
Medical Treatment Quotes

There are 1078 quotes

"Glucagon-like peptide-1 can dramatically suppress appetite. So that's why these drugs are being explored and are showing quite impressive results for things like treatment of type 2 diabetes and other forms of diabetes, as well as obesity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Botox... can provide long-lasting relief of certain types of headaches, in particular tension type headaches."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The patients who got the ketogenic diet required fewer benzodiazepines for their detox."
"The regret rate for these treatments is about one percent. A success rate of 99% is actually quite astounding for a medical treatment."
"There are an estimated 30,000 particle accelerators worldwide, about half of them are used in radiotherapy to the benefit of millions of patients."
"We ought to reward doctors for doing quality, not quantity."
"Using a symptomatic treatment like a GLP-1 medication, to the best of my knowledge, is not addressing that core problem."
"What if we actually understood trauma... It would change medical treatment completely."
"Antidepressants like SSRIs are probably the most commonly used to treat hypersexuality or sex addiction. These are drugs like Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, and others."
"Rather than trying to make patients fit into a specific treatment, he customizes the treatment based on the needs of the patient."
"The reason we prescribe medication is to sustainably help people."
"Physiologic dependence is neither good nor bad; it's not a value judgment."
"They have no idea what they are doing here except for the fact that they have decided to tell parents that they must withhold life-saving ongoing medical treatment from their seriously ill kids."
"My grandmother was cured of her end-stage heart disease by one of Dean’s predecessors, Nathan Pritikin, using similar methods."
"Identifying the underlying cause is the first step in the approach to treating epilepsy."
"In properly selected patients, surgery to remove the seizure focus can be effective in about 90 to 95 percent of cases."
"The medical consensus agrees that transitioning is the treatment for gender dysphoria, not counseling."
"The more we understand about the neuroscience of language, the closer we will get to effectively treating all sorts of aphasias."
"There's no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, but recent discoveries indicate that remission of symptoms is more likely when treatment begins early."
"Mohs surgery is the treatment of choice for aggressive and large tumors."
"Any treatments that we use for coronavirus should be scientifically demonstrated to be effective."
"Medicine should be individualized, not designed to make it easier to treat millions of people all at the same time."
"How many people again had to die because they may have been able to be treated through hydroxychloroquine?"
"Suboxone both counteracts an overdose and undermines the craving that people have."
"That is the power of being able to treat it correctly."
"Viagra Works in a sense to improve endothelial function via the nitric oxide Pathway to help with erectile dysfunction in men and women"
"Ivermectin without giant scale clinical studies seems to be effective and does have decades-long safety record it does."
"Puberty blockers if applied at an appropriate time would negate essentially every advantage there is to speak."
"The data shows that Remdesivir has a clear-cut significant positive effect."
"Conservative physicians were more likely to prescribe Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine."
"The earlier we treat it, the more likely people are to survive."
"Antidepressants can be absolutely miraculous."
"The longer gap interval is making a huge difference."
"Even after you've taken it and it doesn't work...I still giving you know it must work."
"Testosterone has been shown to be beneficial to women in low doses as well."
"Serious ethical issues if treatments are denied to patients."
"It's one cause and one treatment that's the key."
"Puberty blockers are reversible. All of these arguments I'm making where you agree with the necessity of subjecting children to permanent medical alterations for their own good are just that—permanent."
"Actually, no, this is not a confirmed way to treat children. In fact, having them go through these treatments can increase suicide, anxiety, and depression."
"High blood pressure lowering medications and cholesterol lowering medications are powerful, effective, and sometimes life-saving."
"The Regeneron has performed the best against the delta variant."
"The higher your blood pressure is, the more benefit you're going to get from medication."
"This is really good news that we've now got a treatment that almost every patient can take and they will get benefit from it."
"At the end of the day, the price per course of treatment to save your life was only a thousand dollars."
"The role of the patient was incredibly important."
"The right to consider your health and medically approved treatment options with your family and doctors is Right everyone should have including trans children who are especially vulnerable to Serious risks of depression anxiety and suicide."
"Wouldn't it be unethical to not do something if you knew it could help them?"
"Heparin enhances antithrombin 3 activity, decreasing thrombin and factor 10 activity."
"Puberty blockers before Tanner stage 2... between ages 9 to 11."
"If they're experiencing any sort of depression or suicidal thinking as a result of not being able to correct that gender dysphoria then rejecting them the treatment that helps them overcome that is problematic."
"Steroids save lives in critically ill people."
"This surgery is for patients who identify as non-binary."
"The heavy medication that he was prescribed to counter it."
"Finasteride: one of the most effective things out there."
"It's not just like, 'Oh, you know, you lower your appetite a bit, you lose weight.' Like, it actually makes people who have no willpower have enough willpower to lose like 50 to 60 pounds."
"If your goal is to actually correct the diabetes you have to correct the insulin resistance... mostly to the point where they can eliminate the need for medication."
"Synthetic erythropoietin like epoetin for severe anemia."
"Combinations of treatments tend to give the best results."
"Early treatment of Covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine is associated with an increase of survival."
"The only way to get many people's blood pressure down under 120 over 80 is with prescription medications."
"GLP-1 agonist drugs like semaglutide and tirzepatide can cause significant weight loss and improve metabolic ailments."
"If this is truly the miracle drug for weight loss, we shouldn't be holding it back from those who need it most."
"Half of his patients... came off all their drugs."
"The sad fact remains that there are people dying now of this infection who would have survived even if they'd had fairly basic medical treatment."
"If you start administering medical treatment on the basis of desert, you're going to end up in this whirlwind of issues."
"It's not appropriate to then say, 'Well, sure okay, let's just let the fat die or let's let the lung cancer patients who got there by smoking keep their lung cancer.' I just don't think this is the way that medicine should be administered."
"This antibody treatment just makes perfect sense, duplicating the physiological process of the body's immune response."
"They are addressing the fundamental root cause so you can use a peptide to actually Target an illness."
"If we can block interleukin 6 like Tocilizumab then we might be able to decrease a lot of that inflammatory response."
"The war on hydroxychloroquine, though, it's a really ugly chapter in our lives."
"Ribavirin inhibits a crucial enzyme, hindering the virus's ability to replicate."
"Understanding viral genotypes is essential for selecting the most effective antiviral therapy."
"Metformin should be used if despite a low carb diet you still don't have adequate control of your diabetes."
"We're treating thousands of Albertans every year and they get that immediate same-day access to evidence-based medication that brings relief to them."
"Why can't I demand that this country include me?"
"Pregabalin can improve pain and sleep in fibromyalgia."
"Joint pain would be handled by it, this cycle of inflammation and chronic disease would be broken in general by it, so I think it is interesting to consider LDN after every COVID or in the beginning of any chronic disease."
"And the other reason that it's not a hundred percent is people still I mean we have great adherence right."
"Patients are thrilled. It's absolutely life-changing."
"My Dr. Hank helps you get low-cost ED meds and overcome the psychological and emotional barriers to getting ED treatment."
"Hydroxychloroquine was shown by doctors worldwide to be the most efficient treatment for the coronavirus."
"Administer anti-platelets and anti-clotting carefully, with repeated tests to avoid bleeding."
"If the therapeutics can stop people getting hospitalized, stop people getting sick, stop people dying, then who's going to disagree with that?"
"I think it's worse to get diagnosed with something and not be able to get it treated than never getting diagnosed."
"The more ivermectin used in a state, the greater reduction in deaths."
"The starvation was gone within three days of him taking leptin."
"There are efforts to reverse Hashimoto's successfully with a functional medicine approach."
"He was under the care of medical professionals and currently receiving treatment after testing positive for Coronavirus."
"For carpal tunnel syndrome, you gotta fix the neck, restore the nerve supply."
"Presumably are depending on T cells for their, so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their, um so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their, um so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their."
"No real downside there's no ridiculously good safety profile so why not therefore there's nothing but upside to it."
"It's about treatment methods... how do we treat it so that the person is comfortable and happy?"
"Some of the most common invasive heart procedures in America are no better at preventing heart attacks and death in patients with stable heart disease than pills."
"Convalescent plasma is one new tool that we've added to our arsenal against COVID-19."
"Convalescent plasma has proven to reduce mortality by 35 percent."
"Antibiotics: Cilin for broad spectrum, Aminoglycosides for serious infections, Vancomycin for MRSA."
"The drug that's been the most successful for us... fluvoxamine."
"The same treatments that work for COVID will work for COVID long haul."
"Fluvoxamine, an inexpensive widely available... can reduce ER visits and hospitalizations in COVID-19."
"Treatment with fluvoxamine... reduced the need for hospitalization."
"This is another one where therapy would be very beneficial."
"It's crazy HRT for approximately two months which according to a quick Google search is the medical process for changing gender will expand on this by stating inform consent HRT saved my and many others lives."
"There's excellent catheter and surgical treatment for these patients, they all have very specific findings on physical exam and EKGs and echoes."
"What causes it, then you can kind of know how to treat it."
"PPis work better than H2 receptor blockers. Remember, PPis reduce acid."
"So those are the mainstays. Of course we have immunotherapy, or allergy shots, which have been around for over 100 years."
"You don't have to go in there and get a needle or anything or any kind of any no surgery you can just get that and a z-pack."
"None of it works until he goes and gets rid of the root canal and then he's back healthy again which is exactly what happened to me."
"It restores the lung's ability to neutralize the virus."
"Truvada offers us a game-changing way to do it."
"From the blood of recovered patients to help treat patients battling a current infection."
"Stroke requires emergency treatment like a heart attack."
"This drug dissolves blood clots, it's a clot buster, it's called tPA, tissue plasminogen activator."
"I know that people say a lot of very terrible things about antibiotics, about accutane, in particular, but as you can see, it's not that bad, medicine is here to help us, not to kill us."
"Avoiding trauma, maintaining communication, intermittent eating and drinking - benefits of non-invasive ventilation over traditional invasive methods."
"Patients who were treated early in their disease course within three days of being diagnosed with plasma containing high levels of antibodies benefited the most from treatment."
"Treatments can alleviate symptoms, but no cure yet."
"Should ketogenic metabolic therapy become the standard of care for glioblastoma?"
"Treat the virus in the viral phase and treat the immune system in the immune phase."
"Dexamethasone reduces mortality in patients on a ventilator."
"How about we start treating actual disease rather than risk factors?"
"I've had patients come in crying, saying this changed my life, do not take it away from me."
"If it is true that ivermectin, for example, is an effective treatment and an effective prophylaxis for COVID, then that should be tremendously good news from the point of view of ending lockdowns and getting back to economic normal."
"We're really so lucky that there is a procedure that can help Ethel."
"Surgery is the best chance for cure; quality of preoperative imaging is crucial."
"There's your evidence why muscle memory is a real thing and trt plus is a significant protocol."
"For him, this was what was deemed appropriate for his situation."
"Anticoagulant therapy mainly with low molecular weight heparin appears to be associated with better prognosis in severe COVID-19 patients meeting SIC criteria or with markedly elevated D-dimer."
"As long as there is a chance to save her life."
"Ketamine has the potential to revolutionize the management of suicide."
"This is a victory for trans youth who are entitled to get the treatment they need even if their parents disagree."
"It's what's going to matter the most is finding someone that's going to help apply treatment to them."
"Treat the wounded first, then worry about everything else."
"She had surgery done on both ears, and the results were immediate."
"Management of acute conditions may differ depending on what country you're in but essentially it's easily remembered as 'MON' - Morphine, Oxygen, Aspirin, Nitrates."
"If it works and I see even better results than PRP, to me it's worth it."
"Puberty blockers are basically a medication that says hey, let's just put a pause on puberty."
"Spironolactone interferes with that signaling and can result in slowing down the hair loss process and hair regrowth."
"Low-level laser therapy can lead to an improvement not only in hair thickness but hair density and get you hair regrowth."
"Oral contraceptive pills containing estrogen seem to be helpful in female pattern hair loss."
"The president received special antibody therapy yesterday evening."
"Puberty blockers are incredible in how effective they are at alleviating future medical and psychological problems."
"Leprosy is curable with antibiotics, and the treatment has been free since 1995."
"Cauterizing the wound was a good way to stop it."
"Certain medicines we already have like the hydroxychloroquine are effective in treating the virus but aren't being used because they're too cheap and not proper ments."
"We treat the patient's initial... with empirical antibiotics... cover the common causes of pneumonia."
"Antibiotics: You need to kill the invading pathogen."
"There's a chance here to treat every patient."
"I never thought I'd get to the point where I'd wake up, feeling normal again. But Helix gave that back to me."
"High dose of vitamin D2 for example 50,000 units a week for eight weeks and those with diabetes improve their passing blood sugar improve their insulin improve their insulin resistance markers after treatment with the vitamin D."
"By adjusting the type and location of the stimulation."
"If everything goes well, this could be available under emergency use."
"It's almost impossible to survive this, but hemadine and mayori do well."
"The treatment was more harmful than just letting things run their course."
"The medicine saved my life. Drug users are human beings and as a human being we deserve to live."
"It's just a tool in a fight against a super inflammatory disease."
"I do prescribe zinc because I know that does interfere with virus replication."
"Psychedelics are literally notorious for working."
"Aggressive fluid resuscitation is controversial and linked to worsening bleeding due to dilution."
"Levophed is becoming the first-line drug in treatment in different areas of shock."
"Ivermectin is a miracle drug for Hellman think and parasitic infections worldwide."
"A small percentage of people have side effects and I was really, really scared."
"Using this specifically I've been able to help, you know, to this day I have only had one patient I have able to help lose weight who has hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's using this sort of protocol that I'm talking to you about right now."
"We have extremely effective medications that are life-saving. This is a very treatable illness." - Laura Kehoe
"Metformin is probably the safest and... one of the most long-term efficacious drugs in the treatment of type 2 diabetes."
"Why are we still trying to say that you and me and everyone else we're all the same and we got to get the same medications and same dose? Everyone's looking for a magic pill."
"Puberty blockers have life-lasting effects that cannot be undone."
"If everything moves through as it's planned and children have to de-transition from their medical treatment."
"I genuinely believe if I did not get the treatments that I got, the 'kitchen sink' if you know what that is, monoclonal antibodies... pulled me out of everything."
"The brain is so fixable if we understand the insults."
"The vast majority of these people could get better."
"Puberty blockers are reversible and supported by medical standards."
"Those quick fixes in Medicine of which there are not so many are just super satisfying."
"Salt tabs are best reserved for patients with SAADH that cannot be easily fixed."
"In chronic fatiguing illnesses...a toxin can cause replacement or elimination."
"How you are prescribed and administered the medication is more important than which medication that you're receiving."
"The good news is that hormone replacement therapy has proven to improve thyroid function."
"Thyroid hormone replacement therapy is the gold standard for treatment."
"It's not just the specific symptoms you went in for; it's probably going to help in other areas of your life as well."
"He deserves a chance at least to make a switch to suboxone."
"The ketogenic diet is a 100 year old evidence-based treatment for epilepsy."
"Replacing with immunoglobulins can oftentimes help these patients."
"Our bodies often have this remarkable capacity to begin healing and much more quickly than we had once realized if we can treat the cause."
"I've seen my own patients several times over the sedative change their life and life-saving. So I don't think it's fair not to make this treatment available."
"Every case considered for medical treatment should be discussed at a national multidisciplinary team."
"COVID is not over because there's a lot of stuff still going on. Fauci's successor at the NIH pledged dangerous REM desimir drug as the silver bullet against COVID-19."
"If he behaved well, I'll give him an antidote every three months."
"What were the effective treatments around these days that address the biology of what we just learned about?"
"The truth of the matter is, there is no evidence to prove that unless you allow your child to go on blockers and hormones and undergo surgery that they are very likely to or will take their own lives by suicide."
"If you do get infected, particularly if you're higher risk, they have monoclonal antibody treatments that, if you get it early, the chance of you being hospitalized is very, very small."
"This drug slows it down, or even inhibits the damage that the amphetamine is doing to you."
"Interferon is the Cornerstone of getting rid of viruses from the body."
"Prescribed like a band-aid, not actually fixing these things."
"Paxlovid is usually only given to people who are high risk or elderly."
"Nothing they gave him actually works at all."
"Remember Laura Jane Mathias: multiple treatments over six months."
"Stopping the immune system destroying the thyroid gland is possible in 90% of cases."
"An 11 year old being on a medication that is completely reversible and improves their quality of life, you think that that is opening a doorway to pedophilia? Do you genuinely believe that?"
"Failure to treat early and aggressively might lead to irreversible loss of mental function."
"RhoGAM is an anti-Rh antibody that prevents damage to the baby's red blood cells."