
Evidence-based Quotes

There are 853 quotes

"Type creatine monohydrate is still the best one, and that's just because it has the largest evidence base... you're really going to reach saturation pretty quickly within a matter of weeks at a dosage of anywhere between three to six grams per day."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Some people don't believe we can train the brain. And that's kind of a hopeless state. So let's actually change that with evidence. Personal evidence."
"What we need is more evidence-based nutrition education in medicine and everywhere else."
"All policies shall be based on the weight of evidence."
"Maybe after all this, we will have a movement back to being data-driven, evidence-based, and not allow for the misinformation to propagate."
"I'm all in favor of evidence-based approaches towards our medical model."
"Many opinions that people have are informed by historical facts or science or evidence of a certain kind."
"If we don't follow the evidence, we're not living in reality."
"Community Violence Intervention is an evidence-based approach that has been shown to reduce violence by as much as 60 percent."
"Atheism cares about facts, not feelings; it cares about evidence, not the greater good."
"The only thing that makes conversation possible is an openness to evidence and arguments, a willingness to update one's view of the world when better reasons are given."
"Shaun of the Dead is the kind of movie that rewards you for pausing and paying close attention on rewatches."
"Science, the most consistently reliable path to understanding, relies exclusively on evidence that is repeatable and independently verifiable."
"Science keeps changing. That's how you know you can trust it because when we have new information come to light, when we find new evidence about something, we change our beliefs, we change our perception of reality based on the evidence that's presented to us."
"I'm a big believer in evidence-based medicine and scientific methodology."
"I have always tried to be evidence-based. I believe less in theories or constructs and I believe more in results."
"Your views should change when the evidence changes and assumptions that you had in the past are proven wrong."
"You're going to go where the evidence leads you... If you just go with the best thing you can think of, you are going to be conned over and over again."
"It's about education. I want to know stuff. If people have good arguments and evidence, I'd like to know it."
"Food is really an additional tool in the toolbox, but we can understand nutrition with the same rigor, with the same standards of evidence that we actually apply for drugs."
"If you can come to me and demonstrate that something about my scientific understanding is incorrect, I will adapt to it."
"There is no 'my truth' or 'her truth,' but only one absolute truth, in a sense of evidence-based and reliably sourced factual reality."
"I’m not interested in anecdotes; I’m interested in the evidence."
"Azelaic acid not only treats dark spots but definitely treats acne, and we have a lot of data showing that it's safe."
"It is researchers like Chris Spencer...that we need more of, people who document meticulously, who analyze their data, people who search for corroborating evidence, and most importantly, admit that they're wrong."
"An evidence-based approach is not simply looking to science. It's a three-pronged approach that takes the best current evidence, your own personal expertise, and the needs and abilities of the individual into account."
"I would absolutely [remake a video if new evidence shows that it counters what I said] because the point here is education."
"I'm trying to be very evidence-based; if I can't actively prove that something is the case, I'm not even gonna talk about it."
"The proofs in the pudding. There's no BS. You just have to look at the data, the information, and the feedback from people who have used this vehicle."
"If the court of law uses evidence to make decisions, why not use evidence in your life to prove you're ready for such a time as this?"
"Only evidence should guide the practice of medicine."
"Look at the contrary evidence and that will breed, I think, a very important and virtuous humility."
"A claim isn't evidence. Evidence is when you try to substantiate the claim."
"What we're telling you is supported by evidence, and we're going to have to present these because of the procedures that exist according to the different voting laws of the different states."
"if there's any decision it's based on science should be based on the actual evidence if we're gonna put any work into any decision that should be it and and it's not you know he said she said"
"I don't fit into the Orthodoxy of either political [side]. Primarily I'm focused on the facts, the evidence, and the law."
"We already know the towns that have started doing this are better."
"The only thing I can say is, like, I'll tell you how I try my best. Alright? My own ideology is that I try within the limitations that I have in my mind. I try to be evidence-based."
"Most of the time, the reason the majority of scientists are siding is because that is where the evidence has led."
"We now have the evidence to show people what's possible."
"We're lucky because we live in the most extraordinary world, it's a real world of real evidence."
"This is a rare triumph where those who were portrayed as cranks at the outskirts who were actually correct and had the evidence with them have been in some sense vindicated."
"In science we don't follow people, we follow evidence."
"I care what's actually true, what's demonstrably true."
"Science shouldn't be disregarded simply because you personally don't like the outcome."
"It takes an enormous amount of bravery to simply look at the evidence and the facts in the case and come to a logical conclusion."
"Science adjusts its beliefs based on what's observed. Faith is a denial of observation so that beliefs can be preserved."
"We need to follow the evidence to determine what really happened."
"Facts don't care about your opinions, this is the data, this is the evidence that we're going to use."
"It was a verdict based on the facts, based on the evidence."
"Your evidence should speak for itself at the end of the day."
"The indictment is so detailed and backed up by real evidence."
"We need to be in the pursuit of Truth at all costs and go where the evidence leads."
"Evidence-based medicine is the empirical evidence base Expert Medical opinion and patient preferences we need to get back to that I think."
"Follow the evidence and be as honest as you can about using just the evidence to create the models and the theories that come from it and not the other way around."
"Creating a narrative is easy, finding evidence can be harder."
"We don't have the luxury of ignoring evidence; in science, it's not allowed."
"This video is like evidence-based and empirical data."
"We wanted to see it studied further and really put science-based evidence behind a decision that was made in policy."
"New evidence always supersedes old ideas if the two are contradictory."
"Scientific beliefs are supported by evidence and get results."
"The whole idea about scientific research is that once you have strong enough evidence everyone would be convinced."
"It's time that we start looking at the actual scientific evidence."
"Blueprint is not to tell people what they should or should not do; it's meant to follow the data, the science."
"Show me the evidence. Don't show me the possibility that something bad could happen, show me that something bad happened."
"Trust bust Google, they have too much power and with that too much corruption."
"We need extraordinary evidence to even contemplate a neighbor. Well, guess what? If someone knocks on your door and you are not prepared for a neighbor, that would be too late for you to recognize that extraordinary evidence when you open the door."
"Our opinions are coming from a place of evidence, the law, and painstaking research."
"Examine the evidence before you buy into the media narrative."
"The chip program is a complete health improvement program... there's overwhelming evidence that the whole food plant-based diet gives us the best option for beating these diseases."
"Phrenology is just bunk people...we need to be evidence-based."
"We have to look to the evidence in these cases and follow the evidence because it doesn't lie and it doesn't have a narrative."
"I take an agnostic stance on most things where I haven't seen that what's the evidence sort of things."
"I don't ask you to trust that I'm credible, I show you the evidence."
"The data simply does not back up their claims."
"The default should never be the intervention without strong evidence."
"Einstein says you can't solve a problem from the same level of intelligence that caused the problem."
"All I need is evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"There's actual evidence of this stuff, people."
"We need to focus on evidence-based medicine and give our community good, strong information."
"I'm as open-minded as anybody that I've ever met about pretty much anything provided you can actually present evidence for it."
"Your confidence should be proportional to the evidence."
"My research and the evidence and the scientific evaluation of that evidence has convinced me that this case is real."
"Our journey to uncover the mysteries of the world around us by embracing a scientific lens we have ensured that our work is evidence-based and data driven."
"Tell me the facts, tell me the evidence, tell me how I'm wrong, and leave the harassment out of it."
"The only thing I worship is evidence. You know, I need data to believe what I believe. Show me the data. Show me good data."
"It works. We know it works. There's a lot of evidence out there that suggests that."
"The secular models engage through discussion, debate, and data, not coercion and conversion."
"The only metric is evidence, so what are you going with?"
"You know, if there was any decision in life to be based on best available balance of evidence, it should be the health and wellbeing of yourself and your family."
"I think that's what they did here, uh, one of the tenets of the scientific method is that, uh, any theory or, uh, idea is only as valid as the latest evidence shows."
"The idea that they're actually considering making this decision based on the evidence and not based on the politics, come on."
"It's appropriate to have some degree of skepticism or looking for evidence."
"All the evidence is there and it's kind of hard to argue against it."
"I'm not arrogant enough to think that everything I say is true... If somebody could point me to some evidence that I'm wrong, I'll actually look at that evidence."
"This was a great day for the rule of law and the principles that matter to us that convictions have to be based on evidence and not based on speculation or emotion."
"Science is the one language game we are playing where we get really straight and rigorous about what constitutes evidence."
"It's important that we have serious evidence and fact-based conversations."
"Trust the evidence. Engagement over attention."
"Believe facts and evidence, not just opinions."
"Science doesn't require faith; it requires evidence."
"Academic conservatives don't have the luxury of being dogmatic. They bear a special burden to root their arguments in facts and evidence."
"Evidence-based policy-making and evidence-based decisions, that's what we're all about."
"The evidence is what gives you confidence, the confidence is what you have based on good reasons or bad reasons."
"I think this is open and shut... based on the video evidence in the first place the prosecution should have never brought these charges."
"I think it's about having the evidence for your others and most importantly for yourself right."
"The evidence speaks for itself. Bottom line."
"We can't rely on how friendly or how trustworthy or how genuine someone seems. It hinges a hundred percent on the evidence."
"I want to have beliefs that are justified and supported by evidence and sound arguments."
"The best definition of open-mindedness that I've heard is being willing to follow the evidence where it leads regardless of how it makes us feel."
"Extraordinary claims require not only extraordinary evidence but extraordinary science."
"We've gotten this far following the evidence where it leads."
"Evidence is out there and it's accepted by scientists and accepted by most religious people."
"As a good detective, you want to let the evidence tell the story, not find the evidence that supports your narrative."
"The pursuit of truth must be guided by evidence-based reasoning, logical deductions, and the relentless pursuit of facts to shed light on this intriguing phenomenon."
"I think it's quite egotistical to think that you could hear a few anecdotal stories of adverse side effects and think that you could interpret that in a better way than the smartest people on earth."
"We like facts and evidence, we don't believe stories, we don't believe people, we believe facts and evidence."
"Religion is about helping us flourish in our lives and here is the evidence for it."
"Solutions based on what has been proven to work scientifically."
"This is hard archeological and historical fact, the evidence is there."
"Science bases itself on evidence as well as reason."
"What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"Science is great evidence, it works. I never said it's the only evidence, you could find other evidence, that's perfectly fine if you have another method that's better than science, fantastic, please show me."
"Debates are somewhat Performance Based, which is unfortunate. It'd be nice if we just present the evidence and reach a reasonable conclusion."
"Why do I carry it? Well, just because it's not co T Triple C approved it is still evidence-based."
"A fair-minded person would now withhold judgment as to guilt until the report and the evidence are available for us to see."
"I love you guys. I'm thinking of you and I'll see you in the next video."
"We do learn more and I think it's okay to follow the evidence and change one's mind."
"the level of hysteria and the claims that have been made are so wildly out of proportion to what the evidence actually demonstrates and what rational thinking permits you to embrace"
"Truth has to be verified; claims have to be verified."
"I would rather start by looking at the evidence."
"Harm reduction is a proactive and evidence-based approach to reduce the negative personal and public health impacts."
"Moisturizers are in fact evidence based on evidence-based recommendation."
"The Olympic project cabin is full of stories but at the end of the day it is not the stories that will prove the existence of Sasquatch but rather well-documented facts and evidence."
"It's called evidence of racism. When there is no evidence of racism, it's probably not racism. When there is actual evidence of racism, it's probably racism."
"Modern medicine now relies on a little thing called evidence."
"Show me the evidence. No more kind words, no more buzzwords."
"If you need more proof that king kong could totally stomp godzilla i think this leaked video will prove everything that you need to know about my argument"
"Do the facts, data, and statistics support your argument? That is what should be valued in school."
"Your opinion matters, especially if it's supported by facts and observations." - Benjamin Proudfit
"Seek multiple opinions, rely on your gut instinct and intuition, trust evidence-based practices."
"Great claims require great evidence, as always."
"What makes the claim authoritative is the evidence, not who's saying it."
"The strongest cases are built on multiple forms of evidence."
"We value truth backed up by evidence versus irrational convoluted and politically motivated annoying people."
"Show me the data, show me the evidence, show me your analysis, and then show me your conclusion."
"You question everything, but then you follow the evidence where it leads."
"I have these positions but they're based on reason and evidence."
"Be led by the evidence and what's actually going to make a difference."
"Can you give us your Assurance you're going to decide this case solely on the evidence you see in this courtroom."
"Every single thing you say needs to be backed up... with a fact, with a statistic, with a date, with a person, with a quote, with a place."
"Follow the data, follow the science, follow the facts, follow the metrics."
"Islam is a rational religion, we follow things based on evidence."
"The best way to know that Jesus rose from the dead is what Gary Abrams calls the minimal facts argument."
"Evidence ought to trump narrative obviously."
"Science sort of represented the empirical, the hard facts, the things that could be proven experimentally."
"The most important evidence ultimately is the evidence you will gather in your own personal experience."
"This impeachment is completely divorced from the facts, the evidence, and the interests of the American people. The Senate should promptly and decisively vote to reject it."
"This is what you call really solid evidence, not just claims."
"Always I've been emphasizing the importance, the supreme importance of evidence."
"Our strategy is guided by science, evidence, facts, and reason."
"It's an effective evidence-based way for helping with hair growth and pattern hair loss in both men and women."
"The Portuguese model works. We've now had twenty years of evidence. It's clear it works."
"Sometimes things may seem logical but this is the reason we press for evidence-based medicine even though something may seem logical or it may seem like it makes sense."
"A study brings the receipts. It is not supposition, it is not opinion, it is hard evidence."
"Actual medical science offers real evidence-based treatment."
"Science is about following the evidence wherever it leads, no matter what."
"With science and evidence, you don't have to watch something happen to know it's true."
"Information rooted in the evidence-based world is going to be more and more important."
"Volume is absolutely evidence-based to be successful."
"It is based on a good faith basis based on the evidence and based on what I anticipated the evidence to show."
"We care about evidence, we care about being principled and actually applying the facts no matter if they're Democrats or Republicans."
"The soft landing theory has supporting evidence right now."
"Never trust someone's word just because of their reputation. Always examine the evidence before you."
"The time to believe something is after there's evidence for it."
"I guess you can sometimes choose your beliefs, but evidence could change my mind."
"Let's continue identify, promote evidence-based best practice."
"There is nothing conservative about refusing to acknowledge evidence or give voice to the true nature of a problem. You must speak to the terrible imbalance."
"It's really important to go and learn your craft, find out which area you're really interested in, get really passionate about it."
"I really want to bring really great evidence-based nutrition to people who have medical conditions."
"It's far better and more practical for us to merely respond to the evidence that suggests that something we're doing is problematic."
"Science is not a belief system. You show them evidence, and then they either accept it or reject it."
"I really do believe in what I'm saying and what I've seen on the evidence side."
"True evidence-based practice is using scientific data to the best of our knowledge which is always going to be behind because that's how the scientific process works."
"Show me evidence then we'll talk about it... I'm not going to weigh in on an accusation without evidence."
"When the evidence changes, I change my mind."
"The skeptics and the advocates alike must be willing to look at whatever evidence exists without blinders on."
"You know, when we're presented with new evidence, we change our opinions."
"We need an evidence-based library where you can just go and see which products are worth your money."
"We've got to be led by the science, by the evidence."
"Look at the fruits of his labor. They stopped oppressing the poor and inflating people."
"It won't be my opinion or yours, it will be what's in the evidence."
"Thankfully we actually have some kind of actual evidence for once that there is a direct possibly coming soon maybe possibly even two before the end of March."
"Evidence, experience, and facts are a lot more important than feelings."
"As we move forward more and more scientists are getting on board and that's where this world will shift because when you start to study evidence there's no doubt about the direction in which it leads."
"These types of maps are going to become commonplace."
"So these things seem to I mean especially the fact that the conquest started in 632 that seems to be borne out by the historical evidence."
"Science usually doesn't have easy clear-cut answers and it's a gradual process of building evidence."
"Make sure you have proof or information to validate the opinion."
"I simply want people to be making decisions based on the best possible evidence and accurate assessments of the risks and rewards, something that is hard to come by due to the nature of the echo chambers we've created for ourselves."