
Life Events Quotes

There are 2491 quotes

"Everything in biology is a process, it's not an event."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"That was the most important thing I've ever experienced."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I've learned to trust timing on these things. They happen when they're supposed to happen."
"Happiness is your events minus your expectations."
"What if the worst day of your life became the best day of your life?"
"It's not events that shape your life, but beliefs about them."
"This thing happening right now is happening for you, not to you."
"Just when you think that things can get crazier, they indeed get crazier."
"2021 is gonna be lit, we're gonna have a wedding coming out soon, me and Nicky gonna get the channel back popping."
"It'll happen when it happens, and I think for you it's happening in the way it's supposed to happen."
"Much-needed change is coming into your life."
"Eclipses are times when big things happen, like meeting someone, separating from someone, quitting a job, starting a job, starting a new life direction."
"It's the most important day of your life, and if you don't love it, then you're not going to feel confident."
"There is some meaning or purpose to everything that's going on."
"Moving, they say, is one of the most stressful things you can do in your life, and it's proving to be true."
"Something will happen in our lives that will help us reset this button of experiencing joy, of feeling not only joy but feeling present and feeling connected and inspired."
"You can't control the events in your life, but you can control your responses."
"The ever unfolding rose, cracked open. It's happening for you, not to you."
"I'm accountable and responsible for everything that happens to me."
"When you surrender, let go, this is when things actually start happening to you."
"Fun, exciting things, surprises that are coming into your life right now."
"You just never know... but I like to think that everything happens for you, not to you."
"Little did I know, this was only the beginning."
"You only have one shot at it, right? There's only one wedding day."
"What is the most humbling life event you've experienced? Oh, the most humbling, um, I think it was, um, when my ex-husband died."
"Good things take time; great things happen all at once."
"I think I'm done with pets for now. That was pretty crazy."
"Have you ever had something random happen in your life that is so incredible it gives you goosebumps? You cannot explain it, but you know this is not just a coincidence. This was meant to happen."
"Something is gonna happen before the end of the year that's gonna seem like a curse... but it's not. It's actually a blessing in disguise from your Angels, your spirit guides."
"It's not the events of our life that define us, it's the meaning we attach to those events."
"The key to a happier life is not the different events of our lives that happen to us; it's the meaning we attach to those events."
"Everything that's happening in your life right now is so highly divinely orchestrated."
"Plenty of research shows that life events, medical conditions, and family circumstances impact men and women differently."
"The authors of 'The Power of Moments' call these your flagship moments. So you've got the highs, the really exciting things, the happy things that happened. You've got the pits, the lows, the crappy things that happened. And then you've got the transitions, so if any big transitions happen in your year like moving to a new job or moving houses, those are the big moments that you're going to remember in your life."
"The World is an indicator of a major and impossible to stop change in your life."
"I guarantee you this is going to be the best thing that ever happened to us."
"The incidents in our lives are not incidental; the trials in our lives are not trivial."
"Vows, oaths, pledges, commitments—throughout our lives, we all make them."
"Life-changing events usually don't appear that they're going to be life-changing before they happen; they often can seem quite boring."
"It's going to happen when you least expect it in the most unlikely of circumstances."
"It was the most gut-wrenching day of my life."
"The most dramatic events of our lives almost always occur due to macroeconomic trends around the world."
"The two happiest days of a boat owner's life is the day he buys it and the day he sells it."
"Something's going to happen, and you'll be able to connect the dots backwards and say, 'Well, that's why that happened.'"
"Just had his twins, he's so excited to be here."
"The goal in this is this is going to be a life memory you will never forget this that's the goal I don't want to ever forget it and I want to share that with you."
"As soon as you end this, I see the birth of something happening in your life."
"There are only a handful of events in your life that you remember where you were... For me it was the day that my parents died."
"It's exciting to think that many of the best moments in your life are ahead of you."
"He ain't got veneers by choice and he got knocked out in jail."
"I must say that to my mother and that's it. This is a very big experience for me and my life."
"Just know this is happening for you, not to you."
"What if this was actually the best thing that ever happened to him?"
"I cried probably more than I have in my whole life."
"It's very important whatever this is, um, anything for what's being eclipsed in to your life."
"Usually if there's a series of unfortunate things that happen to you in your life, you can pin it back to one thing that happened or so I've found."
"That he came with the comet and he will die with the comet."
"It's happening for you, it's already in route."
"Not all new beginnings or endings have to be hugely momentous. Sometimes it can just be small things."
"The biggest things that will happen to you will be the least expected."
"Important changes are triggered, shaking up career, family, and personal life."
"Many people dream of having a day like this, perhaps even more lavish... but many will agree that it's worth it when you get to say those magic words, 'I do.'"
"Life happens to you. I think it's cool that she did this on her own terms."
"I just don't like when I see a particular industry trying to take advantage of someone because they're going through a very special time in their lives."
"More often than not, passing through a door does mean that a new event is beginning."
"The coincidence is are too many to be meaningless."
"That's not just a movie scene man that's like real life times millions."
"Just remember, new moon, new element coming into your life."
"You never know when something unexpected may happen."
"He also took the washer and dryer out of here."
"After years of preparation, the day of the big move has arrived."
"Personal change is any change situation that happens to you, with you, for you, or about you."
"The complete opposite times 10 is going to happen."
"Celebrate the moments that matter most. Paint Your Life. What a fantastic gift."
"Not everything you do or happens to you should be content."
"Nothing can happen in your life that's not God's will for your life."
"What started as an ordinary day had become something he would remember forever."
"Nothing, absolutely nothing happens without a reason."
"This is one of the biggest moments of my life genuinely."
"There comes a time in a man's life when he is called upon to yodel."
"I will bless you when you're going out, bless you when you're coming in."
"It happened again and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy."
"I'm gonna be a father, never met you have no idea if you'd be a good dad or not but I am pumped that the sperm found the egg and made it happen for you, let's go Marvin you're gonna be dad of the year soon."
"Eventually there's a time limit on everything."
"I never thought in a million years this could happen and we are so grateful."
"Everything that has happened in my life was for me not to me."
"Synchronicities are really these amazing events that happen when two things coincide together."
"I feel like God has a plan and a reason for things to happen in certain ways."
"Put more emphasis on your actual marriage than the wedding day."
"That one day where things are just going as usual, and then all of a sudden, bang, it pops off."
"I didn't want to spoil it, but next Sunday... I'm getting married!"
"Anything can happen in life with a State Farm agent you can be better prepared for whatever life throws your way."
"I feel like everything went zero to a hundred, going out with a bang."
"An older woman came in with a cart load so I asked about the new baby she's slowly and through tears explained that her only child and grandbaby had died during childbirth."
"It all just kind of fell together, so it seems like all these coincidences started happening."
"Is there anything happening in your life right now that might later turn out to be one of the most important things that will ever happen to you?"
"There's poetry and niceness in it but at the end of the day it's a tragic thing."
"In the moment as you've said might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you."
"One singular event, a time that you spent with someone cannot define the rest of your life."
"Life happens and just gotta kind of go with it."
"Everything doesn't happen for a reason but there's a reason that everything happens."
"This is what I've been excited for the entire time."
"He was more than willing to accept what happened."
"Looking at some kind of story of unexpected surprising exciting developments regarding trips travel skill space education and your marriage type partner."
"Everything really is in divine timing, everything that happens in your lifetime, it is happening at the perfect time, it is unfolding at the perfect time."
"It's a year of change, absolutely a year of change."
"Life-changing blessing is coming into your life."
"Big happy changes are coming into your life."
"The worst day of my life is yet to come. No, I'm pretty sure the worst day of Jesus's life already happened."
"But at the 2-year mark, Jon came down with this terrible case of pneumonia."
"Your life changes are really going to happen throughout November."
"I was happy. Why would I stop? But the universe isn't like that, you know? So the feds come in, boom, that's the end of the stores."
"You gotta let them happen, you gotta surrender to them."
"It's amazing how quickly things can turn for your favor or against."
"This is the biggest Tournament of Our Lives."
"If you're Virgo rising, come back, write a note, and tell me how some of these transits went and what you saw."
"Winning an award is one of the most special times of your life."
"It feels great actually. It feels great. It feels like everything really came together this year."
"Often, I think happiness can be thought of as having to be this big emotional moment, or winning the big race, or getting married to Brad Pitt, or whatever it might be."
"It's all a ritual: a marriage, your birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving."
"Everyone's going to have a debutant at some stage."
"Not everything that happens to you is because of you."
"Everything happens for a reason and I think that this wedding is going to be 10 times more magical than the original one was."
"The path to peace is just to stop trying to basically want events to happen the way you want them and just let them happen the way they happen."
"Not everyone will fully experience everything, it depends on personal transits."
"I thought I'd be more excited. I'd be more like, 'I'm not supposed to be excited for [__] that's supposed to happen.'"
"Ask yourself when something happens, is it a tragedy or an inconvenience? Rarely is it ever a tragedy."
"Don't be sad it's over just be happy it happened."
"It's symbolic, it's your one singular life event where this is about you."
"There were moments; things tend to happen in a gradual way and they build one on top of the other."
"Something is destined to happen in your life. Trust the flow."
"Nothing I was going to do myself was going to get me to that situation until the time was right."
"2020 came and a lot of us, me included, felt like some crazy stuff was happening and I had a major spiritual death."
"It has been an absolutely amazing memorable experience."
"A whole lot, a lot of going on, a whole lot, a lot of to come."
"This didn't have to happen at all but it did."
"This was like a big year for us it was just like huge getting married and like honeymoon."
"Next to me giving birth to my own kids, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"Music occupies a really special place in all of our hearts. We all remember our lives by our favorite melodies and the times when we heard them."
"It's incredible life works out... it's just amazing how moments in life can define us."
"Every terrible thing that happens in your life really does have a reason. And every bad thing that happens has a positive effect on your life, even if you can't imagine it in the moment."
"Thank you all for sticking with me, whoa that took a while. I'm sorry for the absence, I've been busy with school and being sick and personal drama."
"This has been the performance of a lifetime."
"Missing a billion years of a 14-billion-year timeline is really equivalent to missing the day of your child's birth."
"Imagine being fired, arrested, and divorced the same day."
"Popping the question can be a nerve-wracking experience."
"This is the best thing that could ever happen."
"I feel like everyone moves on in their life for a reason."
"Don't be afraid of these dramatic changes, they are definitely meant to be."
"What really creates our personalities and our beliefs is not so much that something happened to us one time, it's that we psychologically experienced this event over and over and over again."
"But after adding it in, nothing could have prepared me for the chain of events that would unfold."
"If it feels big, if it feels momentous, that's because it is."
"Boom, you get either pregnant or you get the thing that you've been wanting."
"We believe that things happen for a reason and even in the moment when we were still in shock we were going, you know, there's a reason this happened."
"Normalize the fact that if it's your wedding or your life, you do what makes you happy."
"Maybe September's a month where you get married, anything like this, there's a new beginning."
"Things happen when they're supposed to happen."
"I'm extremely happy that in 2024 once again he woke up even if it was just for a brief moment."
"This is a moment in history for all of us, this is a moment that's going to be significant on your record when you meet Allah."
"It was so amazing, it was like a once-in-a-lifetime experience."
"I don't think any of that was by coincidence."
"Sometimes the right choice is just a step beyond that to a single event and the ripple effect it has on a life."
"There's a death and rebirth taking place in the situation, a transformation."
"If your partner's pregnant, it's a beautiful thing."
"Four months after the wedding in April of 2006, Allison and Ray put their house up for sale..."
"There's no such thing as a coincidence. Notice how every major event in your life somehow leads up to the next. It's all connected."
"A new beginning coming in... leading to definitely a celebration."
"This year was a good year for me overall it was just a lot of things happen a lot a lot a lot anyways."
"Rhiannon is pregnant. Excellent! Hooray for me!"
"Diamante had this to say: 'This last year has been pretty eventful for your girl La Mas Duda Diamante.'"
"Time literally flies. Where has seven months gone?"
"Wonderful news is on its way, announcement regarding engagement or pregnancy."
"There are five things that are certain in this life: birth, death, taxes, Ecate making a video about Zora every year, and being the people's champion of every Deadman mode."
"This is one of the best nights of my life but also one of the most scariest and like out of my control nights."
"Some of you are receiving a package or news."
"I was 14 years old... but it was also overwhelming."
"Death, divorce, diplomas, diapers, diamonds, and distressed assets—opportunities that will continue to move the market regardless of interest rates."
"At the end of the day, I was happy with the way that I looked and you know things happen."
"I believe giving should be a lifestyle and this wasn't just one time that I gave but this was a key time that I gave in my life."
"I definitely didn't make the wrong choices because I think this was supposed to happen."
"What could be greener than that? You're doing a green activity and a bike that is possibly better for the environment than carbon fiber. Like, that's very cool."
"Don't have to define us for the rest of our lives."
"A new positive career beginning, improvements in social status, and possibly a marriage in the next 18 months."
"Childbirth is like the closest thing to death that you could come to, so hell, I want to have a baby but I don't want to die."
"But only when only when you completely take your mind off of it, it can't happen until you do that."
"Bad situations just happen, I mean they just happen."
"I met my wife when I was 26. I suppose it can be considered ironic really that it was a funeral which brought us together."
"I manifested everything that happened to me."
"A new Zelda isn't just a new game in a series that we like. It's like a huge life event."
"Bridesmaids: 'A person's wedding day is one of the most beautiful days of their life, but the road there ain't always pretty.'"
"I was delighted to be pregnant. Nothing else mattered."
"Everything in life happens with a reason and for a reason."
"I feel like I've accomplished a lot... yeah, maybe a recent event makes me feel a little bit more ready to check out."
"Life is full of unexpected situations...no matter how insignificant or monumental...it all serves a purpose."
"At the same time, Johnny also said that around this time his mother's health was in decline and he eventually brought his kids in to say goodbye to her before she died."
"All I want all I'm gonna say is I want the ride to finish in May."
"Life works in a very funny way, but I just want to send my condolences."
"Everything has led to this, I have been so nervous, so anxious all freakin' week. I literally cannot believe that this time is actually happening, it feels surreal."
"Every day I'm waiting for something, give me a catalyst, give me something."
"This is one of those days that you were going to remember for the rest of your life."