
Life Quality Quotes

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"From the day we are born until the day we die, the quality of our social bonds dictates much of our quality of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A good life is a progressive expansion of the things that bring you pleasure."
"The base assumptions people make about their life and the way their mind works holds so many people back from living a life that could be far more enjoyable and include far less suffering."
"A spirit of appreciation for all of the improvements in my life."
"Higher levels of clarity in your life bring higher levels of motivation."
"We think fun is optional; it's not optional, it is mandatory if you want to live a fulfilling satisfying life."
"Emotional health... is largely uncoupled from age and is one where I think we should all be mindful of how we can maximize that throughout the duration of our lives."
"Purpose... it changes your life; it gives you a reason to wake up, it gives you a reason to go to bed to rest."
"One of the worst things in life is when you've got no energy."
"Health is the most important thing in the world, and if you don't have that, you really don't have much."
"You are the master of what happens in your brain. So, look after it, treat it right, and you will strike the right chemical notes for a life well lived."
"When we feel better in ourselves, we get more out of our life."
"The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life; and that desire is praiseworthy."
"Get a brain that's not chattering at them all the time, a brain that's peaceful around food where you're eating what you want to be eating, your weight is in check, and you're free to live your life."
"This session is titled 'Creating an Extraordinary Quality of Life.' And don't we all want that, an extraordinary quality of life?"
"I want the rest of your life, whether you got five or 50 years left, to be the best of your life."
"The quality of our moments become the quality of our life."
"The quality of our lives can be determined by the quality of our relationships."
"Happiness increases your physical, mental, and emotional health."
"For me, it's all about helping people lead a rich life."
"Life is quick, you know, and I want it to be long. So, how do I make a quick life long? By really embracing and celebrating all the moments rather than just the big ones."
"Worry is a gigantic [__] waste of time and life and energy."
"If you want to live a greater life, it starts with your beliefs."
"It's not about the quantity of your life; it's about the quality. Eliminate things that don't make you happy and focus on what does."
"Why hate yourself and why deprive yourself of having the most beautiful life possible because you happened to be fat or you happened to be a different color or you happen to be whatever, whatever's holding you back?"
"Vitality is what people are looking for in life. What is vitality? It's a sense of aliveness."
"The quality of our relationships ultimately will determine the quality of our lives."
"The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our relationships."
"The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life."
"It is the quality of our relationships that determines the quality of our lives."
"You deserve to live a good life. I mean, yes, you got to work for it. That's hard, yes. That's the system we're in."
"Slow productivity means slowing down, doing less but better, accepting our mortality and our limits."
"What matters most isn't actually income inequality; it's inequality in our ability to access necessary and helpful services to life."
"The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our relationships."
"The biggest life hack of them all is to have a life worth hacking."
"Remember, it is your health that keeps you there and allows for you to stay in the game."
"I've made the conscious decision to only make decisions that I feel like will contribute to living a pleasant life."
"This practice here will show you just how low your bar is set, and maybe...it'll convince you that hey, maybe my life would go better if I raised the bar a few notches!"
"The more selfish you are in life, the worse your life will be; the more selfless you are in life, the better your life will be."
"The quality of your life is gonna directly hinge on the quality of your mind and how you use your mind."
"The quality of your life is directly determined by the quality of questions you ask yourself."
"Decide to care because if you don't, it bleeds over into other areas and makes life kind of suck."
"Work-life balance is a loot of nonsense, right? It implies that you're trying to balance the scales. You're not. You're trying to find harmony, which is where you feel good about your life."
"Wealth is not just financial, wealth is also how much enjoyment you get second to second."
"Once you understand meditation and how to meditate, you are then in control of not only your feelings but how you live your life."
"The greatest lesson is love, and when you're in harmony with everything in all aspects of your life, that's when everything is beautiful."
"The quality of your questions will determine the quality of your life."
"The truth of the matter is that humans need to be able to dream and have broader level theorizing about the world in order for life to be worth living."
"It took me a while to realize this, but once I've done it, life has been very peaceful."
"I cannot imagine starting my day without meditating because it completely shapes what the rest of my day is going to be like."
"We are responsible for the life we live and its impact on other people."
"What really matters is not the peaks of joy and pleasantness, but raising the baseline, the platform in which you stand in life."
"It is normal or natural for you to desire a fuller, richer, happier, and more wonderful life."
"You can be brilliant at hacking computers or whatever, but if you're terrible with people, your life is going to be hell."
"You could be listening or watching a bazillion things right now, but you chose to take some time for yourself and listen to something that can help you create a better life."
"Taking time to just relax and think... adds a richness and a depth to your life that I think I lacked for a long time."
"Success in life is the result of the effective use of time."
"How we spend our time determines the quality of our life and death."
"Ultimately it's just medicine. Why do you do cardiology? Why do we have oncologists? It's to give people longer and healthier lives."
"I think it's also really cool that a lot of women in their 40s and 50s and 60s recently have been showing like, hey, your life doesn't stop or end when you get older."
"The clarity of mind, the stability of emotions, the hope for life—I've never felt this good in my entire life."
"Life is not either/or. Professional success does not need to come at the expense of having an awesome personal life."
"It's not necessarily the length of time we spend here on the planet, but the quality of that time."
"Our goal needs to not just be to extend life as far as possible, but to extend the period of life spent in good health."
"You're finally getting yourself to a much better place in life."
"When your brain works right, you tend to work right; school is easier, relationships are easier, having a sense of direction, purpose, all of that is easier."
"When you master your emotions, it trickles into everything you do."
"Your thoughts become words, your words become actions, your actions determine the quality of your life."
"Change the quality of your life, change the quality of your thinking."
"It's not how many things you do; it's how much you enjoy doing the things that you're doing."
"Sustainable cities and buildings can actually increase life quality."
"To live the kind of life you want, you have to learn the psychological laws that are governing your life."
"The quality of your life depends on the quality of questions you ask yourself."
"If you change the quality of your questions, you can change the quality of your life."
"All I ask for is an open mind, and other than that, I hope that your day, month, lifetime is nothing short of a non-stop pleasure and a sheer sensation."
"Your life is a beautiful reflection of your soul."
"The law of attraction impacts our day-to-day lives and affects our health, wealth, and happiness."
"Things seem to be a lot better than we think and perhaps better than they ever were."
"If you don't take any risks in life in general, you're never going to have a life worth having."
"You don't have to be the life of the party, but there needs to be something that gives life some texture."
"A rich life is not just about how much money you make; it's about how good you feel about yourself and your life."
"You cannot grasp and you actually can't mathematically capture that it feels different to walk through your backyard with no shoes on. The grass feels different when you don't have a mortgage."
"The quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions that you ask."
"If you understand how you manifested that honeymoon experience, then you should be able to manifest the honeymoon experience every day of your life."
"When you're not operating from programs, what you create is heaven."
"Life is more than just the level of physical comfort you are experiencing at any given time."
"Money is a tool to create a life that you love, and building wealth does that in scale."
"I live a life abundant in wealth and happiness."
"The essence of a good life is to see beauty everywhere, all the time."
"Be aware of distractions. Distractions prevent you from creating the good life."
"Choosing my happiness above all else has made my life that much better."
"Terrible jobs make the rest of our lives terrible too."
"Leading a certain kind of life may not always be comfortable...but it certainly should always be eudaimonic, in the sense that there's something more nourishing."
"Life happens out there in life; people, your ways of interacting with people, your social skills, your soft skills, are going to determine whether or not you have a happy, healthy, productive life or a life that's just misery."
"The quality of our life is the quality of the questions we're asking ourselves."
"Get to that place where you're not worried about bills because that hanging over your head causes stress that ruins lives."
"If you're in the 'okay to great,' then a very big component of that is like, okay, if my life's great, what's the point if I'm not sharing that with people?"
"Experiment in living because it's really hard to know what are the things that are really good in your life and what are the things that are not so good until you make some changes."
"The miracles of exercise are profound on the length of your life and the quality of your life."
"The quality of our lives are directly proportional to the quality of questions we ask ourselves on a consistent basis."
"The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your decisions and choices, your decisions and choices determine the actions you take, the actions you take determine your results, your results determine the quality of your life."
"Prosperity isn't just about having money; it's about being rich in love, success, joy, comfort, beauty, wisdom, good health, and time."
"Once you can stop worrying about what other people think and only care about what you think, life is so much better."
"We're all going to die, and the important thing is to give you as much good life as possible."
"If you're not going to get the benefits of good connections with other people at work, you are missing a huge part of your life experience."
"Genuine human connection is a part of what makes life worth living."
"Financial independence is taking that control back and living a life where you add value into the world."
"The value of life isn't measured in how happy you are or what percentage of the time you're happy."
"There's only really one consistent theme amongst the people that have had both a successful life and a high quality of life, and that is the quality of their relationships."
"And if you keep growing, you're gonna have more to give, and when you're growing and giving, that's when life is magnificent."
"Having a purpose for living is crucial; without it, life can become very complicated."
"It's extremely important to save for retirement to maintain your standard of living that you've enjoyed throughout your life."
"At some point, you get the life that you accept from yourself."
"We all enjoy humorous insults, we all want a better life for our kids, and we all love to laugh."
"When you set your mind on the things of God and the things of your spirit, you'll find life and peace in all that you do."
"Instead of trying to increase the sleep quality, now you increase the quality of life."
"It's because of you there are kids out there like me who got to have a great life with loving parents."
"What good is the money if you are not healthy enough to enjoy it?"
"Bliss is a necessary condition for life to flower to its full potential."
"Most women will have a happier and better life with a good man, and most men will have a happier and better life with a good woman."
"When you line your life up with purpose, that's when your life really starts to accelerate."
"Let's talk about financial freedom, your financial freedom, and how much different your life would be if you had all the money you need."
"The most important ingredient of human happiness isn't money or even sex or ice cream; it's social connections."
"Self-image is such a transformative idea, it has the potential to completely transform the quality of your life."
"It's really important to have hope about something, you know, hope that your life can get better."
"Try believing in God, you will see life will be blessed."
"Now, me being an adult, I just know how much better my life is now."
"If you live like that, you will feel a depth of fullness that people rarely feel."
"We live better today than we've ever lived in the history of the world as far as our homes, the food that we can get, and everything else, but we're the most unhappy. What's the reason for that?"
"If you could have as much money as you want, if you could have the time that you want, and if you could have the meaning that you want in your life, that's what we call being rich beyond money."
"Yes, life is good, especially because you're here."
"When you and your partner are financially aligned, then you're both rowing in the same direction, and life becomes way more fun."
"The honeymoon effect is the science of creating heaven on earth."
"Life is never going to be perfect but it doesn't have to be as horrible as the situation you're in right now."
"Having a million dollars in your bank account does not keep you warm at night; it will not open your heart and won't actually enhance your life."
"Are you living the life you deserve? Stop letting your finances ruin your success."
"There's a better life to live... full of excitement, adventure, light, love, and laughter."
"Creating the good life requires a long series of clear, high-quality decisions."
"The quality of your decisions will determine the quality of your life."
"After basic needs are met, most of the best things in life are free."
"Our God is a good God, and he wants you to be blessed in every area of your life."
"Companionship and friendship are the things that make for a better and happier life."
"About 35 years ago, I got obsessed with a simple question: What makes the difference in the quality of people's lives?"
"Even if all things are going well and the things that we can measure like employment like income...there's more to life than that."
"Nietzsche calls us not to any dogma but to a higher and finer kind of life."
"The economic life is shaped by our social requirements too, and those are important."
"Your health is valuable. Develop a health plan, a plan that you will follow because this is the only vehicle that you have to carry you through this experience called life."
"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
"If your health index is improving, then you're moving toward a better life."
"I care about people and when you see people not getting to live the happiest life they get to live... it's just heartbreaking to me."
"Your relationship with yourself is the foundation for everything in life."
"You learn to appreciate life more... Savor communication with people you have in real life."
"Your wealth is in your health, and the better you feel, the better life is."
"People who learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy."
"The greatest fear in life is not death, but a life unlived."
"The opportunity cost of living a sub-optimal life, you're gonna pay exponentially more."
"If you want to be an alpha organism, a killer whale, a lion, a modern-day primitive culture tribe, they're kicking our ass in life."
"Our health is the most important thing. Without it, everything else suffers."
"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask."
"What constitutes a good life is answered by what you're doing with your attention in each moment."
"Laughter is the lubricant that makes life livable."
"You need to have as many of those dopamine hits of joy whether it's good food, good company, travel, books, music, whatever."
"Raising your vibration makes life a lot easier and a lot better."
"Inaction leads to complacency. Are you comfortable with being complacent where you are, or do you want to improve your quality of life?"
"You can't hate yourself forever... taking care of yourself improves all aspects of your life."
"Voluntary simplicity, cutting your expenses, it gives you the time. You don't need to work so much so then you have time to do all these other things in life."
"Success based on the metric of wealth is fine, but you don't need that much wealth to live a wealthy life."
"A good life is trying to maximize and balance them as best possible."
"If you use technology right, you can really make people's life better."
"Your life can be beautiful, but it starts with a decision to move forward."
"If you got hell in your head, you got hell in your life."
"Never give up demanding the best from life because that is your birthright."
"No individuals should be put in a position where they can't live their lives and do what they want to do with their lives."
"What he does in the future, not what he has failed to do in the past, will determine the quality of his life."
"You can actually be quite disabled and still live a pretty happy, pretty good life."
"Success and money without fulfillment and happiness is the most shallow place you could ever live on this earth."
"In life, you got only four things I call them the four pillars of the good life: health, wealth, love, happiness."
"Your life only gets better when you get better."
"Gratitude opens the door to all the good life has to offer."
"The most focused times in our life, the less distracted times in our life, also equals the happiest times in our life."
"Living with less so that I can have more life."
"The best revenge against the collectivist leftists is to live a stalwart, meaningful, and high-quality individual life."
"If you want the best life possible, start living the best life possible right now."
"Having a guaranteed income would...lead to better job performance, better parenting, and an overall higher quality of life."
"A life of crime is just a life of misery and poverty, no matter how expensive the thing you stole is."
"The actual quality of your life is based on the quality of the questions you ask."
"Appreciating, noting the delights that show up in your life will ensure more goodness is coming your way."
"They have stinkin' thinkin' and anytime we have stinkin' thinkin' we're gonna have a stinkin' life." - Joyce
"If you have a negative mind, it's almost impossible to have a positive life."
"Most of the good things in life are not expensive."
"The quality of your relationships is what determines the quality of your life."
"It's not just about money; it's about your life in general, having a much more happy and fulfilled life."
"It's so healthy and necessary to create a great life if you learn how to handle and process these feelings in these emotions."
"It's not the years in your life but the life in your years."
"If you're an impulsive person that has to be gratified immediately, you're probably not going to have a very good life."
"When we grew up, a retirement home was a place where you went to go and die. This place will add 10 years to your life."
"The idea of success is being able to meet basic needs."
"Enjoy yourself. And I think the world would be a much better place if we did."
"The way we communicate with others and with ourselves, internal communication ultimately determines the quality of our lives."
"What I believe is that you should if you have a good life you should try and pass that on."