
Educational Impact Quotes

There are 503 quotes

"You will come away from today's episode with tremendous knowledge about how you function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We remember individual teachers or classes way more than we remember school. Teachers can make a really big impact individually on a student."
"She's not only bringing us new music but she's also teaching us our history."
"English is at the core of what we do because we passionately believe that acquiring English language skills can provide people with life-changing opportunities."
"There are a lot of kids, especially in lower-income minority neighborhoods, who literally just haven't seen it work. There isn't somebody they know personally who testifies to this value of education."
"The amount of passion and drive my instructor shows for this trade and for his students is above and beyond anything I've seen so far."
"Our experimental investigations have indicated, for example, that university students who complete this program increase their probability of staying at university by about 30%."
"This book taught me, and will teach you, about life."
"I am forever grateful for Oversimplified for what they do for history on the internet."
"You can be the bridge... Greek Orthodox Christians would be happy with your Muslim students like a new breath."
"It turns out that when you create an environment for supporting learning, you get some world-changing results."
"Teachers literally have the future of the country in front of them every day."
"Everyone remembers that one teacher who had a transformative impact on their life."
"Investing into online courses...if you're looking for a specific result and you know you have something that you want to accomplish, then taking $500 and investing that into your education, into just getting past a lot of the hurdles that many people get stuck on, like if there's an online course that satisfies that, then why wouldn't you want to invest $500 into something that's going to save you time, frustration, failures."
"This series removes the veils of previously hidden knowledge."
"Knowledge can only remove ignorance; knowledge cannot do anything else."
"Africa is more than ever decided and determined to take his destiny's own hands."
"You taught them stuff, they changed their life, they don't need us."
"I wanted to package that up and put it in schools and juvenile detention centers and in prisons to say, 'Brother, listen, it's hard, it's difficult, but it's not impossible.'"
"I'm glad he's made the series as it may help some people understand themselves."
"The physical library in the home is known to be tied to better educational outcomes for kids."
"This pandemic has brought about a real turning point for K-12 education as parents realize what their kids have or haven't learned."
"Michael's work will live on and it will continue to impact and educate people."
"History is not just about the fascinating human past, it's about what we are going to do now and how we can learn from the past to avoid past mistakes and perhaps do better than previous generations."
"Portal has become the linchpin in the discussion of the importance of video games in the development of the human mind."
"Our country will have the opportunity to see a more complete version of our history."
"We hope that the Network to Freedom contributes to the learning, the understanding, and the commitment to be a more perfect union."
"If these kids don't have a decent education, what hope do they have?"
"It has been a true privilege to... share with the world the small role that we've gotten to play in bringing this game to fans and a whole new generation to understand World War two."
"Your students are thinking more deeply about literature and science and mathematics and history."
"I really want to make my students feel that way... have their own epiphany with me."
"This course changed the way I look at everything."
"The test of truth in life is not whether we can remember what we learned in school, but whether we are prepared for change."
"A bad decision would be giving her too many detentions... but the fact that he decided to go as far as to take away her scholarship opportunities... that's worse than a bad decision."
"Howard, like, just the best decisions because we need more black excellence."
"I feel like man just barely but it's the critical thinking skills..."
"We have a duty of care to make sure that when they do leave those gates, they leave better than what they came in."
"It's amazing what can be accomplished and I'm particularly grateful for the education I got in Tulsa..."
"For me, he needs to be a part of that conversation. He just made it look so easy, and he just educated a lot of us."
"I love being with you. I love the reactions. I love your questions. I hope you'll show these to others because these can be, and they're meant to be, life-changing ideas."
"Power of education and telling people how refugees fit into the wider context of Economic Development."
"Watch out. This system’s dysfunction is teaching a new generation the way, the how, and the why a system change is now on the historical agenda."
"You really employed your gift of bringing this subject to life in a way that people really need to experience."
"The children that were in school actually got a different kind of education because teachers were able to devote more time to them."
"He is reshaping the world in incredible educational ways."
"The brain finds it most compelling to learn through stories."
"Your knowledge right now is through the roof."
"Anybody who believes that entertainment isn't a teaching machine is full of shit."
"Educational content is incredibly important to YouTube... Almost everyone comes to YouTube to learn something."
"The scientific endeavor that is evident here is something to be applauded, frankly it's a beautiful thing."
"Sharing Brian's story, mistakes and all, we can create an opportunity for learning and teaching."
"We dismiss children's stories because to engage with them on any level beyond simple acknowledgement would be to admit that there are lessons we never learned."
"Anything that surprised me may not have happened in my lifetime but happened before I studied the Great Depression because I did that I was able to anticipate the 2008 financial crisis."
"Whatever is happening on campuses right now is what is going to play out through the rest of society in about 30 years."
"Education is supposed to supersede poverty and social ills."
"Actually come out of it enlightened a bit yourself, and then you ask that of everyone else who's watching you."
"There's kind of this light bulb experience that my students have."
"Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the single most successful person, the single greatest leader, the single greatest educator, the single greatest human being who has ever come in the history of mankind."
"The one thing you want a family who visits Mount Rushmore to walk away with knowing is what more information, more true history about the native people that were here."
"Evidence that you watch the video isn't evidence that you understood it."
"It focuses on the mis-education that leads to a lack of empathy."
"Yes, there are some very inspiring success stories here on 00kidney, people were basically able to reverse their kidney disease thanks to what they learned from this program."
"We're going to show other people how they can take these same principles to reach their highest potential."
"Skillshare has actually been applied... very few people seem to talk about how Skillshare has actually been applied."
"Now we get to the big boy, the crown jewel of the banned book club."
"I read Passion of the Western mind at university back in 93 94 and I'd say it probably had the most impact of anything I've ever read."
"NEP 2020 emphasizes the teacher's crucial role in not just imparting information, but also shaping individuals capable of navigating a rapidly evolving world."
"Music is absolutely front and center in all worldwide modern education curriculums."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and I hope you learned lots from this free course."
"You judge people by the way they teach, not who they are."
"You're here to teach people. The best teachers are the people who've been through things themselves. They're the people who can teach."
"Immeasurable ways SCP 8140 broadens our understanding of history."
"The tragedy of what happened is that Evergreen was destroyed, it's not capable of educating anymore."
"I thought the world got smarter for the people that did watch it."
"It's hard to overstate the importance of the fabled Rosetta Stone."
"People are hungry for information and that is going to change the world."
"The problem with the CDC's six-foot rule for schools."
"This film not only would it venture into some didactic territory, it would also have an impact on young people."
"The printing press became a cornerstone of education, shaping the modern era by fostering literacy and influencing scientific and cultural advancements."
"It's not just to have the posters on the wall, it's to get those conversations started."
"Highly selective institutions really do have the ability to change the lives of low-income students."
"A 12-year-old teaching us all something very important."
"Thanks for the vid, thanks for the tutorial, I just saved my whole universe from dying in a zombie apocalypse still using my tutorials, that's so amazing."
"Closing schools for that age group was a catastrophic error - perhaps one of the greatest policy errors of this pandemic."
"I know there's people that listen to me who are still in high school and that's a very beautiful situation."
"Land of Hope strikes a chord and that chord blends the complex truths of America's history with the most inspiring way of teaching."
"Affirmative action was right. Educate our future leaders on how it systematically helped my people as a group."
"Diana's time working made her the first royal bride to have a job before being married. 'I wanted to teach children,' they said, 'Why not come along?'"
"This is a course that really sticks with you because it's experiential."
"It was the worst two-and-a-half years of our life, 400 schools closed, many people killed, women absolutely no rights at all."
"Quite a lot has been changing... through education... and creation of communities."
"Educational work given that most on your tie educated winning performance."
"I felt like I learned so much... it really sparked a massive interest I have in Istanbul."
"Western education combined with an Asian mind, including the Chinese mind, has an explosive effect."
"Zamora's Legacy endures as a symbol of resilience, education, and the ongoing battle against the stigma surrounding HIV."
"Dr. Stone's so great because it's such a different concept for me and it makes me feel smart as a dude who's like in his fifth year of college. I'm like, bro, watching this, I'm an intellectual."
"For me, it's really remarkable to see something that is on a poster... but to see it lived out every day with our students."
"I do believe that Kerbal will have inspired a whole new generation of rocket scientists."
"You know what you've done? You've done today, help so many people who are going to watch this video visualize John 3 when they're reading this."
"Funny how they said people are being judged by the color of their skin when that's exactly what CRT teaches them to do."
"Education will make the biggest difference because instead of what giving somebody a fish you're teaching us how to fish."
"The incredible power of this technique is that it's uniquely matched and perfect for every student that uses it."
"I gotta believe that Reading Rainbow is the most important work I've ever done."
"Reading is the only virus we want to be infectious this year."
"The fact that this country has given me an education, this country has given me hope in what the African can achieve... These are things I'm proud of."
"Parents hold a significant role in educational outcomes."
"I hope that your eyes and ears have been opened to one of the most special and beautiful cultures on our planet."
"This is somebody that is literally taking it down, they're throwing it away, everything that they built, it's like it's coming down."
"What good is all the research we are doing if we don't teach it to other people?"
"The best teachers love their job, take all sorts of useless facts, and are able to disseminate it and feed it to you in a way that you care."
"The professor, not the subject, makes the class."
"Thank goodness for the internet that can mobilize these groups and teach and we can all be learned in things."
"If even one person picks up a book about anti-racism or about racism that they wouldn't have before then that'll be the objective done..."
"Fashion's so underrated... When students improve their fashion from the program, the results come and it's such a beautiful thing to see."
"A great story has meaning, and it provides a learning experience."
"The televised hearings from the January sixth select committee... it's a massive positive civics lesson for the country."
"It's always really exciting to see a game that focuses so much on history."
"Exhibits served their purpose and did a great job at educating people."
"If you do everything that I told you to learn over the course of these 12 weeks here is everything that you would have that guarantees your music career launches perfectly."
"There are studies and research that demonstrate the long-term impact of gamification on student learning and motivation."
"If this new Magic School Bus can inspire the next generation to be more scientifically literate and eager to find the next great discovery, then it's still accomplishing what Joanna Cole set out to do over 30 years ago."
"Every day that goes by that those children are not learning they're falling behind and every day that they fall behind we fall behind."
"I wasn't lying when I said everything I learned was from School of Rock."
"The SAT is a shitty test, but it matters. At least when I was going into college, the test mattered."
"Seeing something is far more powerful than reading something."
"I've learned so much in the past months from your channel."
"Compassion, empathy, and education on these groups can really go a long way."
"If my analysis is ever like that and my teachings and my students know this as a hallmark to me."
"The future of the world is in this classroom."
"If we don't turn this around we're going to lose far more than what our children can be taught in school, we're going to lose our democracy."
"The greatest success of a school is that it stops existing because its fundamental teachings have become parts of the general body of commonly accepted thought."
"History is only as interesting as the people who taught it to you."
"Millions of kids are going to come out of this pandemic being two years behind in their education."
"Kids need to know that I'm in the arena fighting alongside them."
"In order for this world to heal we need to appreciate art there needs to be an art education in art when they could have a painting matter now top I know jr."
"Garvey's approach... expose people to larger vision."
"Thank you for bringing structure to our lives and for us to stay motivated through all these months and years." - Student thanking Martha Ocampo
"I've learned so much from you over the last 25 years reading your books and watching all your videos."
"Your research was phenomenal in equipping young people like myself to take a stand against evolution in our secular schools."
"If you leave these thinking that paganism or Satanism or astrology were what motivated the evils under the Nazi regime, then what do you think the human race has to learn from this?"
"There's nothing more pleasurable to me than seeing a child who's struggling and I can turn that around."
"Wikipedia has democratized information, a miraculous development."
"Teachers are geniuses and wonderful and angels of this Earth."
"Banning and burning books removes the opportunity for children to expand their view of the world."
"NASA and space exploration really fuel the mind, inspire children to want to do these sorts of things."
"Irony is if a parent... moving to a school... actually has Higher Achievement."
"It's a Trojan horse for getting people interested in subjects that might otherwise be too sterile."
"Our students are gaining brand new jobs and a brand new confidence."
"It's good that they're at least putting it back in and hopefully they'll use that to help some kids pick it up and read it."
"It's no knock on Kirby, no one could do that."
"Reading is insanely more powerful than you guys probably think."
"Teaching and satisfaction of whoever I'm teaching is learning, watching a light bulb go on stuff like that."
"Please stop saying children are resilient. They'll be fine because I think that's an incredibly unfair and diminutive thing to say."
"I believe that the way to make this difference is through education."
"If I felt like I left the class and I was like, you know, I felt like I learned something today."
"I just wanted to say thank you and mean to the world that you guys teach this stuff."
"Books, the building blocks of our civilization."
"Well, I was lucky to have an amazing teacher."
"Experiment one and experiment for M and Q stay the same, but X doubles. What happens to the rate? Bam, doubles."
"Now right here in these 15 minutes you've been given enough information to start a revolution."
"The JF debate is S tier. I stood my ground and came off looking more educated than him."
"Education is a life and death affair, shaping the kind of human being you'll be."
"He makes educational programming for children that is very, I think, a net positive overall. It's way better than that like crazy Russian content farming [__] that was going out there, even Coco Melon sits wrong with me."
"Parents rising up around I'd say the country but actually just the entire western world because of how far critical race theory has just spread throughout our institutions."
"This is good, it teaches young kids boundaries. Oh, chop you!"
"Not all of our power is in the branches; it exists in media, education, NGOs, and the deep state."
"When you learn how to code, it really unlocks your brain in a very interesting way."
"When he says the scriptures speak of me right the scriptures speak of me."
"Not exposing people to a deadly virus is probably higher on the list than missing out on math."
"Let's educate women and put them in the workforce so they're not worried about their children."
"In relationships where the woman was more educated than the man, they were more likely to stay together."
"If I have that and if I can convey that to students... that a problem is not yet solved but it's solvable... it's not just that they do great research while they're working with me but that they continue to do great research."
"Everything in the various different courses I have is such unique foundational information that led me to be the person that I am today."
"If enough people learn it, it will change the world... because it'll change the system."
"I think that we're educating people but also creating allies with movies like this."
"The real payoff for me has been the just the number of people that I've heard from who've said I used to believe in the moon landing conspiracy and now I just don't."
"Thank you for what you do, I honestly have a better understanding of how this stuff works next to your videos."
"Doing these videos have actually made me a better physician."
"Does this thing help people live their best life through creating inspiring and educational content?"
"Lead by example... when you apply what you know to yourself and you show what it looks like, that's a whole other level of understanding that you can present."
"Taking our course has increased her confidence in speaking English."
"You have to make it entertaining but also deliver impactful, practical information."
"Hooray! This course really filled my knowledge gaps and I became more confident after watching some of the videos."
"Our greatest weapon against these demons is information and education."
"English literature to my mind is the most powerful subject you could take on."
"I think in this case the Institute was just trying to, I don't know acknowledge that when done right and hopefully we did, you know a story and popular culture can be a way of educating the public."
"There's like a little bit of star power in a strange way to being taught in person by a person who does the thing and knows the stuff even if it's a lowly astronomer being talked being taught astronomy by someone who's been there and done it."
"I'm blessed to tune in. I'm learning so much. I can't wait for the next program."
"The goal of both this video and that movie is to present you with an understanding of what a lot of people are going through."
"By teaching people that death is going to happen, it emphasizes the value of life."
"You want to make sure that your course topic is doing... that for your potential student. They need to know that a transformation will happen, a problem will be solved, a future will be brighter because of the course that you're you have to offer."
"Life is not serious and this is gonna be your best teacher."
"We were told a year ago flatten the curve... and then it will all be over. Right now, today, only 40 percent of school kids across the country are in in-person school five days a week."
"Who's going to be the one deciding whether there are sufficient education, documentation, scientific or artistic context?"
"Darkness is growing in our world... since we removed God from [schools]... darkness is expanding."
"Sharing books brings me so much joy. I love thinking you might find information in them that helps you."
"Community makes you guys teach each other, and in turn, it results in a better"
"We do a really good job at helping the beginner and are we gonna get flack for it maybe sure yes all the time but I think we're helping more people than people realize."
"The scholars, they did a great job, great topics."
"What we've always wanted is to help people learn and grow from our lives."