolutely."
"Bipolar disorder is an illness that affects a person's ability to regulate their moods."
"It's been a wonderful opportunity for me, tapping into the community and people with bipolar what they've been experiencing out in the world."
"I'm really excited about the future of psychedelics research especially with bipolar."
"I hate being bipolar, it's awesome."
"The bipolar improves quite dramatically."
"Finding stability with bipolar disorder is a journey."
"Every little thing helps, and bipolar needs to be hit from multiple angles because it's a spectrum disorder unlike unipolar depression."
"The most effective treatment for bipolar psychosis is a comprehensive holistic approach, meaning the combination of meds, therapy, lifestyle changes, self-help, and having a support team."
"Lithium is essentially a mood stabilizer."
"It's the most commonly prescribed medication for bipolar disorder."
"Lithium therapy is the first-line therapy for bipolar disorder."
"Bipolar disorder is serious. I never downplay it."
"Every individual who lives with bipolar disorder can lead a healthy and productive life."
"Our mission is to discover mechanisms that contribute to bipolar disorder and help us predict and improve outcomes, develop effective and innovative treatments."
"A good life is possible with bipolar disorder, but you have to allow yourself that life."
"The majority of people with bipolar disorder do well."
"Lithium is a wonder drug, it just completely stabilizes their mood."
"Like many people with bipolar disorder, [Virginia Woolf] was very creative."
"There's something about the way charged atoms move in and out of the cells that's different in bipolar disorder."
"I'm so proud every time I talk to somebody who's wrestling with bipolar and they got a plan."
"Bipolar is like the North Pole and the South Pole; at the North End is mania, which is wild and crazy and noisy, at the South Pole we have the depressed side of bipolar disorder."
"Bipolar disorder is absolutely no joke; it is the sixth leading major cause of disability in the world."
"People with a bipolar disorder have manic and depressive phases that last over weeks or months."
"Lithium has long been known to control mania and stabilize mood in bipolar patients."
"Bipolar disorders are brain disorders that cause changes in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function."