
Biological Processes Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Everything in biology is a process, it's not an event."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"So rather than acting like an on-off switch, think of the variation in levels like a slider with small adjustments constantly working to fine tune testosterone levels and keep reproductive drive highest in individuals whose brains see indicators of high performance."
"Our body has a natural circadian rhythm...All life on this planet has a circadian rhythm."
"Evolution is purposeless, it's foresightless, it's extremely costly...and it's slow. Intelligent design is purposeful, somewhat foresighted, governed by cost considerations, and usually relatively fast."
"Evolution is cleverer than you are. It turns out that we can now harness evolution to do a lot of the design work for us."
"Autophagy is a means of adaptation to stress and a technique of the cell to avoid cell death."
"Virus's entire jam is invading cells and twisting them for our own uses before moving on to another cell and doing the same thing."
"Ketosis is achieved through the restriction of carbohydrate, not the elevation of dietary fat."
"Think of autophagy as cellular recycling, making every resource precious."
"The relative rates of fat storage and fat burning determine the net fat loss."
"Cordyceps isn't evil, it's just doing its natural thing."
"At this level of complexity, not only does the organism gather information and use it to influence the future, but it can take notice of itself doing this. What a concept!"
"So conversion from beta-carotene to retinol there are four main things that slow down the conversion um or reduce it."
"Juice secretion... How can you digest food like that?"
"The ability for your liver to produce energy is amazing."
"Death is a termination of our physical bodies. Our hearts stop beating, our neurons cease firing, and we take one last breath."
"None of this stuff is a magic pill, it's just how the body works."
"So plants are constantly bombarded with mildews and bulls and they were just get all yucky because the molds would take over but they can use oxalic acid to create peroxide and beat back the mold so I think that's kind of cool that's kind of cool."
"From one cancer cell to a tumor takes ten years."
"See, the third and final stage of the worms’ life needs to happen inside the body of a bird or mammal, and to get there, they need to get eaten."
"If this is not present... transmission is blocked."
"Your body has used up its energy stores of carbohydrates and fats."
"The body will turn and eat the tumor cells as part of the fuel."
"More testosterone means more DHT stimulating your facial hair growth..."
"Your body has a switch to determine if food is coming in."
"The Hallmarks of Aging: deregulated nutrient sensing, telomere shortening, senescent cells, mitochondrial dysfunction, damaged proteins, DNA damage, stem cell exhaustion, inflammation, and epigenetic changes."
"Autophagy is going to keep you young, healthy, and energetic."
"So yeah, I mean that's where I am on my journey I'm sure it will change with time I'm sure when I go through menopause eventually it will also change because then my ovaries will stop you know delivering packages."
"The blood uses negative space which exists between the molecules, providing an influx of energy."
"And you've got yourself effectively a NASA for half the price."
"In a case where we have all three of those present, it does show signs of your aquarium is not adequately processing stuff from ammonia all the way into nitrates."
"Sleep is active, not passive. There's a sleep pressure that pushes you into deep delta waves."
"It sounds so simple but when you understand the biology of the problem it's not that complicated it's just that no one is doing this."
"Inflammation is how the body heals itself, it's vital."
"Fasting for a prolonged period of time activates a process called autophagy... your body starts to break itself down."
"It's involved in four different steps in the krebs cycle in the mitochondria."
"There's a series of chemical events which eventually send the signal to your brain."
"The dance of glucose and insulin: a metabolic ballet."
"Depolarization excites the neuron, making it more likely to fire, while hyperpolarization inhibits the neuron, making it less likely to fire."
"Sleep is regulated homeostatically, meaning just that there's a drive for sleep."
"What did vitamin D do it made more calcium channel proteins so then what do we do we absorb more calcium."
"Corals rely on water currents to bring food and essential elements required for biologically critical processes."
"The cell membrane maintains a negative potential, which is crucial for processes like muscle contraction and the firing of action potentials."
"This bottleneck layer seems to learn something about this biological process."
"Insulin helps facilitate the uptake of amino acids into the muscle cells which is going to help support muscle recovery and growth."
"Drink water, because what you do is you drink water and then as you drink the water, some of that water gets converted into easy water."
"While the frog is frozen, its cells stop communicating but they continue functioning individually thanks to a syrupy anti-freeze in their blood made from glucose and glycogen."
"If you have a lot of unspliced reads and a low amount of spliced reads, that means a gene is likely being turned on."
"We are taking a radioactive isotope and attaching it to a compound of interest to try and image a particular biological process."
"Electrogenic pumps create electrochemical gradients."
"The ones that survive form these sludges in the bottom of the dish or the pool, and that sludge is a combinatorial unit that we believe is the path to the progenote."
"Most of evolution does not occur by reinventing the wheel."
"Evolutionary processes are complex; they're not stationary. Evolution does not proceed in all parts of the tree and on through all times in the same way."
"Metabolism is the sum total of the chemical processes that occur in a living organism that result in growth, production of energy, and elimination of waste materials."
"Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological processes by which an organism uses food to support its life."
"Cells began multiplying at a rate of four thousand cells per second; brain cells begin multiplying at a rate of a hundred thousand cells per second."
"Soil organisms carry out biological processes critical to ecosystem function."
"The only difference between microevolution and macroevolution is time."
"Metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions that happen in your organism."
"I was mesmerized by the science, the intricacies of the way that our metabolism works."