
Storytelling Impact Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"This is incredible because people are listening to the story at different times, but the gaps between their heartbeats become very stereotype and map almost precisely onto one another."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When a serious character gets serious, it can sometimes feel par for the course and detract from the overall intended impact, but when a goofy character gets serious, it can carry so much more gravity."
"I hope everyone who reads this or listens to it sleeps well, but I know after telling my story, the next few nights I will be getting no sleep at all."
"Always seek to improve yourself because the result will be that your characters will be forever more interesting and enjoyable to watch."
"Good stories create a very good world, and problematic stories create a very problematic world."
"I have this theory that, like, I think stories...we have a biological reaction to stories in the same way that we have to music."
"Every person is going to get the story, but if you go super super hard on the storytelling, the con even if you're it's like hard to."
"The impact of the story is felt on a whole new level."
"A deep story might fundamentally change the way you view everything."
"I insist it's a bad idea because it completely undoes any meaningful emotional impact."
"A good yarn can shape culture, impart values, and pay respect to the subject matter."
"That's where a story can really get me, if they can do that."
"Just read stories... once you know them, then all of a sudden they start to create a little map in your mind."
"Stories resonate with you and convey... even facts."
"A story that Bob Lazar told 25 years ago has gone around the world many times over."
"The damage that's being inflicted here to diverse storytelling is so sad."
"I'm kind of in awe that the show managed to wrap things up as powerfully as it did."
"People are moved by stories, great narratives, great action. They move people and they change minds, they make people do things."
"Just because a story tells you you're a good person, it's no guarantee you are one."
"Not only do I feel like then the emotions that I felt were robbed of me, were stolen of me, they weren't earned. But also, it makes me not trust any death moving forward."
"The story of Lee and Clementine resonated with people."
"You just saved the world one story at a time."
"This is the fantasy story of our lifetime, of this decade at least, this is the fantasy."
"Another great Zoro line was when he told Luffy, 'You take the last hit, Luffy, it's your shadow.'"
"Stories like these do the exact opposite of the end solution."
"You want them to be real that's how I always feel after a great movie or a great book or great amazing game."
"This is a story that's bigger than all of us."
"Gwen's death marked a watershed moment in comic history, giving death a profound meaning for a time."
"It feels like nothing matters in the MCU; it feels like everything matters."
"The ending leaves you with a very uncomfortable feeling."
"The story itself is just... it hits maybe even harder now."
"By the time this video is done I hope you will see as I do why this games story stands alongside some of the greatest stories ever told in the history of the gaming medium."
"The twist was so unexpected, it really knocked me off my feet."
"The contrast in emotional tones makes high-intensity moments stand out."
"Fear comes across when you hear stories like that."
"This was a truly great story... making them change their ways and really consider it all in a different perspective."
"If they're not willing to let the side character from the DS game stay dead, how can any of your story have power?"
"Her greatest pleasure was bringing joy to others through her storytelling both on screen and off." - Statement about Jessica Walter
"You are important, you are helping other people by telling your story, you do have a purpose, and Junior would not want you to come home too soon."
"You want to end the story having learned something about the character or having seen their change and you can usually do that by making sure that they make a choice."
"If I don't very quickly understand and care about... we soon meet then I'm not going to care about some great evil coming to destroy their world."
"It's actually a really touching story, until of course they decide to crush your childhood by teaching a theater full of kids about their own mortality."
"Remember, a great opening scene can be more than simply scene one."
"The biggest gift we can give people is the ability to walk away with a story." - Moonlight Swami
"Reverse the long collapse of the last major British car manufacturer."
"Stories have a power - A power to uplift or a power to bring down the vibration."
"Expectation subversion to have our hero step to the sideline... really powerful."
"Disney's storytelling has always been a force for good in the world." - Bob Iger
"But my favorite part of that whole story was the way Black Panther just cut through everything, was like he's an unstoppable force behind a story."
"The final showdown is often how the game ends and if that ending is not impactful, disappointing or a non-event then that will do a lot to color our memory of the experience."
"The thing I love about movies is I'm discovering is that they really bring the man, the character, the story, history to life."
"Hearing Obi-Wan tell Anakin he's sorry really got to me."
"Mob might have been better animated, Attack on Titan might have been more compelling, Demon Slayer might have been more hype, Beastars might have been more unique, but I know the tale told in Vinland Saga will stick with me for much longer."
"Fiction is a means of education through entertainment if done right."
"When you lead your point with a story, people's brains fire up and they start to try and work out why the things that you were saying matter."
"Stories are things that are designed to affect people on an emotional level."
"Stories like that also act to enhance the interest in bitcoin because there's an actual practical use."
"Your storytelling will make a bigger difference than anything else."
"Once we established the more personal stakes and the connection between the two, it does become a lot more engaging."
"Resurrection and role of Zanza: a mind-blowing revelation."
"Someone read stories to you and taught you to dream."
"Please remember, we're not just telling stories, we are changing lives."
"Stories have a knack for coming in the side door and getting through the level of the heart and the emotions."
"The power of story manifests in such a way that it gets through the armor of both of us emotionally."
"Anakin Darth Vader is my favorite character in all of storytelling."
"Max Payne shifted the storytelling landscape by really humanizing Max as a character."
"This revenge story you're about to hear is genuinely mind-blowing especially considering the fact that the revenge occurs from the grave."
"That has to be one of the best stories, if not the best story, I think I've ever read on my channel."
"It gave me chills, I found it to be creepy AF."
"Honestly, I'm going to put all of that down to Pariston though because this man is quite possibly one of the most intriguing figures in all of Hunter x Hunter."
"Storytelling has a unique ability to build deep meaningful connections."
"That story beats affect you even if they're undone a second later."
"The writing for this ending was absolutely brilliant."
"The power of storytelling is the greatest force in gaming."
"This moment between you and her as she slowly dies in front of you is emotionally devastating."
"What I'm referring to however is the aspect of Oppression being mitigated by the story's narrative."
"It's one of these stories that really touches on bigger issues of what it means to be human."
"The twist just kind of hits you and you're like, 'Oh my god, I had no idea!'"
"I laughed, I cried, and my heart swelled with hope."
"Stories are moving, right? They make you feel things."
"It is powerful stuff and in my opinion it is justification for the entire arc."
"If any story is trying to get any viewer to emit emotion, it has to be an epic moment that resides within the themes of the greater story."
"When you subvert expectations, you've got to give something back. You can't just do it for the sake of doing it; you've got to have a point for it that matters in the story."
"Stories matter and brilliant story writers can change lives."
"I loved hearing about the stories from the women that we highlight."
"It's an amazing story and it's a deeply sad story for what it says not about him but about the rest of us."
"Storytelling is not just about what happens, it's about how it affects and transforms the characters."
"Stories always stick in everyone's mind, with different layers to understand and peel."
"Make sure there's a Next Generation coming up that even does better than us."
"The ending is bold, shocking, and unpredictable."
"Depth can be incredibly impactful. It stays with you."
"The storytelling really compels me to continue playing."
"I want to write a story that changes people's lives, that makes them smile and brings them together."
"The artwork is beautiful and of course, the stories on it, I was you know, it kind of brings you to tears."
"Great storytellers always leave their Mark even if it comes in the form of a scar"
"I've learned that without a good story, valuations lose their meaning."
"Surprises like this work best when it makes the audience say to themselves, 'oh of course it all makes sense.'"
"The most mind-blowing thing about it is really how much this sort of sequence informs everything Joel does for the rest of the game."
"If you can tell a consistent story, markets will cut you a heck of a lot of slack."
"Dear Evan Hansen reinforces beliefs that hurt people who live with mental illness and people who have to make sense of life after someone they love dies."
"This musical promised to start a conversation but what it does best is enforce silence."
"My Batman is different than everyone else's Batman because there are the stories that matter the most to me."
"No matter how satisfying your ending is, it's still hard to say goodbye to characters you've been watching for years."
"If the story is good, one punch is enough."
"The author ruined me. My poor little heart. I got so attached to characters, they went through it and you go through it with them."
"Details are crucial; they can be especially effective if introduced casually without calling too much attention to them."
"In just these 400 pages, I get so attached to so many characters... I'm literally crying over their stories, tears rolling down my cheeks; I'm a pitiful human."