
Bonding Quotes

There are 5180 quotes

"When your bodies feel the same, you tend to feel more bonded to somebody else."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Hard times can destabilize relationships, but actually, they can also bring people closer together."
"It's tragic because a lot of people die, and it's beautiful because you form bonds with people that are very difficult to break."
"I prefer when they get together afterwards and groom each other."
"This is going to be tough, you guys, but I think we're going to all bond by the end of this."
"Uno was actually the first game I played ever... and it kind of solidified our bond."
"Ash learned a lot about what it takes to be a Pokémon Master, what real training and bonding with your Pokémon mean."
"If you are in the right relationship, it actually bonds you. You realize that this is something that is bigger than you."
"The first skin to skin with Dad, this is cute."
"This was a study by a man named Harry Harlow which transformed-- began to get people to think utterly differently about the nature of bonding."
"Humans have an innate primal need to bond, and when they're unable to bond with other people, they'll bond with anything that's available."
"I really do love the attractiveness feature... It gives you a way to kind of bond with another Sim versus the standard, just randomly sending an open-air text that doesn't really have any context."
"In the summer before I went off to university, my mom and I decided to go on a trip together, just the two of us."
"If your friend held your hair while you were throwing up in the bathroom on a night out, wasted out of your mind, and managed to shuffle you home safely to your bed, that's a deep bonding moment."
"Sea otters hold hands so they don't drift apart while sleeping."
"Play some Switch with your daughter, Camilla. She'd love it, and you'd enjoy it far more than you think you would."
"The albatross courtship involves an intricate dance, strengthening lifelong bonds and facilitating successful reproduction."
"Sometimes when I go home, I will pick up the violin with my dad, and we'll play a duet together. That's something I really like doing."
"It's rare to find people you can really bond with like that."
"The harder things that you go through, the tighter the bond is going to be."
"River found his way into my heart very quickly."
"We were already bonded by brothers, but now we're friends for life."
"The most unlikely friendships can form... they create a tight bond. New friends are coming into your life."
"We simplify our day... everything's about being together as a family and bonding as a family."
"In many ways, those five people became family to me for that year and a half of my life."
"The coolest part is it brings people together... We go land there and we go out alone on jet skis at night, go night diving, catch some fish, we go back and cook it. We're boys."
"Ultimately, they hope to connect with nature and find a like-minded community, bonding with strangers over similar values and experiences."
"Music is something that bonds people together quickly, regardless of their social roles or pre-existing relationships."
"Historically speaking, sex has always been a bit of a glue, a sacred glue that's meant to bond partners."
"The first step in bonding your rabbits is to have all the rabbits spayed and neutered."
"A good way to set up a bond for success is to take your rabbit to a local shelter and do something called bunny dating."
"What better than seeing a dog that's had a poor start in life forming a new bond, a new relationship with its new owner, and doing something which it obviously absolutely loves?"
"Figure out where your differences are, and that way you guys can heal that and create a deeper bond."
"Use an IPA or isopropyl alcohol solution... to help promote a better bonding of your glass sealant."
"It made our relationship stronger. We're able to talk about stuff that we weren't able to talk about before."
"What a day, what an experience to do with your siblings, your best friend."
"A family that trips together stays together. It's a great bonding experience."
"They can bond with Pikachu's ketchup; two great classics."
"I stayed up a little bit late watching The Office with T. He was so excited; he's like, 'Mom, Jim proposed to Pam,' and I'm like, 'You're adorable.'"
"Caregiving is noble but also very beautiful in the sense that you're bonding with a person in a way unlike any other healthcare professionals can."
"It's one of the best bonding experiences me and my wife have playing this particular game."
"People adopted this wombat two years prior when its mother was hit by a car, and now they are so inseparable that it doesn’t even mind playing a game with its owner."
"They're just hugging it out; they're just the best of friends. I'm surprised. I'm actually shocked."
"Self-care Sundays... we do like face masks together, sugar scrubs together. It's amazing."
"My relationship with my kids, our bonds will never be the same because of the time we spent."
"The love you feel for your child, the moment they're born, the moment they're put on your chest, the first time you hold them, is something that is better than anything else."
"The strongest bonds between us were formed just sitting around and listening to music together."
"The more sex a couple has with each other, the more oxytocin is released, and the deeper their bond becomes."
"Cook with your family, cook with your children. That's what's made today special."
"Spending time alone with your son is a treasured experience."
"Having Mila made us closer to her and closer to each other because now you understand things a little bit differently as moms."
"It's not even about overcoming the fears as a child; it's about bonding with said child, telling this story to make them feel better."
"Read to the baby before you have the baby. The baby listens to your voice and you know, it's incredibly important."
"Teaching tricks is a fabulous way to build a bond with your dog and to build communication with them."
"It's crazy how fast it feels like family with the people in this camp."
"You share a soul connection; trust in the strength of your bond."
"It's important to find... games that they like and play with their kids. I think it can be a wonderful experience."
"She explained that near the end of their fierce battle, the bond was born."
"These games excel in the core aspects that make Pokemon great to me: interacting with Pokemon, bonding with them, and becoming the best Pokemon trainer."
"It was the growing and finding truth together that bonded us together right, not being atheists, yeah."
"I have so many answers you do mm-hmm which is good yeah yeah as long as we're in this relationship."
"Nothing brings friends together like a good meal."
"It was fun though. It was part of our bonding." - Cristine
"Shared suffering binds good friendships together."
"When you're not returning home to your family, you got to go to the hotel, or wherever y'all at, and it ain't... it's us."
"It really broke us mentally, you know? But I feel like that brought us closer together."
"A couple that laughs together stays together."
"We are very, very, very, very close friends. This level is the reason Jacob and I became friends."
"She's the glue which actually holds the group together, the deeper feelings that make a hobby worthwhile."
"Nancy loved being a mom and she took Juliana everywhere with her on her travels all over the world."
"You guys mirror each other in this special connection."
"After his initial shyness, Goten and Goku bonded, the years of not knowing each other disappearing just like that."
"You guys have this very special bond that is just always going to be there."
"They have things only close friends would have, like their own handshake."
"Every single night you would have that, and it was really nice to see over the first week the progression of our group and like bonding."
"This person wants to create a relationship with you, they want to have a really loving strong bond with you."
"If you've never been camping you don't understand how good of a vibe moments like this are in the wilderness with a friend or family member and some beers reminiscing about good times and vibing to music."
"Family, if you want to cry and smile at the same time."
"I love Remy like Remy and I have a bond, I love her to death, yeah, but it's like day two she's like 'I don't want to be here anymore' and I'm like 'No one wants to be here anymore Remy.'"
"She changed my whole life. I did a complete 360 when I had her. We just had this bond that was like unbreakable."
"You guys are ready to enjoy each other's company and really get on a good level with each other."
"A family that plays together stays together."
"Loss is actually what binds them together as found family."
"If you never communicate with someone, there's no way you're going to have a strong bond with that person."
"It's those moments, the difficult ones, that bond you 10x."
"Drake and Sophie bro's relationship may have been brief yet it has eternally bound them through their son Adonis."
"Playing with your spouse is considered an act of worship."
"Did we just become best friends? Yep. Do you want to go do karate in the garage? Yup."
"I wonder if they've come to associate my scent and close proximity with feeding time!"
"This baby anteater, as soon as I met her, she came right up to me, she was like living in a village like under the floorboards, like next to the dogs and the chickens and stuff, she had no mother."
"It's a really fun thing to do together actually."
"A true relationship is built through shared vulnerability."
"Thank you so much for your support... This is our Sunday morning routine together and I love it."
"They're going to stick around, they're going to form a bond with you."
"Shared interests and passions create intellectual stimulation and bonding. Explore activities together that you both enjoy."
"Facing challenges together strengthens the bond between trainer and Pokémon."
"Stories of capturing Pokémon create bonds between trainers."
"This outdoor exterior adhesive bonds the wood together and actually helps make a good bond with the joists underneath."
"We're like a family there. Like, we do everything together. We eat together, we get high together."
"The worst times can be the best bonding experiences."
"Things like that, the worst times can be the best bonding experiences."
"The bond, the love is so important in that partnership."
"I've definitely connected with this and the animals so trusting of me."
"I'm gonna miss them but I know that as much as I missed exactly right I like the bond that we've created you know of this short amount of time yeah I feel like the rest of my life yeah dude."
"Going through these experiences together can really build a bond that can last a lifetime."
"Before sex like everyone's putting on a front you know like putting on an act but after sex like that front goes away and that's when the real bonding begins."
"I love subspace emissary, me and Chris have great memories playing this when we were kids."
"The moment you press them face to face they're bonded together just from the attractive forces of the copper atoms alone."
"There's something about camaraderie off the field that brings everything together."
"What made me fall in love was that when my son woke up, he wanted me to sleep with him."
"The best moment when they lay on your chest and try to open their eye to look up at you."
"Having Chef bring us together is something special. The brothers need to be bonded."
"All right, let's start that today. While you still have each other on this earth."
"You're bonded with it... when you laugh with characters... you're bonded to that more honest."
"This whole process has been emotional, and that's why I call it family."
"Moose and Juniper have become completely inseparable."
"Part of the goal of this trip is to put away meat for the winter... but just being out in the wilderness experiencing it with my son is more than enough satisfaction to me."
"Your relationship with your crush has grown. You can now start stargazing with your crush."
"Embrace to surprise disorder but we do it together, and it makes a bond that is virtually unbreakable."
"She was just the glue binding the whole family together."
"I really do think we wouldn't be as good as friends now if we didn't do that Genesis trip."
"It's not just the vehicle, it's the bond you get together."
"Sex is important, it is something that's gonna keep you together, it is something that you need to have."
"The purpose of hazing was not to humiliate but to build a bond of friendship."
"Establish a strong bond with you, maybe a strong friendship with you first above anything."
"When dogs and humans make eye contact, it releases oxytocin in both."
"Dogs are essentially hugging you with their eyes."
"We planned a whole trip while we were laying in bed hurting from surgery."
"That built like a really strong bond early on."
"It's happening! Put Olive on the dang camera because she is cute. This is the longest she's been in my lap in a long time. She's so cute, she's getting used to it, and purring, might I add."
"We're all circles... let's all bond together and be circles."
"If you approach it right, giving a dog a bath can be a fantastic way to build trust with them."
"I'm kind of scared. Like, she's literally glued."
"You can bond to people over pretty much anything."
"Shared experience they were going through this together."
"I loved every second of that, not to mention we found Goose love, and that's a beautiful thing."
"I wouldn't have believed you but I can tell the bond between yourself and this Viking is strong."
"I will tell you going through that experience made our relationship probably the strongest it's ever been."
"You can't go hold a puppy and not leave that experience feeling like you have to have the puppy."
"Listen, everything that makes board games great, these social dramatic experiences that you can bond over with your friends and family at your table, is amplified when you play team games."
"He was the type of person where you knew him for six months and you felt like you knew him your entire lifetime."
"Road trip! We're gonna be eating, sleeping, never leaving each other's side. It's gonna be crazy!"
"We would do everything like, I'd be doing her hair, we'd be baking pies, do a hand game, playing double dutch. 'Girl, whatchu talking 'bout? Michelle? Just drinking Chardonnay.'"
"It's that special bond, you can't replace it."
"Our relationship has definitely brought us closer together."
"Our family is different than your family but find what it is that your family can do together in that way."
"Bond over vulnerability, bond over ambition."
"I think you're in for a really beautiful week with this person, a real bonding week."
"I think dad's off to an excellent start and he just needs to honor that playtime so that he can bond with the boys."
"It's an experience. It's not driving around, it's like a good bonding fun unique experience."
"Meditating together, holding each other, it's nice."
"You desire to have deep bonds out of your relationships. You're not interested in surface-level connections."
"Once you guys reach that point where you're bonded, it's going to be a lot of fun, there's going to be so much fun, a lot of carefree spontaneous energy."
"Traditions forever connect us because traditions are what binds us together as a family."
"And there is no Greater Joy than when you do something weird with your kids and then they do it right along."
"It's like life, you know? If you just play fair and square, that would've actually been the best option."
"She wanted to learn how to play Valor with me and I was like okay I'll buy you a gaming PC that's so nice that's such a wholesome moment."
"Family, best friends, brothers. Hey CJ, should we like, um, get the sock monkey and like summon that up and like do some video ritual in a sock monkey?"
"There's really nothing like laughing with someone when you get a joke with someone."
"I think you guys have created a little family and a little bond, and I think that's really, really incredible."
"We all feel the same way about the same things. It's a great way to bond, a great way to unite, commune with each other."
"Shows that you watch and enjoy with your parents are really special."
"The Kazakh Eagle Hunters have a distinctive bond with their eagles and traditional horsemanship."
"We had time to do things like that, just me and my dad."
"Oxytocin, the so-called cuddle hormone, helps cement bonds between people."
"Our issues were never like you know what I mean this just kind of brought us closer."
"The bond between a girl and her unicorn is sacred and can never be broken."
"Let's sew ourselves together, then we can hug forever."
"Especially the relationship I have with my brother...constantly trying to make each other laugh."
"If you're able to overcome a hurdle as a group or in a partnership right it often brings you closer together."
"The bond it creates is just insane, and there's other ways to bond, obviously."
"When you win a Super Bowl, that's another special bond."
"Those are the moments I'm gonna count like those are the moments that I am so looking forward to. I cannot wait to have like one-on-one time baby and me."
"Flynn sat in my lap the whole time watching you, it was mind-blowing!"
"Now go outside with your friends, family... and look up into the sky together."
"This is really special family time and we are gonna come out of it."
"I handed her a bottle, and she cradled my daughter in her arms as she swayed back and forth, singing sweet lullabies."
"Mum's beginning to realize that through doing these activities with her boys, it's just growing their relationship more and more."
"I'm gonna give you, Car, my love. It's been this long, the bond now has nurtured has finally matured."
"Someone might start a rumor. You feel an unbreakable bond between you and Yukari."
"Without that initial bond, there would be nothing to protect, no loyalty to one's family, tribe, clan, or community."
"What bonds people together when they've gone through drama?"
"Oh Jesus, they scare you, you're my friend now."
"You can never go wrong with reading to your child."
"Bright orange velour suit, bonding with my dad."
"Just entertaining those interests while spending time with me helped me and my friends bond."
"Every day, like, I take him to school, and we have lunch together."
"Our relationship was very competitive from the moment we met each other... but we always had a dope Bond whenever we was off the block."
"The most important thing is be patient—you're developing a genuine bond that will last you a lifetime."
"Our family favorite tradition is ruining other family traditions. No, that's not true. We watch anime every single night at dinner together and I love that."
"That's real sisterhood, spraying each other with Hungarian stone crop mist."
"A strong bond between trainer and monster can make CRAZY things happen."
"The bond built up between soldiers in combat is something that you can't quantify."
"The human animal bond is deeply entrenched, probably right up there with gravity."
"In music, the bond you create with others is like having a conversation without words."
"It's kind of hard to deny that something's going on."
"You're my daughter and we've only just got started."
"They're gaining more confidence in moving toward getting closer with you."
"I want them to think and feel that you are the most rewarding thing in their world."
"Want to make things work with you, interact more, and strengthen our bond."