
Supplementation Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"Creatine is the answer here without question. It is the most well-studied, the most effective, and its benefits are robust, meaning they're going to confer positive adaptations across multiple physiological domains."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Type creatine monohydrate is still the best one, and that's just because it has the largest evidence base... you're really going to reach saturation pretty quickly within a matter of weeks at a dosage of anywhere between three to six grams per day."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Vitamin D3 is probably next to time release Vitamin C, the most important vitamin you're gonna take."
"You can do a vegan diet, you can be fine, you can be really healthy. But you need to plan, and you have to... there's a good chance you're gonna need to take supplements."
"If baking soda doesn't sit well with you, another proven singular ingredient supplement that you could take before your workout is beta-alanine."
"Vitamin B12 is the one that should send you off to the grocery store or the health food store or the drugstore to get a small B12 supplement and take it every day."
"You are a prime candidate to do this through supplements to make sure that you're getting enough."
"You can't outs-supplement an unhealthy lifestyle."
"I don't recommend people use 5,000 high doses to drive them up... I don't want people to be deficient."
"Promoting supplements without credentials attached leaves much to be desired."
"Do the basics before adding more supplements to the mix."
"We were supplementing with D and C and magnesium and zinc and quercetin."
"Individual response and assessing your own health parameters before where you supplement with something like this is at the end of the day you're putting drugs in your body."
"The consensus is clear. Every vegan needs to supplement for B12."
"It's kind of my go-to nootropic um stack that I use on a pretty regular basis."
"So, as a general guide, if you take somewhere between three milligrams and 12 milligrams daily, you'd only be doing what some populations do anyway."
"Vitamin C supplementation was safe and protected against acute respiratory tract infection."
"A food type, any supplementation, any other sort of lifestyle interventions."
"NADH supplementation may improve mitochondrial function."
"We all know that ATP is an energy currency, so if you're supplementing ATP, you're going to see increases in strength and possibly muscle mass."
"There are zero supplements that you need to be successful."
"Consistency is key so you want to make sure that you take them every single day and try not to skip any days because you want your body to continue getting the benefits every single day."
"Supplementing for deficiency, that's when magic happens in the human body."
"I think the resveratrol model is more appealing to me than the NR model."
"What these supplements are going to do is they're going to help the molecular machinery work better and they're going to mess around with how genes are expressed."
"It's probably the one supplement that I would routinely recommend to pretty much everybody."
"Before we get started I'm aware that n-acetyl cysteine is a very good over-the-counter supplement that generally everybody should be using."
"Citrus bergamot supplementation is essential while you're running performance enhancing drugs that potentiate their anabolism through the androgen receptors."
"Estrogen root extract has also been associated with the lengthening of telomeres."
"500 milligrams of curcumin c3 complex is more than sufficient to keep c-reactive protein levels homocysteine levels and the overall systemic inflammation as low as possible."
"Supplementation often is supporting the way that your body already works so it's not typically like oh my gosh I took a vitamin C and I have this response it's not it doesn't typically work that way you're supporting your body systems as a whole."
"Creatine dosing varies for different areas of the body. On average, 10 grams a day seems viable for whole-body benefits."
"Post-exercise creatine is a very viable choice."
"Glutathione for Alzheimer's: Supplementation reduces inflammation and cognitive decline."
"The latest research shows with daily long-term usage, you can raise glutathione levels by supplementing with glutathione."
"You have to supplement... to make sure you're getting enough of good nutrients."
"By supplementing... it will be tremendous amount of help."
"My sister gave me supplements every day to make me fat. She did it every day, and finally, they worked."
"Careful micronutrient supplementation can boost immune function and reduce infection susceptibility."
"Supplements are there to aid and help, not fix."
"I give bioavailable turmeric, fish oil, and a buckwheat extract literally to every single one of my patients those are my three absolutes for every single patient."
"It's not just what you take, it's what actually gets delivered into the cells."
"Vitamin D supplementation can really help and vitamin D is so important."
"I'm not here just to sell supplements, but these are things that are really, really helpful, so I want to make sure you guys consider them and know about them."
"Supplementing with berberine prevents fat accumulation in the body."
"Creatine is the single most effective sports supplement in the world."
"Vitamin D3 with K2 is critically important for your bones."
"I am also low in Vitamin D, so I need it."
"Taking Seed's DS-01 daily symbiotic has definitely helped me just stay into routine in the morning."
"Supplements will not make or break a physique regardless of what your goals are... supplements are there to supplement, they're not there to replace."
"It's not that I think financial theory is wrong; I think it's incredibly useful. I just think it has to be supplemented by a more general and richer theory."
"It's easier to drink a whey protein supplement than actually just leave the house at six o'clock in the morning and do an extra session of training."
"Magnesium's kind of that good good. Becky's been on the Magnesium, she's been sleeping much better."
"Supplementing for deficiency, for your deficiencies, and you can see magic happen in the human body."
"It's a huge dose, but for most people, they are so deficient."
"If you're not deficient in D vitamins you start taking them holy [__] it changes your [__] world."
"Supplementing low levels of vitamin D is important in MS."
"It's incredibly impressive to me that in a small body of literature, 16 studies with all of these differences in population, with all of these differences in design, that the results have been overwhelmingly in favor of creatine supplementation improving cognitive processing."
"So don't be surprised if you have to take the amount of flaxseed oil in order to get to the EPA DHA levels you don't want to leave home that day stay home."
"Nicotinamide supplementation boosts cell mitochondria of optic nerve cells and may rescue the injured or impaired retinal ganglion cells."
"So whether you're looking for peak performance or better health, covering your bases with Athletic Greens makes investing in your energy, immunity, and gut health each day super simple, tasty, and very efficient."
"I also have G sups working its way to my dick right now."
"...it's totally okay to use with other liposomal vitamin C like THD ascorbate."
"Most people are just supplementing for the sake of supplementing instead of supplementing for deficiency... supplementing for what your body's deficient in and get out of its way."
"Taking a collagen supplement can definitely improve the health of your skin."
"Protein powder is not a food, it's a supplement, but it shouldn't replace whole food from the earth."
"Alpha GPC has real effects that are supported by quality peer-reviewed studies."
"A hundred to 200 milligrams of theanine will take the edge off a caffeine experience."
"The only supplement that I've found worthy of doing has been the beef liver."
"So, what are most people missing? Well, vitamins, minerals, and things like omega-3 fatty acids as well as hydration."
"Improving what you eat through a nutritious diet is better than focusing on pills and supplements."
"You can't compensate with supplements for a lousy lifestyle."
"Chat GPT does not reduce the need for students to learn; it provides information and perspective that can supplement a student's core knowledge."
"Supplementing omega-3 crucial for many."
"...there's always going to be things you're missing so when I drink a one I know I am going to fill all my nutrition gaps get all of my vitamins minerals in and those Whole Food sourced ingredients..."
"Epsom salt is one of the fertilizers and plant supplements you can use."
"You see if I had to recommend that people take only one supplement, it would definitely be this."
"Vitamin E supplementation may be necessary to prevent or correct a deficiency, especially in conditions like fatty liver disease or gallbladder dysfunction."
"This High potency liquid iron now listen don't go around taking supplements all willy-nilly okay especially iron don't play with iron."
"Supplementation could be a great strategy for boosting values as well. There's nothing wrong with that."
"No matter how healthy or balanced your diet is, some nutrients can be difficult to get from food alone."
"But supplementing with things like fish oil is obviously very beneficial, because you're going to get a high ratio of omega-3 to omega-6."
"I think I'm twice stronger, okay, faster, better condition. It's all in the vitamins."
"Taking supplements of lutein and zeaxanthine has shown in many studies to improve the pigment layers in the back of the eye."
"I personally take creatine for the muscle performance and muscle recovery aspect."
"The median effective dose of creatine is five grams a day."
"Keep it simple with regards to supplementation."
"Creatine can be neuroprotective against concussions and Parkinson's disease."
"I tend to like vitamin D3, especially if somebody has low vitamin D levels."
"Sometimes taking HCl supplements for a couple of weeks can allow your parietal cells to get a rest."
"Supplementation with these guys is very, very, very important."
"Reality is to really get the beneficial amount that you need when you're looking at longevity, fat loss, muscle building, it really should be done in supplement form so that you get adequate amounts."
"You're way better off getting these vitamins and minerals and nutrients from food, not from just buying a supplement."
"Magnesium supplementation seems to exert a protective effect on muscle damage."
"...we need something that's like a multivitamin for the gut."
"If you're doing these things, if this is you, you might consider looking at having your antioxidant levels, specifically your cysteine levels, measured and consider supplementation."
"I don't want to suggest that there's a magic vitamin, it doesn't usually work that simply but it can sometimes make a huge difference."
"So please get folic acid out of your cupboard and your foods."
"Whenever you take any B vitamin in high doses, you need a B complex to balance it."
"Acetyl-L-carnitine has been found to improve mitochondrial activity and it has antioxidant activity as well."
"Inositol can actually help to lower blood sugar and excess insulin so it's specifically kind of targeting this mechanism. There's also some research that shows that inositol can help with egg quality."
"Omega-3 supplementation could help mitigate muscle disuse atrophy in young women."
"Ultimately, it's a cognitive-enhancing supplement, but Jocko style."
"...no net benefit of supplementation with vitamin E for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or cancer they just came out with this extensive review."
"You can never out supplement an unhealthy lifestyle."
"I think supplements have their place, responsible supplementation, and I think even no matter how well you're eating, everybody has certain levels of deficiencies."
"An easier thing would be either to supplement with like NADA NAD as like a pill form or like anime."
"It's hard to predict when one might suffer a TBI, so daily supplementation with creatine or DHA could be a proactive approach."
"If you're trying to increase muscle mass and not taking creatine, you're doing it wrong."
"Creatine has been found to mitigate muscle atrophy from immobilization or sarcopenia in the elderly. It's also been found to be a powerful neuroprotector and can improve pro-cognition."
"Creatine is probably the healthiest supplement you can take."
"It's always a good thing to add in a multivitamin."
"I had major benefits from using vitamin D3 when I started taking 5000 international units daily."
"We provide this through diet and through supplementation."
"...sometimes you can just get a peace of mind by covering all the bases with something like a multivitamin..."
"Creatine works really well, builds muscle really well."
"Taking an oral B12, a thousand micrograms a day, is just as effective as injections once a month."
"Supplements are also a very essential part of my daily routine."
"Omega-3 supplementation is found to be helpful with heart disease, eye health, and overall inflammation levels."
"So what type of magnesium do I actually recommend? What do I think works the best?"
"Now if you're interested in natural treatment for afib, again magnesium supplementation can be very beneficial."
"...if you need to supplement B12 and vitamin D and vitamin A and calcium... what's the point of animal products?"
"The coolest part about this meal plan is that we actually hit all of our nutrition targets with zero supplements."
"Take a vitamin D supplement. We all should."
"I do like to take care of myself and I also know that I don't have the perfect diet there are holes in it but I rely on ag1 to fill those holes."
"It is one of the longest studied supplements in history. It is absolutely safe and it is consistently demonstrated improvements in muscle and in brain."
"It's a very quick and affordable way to get all those things that you wouldn't necessarily get from your normal diet."
"The conclusion of vitamin D supplementation with or without Omega-3s for five years reduced autoimmune disease by 22 percent."
"I gained nine pounds of lean body mass when I started taking perfect Amino wow."
"Adding nutrients does provide a benefit."
"I take Jigsaw every damn day and have since 2010. So yeah, I wouldn't leave home without it."
"You cannot out-supplement poor nutritional choices."
"Magnesium supplementation may lead to improvements in depression status."
"Magnesium supplementation showed a 60% reduction in constipation."
"Magnesium supplementation may lead to muscle strength and force gains."
"Magnesium supplementation may decrease muscle soreness after workouts."
"Magnesium supplementation may be beneficial for specific issues like migraines and insomnia."
"I absolutely knew this year that I needed to start taking some kind of proper supplement setup because let's be honest I'm not, I never have been, and never will be a picture of Health."
"They gave four grams a day of this EPA, it's EPA ethyl ester so it's a very purified EPA."
"Using them as a supplement can be a really effective way to really target these parasites."
"If integration with diet is not enough, starting with supplements may be the correct way after evaluating the initial blood level to determine the right dosage of supplementation."
"There's a need for more evidence-based approaches supported by well-designed trials to document the optimal supplementation level."
"COQ10 enhances the effect and improves the outcome."
"Glutathione is very helpful for TH1 immunity and helps boost up that side of the immune system."
"Glutathione might be the corrective measure for that [imbalance caused by toxic exposure]."
"The ultimate nutritionally dense supplement that you could use conveniently while on the run."
"So we've got to be careful not to give too much methylcobalamin and that's why we use the cyano."
"So not only does a good multivitamin have methylfolate in it, it has a whole bunch of other things."
"500 to 1000 milligrams of vitamin C a day... perfect."
"Participants supplemented with a tart cherry concentrate were able to maintain greater functional performance."
"If you are a gastric bypass patient or someone who has a lot of intestinal challenges with absorption, or very limited diet due to GI problems, then by all means, you may need additional supplementation to get the nutrients you need."
"Supplementing with DHA and EPA could play an important role in the preservation and building of muscle tissue. Aim for around one gram a day, but consult a physician before higher doses."
"It's not as simple as just concerning yourself with creatine; it's the building blocks."
"Using a lot of vitamin C to assist recovery."
"Replacing those levels can help you regrow your hair."
"Every scoop of AG1 is packed with 75 vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and high-quality Whole Food sourced ingredients."
"You may just want to supplement with B12 anyway instead of going through all this."
"But it's everything that I've done to support the introduction of benfotiamine and B1 into my cells with all the other Bs that I've been taking, all the other minerals that I've been taking, which has enabled me to be able to maximally use benfotiamine, for example."
"Supplementing with L-glutamine can help combat symptoms like brain fog and sugar cravings."
"You'd be a freaking fool if you don't take creatine. I'm talking monohydrate, okay?"
"Collagen supplements must be hydrolized for optimal bioavailability."
"Powdered collagen supplements are more effective than liquid."
"So iron n foley supplementation if you have severe cases."
"90% of Americans are actually nutrient deficient even if you have a wonderful diet where you eat the rainbow you're still going to be lacking nutrients so no matter who you are including a multivitamin in your daily routine is truly essential."
"Their magnesium supplement has been absolutely game-changing."
"Creatine is great for helping to reduce muscle mass loss and enhance muscle strength."
"Creatine can help counteract feelings of fatigue and increase energy levels."
"Creatine can have a positive impact on insulin and insulin resistance."
"Consistency is key when it comes to dosing creatine."
"Taking GG has multiple health benefits."
"GG can help maintain bone density by supporting the cells responsible for bone formation."
"GG also plays a role in heart health."
"Supplement your vitamins, especially vitamin D."
"We actually formulated a natural testosterone booster."
"Creatine is one of the supplements that is the most researched and that we know actually works."
"When you're supplementing Trace elements, you don't want to supplement all 70 Trace elements; you want to supplement the 15 or 20 that get used by the corals."
"For most of us, it's just safer and makes a lot more sense to consume a dedicated B12 supplement."
"Taking extra B12 is not going to do anything for you; that extra B12 is not going to like extra support your cells."
"Creatine directly stimulates muscle building and it helps improve brain function."
"Supplementation with folic acid is contraindicated and if used may exacerbate the methylfolate deficiency."
"I like this because it has everything that I want to take in one, so I don't have to take a million supplements."
"Should those with gluten sensitivity supplement? Many should... when you're going gluten-free you've got this pre-existing inflammation that's already created malnourishment and if that malnourishment is the roadblock in the path to your healing then you tend to struggle."
"You can't out supplement a crappy lifestyle, crappy environment, crappy relationships, or crappy foods or drinks."
"Out of an abundance of caution, I do say take some K2, especially if you're taking more than 5,000 international units of vitamin D a day."
"The proof is in the pudding; if you supplement and see improvement, then you'll know."
"It's always a good idea when you're doing any kind of higher doses of supplementation to always include a solid multivitamin mineral complex."
"I'm a big believer in supplementing, obviously, but it's because I just don't trust our soil with where we're at in the world right now."
"A proper vegan diet where you stay healthy requires lifelong planning and it requires supplementation."
"Nutrient repair, it has other names like biochemical repair, biochemical restoration; it's simply the use of targeted supplementation and diet changes to promote healing and recovery and biochemical balance."
"If you're eating sub 2,000 calories, maybe even sub 2,500 calories, having a multivitamin will allow you to be able to make sure that you have all your vitamins covered on a daily basis."
"Most people report that they feel absolutely fantastic, very mellow, very happy-go-lucky when they start supplementing."
"CoQ10... is one of the supplements that probably everyone with fibromyalgia should be taking."
"Supplementation with vitamin D at a dose of 2000 international units a day for approximately five years alone or in combination with one gram a day of omega-3 fatty acids led to a lower incidence of confirmed autoimmune disease than placebo."
"Provide your skin with the things that your body through diet cannot achieve enough of."
"Creatine is like a silver bullet in the world of natural muscle building supplements."
"Magnesium was probably one of the best supplements that I took throughout my whole journey."
"Taking your vitamins and your supplements to make sure that even though you've cut back on your calories and you've upped your activity, you're still giving your body the nutrients it needs."
"Creatine is considered the most effective natural muscle building supplement out there."
"Tryptophan taken between 500 and a thousand milligrams per day can be an effective support for mood."
"L-Glutamine supplementation can be very powerful for surgical trauma recovery."