
Social Media Quotes

There are 34436 quotes

"Social bonds are vitally important to us as a species, whether or not they are at a distance over social media, whether or not they are in close proximity, actual physical contact."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The phone and perhaps social media as well are in some ways an extension of our brain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What I find so interesting about social media platforms like TikTok is that... it proves that their adherence or addiction to them just proves that this is tapping into some core neural circuit that exists in everyone."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Real life isn't happening on social media. There's a whole world out there which is happening offline."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Social media is a highlight reel, and everyone's pretending to be perfect, so I'm going to show my vulnerability."
"The best role models for women are not on social media and are not famous."
"Put your head on a diet. You have to limit how much social media you let into your life."
"What relationship do you actually want to have with technology and social media? What would be the best relationship lifestyle that you could have?"
"There's a time where it felt like we were all offering contributions of our creativity or self-expression to this platform and to this moment in time, that was the democratization of voice."
"The longer I am away from YouTube, the harder it is to come back."
"Hello everybody, hello Twitch, how you doing?"
"Most people are reasonable wherever you go, but in the social media age, it's no longer about what most people are like; it's about how much power do the extremists have."
"I think we can all agree that in this world, dominated by social media, it's pretty ironic that there are literally millions of people who are so desperate for connection, so desperate for love, and it's actually affecting their mental health quite a bit."
"I controlled the [expletive] out of my social media usage...I want to be really purposeful when I'm spending time on there."
"Everything in social media is algorithmically controlled... if they have enough oversight on what the algorithm recommends to have a warning but not take down the material, that's pretty indicative."
"The most valuable thing you can have in 2022 is a following."
"My value is not tied to the self-worth of how many followers I have."
"I was obsessed and two weeks later, I posted my first ever video to a little website called youtube.com."
"It's very hard to have nuance when you're using character-limited social media platforms."
"If you live for the internet, you'll die by social media."
"As a society, we're conditioned to think people are successful off of their bank account and their follower count versus their happiness count and their love count."
"If you think about how much time we waste on Facebook and silly things, deep intellectual thought is what's missing."
"Twitter is not real life, but it's also not real life. And it's important to remind yourself of the ways in which it's not true."
"Prior to social media, if you're going to get information, you're going to read a book, you're going to ask people, you're going to be in the community and learn from people around you."
"Don't use old pictures from 10 years ago if they don't represent how you currently look."
"My mission here on social media is to just bring positivity."
"If this is something that you want to do and you feel like it'll make you happy, go for it. If this is a dream of yours, then go for it. Start a YouTube channel, make a TikTok, go on Instagram Live and stream. Just do you, have fun with it, and it'll all work out."
"Nonetheless, new media, and especially social media, has surely changed the nature of parasocial relationships."
"Kevin, on your YouTube channel, my videos got more views than your videos on average. So, you're not really giving me clout."
"I love seeing when you all answer each other's questions, or you can make friends in the comments. That is what we are here for."
"You can tell social media that you're happy all day every day, but at the end of the day, if you're not, who are you really fooling? Let's just be real; let's be honest."
"I tweeted 'ban porn on Twitter.' I think that porn should be banned."
"When is the last time that you thought to yourself, 'I love TikTok, or Twitter, or Instagram,' and it loves me back? Yeah, me neither."
"Social media isn't just a solid way to waste time; it's a way to make new online-only friends or build communities."
"I always think it's crazy though when the copied video does better than the original video."
"The internet is really good at amplifying our insecurities because the human brain is not designed to deal with the internet."
"It's too easy, it's too convenient, it's too narrow, it's not broad. It's not relying on who you are as a person, it's relying on 7% of who you are."
"Drama, pain, suffering: three things that if you combine, what do you get? Well, the YouTube Community."
"This is a tale of expose, betrayal, infighting, war, lawsuits, and just in general, every little bad thing that you can possibly think of in a YouTube drama situation."
"Social media Communications is the most powerful weapon ever invented."
"Social media is literally addictive... it's giving them huge floods of serotonin and dopamine."
"Social media has allowed people to have access they never had before, making it seem like there's always something better out there."
"I'm not in it for social media fame, I just care about giving you guys good content."
"Stop letting social media set my pace...no one has ever been here before."
"Everything is based on likes, whatever you pay attention to, whatever you like, whatever you share, you have the power to elevate or to de-elevate it."
"A lot of people's ideal subscriber number is between 100k and a million because when you surpass a million subscribers you become a little bit more distant, a little bit too famous, and people start seeing you as a celebrity, not really a human."
"Reality TV's surveillance culture bleeds into social media and impacts our ability or inability to be authentic online."
"People would rather build platforms trying to tear down other people instead of actually trying to find something creative to talk about. It is absolutely mind-boggling to me."
"If you're not yet part of the Ian Nation, destroy that subscribe button for new videos every week because once we hit 10 million subscribers, I'm hosting the world's biggest Naruto run, and you're not gonna want to miss it."
"In fact, in a move that doesn’t at all scream desperation, US president Joe Biden has joined TikTok in a bid to reach younger voters."
"I've said for many years, social media is a net negative on our society."
"Despite US leaders saying TikTok is a cybersecurity risk, Vice says 'Banning TikTok Is Unconstitutional, Ludicrous, and a National Embarrassment.'"
"Support anyone that you can hear individually, whether it's just through a follow or whatever like those are great ways to support people."
"Every couple of years, they are replaced with new influencers, and this happens over and over again."
"Social media is devastating to people, and people need to go outside more."
"Social media and the internet are replete with those. That's not going to be a very potent protocol or tool."
"Maximizing engagement seems very innocuous at first, right? However, it is not."
"This thinking is so basic. Just because someone has a successful Instagram page, it doesn't give anyone the right to comment on her body or single her out."
"It's one of those documentaries that affirmed a lot of people's worst suspicions about the dangers of social media."
"The feeling you have when you use social media isn't that this thing is just a tool or it's on my side; it is an environment based on manipulation."
"We were really controlling the world's psychology because every single time people look at their phone, they are basically experiencing thoughts and scrolling through feeds and believing things about the world. This has become the primary meaning-making machine for the world."
"We're bringing this ancient brain hardware, the prefrontal cortex, which is what you use to do goal-directed action, self-control, willpower, holding back, against a supercomputer pointed at your brain that is predicting the perfect thing to show you next."
"Many of the executives at the social media tech companies don't let their own kids use social media."
"There's way too many people on Youtube who assume that their opinions are, A: useful, and B: desired."
"I tend to forget that I do have a bigger audience...and there are people that do want to hear my thoughts on what's going on."
"Congrats on a million. I remember you had 2,000 subs."
"The talk of the town, the talk of TikTok, the clips went viral."
"I'm going to try and stay out of trouble because I don't want to lose my Instagram. It's actually a really great platform."
"The motives you can't post on your story are the best. Those are the ones that matter."
"You are not your subscriber count. You are you."
"I'm a big fan of banning social media for kids, 18 and up only."
"He vowed to help her and took pictures of her, posted her pictures all over social media, and found her real family."
"This is probably my last video, thank you all for your support."
"Every time you see me being happy, that's just what I want to show you."
"The live ended, police and ambulances rushed to the scene."
"You don't have to go to college to be the social media intern."
"When people post negative things... the algorithms in social media, if you click on something negative, you're only going to get fed negativity."
"Twitter has long been the town hall of the internet where people from all walks of life congregate."
"If you're a child, there is no separation of church and state; your life is ultimately posted for the world to basically see."
"Children who are basically part of social media without their basic consent are at least given some protections."
"If you can't say it to me in the room, in front of me, and not be embarrassed by what you're saying, then maybe that's something you can post."
"We decided to talk about... let's really tell them what it's like being influencers."
"Social media is like a drug. It's like dopamine hit after dopamine hit of just like, I need more likes, more views. You just need more and more and more, and it's very toxic to the psyche."
"I've declared war on the destiny subreddit because I don't like the way it is run. It's turned into a hate subreddit against me at times."
"You're young, you're successful, you're wealthy, and you're tweeting at a girl who's taken."
"If you don't have a dog in your profile picture on Twitter, are you even trying?"
"The power of community and support on platforms like social media can be life-changing, offering a sense of belonging and encouragement."
"Enjoy your life, enjoy your platforms, live your best life."
"Your guys' comments underneath that video were so supportive and kind and wonderful. I didn't read one negative comment, which is pretty rare."
"The world of social media...the newspapers don't control the narrative anymore."
"You think you're above following my dog's Instagram where I type the captions as if he's talking in human English?"
"Reaction channels need it to exist. They get to report on how tall the fire gets when they pour fuel on it."
"Influencers can be a force for good and have in instances had a positive impact on their viewers."
"Instagram recently announced that it's going to restrict all teenagers from access to eating disorder material, suicidal ideation themed material, self-harm content, and that's fantastic."
"It's all about the hustle. Sites like TikTok have made it so you're always just one step away, one viral post from being an overnight sensation."
"As YouTube enters its 19th year and prepares to come of age, it’s ultimately the product of a site-wide identity crisis over what direction this strange social-media-platform-cum-streaming-service should go next."
"Many of these YouTubers are similar to celebrities in that they want to sell you that facade that they have a perfect life, a perfect face, and a perfect body naturally."
"Mixing searchable content with connection-building content is key to keeping your audience engaged."
"Stay off of social media...because social media tends to put you in a depressed mood."
"Self-esteem is called self-esteem, not social media esteem."
"Don't be a social media physician; don't base your idea of reality on what other people say."
"Mr Beast probably belongs at number one on the list."
"The whole point of social media in the early days was to augment our social interactions, to make it better, not replace them."
"Elon believes the tweets are in no way a violation of his agreement with the SEC."
"Trust in yourself a little and compartmentalize your own true views from the noises going on in social media."
"The emotional infrastructure of social media is affecting their souls and their emotional lives."
"The problem is is that Gabby apologized to Jessie for those tweets and that's how they became friends."
"We are a party that had very limited space in the print and even the electronic media... But then a new revolution took place, that's the social media."
"If it doesn't happen on social media, it's like it never happened."
"There's only so much someone can take, and for you to see yourself all over social media in a negative way, it did affect my mental health."
"Be sure to like, share, and subscribe, y'all."
"What Instagram does to young girls and to young women, I don't think we're going to see the full consequences for a while. We're going to see an absolute slew of girls who have a variety of body dysmorphia, anorexia, etc."
"The best thing about social media is the discussion it can create."
"Social media is also perhaps the best feedback tool in the world."
"Face tune has brought that same kind of concept to social media and it's become so mainstream that so many influencers and celebrities face tune their pictures online."
"Face tune is doing what Photoshop does; it is creating, exacerbating this problem of unattainable beauty standards."
"We look at these photos of people that we think are perfect and wishing that we looked like that, when half the time, it isn't even real."
"On October 30th, 2023, a force of unprecedented magnitude hit Atlanta, Georgia...it was TikTok's favorite food reviewer, Keith Lee."
"Instead of failing, they flourished, doubling their profits and amassing a giant following of 2.6 million followers online."
"Making a living as a content creator or social media influencer wasn't even something you could select like that wasn't even a career choice that was available."
"We live at a time when words are cheap; in an age of social media and identity politics, the temptation to reach for the most outrageous term to vilify and demonize has become for many irresistible."
"Hit that like button, hit the Subscribe button because yo, I would have never expected that to actually happen."
"Vine became one of the first video hosting platforms to find success comparable to that of YouTube, with their 6-second videos quickly shaping online culture."
"If you're struggling to stay consistent on social media, there's a really big chance that the reason for this is because of your workflow or lack thereof."
"I just created little clips... and it went from like 300k to now 2.1 million just on Instagram."
"It's very clear because when I go on your social media or when I google you, the content aligns with what you do."
"If you have something nice to say, just say it. You don't have to talk [ __ ] on social media."
"In this day and age, with access to social media and whatnot, it's given people a platform to express themselves, make cool content, and most importantly, get offended by things that are completely harmless for no reason at all."
"Twitter would not be Twitter without Black Twitter."
"Free speech until the FBI comes and sits in your office, Mr. Zuckerberg, and tells you what you can and cannot publish on your platform."
"This is like the deranged evolution of the Barbara Streisand effect."
"Seriously, I don't think I've ever had a video reach 5,000 likes that quickly."
"If you were getting bullied at school, you went home; it stopped. Now you go home, the cyber bullies just follow you home."
"If you want to compare yourself less, spend less time on social media."
"All I want you to do is click on the 'Subscribe' button. I love your support."
"Not only did this anonymous person receive no support here, hundreds of thousands of people on Tumblr are condemning them."
"If you had the experience of forming friendships online, you might have run across some people who you forged some lasting experiences with."
"The big social media platforms... don't want regulation. They don't want to be held responsible for all the harm they're causing."
"Make sure that everything you put out is conscious. It's not a reactive thing, not attacking anybody."
"Facebook is, for the lack of a better word, dying."
"Remember, YouTube basically hates its own creators and wants us to vanish into nothing, and only liking, sharing, and commenting on videos and subscribing to your favorite channels has any chance of saving them."
"The day he decided to buy Twitter and make it a free speech platform, he has been Public Enemy Number Two after former president Donald Trump."
"Most Millennials get their news from social media, and TikTok is the top news source for Gen Z, and increasingly, is the most popular news source for Americans overall."
"If I ran Nintendo today, I'd probably put out 5,000 pieces of creative content starring Zelda and Mario and build up the IP and make sure all those characters and all those visions would be winning on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube. I would just produce at scale. This has now become singularly a making game. Make. Make, make, make."
"Social media is kind of interesting because the people you follow it's like creating your own little city and so you get to choose what the citizens are and you should be very careful about who you put in your city."
"Don't believe everything you see on social media because even salt can be made to look like sugar."
"Over a million followers makes him over a million dollars, ten."
"These days, social media platforms are all homogenous... Flipnote Hatena was an example of a platform that had an identity, and something that stood for creativity above all else."
"As always, if you snap any pictures of the night sky then send them my way over on social media."
"The internet is kind of like the Fool's Gold of community: we sacrifice authentic connection for the scale of the response."
"I believe that there is a problem with the way social media companies boost ideas that get strong emotional reactions from people."
"What they're looking for is a sort of moment online... but for me, it's so much beyond that."
"I mean, like literally, it blew up overnight. We literally had like maybe 500,000 likes overnight."
"When you are watching this reading, it is very important that you are part of the community, that you are commenting, that you are engaging with the channel."
"In person is always ideal, but at the end of the day with social media, you're eventually going to want to FaceTime them, call them."
"You can kind of screen them before you actually go on a date."
"Social media changed forever the way that human beings interact."
"I'm leaving TikTok...this app is poisoning my brain."
"I'm really sorry, I can't do this anymore...this app is poisoning my brain."
"The best thing to do to your comment section is piss off both sides."
"Imagine... based on your Facebook patterns, it figures out that you're pre-diabetic."
"My hope is that we'll stop chasing algorithms, trends, and just feeding the content treadmill as quickly and as broadly as possible, and instead, we try to connect as we always have, on a human level."
"I'm open, I'm grateful. Thank you guys so much for watching. I will see you guys in the next one and TTYL."
"Matthew Lany emerged as a prominent figure, presenting himself as a beacon of medical expertise on TikTok."
"How does it make you feel to know that you're part of some folks' weekend routines? Blessed, it's really incredible."
"Those people who quit [social media] for a month were happier, less anxious, less depressed, less sad. So in every measure, they were in a better state."
"Basically that post I made on here about you, that was a suicide note. I'm planning to die today. This is not a joke. You'll probably hear about me on the news after I die. This is my last goodbye. I love you. See you again in another life."
"Justin Timberlake tweeted back at me like nice dance moves, Gro, and I was like I made it in life."
"I was about to give up... but the next day I got 10,000 subscribers in a day."
"It's never too late to grow as a person, and YouTube is a weird place. Making videos is weird."
"For the love of God, please take 'MILF' out of your bio. You're 13 years old."
"This generation's relationship to their own civilization is broadcasted in a way totally different from earlier generations who didn't have access to thousands, if not millions of people, at the tap of a finger."
"Young girls are seeing the Kardashians, the Bad Babies, and Malu Travajos of the world, all of whom rack up hundreds of thousands to millions of likes, and they see that as what's desired on social media."
"The richest people in the world don't use social media for fun; they use it for market research."
"Such an Instagram reels, but that is beautiful."
"Using emojis in my titles... those videos had better click-through rates."
"Social media... you can kind of like access the people on your own."
"Naturally, I did what any level-headed person would do in that moment and ran to Twitter."
"We may never financially recover from this video."
"We see more and more people questioning the impact of social media on their mental health, well-being, labor, and leisure."
"Young people stopped living their lives and started watching other people live their lives."
"Turn off social media that only amplifies and encourages division through calculated algorithms."
"What we can learn from this SEC pamphlet here is that hyping a stock using social media is a classic characteristic of a pump and dump."
"Moderation on social media platforms is never going to be perfectly consistent."
"I think being deplatformed is good... Tate's like a monstrously bad human being on almost every level."
"If you've been watching what's going on with social media, you might be thinking to yourself, should those people have my data? The answer is of course those people should not have your data."
"I just start going like crazy viral...and it's like my dream come true. I always knew I had magic, and now I'm hearing things like 'you're a legend' and 'you helped me out so much.'"
"The network effect is why social media is so powerful. It's the same with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, but now you can be the beneficiary of it."
"We are going to allow one subscriber to come and run Yes Theory for 48 hours."
"Competition comes from nowhere... none of us were talking about TikTok three years ago."
"Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." - Mike Tyson
"This time, instead of toxic fandom, it's about the phenomenon of Reddit detectives who try to solve crimes on their own and usually just end up making things worse."
"Essentially, it is warning about the dangers of social media, and we have a lot of former Silicon Valley tech bros telling us that the beautiful creations they made have turned into monsters that are out of control."
"This has got 20,000 likes already on this YouTube video only. That's pretty cool."
"One of my New Year's resolutions is to spend less time on social media."
"You combine social media with war propaganda, you're in a whole different environment."
"We all been there before. I'm happy that Twitter page, Down Bad Patrol, really gave me PTSD."
"Algorithms on social media tend to amplify things that are divisive, things that are angry, because they get more what they call engagement, and that's how the companies make more money."
"Welcome everyone, my name is Shawn, and today we're going to talk about this viral video that people are going absolutely crazy about on twitter.com, or X, if you want to call it that."
"The second issue is social comparison, so it's just not healthy for us to constantly be looking at these carefully curated positive portrayals of everyone's life. That's not we're not wired for it, and so that also makes us less happy."