
Societal Impact Quotes

There are 9205 quotes

"Bipolar disorder impacts about 1% of people, but if you think about a room of a hundred people, that means that at least one of them is very likely to have bipolar disorder."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think how we interpret the last few years is going to make a big difference in terms of how it impacts us."
"Reflecting on what a world without work looks like, we then have to figure out what to do not only with ourselves but with one another."
"The drug war is completely counterproductive; it's not helping in any way."
"If you want to know who a man is, give him either money or power. He either gonna change the world, or the world is gonna change him."
"I think the fate of empires rests in the education of youth."
"Humanity does not suck... Humanity is an amazing, amazing, amazing being when it's defined by its top."
"I would never give up having any of my children so I could have more money. They are amazing people and the world will benefit by having them in it."
"What kind of people do we want in the world that we're creating for the future?"
"My guess is once we crack the neural code, it will be as momentous for our society as the cracking of the genetic code."
"We are becoming sicker, fatter, more depressed, more infertile based on our food."
"This is affecting every single one of us, every one of our families, all of our children. It's a national crisis."
"Religious freedom allows each of us to decide for ourselves what we believe, how we live and act according to our faith and what God expects of us."
"We've got to change this world from the bottom up."
"It's incredibly damaging because there's some amount of friction that is incredibly healthy for the human mind."
"If we don't live speaking out, if we're constantly dropping our voices when we say the truth, we're done for."
"We all came out of the womb woke and knowing and understanding and being perfect and loving ourselves. You know, it’s the world that kind of takes that away from us."
"The demonization of any mental disorder is a negative thing, pushing those affected away from seeking treatment."
"Do I believe that societal beauty standards and lack of body diversity in entertainment can be toxic for anyone? Absolutely."
"It's not taking down the Internet; it's taking down everything... you need every day."
"Peace is not just the absence of war. It is the absence of internal conflict, and thus, the absence of external conflict."
"I'm anchored in something that started in heaven and my one assignment, you want to know what your purpose is, your one purpose is to make sure that heaven touches the hazardous."
"Relentless optimism breaks through the cracks of today's dark, pessimistic world."
"History shapes generations young, but then generations as they get older shape history."
"If things are relatively distributed in an egalitarian manner, the male on male crime, especially homicide, is low."
"At the very least, it would be worth having a conversation about, right? Like, hey, why do tens of millions of people...and then we have the studies, and they're all happier after."
"What harm are they doing by living their life as a woman who've medically transitioned? They're adults."
"He really tapped into a group that felt unheard and unseen."
"The technology impacts you. It could fundamentally change the nature of privacy in public space."
"Communications is the most powerful weapon ever invented, more powerful than nuclear weapons and the printing press."
"The oldest of Gen Alpha... will likely see a much bigger spike in mental illness than Gen Z, and at a much younger age."
"I've said for many years, social media is a net negative on our society."
"Some of these products can literally change the world, while some might even replace humans."
"We're being fed this narrative just to keep us clicking, just to keep us worried, just to keep us afraid."
"Policy matters because it affects our future."
"What does the most useful person look like? Well, who is everyone hoping they'll meet?"
"Let us dream that our children will grow up to be artists, musicians, writers, scientists, doctors, and engineers instead of fighting each other in wars."
"The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living."
"We started seeing the highest levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness in young people since records were kept."
"I think there is some light at the end of the tunnel at this point, but there's gonna be scars on families and on people's psyches, from just going through what they've gone through this year."
"People don't like to think about free will. It may be because it threatens their sense of agency and sovereignty."
"The danger isn't so much Birdie and others like her speaking without thought; the danger is when we as a collective mistake that speech without thought for the truth."
"Ethics is the great connector; just stopping and thinking about the consequences of what we say and do on someone else is already really huge."
"The vast majority of people are not doing that; they are sitting at home enjoying games and not bothering anybody."
"Religion does not poison everything. Everything poisons religion."
"Companies exist to make money, but we're seeing the long-term damaging impact of that ethos where no matter how much money you're making, it's never enough."
"The ability to communicate immediately and with as little friction between us the way that we currently can is under threat."
"What terrorism truly means is a desire and potentially the ability to disrupt the agenda of the powerful."
"Nothing less than a war for the control of our minds and our reality is taking place."
"Authenticity is needed in every expression in society because there's an authentic expression of who God made you to be that the world is aching for."
"If you don't fix inequality, the economy will get worse and worse."
"What's the point of dividing people? All it does is weaken them."
"Our society necessitates some level of ethical compromise for convenience, but it's about the impact and intention behind our choices."
"Consumer activism absolutely means much... it drives an unbelievable amount of our market."
"We always forget the silent victims of this, and students and young people have been the silent victims."
"We're all put here to do, in our own way, is to help other people."
"Those who advocate for lockdowns as a policy often ignore the quiet suffering of millions that it results in, which includes economic pain, loss of jobs that give meaning and pride in the face of uncertainty, the increase in suicide and suicidal ideation, and in general the fear and anger that arises from the powerlessness forced onto the populace."
"A good stable family is the most important thing for the individuals and for the wider society."
"If you want a sense of just how terrifying this technology could be if it becomes part of everyday life, just watch as a Russian TV presenter demonstrates an app called Find Face."
"This is a type of technology that has profound implications for the future of human society. And we need to have a real conversation about whether we can have it in our society at all."
"Having meaning and purpose in your life is a benefit as great as eliminating heart disease and cancer from the face of the earth."
"A good nonprofit should put itself out of business."
"Our goal should be let's see men get married and thrive as much as possible, and unfortunately, right now, with the type of ideals that are being pushed forward by Andrew Tate, this hyper-masculine view that is more likely to ruin that marriage in multiple different ways."
"Making waves and sparking debates across the country."
"The danger of restricting people's freedoms unnecessarily is more dangerous than the danger of not restricting them."
"The unintended price we're paying of this amazing level of connectedness is this fundamental decoupling from what's really important."
"The world needs shaking up all over the place, and individuals do."
"Freedom has two parts: freedom from - freedom from oppression, freedom from search and seizure; and freedom to - freedom to choose."
"Cultural norms... may produce people with the same genotypes yet forward rather different phenotypic expression."
"Vaccination status is a public health issue that affects people throughout society, it is not a hazard particular to the workplace."
"The future of the Internet is the future of everything."
"Economics is everywhere. Economics is why buildings go up; economics is why cookies cost $3.00."
"When the effects of your product are almost universally negative, it probably should not exist."
"The economy impacts our financial situations, our governments, retirements, environments, crime rates, and basically anything else that is going to make news headlines."
"This suggests that being black in America today is essentially like having a felony conviction in terms of one's chances of finding employment."
"When you get to broken women, broken society, it's not just broken women. It's broken men. It's broken people."
"Without the sense and awareness that people take for granted, AI can't make ethical judgments or know what's right or wrong in society."
"Overruling unnecessarily and under pressure would lead to condemnation, the court's loss of confidence in the judiciary, the ability to exercise the judicial power and to function as the supreme court of a nation dedicated to the rule of law."
"There's nothing fair about having people locked out of our state and having Melburnians locked into their homes."
"Intersectionality is about taking a look at all of those things holistically and saying you are affected by all of these systems, all of these conditions, all of these terms."
"Despite the societal impact of realizing we're not alone in the universe or the economic consequences of introducing free, limitless energy, we could be looking at a complete restructuring of power and wealth."
"This is exactly the moment where we now have to have a real conversation about regulation."
"Greatness is contributing your little bit to the world."
"I never would have guessed in 2012 that we would have such an amazing array of technologies and scientific innovations."
"This is also a story of, again, for better or worse, increasing societal impact."
"The culture, the society around us impacts so much of how we experience the world."
"Luxury beliefs are beliefs held by the upper classes that bestow status on them but incur costs on people of the lower class."
"Inequality is corrosive of a sense of commonality and common purpose."
"The pursuit of your career has actually contributed more to mankind in one way or another than just pumping out a few more children."
"The whole undertone of the message around Prince William and Catherine is that they want to do something that is sustainable, that's good, that is also good for the royal family."
"I just don't see how a gay marriage in any way damages a straight marriage."
"We're seeing a new species grow up around us and getting it right is the problem of the century."
"You are at the top...you are the one percent earner...you cannot use the excuse 'well, I live in a society'...you have so much money, do something with it."
"Even if you believe it's justified in this case, it sets a very bad precedent."
"In an interesting way, technology is humanizing us."
"As a public figure, your rhetoric spreads out and influences other people's perspectives."
"Free speech has absolutely no meaning, no worth, no utility, no value in a society where we do not hold people to account for vicious untruth."
"This is a true environmental disaster for the people living in Ohio."
"What if the AI is developing in ways that should be scary to us from a societal standpoint?"
"It's so easy to fall into a job just for the paycheck, but for us, we look for kindness as well as the desire to really create an impact on society."
"I think it's gonna destroy the entire world or just at least like, like people. I think are just gonna be messed up."
"Philanthropy is a hard topic; how do you think about that? If you care about the reality of goodness instead of the perception of it, philanthropy is extremely difficult."
"Philanthropy is not inherently bad; it's just dangerous and it potentially normalizes a lot of really destructive social tendencies."
"It's hard to believe what I have free on my phone today at that abundance, that technology isn't now just in our phones, it's moving to every part of society."
"The economy itself, its core system processes, internal logic, incentives, and so on, has become the greatest public health threat humanity has ever known."
"Sometimes it’s about helping in little moments that add up to big changes."
"Over the course of the 20th century, it's been fascinating to see how different societies have reacted to the massive changes that have come from the Industrial Revolution and the pain of the world wars."
"Let's talk about the writer's strike... it could have a massive consequence for our country."
"Pick your team, right or left, take the red pill or the blue. You can vote, but even if you win, still everyone will lose."
"When we lose our privacy, we gradually lose the ability to fully develop as humans outside of the public eye."
"If you call somebody unattractive, they take it as if you're saying you are worthless as a person, but that couldn't be further from the truth."
"We are looking for heroes, people who came and did the right thing and left."
"We see more and more people questioning the impact of social media on their mental health, well-being, labor, and leisure."
"Commodification is the transformation of goods, services, and ideas into objects of trade."
"The idea that capitalism, the economic system that dominates the world, makes us all rich or even content and able to pay the bills is a fairy tale worthy of Disney."
"This generation is going to be behind for their entire life if something doesn't happen to close the gap."
"Eugenics is a way of thinking that predates the existence of the word... it's the idea that you can shape or mold society for the better by selective breeding."
"When your leaders spout rubbish, people are going to follow."
"The nation is watching, and this will set a kind of road map or precedent for future cases."
"We can talk about facts and analysis, but how do we help the people?"
"Interventions focusing on the lower level of the pyramid tend to be more effective because they reach broader segments of society and require less individual effort."
"Make people rich and they become environmentalists."
"Powerful people do what's best for powerful people and seldomly is that what's best for the rest of us."
"What would happen if there were like a hundred thousand benevolent spiritual millionaires using their wealth to make massive and beautiful changes in the world?"
"Unfortunately, urban renewal didn't live up to its lofty idealistic goals. In reality, it was used as a means of slum clearance, in which entire historic neighborhoods were demolished in favor of wide arterial streets, parking lots, and modern interstates."
"The main thing that anything you get people to believe in has value. If they don't believe in it, then it's not valuable."
"God gave two analogies in Matthew chapter 5 verses 13 to 16 to talk about the special role of God's people and his church in society."
"Individual agency is largely dictated by the circumstances and options you have available to you."
"Blockchain technology... is probably going to change the real estate market, it's going to change the education system, it's going to change the medical system."
"Scarcely a day or night passed but some dismal thing happened."
"The commitments that we have to each other, the idea of medical ethics, has all been subordinated to a reckless top-down campaign."
"The program is working because of the 360,000 people that are now getting a proper legal status in the sense of humanitarian parole for two years with a financial sponsor in place, meaning no burden on the social programs of these states, and it's lowered the illegal activity by 44%. So, what's the harm? No harm, no standing, no standing, your case is dismissed."
"An elderly woman has chosen to die instead of face another lockdown, and it is one of the most horrifying stories I've ever read."
"When you start taking away rights that have been affirmed over and over and over, on this magnitude, I think it's important."
"Globalism is a sweeping force that has changed our markets and lives."
"Luxury beliefs idea I define as ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class while often inflicting costs on the lower social classes."
"The extraordinary multiplicity of human talent, most of which, in my experience, is lost."
"Vision is most valuable. Where there is no vision, the people perish."
"A man that breaks his woman is like a farmer that poisons his own soil."
"The quality of the woman directly informs the development of the family and the children."
"The best thing to do is to leave free speech alone as much as you possibly can, not because that will result in the perfect conditions for free speech but because anything else that you're likely to do is going to make it worse rather than better."
"Doing well by doing good businesses that wish to succeed now face a lot more pressure from the public to take an active role balancing profit with societal responsibility."
"Teaching and learning are fundamental to building a society that is passionate about lifelong learning."
"I see that everywhere happening in higher education at an increasing level. Why isn't that story being told?"
"The third thing I talk about is the fact that it was my responsibility to carry two weapons, a pistol and a rifle, an M4, which is not that different from an AR-15, on foreign soil...some weaponry simply does not belong on the streets of American neighborhoods in peacetime."
"The problem is that many of the foundational ideas that permeate this space can prime these boys and men for worse things later on in life."
"AI is coming for everybody, and the question I really wanted to ask is, is that a good thing? I'd argue not so much."
"We resisted calls for a lockdown of our society because of the profound damage it would cause, especially for the poor and the vulnerable."
"My goal was always to leave the world in some small way better than when I entered it."
"In an age of social media...I think social media has done more damage than good for human pair bonding."
"She brought us together in so many times of joy and sorrow; she was a figurehead for us all."
"When America is united on an issue, we have the capability to move heaven and earth."
"By and large, people are decent... if we live and let live, people are going to go off and do interesting things that are ultimately going to benefit themselves and then us."
"I think black excellence is worried about the status quo of where we stand as a society of black people and in his black creatives that actually keep shit moving in general."
"Men are more likely to become violent due to the ways they are educated and socialized, not because of some inherent tendency towards violence."
"Depression is one of the great diseases in our modern world. It causes a great deal of suffering, and many of us will meet depression either personally or in one of our loved ones in the course of our life."
"The addictions and the diseases and the mental illnesses that people develop are actually normal responses to an abnormal situation."
"Beauty benefits people. It allows you to move in the right social circles, which can have really important ramifications."
"The focus is on... individual change. Without individual change, social change is sort of irrelevant."
"Imagine the societal impact of realizing we're not alone in the universe."
"I'm trusting you because I know you and I'm not happy about the way this Ivermectin thing is playing out but do we need Brett Weinstein in the world? Hell yes, we need Brett Weinstein in the world."
"What will happen from then on? What will occur when we receive a signal and it is confirmed as extraterrestrial? How would that affect our lives, our priorities, our conception of the world, and our own identity?"
"The absence of bearings in the past mean that people are easier to manipulate."
"Poverty isn't just an inconvenience; it is a life destroyer."
"Changing your life and doing it at the micro level is kind of revolutionary because that's what matters to people."
"These kids have been confused, and is it a surprise that 40% of them feel this way when they get to be 30 years old?"
"You did contribute to this world; you did help the world keep moving."
"The real driver of addiction on the social level is dislocation."
"If we just started with metabolic health, we would change everything."
"You keep cleaning up after everyone, Batman. And how long before they erode themselves? The ones that don't hate you, they'll start to rely on you, depend on you."
"Nobody knows what's happening. A small group of people control access to all relevant information and the rest of us don't know."
"If you destroy privacy, you actually destroy humanity."
"It's definitely time we start facing some of these important questions before it happens."
"It's not surprising that there's data that suggests that for every ten people who get access to the internet, about one person gets lifted out of poverty."
"Socio-economics is directly tied to criminality."
"Educate a girl, and you educate her entire family."
"What does that world look like for us humans when our world all of a sudden becomes filled with artificial intelligence?"
"The most troubling thing are all the good people doing evil because they're ruled by bad ideas."
"Fear has been infectious in America... But I think courage can be contagious, too."
"In 1908, Henry Ford introduced the Model T, the first affordable car for the masses, which, for better or worse, changed the world."
"Inflation is extremely high and it's hurting the working people of this country badly. We are taking the only measures we have to bring inflation down."
"The fact that the words I've been speaking have had such a dramatic impact is an indication that young men are starving for this sort of message."
"Why would it be a story and not an ordeal, an experience, a trauma, our suffering, our history, our family? It's a story."
"The cost of a death of a single soldier is not just the cost of that single life; it's the resentment, the anger, the hate that reverberates."
"Misinformation can substantially impede the effectiveness of public health response measures, increase societal discord, reduce trust in governments, leaders, and responders, and increase stigmatization."
"Happiness is important, but much more important is making the world a better place in whatever way you can."
"I don't believe that death machines should be normalized."
"If you make guns harder to access, you limit the amounts a lot less young black men are going to die in these poor neighborhoods."
"The news affects almost everything in our lives, and what we hear and read shapes who we trust, what we eat, what we buy, how we vote, even how we think."
"Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) impact every aspect of our lives, shaping our understanding of the universe and driving innovation."
"The reality what's happened here across the board is that the people who are most hurt by this are the poor, the vulnerable, nay the marginalized."
"We're trying to do the right thing. But how do we know if we're actually reducing the net environmental impacts that our actions as individuals and as professionals and as a society are actually having on the natural environment?"
"The real scar of Chernobyl was the collapse in faith in the system."
"It's not about the poor guys; it's about what's gonna happen to the rest of society."
"Excessive secrecy will undermine our democracy."
"The only thing that I can draw a parallel to is Big Tobacco. Now that was, I believe, the largest settlement in history. This seems to be bigger because those were just smokers, this is everyone."
"Bitcoin is the great equalizer of society, taking away power from the bureaucrats and the government."
"You could get involved with new discoveries, pushing the margins of knowledge, actually helping to make change in terms of big health care problems."
"Racism is sapping the strength of the whole society through the waste of human resources."
"Television and movies play a much, much larger role in shaping our concerns, our attitudes, our behaviors than we think."