
Social Bonds Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"From the day we are born until the day we die, the quality of our social bonds dictates much of our quality of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People's breathing can synchronize, people's body temperatures can even start to synchronize."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Highly empathic people tend to be looking for what they share with others, not what divides them."
"It's a fantastic community. I'm very, very proud of what we've built."
"You guys are better friends than I could ever have asked for."
"Trust isn't easy to come by, but when it's given, it can be powerful."
"A big theme for me is I want to be less self-involved and more thinking about how am I being a good sister, how am I being a good daughter, how am I treating my friends."
"It's definitely built into us to feel closer to people that we share meals with."
"You're the product of the five people you spend the most time with, but don't forget the people who need you to be one of those five people."
"What is binding us together is not genetic relatedness, it is common purpose."
"People come out more pro-social, which is a strengthening of our inbuilt reciprocal ethic."
"We are connected across our lifespan to one another, through a myriad of invisible forces, that, like gravity, are ubiquitous and powerful."
"We are already more connected than we're consciously aware of."
"I've done a really great job of maintaining and managing long-term relationships in my life with my family, with my friends, with business partners."
"We're connected in a sense that we often lose sight of."
"Oxytocin, a hormone released during intimacy and other intimate gestures like hugging or holding hands, has been proven to strengthen social bonds."
"Friendship isn't only about help; it's much more."
"Real community and connectedness...is going to uphold our values."
"The relationships that you build can last a lifetime."
"Some laugh researchers think much of our laughter is rooted in strengthening social bonds."
"Everyone in the world has someone who cares for them, regardless of how good or bad they are, or how high or low their status in life is."
"We are a country that has basically decided that all social bonds are forms of repression of you and that the best thing that you can do to find yourself, to find your true center, is to ignore all the roles and institutions that society has traditionally placed around you."
"Unless we investigate the roots of this rage, the rupture of these social bonds, the deep betrayal, then these divisions and the rage that comes with it is only going to grow."
"Unless we address that suffering, unless we reintegrate these people into society, unless we re-knit the social bonds to give them a place, give them a sense of dignity, give them meaning, give them a sense of purpose, we're finished."
"Intrinsically, happiness comes from volunteer work, helping others, creating social bonds with family members or friends."
"Inherited families can be really good friend groups that are like families."
"Everybody's got a friend they think is a little nutty politically but they come over and you can have beers with them you can have conversations with them you can hang."
"The community has been there, concerned and supportive."
"It's natural to take pride not only in your own achievements but in the people and things that are connected to."
"It's all about connections: family, friends, co-workers."
"Whatever you think of me, please know that you are all my most treasured friends. I've never had people like you in my life."
"It is very humbling how much of a community this actually is."
"It's going to be the work of decades to reverse that atomization of society... to recreate social bonds."
"I can definitely 100% say that I wouldn't be where I am now without punk and probably 90% of my friends can say the same."
"The thing that really turns strangers into friends is failure, vulnerability."
"The power of friendship, that's how we lift it up."
"The safe place is never where the rewards are, no, or the character-building or friendships oftentimes."
"The most important thing for her was to have close and warm friends."
"You gotta have brothers, you feel me? You gotta have people that you got a real circle with."
"We are deeply relational beings, designed not for independence, but for radical dependence and connection."
"Because that sense of shared humanity is the foundation on which real solidarity is built."
"This is a great time to connect with your friends, especially those who feel like family, loyal, compassionate, and supportive."
"You get in exchange for that is a family, fulfillment, purpose, love, legacy."
"Relationships are built in a number of ways but meaningful relationships are always built upon personal relationships."
"You know everybody, and everybody knows you."
"If I'm forced to live with these people, form connections, fall in love, I've made these connections. I see that people can be terrible but people can also be great."
"BFFs will have a slower delay relationship decay; that's a true friendship."
"In a world often indifferent, there were still people with hearts full of kindness."
"Knowing how many people care about me and you and yeah all of us, it's kind of wild."
"Liberalism has a tendency to liquidate social bonds."
"Thanks to the food, the precious memories the devil hid from him finally came back."
"This community guys that we built together is absolutely awesome."
"Maddie was always the one who was always telling everybody she was around that she loved them."
"Never underestimate the power of friendship, ladies and gentlemen."
"People come to you because they know all your inside jokes."
"I grew up in hostels, my friends were my family."
"But the community is strong... love you all."
"I missed our weekends community. I love all every single one of you."
"The things that we have in common are extremely important."
"You're the ultimate homie, anybody would be so lucky to have you as a friend."
"Being a part of a tribe is a very important thing, whether in life or on an expedition."
"Thank you guys for providing a community for all of us since we were in high school college."
"I love how you guys love and support each other."
"It's just my opinion... and you can disagree with me and we can still be friends."
"Without that initial bond, there would be nothing to protect, no loyalty to one's family, tribe, clan, or community."
"I feel very humble you know I'm thankful for having you guys in my life for you being a part of my life for you listening to my dumb stories and to just have you there you know and thank you guys for everything you guys mean a lot to me."
"To those that know me, I've called you a friend. Act like one."
"I seriously love her so much. She's like one of the most amazing people in this community."
"Finding genuine friends is about having meaningful conversations over time. Weed out those who are around for a season or a reason."
"Here's to you, Pete. They gave me the warm fuzzy, so thank you guys."
"Religions are hosts for community, turning strangers into friends."
"Find multiple sources of connection of intimacy of friendship."
"They really like getting together with friends, I feel like this person has a group of very loyal friends who they spend time with."
"Human connection is so important in order to create any sort of longevity through any sort of relationship."
"I am hoping we can gather some real true friendships get to some understanding."
"Building a friendship is a critical piece in developing deep bonds."
"I think during my gap year you know I went through a breakup, and I really got to cherish my friendships a lot more."
"You guys are a community, you guys can be best friends if you really want to."
"Don't give up because there are wonderful humans out there that you will enjoy spending your time with."
"Hussein Fatal, he was a solid dude, one of the most loyalest dudes to Gaddafi."
"It links you not only to people who are different from you, it also links you to people throughout history and time."
"I'd still be your best friend no matter if you have a big house or a little house."
"Reject the slave mind. Think for yourself. Get a strong network of brothers."
"Overall, it's really not a great thing but you know what is a great thing friendship."
"Just care about yourself and love yourself and the people around you."
"They're the most caring and giving people I've ever met."
"I genuinely believe in the good of the people around me."
"Relationships extend beyond mere social connections or casual interactions. They are more than that; they hold profound influence."
"I've got friendships for life, you know we are all very much connected."
"The actual magic that comes from Duel Monsters is the bonds that people make while playing."
"Just knowing that people have so much love... just the people you see every day."
"They're not a cult, Sam. They're a symbol of our bonds."
"These are my friends, I mean we've been friends since high school."
"I admire the nature of your friendship such that you're willing to overlook basic moral disagreements in order to spend time with the person."
"You realize that you were doing that for many other people without even knowing that they cared."
"Knowing, looking at another person and knowing what their struggle is and being in solidarity with it is such a better relationship to have."
"Birthdays are a great way to increase a friendship level."
"We need genuine friendships, people that really like each other."
"People looked out for each other, people looked out for your kids, and it was a more family-oriented type of place back then."
"The sense of connection is just. It's unbelievable."
"That feeling of community and having a tribe—it's innate to our wants."
"His loss was felt deeply not just by his family but for the entire community."
"Quality... is about the quality of connections."
"Even fat old fools like [him] have friends, and debts of affection to repay."
"People connect with people based on their flaws, not based on their strength."
"Pretty much all of my favorite people are in some way beautifully broken."
"I'm loving just being able to be with people that love me and lift me up."
"We need to get back to communities, strong communities of people who care about each other, man."
"I told you, I make money. Oh Lord, the power of friendship."
"Connection is the glue that holds it all together."
"It's never been no haters, nothing like that, it's just we both from the same place."
"When you find good friends, you hold on tight."
"Shared experience is one of the best parts of life."
"Focus on yourself, your family, your loved ones, your friends, your community."
"Night vision is very cool but you know what else is cool? Friendship."
"Having a good relationship with the people around me."
"Everybody's connected in some way."
"We're all looking to connect. That's it; we all just want a connection."
"We've really deteriorated our essential bonds to one another."
"To renew our civic life, we must repair the social bonds that the age of merit has undone."
"Relationships are the key indicator of human happiness; friends and family rank just as highly as spouse."
"By opening up to others, we strengthen our social bonds and foster a sense of community."
"Loneliness functions as this warning signal, to warn us that we might be at risk of losing our high-quality social relationships and getting cut off from our social group."
"It's important that we acknowledge how important social bonds are to us and to our health."
"We are all called to friendship because friendship is an integral part of human flourishing."
"Connection and community heals us from and prevents everything from heart attacks, stroke, even the common cold."
"The power of community is so important."
"The sense of connection people feel has actually diminished."
"You're going to have built-in friends."
"I've known a lot of these people for a very long time. Wales, everyone knows each other."
"As long as you are able to create opportunities for all kinds of people in this society, friendships will be formed."
"Friendship is elective, yes. You don't have to do anything for your friends, you should."
"I feel like she's been laying down some good foundations for social bonds."
"Devote time to your friendships because as you get older this will be harder and harder to do."
"...there's like a real sense of community in the city..."
"...and yet they feel this strange sort of abstract solidarity."
"I don't know many other Generations that do it, most people understand life is about people, family, and relationships."
"How ultimately people relate to us, is what's the medicine."
"Every day I'm just more and more thankful for the community we've built."
"People are making time to be part of your life in a way, you know?"
"Female friendship is one of the most powerful forces on earth."
"Building community. We've built community around us where we share our lives with our community."
"I think it is kind of foolish to just view people as just individuals... you're part of something, a country, a family, whatever, a friend group."
"The primary motivational force of all of our Lives is to connect."
"Platonic relationships are just as important as romantic relationships."
"Family has a different meaning; it's a larger family network, it's the community, it's the village."
"Building those friendships, building trust."
"It's all about people and community."
"Getting the friendship established was very important."
"Not everybody is gonna like you, but the people that well like you aveer yourself, they'll become your little uni Shore your little clan your community."
"Most of the things you value have a community around them."
"Everyone I've met is through music."
"Community is important. Think of your neighbors."
"If he was friends with Kurisu, he's hardly an outsider."
"Connection is important for everybody so for us it may be marriage, for someone else they may not want to get married but they want to have that tightly knit group of friends."
"Community is not an abstraction; you can touch and feel community."
"Home is where the heart is implies that in America, home is a feeling, a sentiment based on social intimacy and bonds of affection."
"We need other people to be dependent on us and we need to depend on other people."
"We're tribal animals and we thrive in tribes."
"I got too many friends that love me, and I love life too much. There's no way to go for a man like me."
"Connection is one of the six choices to building a non-anxious life."
"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the friendships you establish along the way."
"We are not ourselves when we're not deeply connected to other people."
"There are drinking buddies and there are real lifelong friends, and they both have a place in this world."
"It's the most wonderful privilege to be connected."
"I love it, they're like really all friends."
"If you do not have the mental process to find friends who are as good as family, you keep thinking family are friends."
"Friendships in general require time and constant effort."
"You need Brotherhood; you need friends; you need social connection."
"We are wired to attach and to connect."
"When you're in a community, everyone is really watching out for each other."
"Your friend circle, they really honor you."
"Social connectedness requires generosity."
"When we threw out our web, our network, our community in the zeal to be more individual, we threw out something we really needed for the sustenance of our hearts."
"With mammals, they have this ventral vagus social engagement system which links vocalizations, facial expression, listening, breath with the regulation of the heart."
"I did actually find that rats form stable social bonds with specific members of their group."
"You are constituted by your relationships."
"We are called to live in community, to understand and to be understood."
"They seem like a really tight group."
"Stay friends with the same friends I have now, keep them together."
"The future of 'we the people' in this country is to rediscover that social dimension of ourselves."
"Being nice to everybody is what gets you friends that will stick with you for a long time."
"Strong social ties are fundamental to organizations and creativity, innovation, commitment, and trust."
"Life is better together, and life is better when you have a wolf pack."
"It's in those coming togethers that a true community is built."
"Community is all we have, so remember that."
"I'm honestly excited to become better friends with your friends."
"It's a type of culture where you trust the people close to you."
"It's important for us to feel like we've got some kind of support."
"Not all relationships have to be romantic; people can have strong, beautiful, valuable friendships."
"Your friends really want to hear from you; they think you're really funny."
"That's about connection with other people, the world around us, our friends, our work colleagues, our partners, our children, but also connection with ourselves."
"Life is about companionship, friendship, family, relationship, and it's really key."
"People are either together or they're not together."
"We need to build in a lot of that social connection that we've lost."
"Girls keep relationships going for sure."
"Most of us will be glad for the company of a friend."
"Make friends and keep them close."
"Relationships are very important."
"Primates are very social, and we create and build social bonds through food sharing and grooming."