
Social Psychology Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"From the day we are born until the day we die, the quality of our social bonds dictates much of our quality of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When your bodies feel the same, you tend to feel more bonded to somebody else."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People want to feel attractive and attracted. People want to make sure that there's stability in the relationship."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I am not what I think I am, I'm not what you think I am, I am what I think you think I am."
"A person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
"They saw a pattern that this made women happier and feel more appreciative, therefore strengthening the relationship."
"Morality would basically go towards, like yeah, in many senses there is a group mentality to it."
"If we don't feel good about ourselves, no one else is gonna feel good about us. It's contagious."
"It's hard to hate people when they make us laugh."
"The ability to harness tribal effects is a tendency of people to rally to their in-groups when they see one of their number under attack."
"Through this research, TIV (tendency for interpersonal victimhood) absolutely does appear to be a quantifiable personality construct."
"On a person-to-person basis, the instinct that another human being is across from you, and you automatically empathize with them because they have eyes, and they have a nose, and they have a mouth, and they look like you, because they're a human, like that instinct kicks in."
"Ask her for a favor. It's counterintuitive, but we actually like somebody more when they do us a favor."
"Your relationships are the biggest governing force over all of it because that is the most influential thing on the decisions you make."
"First impressions matter, first impressions create a precedent."
"Warmth and trustworthiness has been shown to trump pretty much any other trait."
"Confidence signals to us that the other person values themselves and therefore we value them higher as well."
"The need to be included is not just a weakness; it's primal."
"Just when you lose hope in humanity, you see citizens coordinating to rescue each other in hurricanes, communities creating solutions to problems, people fighting for a better world."
"Understanding how to recognize when people are lying and understanding how strangers can deceive you is going to be sadly a useful skill."
"Charisma is contagious and they have actually proven this in the lab."
"We're afraid of being vulnerable, but we want connection."
"Maybe we're not talking about how easy it is to become the thing that we dislike and how sometimes the thing that we strongly dislike in other people is an unchecked part of ourselves."
"Witness has robbed many people of compassion and replaced it with moral superiority. Compassion and empathy are paramount to any social movement."
"We do all have a need for belonging, and the reason Cults are so attractive to people is because they do provide a source of belonging."
"The social psychology of this century reveals a major lesson: often, it is not so much the kind of person a man is, as the situation in which he finds himself, that determines how he will act."
"Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process."
"Attitudes follow behavior; they do not predict it."
"Social conformity is stronger than you think."
"You tell me one person you know, and take 20 people who know that person, they're all going to give you different versions of what they think of that person."
"Humanity has evolved in such a way that being accepted by your peers is crucial to survival."
"Embarrassment is part of the matrix; it's not real."
"Humans just weren't built to operate on such a massive social scale."
"The data on the existence of implicit bias on those subjects is pretty overwhelming."
"The ultimate result was, although intergroup friction is increased when competition is included, it can be reduced, thus meaning in the wider world, intergroup relations can be improved."
"We're social actors, we tend to enact behaviors and perform roles in the presence of others."
"We're social animals and we're heavily incentivized psychologically to not break ranks with the norms of our social group."
"The more bystanders observing an incident, the lower the probability that someone will intervene."
"The reason people are not saying what they think is not because they don't know. It's because they're afraid of being wrong."
"Echo chambers tend to create a belief that your opinion is a reflection of reality rather than just a subjective interpretation of reality."
"We have immensely rich powers of empathy, but they need to be stirred into action."
"Our biggest environment that affects our biology, are our close relationships."
"Attributing any criticism of your group to the moral or personal failings of critics appeals to the inherent group-is psychology which all humans share."
"Dehumanizing is such a nefarious way to kind of other people so it eases guilt."
"The research tells us very clearly that if we are willing to confront that... we actually can check the bias before it becomes discriminatory behavior."
"Everyone cares more about the opinions of people they're close to."
"If you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people, they will react the same to you."
"The answer to restoring families is not just telling people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps; you have to understand the psychology of the average person."
"It showed that authoritarian figures lead to more obedient subjects."
"The black-and-white thinking, where it's us against them, that mentality can be so addictive."
"If you're someone who is driven by care and fairness and that's it, you don't care about loyalty, purity, authority, or anything like that."
"Every friendship has four variables: proximity, frequency, duration, intensity."
"Power is the ability to define someone's reality and have that person accept that definition as if it were their own."
"Studies show when you think somebody likes you, you end up liking them more."
"Understanding how people react to certain stimuli has become the proverbial el dorado for social savvy marketers."
"When a woman is obsessed with a man, that man tends to have better outcomes."
"Hyper polarization isn't just a US phenomenon and it may be that whatever this psychosis is that's emerging in the US and in many other countries maybe it's coming from the US is ripping apart more than one country."
"Size doesn't matter when we're dealing with cults. It can consist of five people or five million people."
"When a person cannot attach themselves to anything, they become apathetic, nihilistic and seek to destroy life."
"The idea that vulnerability is attractive is a herd mentality."
"The distinction between the in-group and the out-group, that is very basic."
"There is a phenomenon where the pressure on an idea becomes so great that people feel intimidated out of questioning it."
"When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism but demand it."
"He's essentially says stereotypes come from somewhere and we have to understand them if we want to understand these people and perhaps even change Behavior."
"Social rejection can activate the same pathways in the brain as physical pain."
"The reason why they bend towards that fascist thought isn't because they are genuinely fascist, it's because of all these stupid party politics, cognitive distortion, partisan biases they have."
"People will often behave in a way that reflects their environment."
"Let's take a deep dive into the psychology of riots."
"Embarrassment, awkwardness, cringe, no matter what you call it, it's one of the most unique human emotions."
"There is an inherent paradox to being human: every moment of every day we are both individuals and members of groups."
"The perception of others plays an important role in self-development." - A class divided
"I think everyone knows what fucking herd mentality is at this point."
"I mean, when your point of view, like, you hold your point of view, whether you realize it or not, in part because you're taking pleasure in the suffering of the person you disagree with."
"And it's also easy to see how those conspiracy theories can seduce such a person, but then to take pleasure in watching something bad happen to them, I think it's like, and that's that in-group out-group tribalism."
"I do think people act differently when they're being watched."
"This is one of the funny ways...this type of behavior actually can have an opposite effect."
"Technology is not neutral, and it becomes this race to the bottom of the brain stem of who can go lower to get it."
"We have to acknowledge the human being is tribal by nature, it actually kind of loves to hate."
"Men overestimate the degree of interest that women have in them."
"Embarrassment is like an emotional alarm bell that goes off when we cross into the potential or actual disapproval territory."
"A driver has no idea who you are but you feel like you know them... that's a parasocial relationship."
"Why are they so afraid of mass psychosis? Because mass psychosis is the diagnosis for the insanity, for the brainwashing that has been pulled over our eyes as a society."
"Just a minority of one to three percent can really change the whole opinion, the whole idea, and understanding of a nation."
"Conflicts, if they're successfully resolved, breed trust. And trust reduces future conflicts."
"Concentrate on initiating reciprocity by providing free value... following the rule of reciprocity is how we are wired as humans. It's simply something in our nature."
"Diffusion of responsibility...the more people that witness a crime the less likely those bystanders are to do anything to intervene."
"Essentially, in order to understand ourselves as distinct individuals, we need to be recognized as such by others."
"There's this force within us that wants to be and needs to be connected with other people."
"People are too afraid of social consequences to stop tipping."
"Group think leads us into war, group think produces genocide, group think can put us on the threshold of a nuclear war." - Dennis Kucinich
"We are all very sensitive to any indication that somebody considers us to be of lesser value."
"Parasocial relationships can feel very real and personal."
"A lot of people don't think that way and a lot of people are just primed into hating someone."
"The rule of reciprocity: If I give you something or help you, then you are obligated to reciprocate."
"The more exposed you are to people, the more likely you're gonna view them favorably and vice versa."
"He is a social psychologist at New York University's Stern School of Business."
"The fear of missing out factor—it's not more complicated than that."
"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and National identification."
"A parasocial relationship fills a social need, basically what it's doing is filling a validation, acceptance, and a place of belonging need."
"We tend to justify and sympathize with the status games that we win. And we blame the status games we lose."
"Our Conformity bias can be weaponized into leading us to adopt beliefs that the majority never actually held."
"We find people who look like us more attractive."
"Celebrities and experts influence our decisions - the halo effect."
"Often times people like to imagine an enemy that doesn't actually exist..."
"The most interesting people come from broken homes and they hate themselves."
"Tell me there's not hive mind, tell me there's not group think, tell me there's not social or uncritical conforming, tell me, tell me that there's no lemming mentality."
"Our community is dysfunctional when it comes to intimate relationships."
"Acknowledging our fortunate circumstances not only brings us more in line, it also makes us more likable."
"Know that the harder we work to prove that they're wrong, the more convinced they are that they're right."
"The larger the group of people, the greater the capacity for disagreement and dissent."
"The shared group love generated more in-group effect than it did out-group distaste."
"The larger goal is to reduce the impact of implicit bias on people's behavior."
"Nobody can game people in today's time, if you think you can game people, who can manage and manipulate their minds, it is impossible."
"Temperament and personality are in flux all the time, reflecting perceived threats and social interactions."
"The law of reciprocity: when you give people something, they feel that they want to give you something."
"The fear of being the sucker impacts personal choices."
"We can just construct delightful comfortable cocoon-like echo chambers for ourselves."
"Most conspiracy theorists are just regular people who get sucked into something."
"The more people hear a lie, the more likely they are to believe it."
"The bystander effect remains a crucial topic in social psychology, contributing to our understanding of how individuals respond to emergencies in the presence of others."
"More often than not, people are just doing it because they're scared... out of ego reasons."
"I think it's just natural human stuff to root for the underdog."
"Misery loves company. That's something you want other people to feel and other people to experience because you have it. And that's the case I'm making with liberal misery."
"It meant that if the conditions were contrived just right, people tend to conform to whatever role is given."
"It's often the reaction to a crisis that's worse than the crisis."
"We all crave acceptance and validation from other people."
"Fear of missing out... There is a feeling of apprehension for individuals that feel that they have to know what other people are doing."
"People fixed in their beliefs are the pawns the demagogues need."
"There can be situations where everyone is pretending to believe something but no one really knows."
"The problem with echo chambers is that you can be totally wrong and you'll always think you're totally right."
"People form echo chambers that become more or less impermeable."
"Nothing unites like a perceived common enemy."
"It's a protection thing, it's a 'I need to fit in or else I'm going to be abandoned again' thing."
"Fear of the evil eye may have co-evolved in pre-industrial agrarian societies as a strategy of social control."
"That psychological serotonin boost that women get when you just pay for the [ __ ] meal, that hasn't gone away, that's the same boost they got when you killed the mammoth and brought the meat back home."
"It's a pretty strong example of how the mob mentality can take over."
"One of the most important things to know about crowds is the way diffusion of responsibility works."
"The more you're like someone else, the more they will like you."
"Most relationships fail due to self-bias, seeking to get needs met rather than truly caring about the other person."
"Our brains are evolved for communities of no more than 150 people."
"My definition of game really is just understanding of human behavior pattern."
"Attractive we are can shape social interactions as well as influence wider aspects of our lives."
"Women consistently choose partners based on kindness, regardless of culture."
"Everybody wants to belong, they want to have a place within the world."
"A man's looks influenced both groups of women more strongly than his personality profile."
"How do you fight this underlying predisposition for people to believe the worst about your chosen enemy?"
"Fundamentally, people place higher value and perceived attractiveness to whatever is hard to understand, to whatever it's hard to attain."
"People associate high value to what's difficult to attain, especially to men considered high value in the world."
"The truth of the matter is when you have a situation like that most people just stand there and watch and they feel helpless or just scared for their own lives right."
"A myth in our society is that it's only crazies and stupid people who get in cults."
"Girls are much more susceptible to contagion. Girls on the left breathe, they marinate in this victimhood culture."
"Social psychology is going to be the scientific study of how we think about influence and relate to one another."
"The just world phenomenon states that people have the tendency to believe the world is just and that people get what they deserve."
"Reciprocity is a social norm we follow where we respond to a positive action with another positive action."
"Group polarization is the enhancement of a group's attitude through discussion within a group."
"The bystander effect is the tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other people are present."
"People wanted something to blame, something as exciting as a scapegoat, and the press loves a story."
"Contempt is anger directed toward someone of a lower status than you."
"To me going on these platforms early, the worth my time is getting early indications of the psychology, and the anthropology of how humans think."
"By ignoring the subjective needs of people, we are only further serving to push the political climate towards reaction and creating newer and deeper forms of alienation."
"It's sort of almost a universal condition, people need to feel that they belong."
"Cult-like behavior is you're not allowed to have a thought that goes against the group."
"People often loathe what they can't understand because it scares them."
"It's just inhuman; it brings out the inhuman side, which is why cults are so scary."
"The fact that I feel so many people remember something wrong, it's just weird, like why?"
"Asking favors from people will make them like you more. It's a subconscious thing."
"Being real in our interactions encourages authenticity and connection."
"If a bunch of people are together and they all think a thing and they all like, we're so silly to think that that doesn't have some kind of an impact."
"The groupthink has become so prevalent... in every area of life."
"Fear of death is only rivaled by the fear of social disapproval... people look for some sort of... meaning in their life and they find that in social approval."
"People are jealous of confidence, and you know, people don't like it."
"People are hard to hate up close." - Brené Brown
"If you encourage bad behavior, the person that's doing that bad behavior is just going to keep doing it."
"One of the dangers of continuously saying nothing is happening, nothing is changing, they're not listening is that people become depressed and cynical and they lose hope."
"Humans fear being kicked out of a tribe more than they fear death."
"Common knowledge is a crucial but largely neglected concept in social psychology."
"Introducing sex as a variable in the relationship equation."
"Everyone is guilty of that, don't compare yourself to others."
"Saying how could anybody ever join a cult is like saying 'how could anyone ever get in a toxic relationship.'"
"When people are stuck in this scarcity mindset, I think that's why they view all of these things as a threat."
"Women care more about the opinion of their friends than they do about me. That's how they're wired, man."
"What would happen over many years when social psychologists suggest that it might help to unite the world if the visitors from space proved to be an enemy?"
"This is a classic example of the bystander effect where people choose not to help someone in need."
"Listen to those hunches, listen to those ideas that come to you."
"Our brains are interested in things that help us fulfill our social goals."
"It's human nature to not trust who we don't know."
"Emotional reciprocity is one of the strongest impulses that all humans have."
"Titles are an important facet of human psychology."
"People would rather you lie to them than hear the harsh truth."
"I do believe that mass formation in many respects should be considered a state of madness."
"This process of mass formation seems rational sometimes but it isn't."
"Channeling community anxiety into fear of the targeted group results in hatred for the group."
"The elite operate on a sharing the blame principle, using deception to induce trust and then guilt for not participating."
"Loneliness and all these things, misery loves company because it's a magnet."
"There's a silent majority that goes along with the status quo because the unknown is scary."
"People need you to be miserable too, so they don't feel alone."
"Panic is highly contagious especially in situations when nothing is known and everything is in flux."
"In an increasingly politically polarized world, so much animus is being purely invented in the minds of partisans."
"In societies such as Spain and Russia, where men felt obliged to demonstrate conspicuous courage, the suppression of fear produced a truly explosive charge of violence when released."
"We have incredible impulse to want to belong to whatever group it is, and it determines a lot of our behavior."