
Relevance Quotes

There are 5392 quotes

"The timing doesn't matter, totally irrelevant. Take it in the morning at breakfast, take it at night, take it anytime you want... but the timing is irrelevant."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We've become rapidly irrelevant, and the world's moving on."
"We should actually be covering Black present because it matters more."
"Melee, in comparison, has been the same game since it was released and has stayed eternally relevant."
"Deus Ex uses unproven conspiracies to explore very real concerns, and the result is something that’s managed to stay surprisingly relevant to this day."
"91 percent of smartphone owners bought or plan to buy something after seeing an ad that they described as relevant."
"If you're building companies of today, tomorrow they'll become irrelevant. You need to build companies of the future."
"School is extremely outdated though... every single person coming out of a boot camp is immediately useful."
"His insights and warnings about humanity, both individually and collectively, were not only ahead of his time but in many ways they are still arguably unheated warnings, immensely relevant to today."
"There's so many societally important problems to solve right now."
"Loneliness is a key theme in Blade Runner, and the character of Joy makes an incredibly accurate parallel with the world today."
"The ideas of a man who died a hundred and thirty-three years ago this March, the analysis put forward by Karl Marx, remains extremely relevant today."
"People don't care what you did last year, or what you did two years ago. People just care about the relevancy for right now."
"Love without action is irrelevant and action without love is meaningless."
"Never before has this clip been more relevant: every decision you've made has led us from bad to worse."
"You're sharing are so important and relevant for the time we're in right now."
"When something is the truth, and it's right, it doesn't matter what you believe. It's really irrelevant. It's just the truth or it's not."
"Tetris has been a surprisingly relevant player in the realm of psychology."
"The movie might have aged, but what it has to say is timeless."
"The brain likes to solve real problems... understanding the language becomes relevant to us in a really direct way."
"They have always been crucial and continue to remain very relevant."
"The quest for relevance will be harder for the next generation than it was for us because the half-life of jobs, of so many things, is actually shortening quite a bit."
"Every experience, even the ones that were hard to experience, is relevant to our journey."
"In this video, we'll be discussing whether or not data structures and algorithms are still relevant in 2023."
"So, just having done analysis of algorithms doesn't automatically make you a good programmer. You also need to learn how to program and use these tools in practice to understand when they are relevant and when they are not relevant."
"The very reason Jane Austen's novels continue to be relevant after so many years is that, despite taking place in such a distant time period, the themes and characters remain relevant."
"To stay relevant, you will have to reinvent yourself, not just once, but repeatedly."
"It's so relevant to me in my life. I'm like, there's no way I'm not crying."
"If you don't believe social media followers can be monetized, you are going to be obsolete in the next 18 months to five years."
"The fact that One Piece has been going on for so long and has stayed relevant and interesting is an absolute Titanic feat."
"It's actually the question of relevance, and there's a whole branch of cognitive science now focusing on how in the world do you decide what you attend to when there's an almost infinite number of things to attend to."
"Being a mayor in a city of any size in America right now is about as relevant as it gets."
"Most people don't think that change in Antarctica matters to them, but when we look at New York City and we look at its in front of the ocean, it matters."
"The idea of relevancy is sort of everything. And kids are very much aware of that."
"It's part of our responsibility and obligation to not only protect the traditions but to also keep them relevant for the next generation."
"What George Orwell is describing here, the reason it resonates with not just now, perhaps at a particularly Orwellian moment, but it has resonated for so many years."
"It's gonna totally hold up and be such a great touchstone of what's been going on with us today."
"As fast as you can, work towards getting a job that is applicable to what you want to do in life."
"As long as men are alive, feminism is always going to be relevant."
"As I was going through the background and lyrics, I was struck by how applicable they are today."
"Is feminism still relevant in today's society? Yeah, absolutely, if anything it's more relevant now than it ever was."
"They told stories about social issues that we are still dealing with today."
"You do not have to destroy the legacy of the characters and render previous lore completely irrelevant just for the sake of bringing in a new audience."
"Every one of those Commandments had meaning and have meaning today; they endure."
"The reason history matters is that it is used as a weapon today."
"Remember, history isn't just about facts and dates, but about understanding how the past has influenced our present."
"One of the ideas which keeps popping up in the discussions we're having around here is that old political labels are becoming more and more meaningless by the day."
"This is an incredible story; it doesn't take that long to read and it is just something that's so moving and so powerful and really relevant to what's happening today."
"They wrote really powerful great rock and roll songs and they had great lyrics in there. They said something that related to our lives."
"My mission hasn't changed since then. In fact, my message is even more relevant today."
"Science is not just academics working in ivory towers; the results really influence the world, our perception of the world, what kind of things we buy, what medications we take, how political decisions are influenced. A lot of this is based on science."
"I believe the words that Jesus spoke to the disciples many years ago are still as relevant today as they were back then."
"Machiavelli gives some clear advice that is still beneficial today, especially for either a politician who may have to deal with state departments, committees and think tanks all pushing in different directions with varying agendas, or a person in business who has to deal with various divisions which have different strategic goals or takeovers in a company which have existing allegiances."
"It's amazing to read this text and realize that, 2000 years later, it still applies to our days."
"Finally read the Manifesto, and I was instantly struck by how many parts of it easily could be written today."
"Antitrust is once again becoming a major issue."
"Case studies make learning relevant through open-ended problems that give students work that feels connected to the real world."
"This is the internet; you're gone for a month, you don't exist anymore. That's just true."
"None of this is relevant to the conversation. This is a rights issue."
"I've been doing a few interviews as of later, and that's because there have been a number of very interesting topics that have been brought up over the past few months that I think really need addressing."
"The more your creation relies on current knowledge, the worse it's going to age when that knowledge becomes obsolete."
"I'm richer than you and I'm more fucking relevant." - Theodore
"I probably need to do a new one, that one's so old."
"Support to the United Nations in ongoing reforms to make the organization more relevant."
"It had nothing to do with women's rights, nothing."
"Make it personal to you. Find a story where this applies to your life or your version of this."
"The saying 'the pen is mightier than the sword' has never been more true than it is today."
"Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games."
"Fairy tales in concept are meant to be timeless and relevant to all generations, not just the current one."
"The conversation needs to be, is the policy up to speed with where we are in the domestic violence and domestic abuse conversation?"
"A solution without a problem is completely meaningless."
"But I think the timing of this article is of particular interest considering the circumstances."
"The ability for us to adapt and reinvent ourselves and continue to be relevant from one generation to another generation was really important."
"Dave Chappelle's response... was the perfect response we needed right now."
"Donald Trump isn't president anymore, he might not even run for president again, so why are we still talking about him and why is he still defining contemporary politics?"
"Do you think this Riot has anything to do with this?"
"It's one of the few children's shows that ages well with its audience."
"Nothing I'm saying is futurist, it all matters now."
"There's definitely still a place for focusing on penmanship today."
"This isn't a history that ever ended and it's still alive today."
"It is about trying to stay on trend and do things that you feel are relevant, but also don't have to completely sell your soul."
"Get Out is not only of its time it's really prescient."
"Find a way to relate to your audience and you will bring a lot of value to those people."
"Celebrity culture is dying and they have to start paying attention to the people that younger generations care about."
"Intensity... matters, especially true in a country as polarized as ours."
"They're getting caught up with stuff that doesn't make any sense."
"She's relevant again... people care about you."
"How can the world's population be collapsing if we're still growing? That's the conundrum. It really is counter-intuitive."
"For many years coins were pretty much useless in Mario games."
"Climate change is becoming more relevant in design and our culture."
"Good ideas are simple, relevant, specific, and easy to understand."
"So many people are curious about this... worth discussing."
"Good preaching notices that and proclaims what God is about now."
"It's a perfect vehicle for the younger generation, connecting well with them."
"The principles of individual economic and political freedom... remain as compelling today as they were more than a century ago."
"History always has something to say about the present."
"You're gonna have more luck talking about climate change than about vegan stuff because everyone is affected by climate change but not many people are vegans."
"Just because something is trending doesn't mean it matters."
"The thing is, with what's popping right now, our op-eds do."
"You're the only T channel I watch because you cover topics that matter not just drama."
"The information is still relevant. If the information was outdated, I wouldn't post them. But the information is relevant."
"Google tries to return the most relevant results first."
"I'm all about bridging the current world to the old world and making it understood in a more modern way."
"Merlin's prophecies are of relevance today because it's rooted in the Celtic belief that all life is a circle, a great circle."
"How is female genital mutilation in Egypt relevant to Israel?"
"We have to return to tradition, we have to know, is this serving us right now?"
"Questioning our assumptions around bathroom design is just as important today as it's ever been."
"While there is no shortage of people who love the royal family, there are many who believe the monarchy is outdated."
"Relevance is relative, and it's also subjective."
"My insurance treaty with Theodore Roosevelt would be appropriate and worthy of consideration."
"The media shapes how we identify and assess social problems, telling us whose lives matter and whose don't."
"There's never gonna be a time in art where thought-provoking art didn't matter."
"Belle hooks never misses; she's never out of date."
"An updated take on a legend that makes him feel as relevant as he did before."
"Always connecting to something in their lives, your life, something that they can actually like hold on to and see."
"None of the stuff that we're currently working on plays in that world."
"It's not as if the book is out there and daily life is somewhere else, the book actually, when you read it in relationship to daily life, has a lot of very important things to say."
"I'm sorry that we are so far removed from anything relevant to people's lives."
"Tight ends do they matter? Yeah, they really do."
"Most of the time it's not worth it... the console war stuff doesn't actually matter to anyone On My Level."
"The original game being over 10 years old still feels like a modern game."
"It's clear as you exchange glances, you all have a firm idea individually, a firm idea you believe the werewolf is."
"Be religious to hold onto your truths and your stories. Because when you start diluting from that, you start beginning the process of you becoming irrelevant."
"You got to get on camera and you have to be on topic."
"We think religious wars, these historical Wars are a thing of the past but they're not."
"That individual had some pretty damning information and I think it'd be valuable to the case sure no problem."
"It just felt so grounded and it felt so like it had its finger on the pulse of what was actually happening in culture and society done with this fantastical sci-fi context."
"Resumes are an outdated way to measure somebody's worth."
"Indulgence fits into what's happening right now in gaming seamlessly."
"His satire and commentary have never been more important than they are right now."
"It's no longer simply a question of how long you can be relevant in people's lives, but in how many ways you can be relevant."
"Relevance is irrelevant if we're not first contributing something of value."
"At the end of the day, everyone's channel dies, everyone's channel will have a time where it no longer becomes relevant, and therefore they need to make sure there's a career beyond that."
"Complaints are short-lived weak, and even then only apply to those who are actually your customers."
"Newton's Principia was published nearly 400 years ago, but do you honestly believe that the concepts described therein are any less valid today than they were back then?"
"We shouldn't dismiss People based on opinions that aren't relevant to the conversation."
"Now is absolutely the time to talk about this."
"The vast majority of people are not getting access to good information that is also really relevant to them."
"People vehemently defend it like it's actually something that matters anymore when clearly it doesn't."
"Traditionalism has enduring relevance because it's not based on the ideals of one people at one time in one place."
"It has astonishing prophecies that impact you and I that are unfolding as we speak."
"What is the value proposition of a label today?"
"This is a much crazier story than I ever anticipated, as you can see by my murder board, trust me, everything on this board ends up being relevant."
"Nickelodeon has never been more relevant as an entertainment company."
"You're trying to have something that resonates in any time."
"King of the Hill was one of the most hilariously relevant, timely and relatable cartoons ever made."
"Cross-cultural comparisons are pretty much worthless."
"It's always managed to stay modern which I think speaks to the series' longevity and why it continues to connect with so many new generations of players."
"Your title and description... Make the title great and relevant and interesting."
"That's the only part of this conversation that matters right now. I don't know why anybody else is talking."
"Thanks for bringing it and helping us and unpacking it and also showing its relevancy for us today in the 21st century."
"Dyson's spheres are actually extremely relevant to the human race right now."
"We really want to make sure that professions feel fun and relevant across all levels of gameplay."
"The Marvel Universe is the world outside your window."
"BLM is so irrelevant then why do they keep focusing on on you? That's right, I mean they wouldn't be attacking us or wearing those terrible shirts if black lives matter wasn't moving the needle, wasn't doing important work."
"So much fun. I love the diversity of games we have here."
"The 1936 Olympics were fascinating to me because there are a lot of things that are still going on today."
"I'm not gonna waste your time and spend five minutes talking about random nonsense that has literally nothing to do with the video."
"The other main idea behind covariance is kind of a bummer: covariance in and of itself is not very interesting."
"It's basically relevant to what's going on right now and all the bozo [ __ ] and bozo moves that you've seen occur."
"Sanctions are only relevant as part of a real strategy."
"It's absolutely not what we need right now. But a lot of people are really, really angry."
"You have to stay relevant but at the same time you also have to be a risk taker."
"These laws are for us today, living in the 20th century. There is not one command or one prohibition in the Quran that is out of date."
"Sonic still endures because while he is more than those things, he is still all of these things. He is a gaming icon that still matters today."
"The film's central plot dealing with microchips and Silicon Valley was a good idea as it touched upon what was going on at the time."
"If a believer's life isn't supernatural, it's irrelevant."
"Not everything needs to specifically contribute to hype."
"The Bible's about us, the Bible's about humans. Who cares about what the heck's going on in Alpha Centauri?"
"A world that's Fallen apart and there are monsters and all this stuff is happening but it is applicable to your life right now here in the world that isn't falling apart."
"The most important ranking factor bar none is relevance."
"Everything we do or don't do can be proportionate to the moment."
"I mean, dialogue, whether it's good or bad, isn't usually based on the cleverness or the freshness of the words, it's how appropriate it is to the situation. Dialogue is action."
"Misinformation today... even includes true information if that information is inconvenient."
"These are real topics that need to be discussed."
"He stays relevant without actually doing anything."
"Refusing the importance of feminism both in the past and present is truly the regressive position to take."
"X-Men could and should be really current and really relevant."
"It's amazing if you read Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations... things that we can recognize in our economies today."
"Why would you think a multiverse in which many, many things are possible isn't related?"
"27 percent of our Bible is Bible prophecy; it's as relevant today as it's ever been."
"Why uranium? Why now? Why is this important? Why should I invest in this? Why should I care about this? Why is this time different?"
"If your advice requires some hidden context in order to be useful, then the advice is worthless."
"Which voices we should be trusting, which opinions are really relevant at a time like this."
"There's something called contemporary context."
"Work is meaning for all of us. And it's relevance and it's our place in society--is dictated to us by what we contribute and what we're paid to do."
"I'm just so impressed with how Blizzard has kept this game relevant. It's like every expansion, they make the game look better."
"You don't have to be gimmicky, it's okay to be yourself... Style, your niche, your lane, it's here today and tomorrow."
"The frustration is actually about something right."
"The tools do matter. If you don't stay up-to-date, you'll become redundant very quickly."
"Learn the most recent tools in whatever field you're going into."
"Try to shape what you know in terms of the demand of the question."
"Let's get a little emotional but let's not get emotional you know about things that actually matter."
"You have to ask yourself: Why is that? It's not coincidence that happened right when we were talking about this story."
"Subscriber count is kind of like, 'Oh cool,' but if you think about it, the quality of your uploads as you do them right now is much more important."
"If you tell that to somebody who is in a desperate situation, yeah, that's gonna become important to them."
"Do we really need these [award] shows anymore? It's almost like a...talent shows or the festivals for comedy...we don't need a new faces anymore."
"It's empowering, it's perfect for right now."
"Never take advice from somebody that doesn't have your goals."
"I don't see myself like that. I literally see myself as someone that's like irrelevant, like a past, like no one likes, like you know what I mean?"