
Emotional Understanding Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Empathy is the ability to feel, or at least think we feel what others feel."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Express for yourself, understand how you feel, embrace your emotions."
"We don't know what other people feel. In fact, most of the time, we don't even really know how we feel."
"Feeling shame does not mean you are shameful."
"People in general just want to be seen, understood, heard."
"Emotional intelligence allows us to think deeper about what sadness means. Does it mean that you're frustrated? Does it mean that you're angry? Does it mean that you're truly mourning something?"
"I've never understood what you guys have gone through until this moment."
"Pain is what makes us understand each other, as pain is a feeling we all share."
"There's a lot of guilt here. They feel bad because they do understand that you deserve a lot more."
"We don't get taught what the relationship between our mission in life a calling in life our emotions and our mindset we don't get taught that but I think that's really like basic stuff that everyone needs to understand."
"I think it's really complicated... But there's a difference between shame and guilty shame is I am a mistake and guilt is I made a mistake."
"This month is about finally understanding why I feel the way I feel, why I react the way I react."
"There's a difference between love and acceptance."
"Recognizing the difference between comfort and happiness is important."
"Guilt is I made a mistake, shame is I am a mistake."
"Empathy-free: They don’t emotionally understand how other people feel, due to being effectively 'empathy-free'."
"Sympathy refers to seeing feelings in another person, recognizing those feelings because you have also experienced them."
"Empathy means caring about your partner's feelings, not just defending your own."
"Grief changes shape, but it never ends. People have a misconception that you can deal with it and say, 'It's gone, and I'm better'. They're wrong. When the people you love are gone, you're alone."
"When you understand that deep sadness and he has this role, everything he does starts to pile up on top of that and make sense."
"Let's get to the emotions behind these things and these words and what these words really mean."
"Give yourself time to understand your feelings deeper."
"Understanding the difference between pleasure and happiness is crucial."
"Sympathy is saying I saw you hurt; empathy is saying I hurt with you."
"Jealousy, all it really is is fear, it's a fear-based emotion, it's insecurity."
"I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do."
"Illuminate where you are in love and why and how you feel about it."
"With a psychopath I would argue that emotion is like being colorblind for them."
"Anger is a secondary emotion; get to the root of it."
"Depression isn't just a clinical disease, it's also an emotion people can feel."
"Your person loves you but feels like you're bailing, not acknowledging pain or heartbreak."
"Neutrality is love, but not a tool to dismiss other people's suffering or to spiritually bypass our own experiences."
"Let yourself feel anxious. Don't try to make it go away; try to understand where it's coming from."
"We can't ever really feel loved unless we feel known."
"I have to remember, hurt people hurt people."
"All he wanted was to be loved. That's the only thing people don't get."
"I just wish I knew what was going on inside of him, what was being touched at that moment for Ash."
"I thought about that phrase 'in love' and considered what it meant to be in the feeling."
"You seem to know that you can expect at least that and start building up a working base with your person."
"There's a difference between knowing something, like intellectually, and KNOWING something, emotionally."
"Labels are for helping you to understand your feelings."
"I feel like there's this energy here of this person you being with them in a relationship at some point, I get that heavily."
"Their intent and their emotion, even if you don't get it."
"I understand her. She felt perfectly. I felt the same."
"Empathy isn't just feeling, it's caring about the other person's feelings."
"Shout out to Kobe, absolute legend, rest in peace."
"Love is acceptance... a complete acceptance of self."
"It's about connecting the feelings to the person rather than the name they have."
"It is okay not to have the right answer, but to just feel and to be."
"That's the definition of unconditional love bro."
"It's amazing how so many people can confuse pride for love, and it's like the stronger our pride is, it's often a lot more proof of the love."
"Discouragement is not an object, it's a feeling of losing hope, confidence, and courage."
"I understand why you feel upset, I understand why you felt abandoned, I understand why you felt betrayed."
"Once we let go of the meaning we've assigned to it and the fears, we pass into the core of the issue."
"There is no way that you can't at least understand the emotion behind wanting to kill somebody like that."
"Empathy is when you can understand and tap into someone else's emotions or thoughts."
"I'm not here to tell you what to feel, I'm not even quite here to tell you what to think, but I am here to explore with you what it is you think and what you might yet think that you don't and how to make sense of the things that you feel."
"Tiredness is an emotion, and that may sound kind of weird, but remember that emotions are not just psychological things; they're physiologic things too."
"I just want to know why so I can move on in this weird new world, some closure you know."
"Empathy is a major component that sometimes comes from suffering."
"Women are [ __ ] with feelings, so you put more towards it."
"Sad anger is a secondary emotion to being sad, you know, like people that are angry, they're typically always sad first, you know, so it's okay."
"The basis of anger is fear. Whenever you are angry, there is a seed of fear within you regarding that situation."
"This is a chance to look at what we've come to understand in matters of heart."
"You feel finally understood... a good thing."
"I understand why you feel that way, and I think it's okay for you to feel the way you feel."
"He loved the idea of you, he didn't love you."
"I'm never upset for the reason I think I am."
"Anxiety is not the enemy, it's a trusted friend."
"Emotions are energy in motion; trust that feeling, meditate on it, understand where it's coming from."
"Fear is an emotion that comes from understanding."
"I love you... you're the only one who understands me at such a deep level."
"Listening with your heart, this is about finding answers, direction from within."
"If you want to understand women and have healthy relationships, you need to be comfortable with your own emotions."
"I approached romance under the blanket term thought of 'sure, why not' and didn't recognize it was actually a feeling."
"It's a really scary feeling I hope that makes sense as to why I'm so upset about it I have this fear of like people belittling the situation and not really seeing it from my point of view."
"Grief is about love. If you haven't loved then you cannot grieve."
"Give your partner permission to have needs you don't understand."
"Empathy being able to sense what other people are feeling and to use that to have effective relationships."
"Sometimes we can project emotions onto other people."
"Radical acceptance right? No more surprise, you know what you're dealing with. You do have to understand that grief is always going to be a fellow traveler."
"You think you've proved my love's just selfishness in disguise, don't you?"
"Self-awareness is the bridge between chaos and clarity; understanding your emotions in the midst of PMDD is a game-changer."
"I'm happy to be here for you, whether you're in Peoria or New York. Because I know you feel the sadness behind the happiness too."
"So many people with Asperger's syndrome and high functioning autism have this condition called alexithymia, which I simply refer to as emotional blindness."
"People are seldom angry for the reason they think, and they are never angry for the reason they say."
"It's one thing to be loved, but to be understood is profound."
"The genesis of anger is going to be fear."
"Being there to emotionally understand and support your partner that it's not going to be easy is really important."
"We're here to help you understand your emotions better, learn how to stay calm in tricky situations, find peace through mindfulness, and discover the joy of living in the now."
"You're meant to develop a deep understanding of your feelings and of those of other people."
"Effective validation can come only after we've connected with the other person and are able to understand, at least to some extent, what they are feeling."
"I know how you feel because I felt the same."
"Ever wondered if anyone knows how you feel? They do."
"I'm so sorry that happened, how did that feel?"
"I really do enjoy your coming on the weekends... but I need for you to understand what I'm feeling during the week."
"I was able to understand what you and everyone else have been telling me, not with my head but with my heart."
"Empathy is supposed to mean that you feel what another person feels because you've had a similar experience."
"All that matters is that you understand why you feel the way you feel and then find a way to move forward."
"It's important to learn from that and recognize where these feelings and behaviors are coming from."