
Emotional Connection Quotes

There are 3930 quotes

"But in many types of social interactions, it's not the direct interaction with that person that makes us feel close to them, but rather it's shared experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The smell of children... the back of their neck, and how it's associated with that feeling of missing them."
"I think the relationships on our show do more than just make people laugh. I think they make people think and feel connected in a certain way."
"The creative process is also about how that process is received. Part of the beauty of the creative industries is the emotional connection between a human author and a human reader."
"Creating characters that we care about, so that all of these other pieces mean something, is really important."
"Teaching is seducing. If you want to get to people, you have to go ask where they're coming from and you have to tell your arguments to where they're coming from so that they can emotionally relate."
"So what have we learned? Well, a lot of people with pain have issues in their lives from childhood and onward. Pain is connected to emotions."
"You spend so much time with your horse over the course of the game, you actually do build a real connection."
"Only one of these factors has to be present for some type of love to be in a relationship."
"Nostalgia works hard to keep the past alive."
"I think I might be feeling the same way too. I don't know what to do with all of this, but if you are willing to try, I would love for you to be my girlfriend."
"It is your voice I hear so clearly; it is your love I feel so deeply."
"Having an authentic story, a story that emotionally attaches to its characters, is meaningful."
"You cannot be in your feminine if you're not connected to your feelings."
"Art captured its essence by describing 'The Sound of Silence' as a reflection of the struggle for people to connect, not just on an international level, but especially on an emotional one."
"Understanding emotion and connecting to someone on an emotional level is not some fluffy psychological Western whatever; this is prophetic."
"I want to get to know her heart before her body."
"Empathy is not just 'I know how you feel' – it's 'I feel how you feel'."
"Empathy is a form of attunement. Love is the highest form of attunement."
"The second you're vulnerable...people see the true side of you, and they're allowed to be vulnerable too."
"We share things because we want to express ourselves. Sharing experiences allows us to share emotions."
"One of the biggest indicators that something is a five-star is how long you think about the characters past reading the book."
"As a species, we are hardwired for storytelling and emotional connection."
"I love that song, no one else can feel it for you."
"Video game characters can be relatable then, that they can seem like real characters that you actually care about."
"It indicates a healthy connection, something really wholesome, something that feels really good where there's a really powerful balance exchange between you both."
"This speaker has brought me to tears, to literal tears, and I get emotional thinking about it because I have formed a connection with it."
"We are wired for attachment; we're wired to some degree for emotional connection."
"Sometimes distance isn't measured in miles, it's measured in moments."
"Music is not just about notes on a scale; it's about telling a story, conveying emotions, and connecting with the listener."
"When you get it right, when a book that you plucked off of the shelf makes you feel something, a lot of things, deep in your chest, or other places, if that's what you're into, it has this way of making you forget about all of the losses and making those risks worthwhile."
"The healing of depression...you have to reconnect to yourself so you can feel your emotions."
"Castiel ends up developing his own goals and needs, forging a very close connection to them."
"Love our telepathic bond; it feels like our own special and intimate place."
"Look deep within your heart, and you will feel my love. My love for you is as deep as the ocean."
"Fantasies do not build real relationships; present moment connection, which requires us being willing to sit with our own uncomfortable emotions that might arise within present moment connection, is what actually builds deep relationships."
"It's just one of those books I think that you go back and you'll look at it and you just think about that journey and you'll miss those characters."
"There's something about you that just makes them feel so ooey gooey and soft."
"Instead of just focusing on analyzing the story structure and how it is written, also take some time to focus and think about why a book touches you or why you love a certain story so much."
"Showing what looks like friendship, affection, and even love towards each other just melts your heart, doesn't it?"
"I literally watered up with tears as I was watching some of the scenes in 'The Secret' because I connected them with how I use the law of attraction in my own life."
"Your connection being very, very intense. Kind of very passionate, a deep connection there."
"You have a piece of my heart, and I know that we're not perfect, but I'm going to miss all that we had."
"No matter what has happened between you both, you are always connected heart to heart."
"Interdependence means that we can make each other feel things together that we can't necessarily feel on our own."
"They want to feel really connected; they want that emotional response."
"It's so relevant to me in my life. I'm like, there's no way I'm not crying."
"This isn't superficial, this runs very deep."
"If he connects with you and he doesn't get a lot of emotional connection when he's around you, then sure, when you're out of sight, you're going to be out of mind. But if you have a really strong emotional connection to him, then when you're out of sight, that's when he misses you."
"Anime is a place where I can find myself weeping over the death of an invincible ant monster that's more human than I am."
"Connecting with an audience's heartstrings is the best way to leave a lasting impression."
"It's not just a matter of 'oh, can I do this zany voice?' It's being able to legitimately connect, to emote, to feel a feeling."
"I want to be with you, I want to enjoy you relationally, not just physically."
"I feel like you're going to feel that welling up of emotion and happiness and connection in some way."
"Seeing how much it means to people is really special."
"Can I get one last hug before you leave? Group hug, group hug."
"This connection taught you how to love unconditionally."
"Nothing that is easy is relatable. If something is easy, you cannot have an emotional connection with it."
"I need to be able to feel your pain, and I need you to be able to feel my pain."
"Oh my God, I'm so happy to hear your voice again."
"I'm really gonna miss you; you're my best friend."
"Learning how to create that aliveness again in a relationship is crucial."
"Caregiving unlike any other profession... because you do have that emotional connection, the psychological connection, and the physical connection."
"When you work on any mission here, you treat it like your baby. You spend so long preparing for it and then actually flying it, you get a real connection to the spacecraft."
"Isn't it amazing how many memories are connected to each of these books?"
"You're very special to them, especially when I see these two together, the King of Cups and the Queen of Pentacles."
"It was quite simply the most emotionally connected I had ever been with a show."
"Your romantic life will be very physical and emotionally rewarding."
"The most beautiful thing in life is when I go to put my children to bed... there's just nothing better than holding your child and singing to them while they're going to sleep."
"Your next big good thing coming to you is an emotional connection."
"Sometimes pain can bring us closer together, and it's kind of bittersweet but can help us move forward."
"Love is not just an illusion or some chemical BS. It's a powerful and meaningful connection."
"Soul to soul connection, oh this is nice already."
"If you want the audience to feel something, you have to feel that something."
"I want to be proud of the things I've done, the people who I've touched, whose hearts I've opened up."
"We're all in this together and the feeling that I share both my anxieties and my hopes and dreams with the rest of the world is a sensation that I think only anime has ever really given me."
"It makes me think about my granddad and why I support Manchester United. It's quite an emotive day in many different ways."
"It's not the car that makes you smile; it's the history behind it, the stories of the old owners and what they've done over the years."
"Empathy is something that you feel in your heart. When somebody is suffering, you kind of feel suffering too."
"Meeting someone where they're at so that I could have a conversation with them to reach their heart."
"When I watched The Mandalorian with my mom and said, 'May the force be with you,' she literally did a slow turn towards me with tears in her eyes."
"It was this connection with the character and her futile hope that helped her pull off such a heart-wrenching performance."
"I cried when he [the coach] left. I still even choke up."
"I'm being abstinent now and trying to re-enable my ability to emotionally connect with someone."
"The emotional connection...I would not trade that for some bad [expletive] at a club."
"One of the most important aspects of art is its ability to evoke powerful feelings. Once you expose how it's done and break it down to its logical components, the feeling is gone."
"Cars are about the experience, about the emotion, about the connection."
"It's not just about performance; it's about how the car makes you feel."
"What I try to express in a lot of comedy...comedy speaks to feeling; it doesn't speak to what is right or wrong."
"The engine rips, it sounds intoxicating, it's emotional, it's soulful, it's joyful."
"I am a kind, gentle, loving person who enjoys connecting on a feelings level with my friends, family, and loved partners."
"Having a real relationship and a real bond is deeper than physical; it's spiritual, it's emotional."
"Mustang's the best-selling sports coupe in the world, and it has so much emotion."
"In some cases, absence really does make the heart grow fonder."
"The strength of her feelings for you... is the number one factor in your relationship with a woman."
"He looked at my eyes and said, I'm proud of you."
"Lockdowns are extremely, extremely harmful to the poor and vulnerable."
"It's like everything stops for a while when we look into each other's eyes."
"When you're all singing for the same message, your heartbeat starts to beat at the same time."
"You do get really hooked into Ana de Armas on an emotional way very early on."
"When you meet somebody, you have to be emotionally attracted to them. Not only have you got to be physically attracted to them. If you have both, then you have a really good relationship."
"You definitely stand out for people you care about and you love with an intensity that makes people so attracted to you."
"You both are going to be drawn to each other like magnets because you're going to be able to feel in one another that you both have gone through some really heavy stuff."
"This is going to be a very passionate and emotionally satisfying connection where you both feel like you've met your intellectual and emotional equal."
"Your souls speak to each other. That's what a soul bond is."
"You really connect to them as if they were real people, so when you grieve them, you're actually grieving."
"Feeling the music is actually a really important part of it."
"I feel so connected with you even though we are miles apart. I can still feel you like you are sitting right next to me. You are always with me."
"There's something almost relieving about just listening to a conversation, connecting with a young lady, and hearing her just talk about how she cares about her son."
"You gotta always love that, always gotta come show love back."
"Every time I think of you, I always catch my breath."
"I hear a lot of speakers speak, but they don't always connect with you and make you feel what they're trying to feel."
"Blake, are you okay? I missed you so much, dear, two days ago was the longest time in my life."
"If there are different types of soul mates, then you are one of mine."
"Brad Bird finds a way to take this strange story and actually connect it with real relatable emotions."
"As mothers, we are so connected to our children that the idea of anybody hurting a hair on their head is something that causes us pain just to even imagine."
"Sometimes you just don't do it for her like that."
"I think it humanizes her. To get these type of details, I think for Beyonce fans that can get emotional."
"Entertainment is a public relation. You have to have a good relationship with the public to sell them entertainment because people have to like it on an emotional level."
"I felt understood as I am." - "I felt understood as I am."
"The language of apology is the language of connection and love."
"Let's talk from the heart. That's where energy grows."
"This connection could be a healing connection too."
"It was my best friend... my first friend... very sweet."
"We never get to see what the inside of these campers look like... maybe it would have broken our hearts a bit too much."
"It feels like home and is the most comforting song."
"Our kids are drowning in stuff, and what they want is human connection."
"Pico probably doesn't look so much like Fuji, but for me, they both evoked similar emotions."
"Lebanon: A love and hate relationship. You can ask any Lebanese person."
"This connection is something worth holding on to."
"They recognize that this connection is something worth holding on to."
"I just have a religious reverence for this movie."
"It's a show that makes you come comfortable with and care so much about the characters."
"The ultimate human connection is when you hear a song and you feel something that's never going to go out of style."
"Everybody's looking to be seen, valued, understood, and less alone on their journey."
"Honestly, I wanted every single word to be heard and felt by everybody."
"Relationships are built on Sparks not skills."
"This connection is so beautiful but it's also painful and confusing."
"Don't you want someone to love while the world is smoldering around us? It's so romantic."
"The loss of such a recognizable part of the show is like losing an old friend." - Power Rangers
"That's the beauty behind music, how people can interpret different things and grasp onto it and make it their own meaning."
"The most special to me would be 'Love You Still' because it was the first one and I think it's the most personal out of all the other songs."
"I just feel like the tension and chemistry that these two actors had with one another was just so obvious from the start."
"Every time we look at the mummies, it's not just an object in space and time."
"There is something fulfilling and absolutely beautiful about working on a piece of art that you are emotionally completely connected to."
"This person feels really protective over you."
"Logan pulls on tiny bits of nostalgia you didn't know you had."
"You really matter to this person. They really want to have this with you."
"You'll start with friendship, and it turns into love."
"Dolls is one of the few things that makes me feel alive."
"I feel that men cannot have that emotional connection but I feel as though when women have a sexual interaction with someone else or at least from my experience it's always um emotional."
"This connection feels incredibly powerful, incredibly healing, and like a dream come true for your person."
"It's impossible to talk about a series like 'Monkey Island' without indulging in some nostalgia."
"Some of the most beautiful...a very special relationship with Destiny."
"You're going to be in for a very lovely surprise with this person."
"You are my eyes on The Darkest Day, make me want to save every moment."
"This person feels like you are the one thing on this earth that can just soothe them and calm them like no other."
"It's a very satisfying album, it can really seep into your subconscious as I've said, it really just kind of lives with you for quite a long time."
"Art is the most powerful when it means something real."
"Sending emotional connection texts is how you filter out the women who are actually for you."
"Men invest in relationships and connections through their actions, much as you would invest money in a bank account."
"They've realized that you're their soulmate."
"They still think about how you light up their soul, making them feel good."
"Everyone nails it, they feel so human and so real."
"Many people genuinely, maybe even truly somewhat enjoy me. I've been gone so long, lots of times, yet you were always here waiting."
"The most important thing is whether or not it's able to leave an impact on you."
"You're very much a part of their soul, a part of their everyday thoughts, feelings, thinking about you a lot."
"They're feeling optimistic about this connection."
"Showing him your arm... it is one of the most powerful gifts of connection."
"Love and affection and gratitude are the things that we really need in our marriage."
"There's definitely a bond here, a soulmate connection."
"It's always going to have a special spot in my heart."
"Now, wanting to initiate sex is such a beautiful gift to your partner because they feel wanted, they feel loved."
"They're still strongly attracted to you and feel a magnetic pull."
"They're more than fans, they feel like family."
"They really enjoy your company, your personality, your spirit."
"Thank you guys again for being so damn supportive about it because it means so much, it means so, so much."
"He made you feel like you were the center of the world."
"I will be honest, Kojima actually wrote this pretty well. The player had built a relationship with B.B., having carried it with him for almost the entire game."
"Final Fantasy VII is one of my favorite games of all time."
"I mean every time I eat this it's like my mom's right here giving me a hug."
"It felt like a family reunion almost, it was that kind of vibe."
"You're never gonna find a love like this, this is like deep real true love."
"More than anything, it needs to put you in Ellie's shoes, so you feel what she feels."
"I think home is more than just a physical structure; it's a place to be, it's a place, it's a sense of belonging."
"They just might want to show you just how much you mean to them, just how attracted they are to you."
"Wow, you really have made your way into this person's heart."
"I just fell in love immediately with that big blue bulging hood and those beautiful mirrors."
"I feel connected to you. You fuel my creativity. I'm falling in love for sure."
"They think you are incredibly beautiful. Please don't feel insecure. It's nothing you did."
"They want you to know that they really miss you. They feel as though they are addicted to you."
"There is something between us. I knew it, and I knew you felt it too."
"Your person is thinking about you a lot... the good times that you've shared together."
"A2 from NieR:Automata humanizes all the characters."
"What's the point if love's not in it? I agree we are accepting here that uh the love we used to share as a union."
"I feel like dogs give some of the most unconditional love ever, you know, more than we could ever love somebody."
"True love and genuine romantic feelings in this connection."
"If you're hurting, they're hurting. If you're happy, they're happy."
"The thing that keeps this car alive and keeps me turning my head when I see one to this day is the nostalgia factor."