
Social Interactions Quotes

There are 887 quotes

"But in many types of social interactions, it's not the direct interaction with that person that makes us feel close to them, but rather it's shared experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The majority of our social interactions serve the function of social cohesion, not truth-seeking."
"The best way to form a connection is organically, which means that you need to have multiple unplanned interactions."
"People want to connect through authenticity."
"The whole point of social media in the early days was to augment our social interactions, to make it better, not replace them."
"It's more important in my opinion to have the polite conversation."
"The internet isn't just entertainment; it's where we learn, our politics enact relationships, experience friendship, express our fears, and our hopes."
"The secret to being confident is to believe that you have things to say that other people want to hear and simultaneously to recognize that sometimes, if or when people don't want to hear it, that's fine."
"I feel like once you have a conversation, you can see where it's going."
"As soon as I started getting my own worth, I stopped putting people on that pedestal, and I can finally talk to people regularly."
"It shows imagine that part of what morality is, it's morality is precisely that pattern of behavior that serves to keep repeated interactions going."
"You've heard it said that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression."
"Let him be the one who pursues you and who asks you out on another date or who starts a conversation with you."
"Every time she goes out, she does get approached. So I do get bothered, and I have been followed."
"Generosity in interactions can lead to unexpected and positive outcomes."
"I'm honestly probably never ever going to get tired of meeting so many amazing people."
"How you treat people, people that serve you in a restaurant, shop assistants, anyone that provides a service to you, customer service, how you treat them is basically it shows the type of character that you are."
"Gladly, he understood. We still exchange pleasantries now and then, but my life made speedy progress after that."
"Other people will help, and you don't even have to ask them most of the time."
"I hate receiving presents, but I love giving them."
"People are interested in you and your life and what you have going on."
"There's a dramatic relationship between the manner in which you open yourself up to the world and the way the world treats you."
"Small talk has to be small, has to be light, has to be very easy. It doesn't have to overwhelm the person that is listening to you."
"Be interested, not just interesting. It's very important to be an interested person, so you're really curious to get to know the person you're having a small talk with better."
"The most important rule when it comes to asking questions is asking open-ended questions which means whenever you ask something, the answer cannot be yes or no."
"How do you mischaracterize generosity toward someone?"
"Mary preferred the company of men and considered them her intellectual equals."
"Almost all of us have trouble with maintaining healthy relationships, right? It's the number three criterion in the diagnosis list."
"Scolding people doesn't generally bring them around."
"That's why people don't like you. Percy Pigs. Sorry. That's why people don't like you."
"I've never had a problem with girls. I could always get very nice girls, beautiful girls, intelligent girls."
"If you really don't care about someone else's opinion, don't have receipts longer than Rite Aid."
"You don't get to offend people and then dictate how they respond to your offense."
"I decided a long time ago I don't want to be around that energy I don't want to be sucked into that vortex."
"I get people showing you attention from all areas, like not just one person, but more than one."
"You come in to block them. That's what he values you as a person."
"Keith Ferrazzi has a book that says never eat alone he says if you're going out to lunch you should always hit your Rolodex."
"When you watch people how they treat the waiters... when they treat the little people as though they're big people, that's amazing."
"The most effective way to deal with someone you don't like on the internet... is to not talk about them at all."
"Boundaries and it... boundaryless very quickly here."
"Don't be afraid to be yourself. If people don't like you for them, then they're not worth your time."
"When you're challenged like this and people are looking at you, when you can respond like that, your social value just went through the roof."
"Now I can go into any room... and I can give it back to them twice as hard... it's just something that they can sense."
"You will move in the direction of the people that you associate with." - Warren Buffett
"This isn't someone you just kind of go up to and give a high-five to."
"I don't want to play with people who aren't real."
"Things like these aren't supposed to happen and her accusing me like that was way over the line."
"You can always go further. There's always that extra push that you can do."
"She was always kind of looking for the best in people and she was very eager to meet new people."
"Be a better conversation this now what I was talking about earlier with the not giving a [__] not giving a damn aside from that just talking to women being able to carry a conversation that's it guys."
"There are certain people that I actually find disgusting and detest."
"A meeting with a stranger could be very important."
"I'm just asking for the respect you would give any other human being."
"It's the first day, you've been there like two hours. What do you mean there's a hot blonde who's developed a crush on you?"
"Offering best friendship was part of a social currency."
"Caring about approval and disapproval does more harm than good."
"We're not friends, we're not actually friends."
"Girls want to laugh, they want to de-stress, they want to forget about their everyday girl problems."
"Literally in my childhood, probably to this day, I remember going to sleep and replaying all my social interactions and thinking what I could have said better."
"Y'all just wait till you meet these people, they're some of the nicest people we've met in a long time."
"What's better than pulling a prank on your friend? It's so good."
"You gotta watch the way you treat people because you never know when you're gonna need them."
"You just don't want to go home, I see what's going on here."
"None of that stuff I'm afraid of, none of those type of people who come with that type of energy towards me."
"He sees himself as above all of those he interacts with."
"Is that your real opinion, Billy, or are you just looking forward to a long sea voyage with the attractive Mrs. Gelman as your companion?"
"Life is usually a pageant of idiots and fools, but occasionally you find yourself in the company of good people, and then anything is possible."
"It's like when you ask a guy his range of like how many girls he's hooked up with, he's like, 'Over five, under three hundred.'"
"I'm here to work my magic and let you know your good friends may want you to be their boyfriend."
"How you treat your boss is not an indication, how you treat the janitor is."
"They want all the perks of friendship without providing anything back."
"I've always had a good gauge on like people's intentions."
"First impressions matter. They matter a lot."
"When poorly informed people flex their rich knowledge to others, confusion happens."
"Well, I need to apologize. No, no serenade. Smooth apology."
"That's what girls do, they can give you the information of whether what you're doing is working or not."
"She's already over it now, bro. Girls don't respond that shouldn't even happen."
"I'm much happier and I actually am a little bit more open to people approaching me."
"Happiness affects our immune function, longevity, and interactions with others."
"Don't make assumptions about people, just like the woman who thought that she offended a guy and needs to apologize. That's an assumption."
"Why spend hours searching for a partner when you can go to a club and just sit there with a glass of wine in your hand and pick whichever handsome boy you fancy?"
"I know for sure that you have to just be kind to everybody you come across."
"Combat in my opinion is the most important thing that anything can have, it is the most important I think."
"The loudest and best relationships never win."
"Nice people genuinely nice people do tend to be taken advantage of by manipulative people out there."
"I would love if everybody went out, had a great time, enjoyed themselves, and made a new friend."
"By saying yes to people who don't really matter, you say an automatic no to those who do."
"He's dealing with people and their behavior, and in many ways, he's doing it on the fly."
"Had people walk out of me before but not when I was being so charming."
"When you least expect it, you're going to be having some really cool people pop into your life."
"Spits like that is just the highest order of disrespect."
"When people think I'm a woman, people in general are nicer to me."
"The energy of kindness reminds us to be considerate and wise in our interactions."
"Comments that mention Nick on average are more positive than comments mentioned on Melina."
"Toasts are great. I mean, you toast somebody, they toast you back. It just goes round and round. That's my favorite part about toasts. The reciprocity."
"Every time you're around them, good stuff happens, they give you positive vibes, good energy."
"Nothing was off limits, it didn't matter who he was demeaning."
"He was incredibly affable with me when I forgot my ticket."
"If you meet an ex-inmate in a pub, there’s a much bigger chance he will buy you a beer than knock you down. It’s true."
"Be nice to everyone you never know who someone can be one day."
"Maybe just maybe I'm wearing the mask because I just don't want to be that dude who's making the employees come up to yell at me."
"Certain people can't even stand to be in your energy because you're shining so bright."
"The whole thing started because she had a serious crush on a hairdresser."
"Most people are looking for somebody to approve of us while we are shaking their hands."
"It just feels like a judgment, but it's like it's weird and that it feels like they went from like we're here to have a good time to like that's not what you say."
"If you're gonna gossip, be ready for consequences."
"Be patient with new people coming into your life."
"It's not good to be around people that are always like yes men, you know?"
"A man who is kind to you and rude to a waiter is not a kind man."
"At least the chances of something embarrassing happening have gone down drastically."
"You're entering into an unknown situation and you don't know how they're gonna treat you."
"I would be completely all those people who are just... blind with rage."
"Being kind to people who serve you is a wonderful way to act."
"Everyone always likes Amethyst because she's so polite and very sweet."
"It's better to disappoint someone with the truth than it is to make someone's day by participating in something they like despite you not liking it."
"You can't just say anything you want to [expletive] say to somebody and think that they don't have any emotions or they have no feelings."
"Level one is your 'yes man,' he's the [__] that's hitting you up on your DMs."
"You have to become comfortable with people reacting to your energy because you are now exuding this very powerful energy."
"You have to realize that your ex's friends or family may keep in touch with you with the blessings of your ex."
"People are gonna meet you with the energy you bring to them."
"You can tell someone's a gentleman from the way they behave, the way they shake your hand, the way they talk to the waiter."
Bonus: "Admit when you're wrong, it's probably one of the most valuable traits in the arsenal of a true gentleman."
"It's interesting to see the guys interact when I'm not around and to get to watch that for the first time."
"He definitely finds the mom attractive, so that's a red flag."
"Everybody is struggling with something. If they feel upset enough to lash out in a certain way, they're probably dealing with something."
"First impressions matter. When you meet someone for the first time, your introduction to them is the most important part of the interaction."
"Life is about a community of people learning and sharing."
"It's like, whenever someone came over, I felt like I don't know if I, I feel like I just ended up not sitting in my room most of the time."
"Parents are cool, she's the only one we have to hang out with, that's true."
"I just want to keep apologizing for sending that negative energy out there."
"Londoners are absolutely first class... everyone we spoke to was the most friendly I've ever met."
"Worry about making friends, you'll meet people."
"If they're not mad and if they're laughing there's nothing better than talking about a group of people and making a joke about them and they're laughing the hardest and they get it yeah that's the best."
"The key is to distinguish between people giving you honest criticism and people just looking to tear you down."
"He's a fabulous person, man. He's a really nice guy, he's, I've trained with him a bunch of times, hung out with him, man."
"You need to recognize if somebody's bringing positivity to you or not."
"If I can't take your condolences or your support to the bank and cash it and then feed my family with it, I don't want to hear it."
"I like it when a girl makes the first move... I don't mind that kind of stuff at all."
"I'm a man's man and I love to give people their flowers now"
"Just that one point in your life where you get to hear all the nice things about you while you're still on this earth."
"What's a great way to stop an entitled parent from getting their way? Delivering a bit of petty revenge on them and watching them squirm, that's what."
"I laid hands on her because I knew she was smashing Shorty Shoddy."
"I thought, 'Oh, this guy's going to be a [__],' and he's really not what you've portrayed."
"I legit didn't I had no idea like I don't know I have any friends or they have that many friends so like when companies say that when they're like this was just way bigger than we expected like I do give them the benefit of the doubt."
"They're gonna approach you really excitedly, like hey what's up, you know, I don't know where."
"Life is all about choices what we choose to do what we choose who we choose to hang with."
"First impressions... it tells your personality a lot."
"If I came on the show, Nick man, you had some great takes yesterday. Man, you are the man."
"It looks like the trend of comedians being approached on stage isn't slowing down anytime soon."
"Absolutely no respect. Would never shake my hand."
"I'd love to see my own funeral, see who shows up, what they say."
"This guy seems like an angry guy, gets him in a bit of trouble with the Swiss police."
"At first you got to get over that fear like I'm never probably going to see this person ever again."
"What he did demonstrates humanity, trying to connect with people and to meet them at the level that they're on."
"I hope everyone likes it when it comes out thank you for the compliment that's racist that's very kind of you to jam."
"You want people that raise your frequency, your vibration, your energy versus people that suck you back down."
"The man himself seems deeply concerned about others when something happens to him."
"I think the audience will be very surprised when they see it because maybe in everyday society people fight with and scheme against each other."
"Every conversation stops being this potential minefield of embarrassing mistakes and errors."
"That is perfect then we don't have to worry about social need and we don't have to worry about getting tense fantastic that is so good."
"An amalgamation of all that is Karen, just trying to cause as many problems as possible."
"When a man makes a gesture to take care of you you say thank you."
"First impressions are crucial... they know what they're looking for."
"Every single person you meet in life has an impact on who you become."
"Once you've accidentally correctly gendered a trans woman, it's over."
"I am mean to people who start being either completely irrational absurd or start being mean to me first which I think is fine as well."
"Trust me fellas, when you get older, they're going to come flocking to you."
"You never know what meeting people and being nice to someone will do for you. Because you can't really be that strategic about networking."
"You should be a bit more careful about who you trust. There are some pretty awful people out there."
"You figure if Usher wanna be with you, you gonna act right, but her ass all in the club, looking like, 'Yeah, give me your drink too.' Usher looking like, 'Alright now, just show for the fifth drink just don't know how to act.'"
"David Beckham is probably the one I always had a chance to meet, and we'll have a couple of weeks ago."
"It's okay to not like me just 'cause. Power to you."
"It is just a really beautiful week of realization, beautiful week of meeting people, beautiful week of you taking care of yourself."
"He just stood there knew it we all looked at each other we were like oh he is so funny I forgot how funny he is so phenomenal what a character you know."
"I don't have time for flaming, no energy enemies."
"Allow others to do nice things for you. People will shower you with gifts."
"I mean, it's not like a personal attack, I just said her car has really bright headlights."
"It's possible, it just takes a lot of work. It takes a while to meet good people."
"The only difference between laughing with people and laughing at them."
"If your friends can't tolerate the fact you have a difference of opinion they're not your friends, they're acquaintances."
"If you don't make a move, every chick you find attractive you might not have the opportunity to see her in person."
"Be realistic... people will kill you over time with tiny, harmless phrases."
"You're doing all this for people who aren't interested in you."
"The mere whisper of the word loot is enough to make millions of players' ears prick up and pay attention."
"I've really enjoyed that we've had a bit of a laugh which is what it should always be about."
"The greatest joy... is to be able to share joy with others."
"You just be smart, you just be careful, and you don't get twisted with the wrong people."
"But we don't really feel the same way about like boys or men."
"A first impression is everything, it really is, it's absolutely everything."
"If you respect the culture, people will go out of their way to help you."
"Some of you are going to know intuitively who to deal with and who not to."
"Who picked up the tab? You would have plenty of questions."
"Being alone is one thing, but being surrounded by people who make you feel alone can be far worse."
"Everybody should know the difference between critique and hate."
"If you don't give anybody any good things about you and you're like hey uh this thing about me sucks then nobody is gonna stay."
"Some of you are about to meet a new friend, and there's going to be a new experience through this friendship."
"Hygiene matters a lot in making a positive first impression."
"Engage in social settings, pay attention to cues, and reflect on interactions."
"Last time we spoke was at the White House and he's like 'Oh, but this is much more beautiful than the White House, you know, I mean.'"
"What does food have to do with it? End goal is to spend time together."
"Every time I see him he starts talking about their pandemic."