
Hypertrophy Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Hypertrophy is not just about the functional outcome; it's about what is needed to cause the most amount of muscle growth."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you can contract a muscle very hard to the point where it almost feels like it's cramping, chances are you'll be able to generate hypertrophy and strength gains pretty easily in that muscle."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Most of my advice revolves around people who are tried and true; I'm known as the hypertrophy optimizer guy."
"Progressive overload is, I believe, the single most important factor driving hypertrophic adaptations."
"There are two roads to hypertrophy: one is the progressive overload track, and the other is the mind muscle connection track. One without the other is insufficient for maximum muscle growth."
"Mechanical tension could literally be the sole stimulus behind hypertrophy."
"Progressive resistance or progressive overload will be the main driver of your hypertrophy gains. This basically just means slowly but continuously increasing the stress that you put your muscles through over time."
"Finding a balance of different exercises is very important for hypertrophy."
"Myonuclear domain expansion leads to long-term hypertrophy."
"It's in every one of your best interests for hypertrophy to continue to use the same exercise as long as the fatigue per unit is low and the stimulus is really high."
"Soreness is typically correlated to some degree with stimulus for hypertrophy."
"Muscle growth is simply an increase in the size of a muscle achieved mostly via myofibrilla hypertrophy."
"Muscle growth occurs via myofibrilla hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy."
"Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy refers to an increase in the area of the sarcoplasm without necessarily an increase in the number of myofibrils."
"Increasing muscle mass through hypertrophy training can further enhance strength."
"Progressive overload will be the main driver of your hypertrophy gains."
"Assuming that we are training close to failure, it appears that hypertrophy can be equally achieved across a large spectrum of different rep ranges."
"Instead of trying to lift the most weight possible, it is probably better to think of the weight we lift as a byproduct of effective hypertrophy training."
"Your performance on compound movements will absolutely suffer... but your ability to isolate that muscle and generate hypertrophy... will benefit."
"More sets seem to be better for hypertrophy."
"Strength leads to hypertrophy, which is the main focus of the list."
"Dynamic muscle actions are generally best for hypertrophy."
"Depending on the lift, resting between around 1 to 3 minutes usually provides the best hypertrophy to time ratio."
"Overall hypertrophy appears to be equally achieved across a broad range of different loads."
"You can likely achieve a great hypertrophy stimulus with whatever equipment you have access to."
"Strength gains can happen within a few weeks, you will start to get hypertrophy, which is the building of muscle tissue, increases in muscle size usually start to become evident in about a month or so, four weeks."
"Lengthen partials are something that should be included in your training if you're after hypertrophy."
"This suggests that despite muscular fatigue limiting load or rep performance on subsequent sets, the hypertrophic stimulus isn't compromised to the same extent."
"Performing reps when the muscle is in a fatigued state appears to be more hypertrophic compared with those performed further from failure."
"The reps performed towards the end of a set, i.e., the effective reps, might be more hypertrophic than those performed earlier in the set."
"For hypertrophy training, we want to select exercises which have the highest stimulus and the lowest fatigue cost."
"You can cause and maintain a reasonable healthy amount of hypertrophy with a minimum effective dose."
"Volume, especially counted in the number of sets, seemed to be determinative of hypertrophy."
"The best proxy of hypertrophy is seeing an improvement in performance in the weight room across multiple metrics, multiple muscle groups, multiple exercises all roughly at the same time."
"If you can knock out, let's say, three-quarter partial reps at the end of a set, why wouldn't you do that? It's the most hypertrophic part of the lift."
"The goal for today is to lift heavy. We're going to be working hypertrophy which means we are going to be working to shape and tone all of the muscles in our lower body."
"...a great way to get time efficient hypertrophy work."
"I think if you're advanced hypertrophy trainee, it makes sense for you."
"Hypertrophy training is very forgiving ... and that's great."
"Resistance exercising, weightlifting, and isometric type contractions with lifting very heavy loads can produce more myofilaments and myofibrils causing hypertrophy."
"Hypertrophy can be equally achieved using different rep ranges, loads, and exercises for the same muscle group."
"Total number of sets per muscle group per week is a simple and accurate measure of volume for hypertrophy training."
"Volume is the primary driver of hypertrophy, and more volume results in greater muscle growth."
"For hypertrophy training, volume is best quantified using the number of sets performed per muscle group per week."
"...because of that uh we know that doms are delayed onset muscle soreness so the soreness you have in your muscles a day or two after lifting is also associated with causing some sort of muscle hypertrophy."
"Go to the gym and get really really strong in a bodybuilding rep range."
"All the modern literature points to high volume being the primary motivator for hypertrophy."
"Muscle hypertrophy is volume dependent, not intensity dependent, provided the volume is high enough."
"Reps approximately between 6 and 35, provided they are performed to or very close to failure, produce similar muscle growth."
"Performing 9 or more weekly sets for a muscle group produced more muscle hypertrophy than fewer than 9 weekly sets."
"Heavy load training is superior for strength, while moderate load training is sufficient for hypertrophy."
"The most underrated thing in all of hypertrophy right now is understanding fatigue management."
"You shouldn't chase strength because it ultimately defeats the purpose of using strength for hypertrophy in the first place."
"I try to look at training... I try to understand what the mechanisms were that creating hypertrophy."
"Nucleus overload is pure metabolic fatigue, it is pure hypertrophic work."
"Eccentric holds on the contraction points, all of these things are going to help you accelerate hypertrophy, get better range of motion, better motor recruitment through the tissue, and overall just better results."
"Stretch mediated hypertrophy can drive more growth."
"If you're aiming for hypertrophy, shoot for 8 to 14 reps."
"Drive additional hypertrophy with partial rep failure reps."
"Isometric training at longer muscle lengths produced greater muscular hypertrophy when compared to equal volumes of shorter muscle length training."
"The key variable associated with muscle growth is volume."
"Full range of motion tends to be more effective for hypertrophy."
"This paper's conclusions for hypertrophy is great news for people who are short on time."
"In theory, hypertrophy should be infinite."
"A wide range of loads are similarly effective for hypertrophy."
"The push-up and bench press have the capacity to probably produce similar hypertrophy of the agonistic muscles."
"The current literature demonstrates the flat barbell bench press is highly effective for chest hypertrophy."
"The ability to do heavy volume over multiple sets is really what correlates with hypertrophy the best."
"The weight on the bar is a tool to stimulate hypertrophy."
"Lifting heavy really forces you to progressively overload and when you lift heavier weights you're developing more mechanical tension which is the main driver of hypertrophy."
"By combining heavy compound moves and higher reps on the isolation moves, ideally with some slow eccentrics, we can maximize the three main stimuli for hypertrophy: muscle damage, metabolic stress, and mechanical tension."
"Having a little bit of heavy work in your program probably is beneficial for hypertrophy."
"If you can have proximity to failure and heavy loads, I think that is probably the most important thing for hypertrophy."
"Weights in a very large range of percentage of your maximum anywhere from 30 to 80% can cause changes in the connections between nerve and muscle that lead to muscle strength and muscle hypertrophy."
"The most effective hypertrophy training occurs beyond the point at which your average person off the street encounters psychological failure."
"Using a lighter weight with perfect form and more volume will work wonders to make those muscles grow."
"Bear mode is something that I believe led to me having pretty good success with hypertrophy training and building muscle."
"Progressive overload causes hypertrophy."
"Find your strength standards on your lifts that you know from your experience correlate well with hypertrophy."
"If you're only interested in size or strength, you'd be best off using a pure hypertrophy or strength program."
"If your goal is hypertrophy and your goal is physique enhancement, pay attention to the six essentials."
"This is where machines do have their place, and this is why I do think machines have a benefit compared to free weights in most cases for hypertrophy."
"The stretch in stretch-mediated hypertrophy and just the lengthened position in general is highly potent."
"When you're able to lift heavier weights, you'll be able to develop more mechanical tension, and mechanical tension is the key driver of hypertrophy."
"Rest times of over 60 seconds appear to be more productive for hypertrophy on a per set basis compared to rest times of under 60 seconds."
"Most of my hypertrophic gains have been made by doing calisthenics multiple times per day."
"You are absolutely going to get bigger faster on a well-written hypertrophy program and you're going to get stronger faster on a well-written strength training program."
"Force reps are really good for hypertrophy."
"If you're interested in hypertrophy, having something like an RDL where you are focused on hinging is really, really important."
"The good girl bad girl machine is the most underrated component in leg training for hypertrophy."
"Volume is the number one driver of hypertrophy, period."
"The exercise we do for hypertrophy should target a specific function of the muscle we're trying to use."
"The exercise we use for hypertrophy should be lengthened friendly or stretched friendly."
"Look for exercises that are specific, that are loadable, that are stable, that are limited by the muscles you're trying to target, that are lengthened friendly, and that minimize fatigue."
"Upon first training, you will have some hypertrophy due to the training stimuli leading to increased protein synthesis."
"In this stretched position under tension is where the muscles undergo somewhat of an extra hypertrophic stimulation."
"...we're effectively maximizing all known quantities for periodization for hypertrophy."
"The stretch is what makes the pull-up so great for hypertrophy."
"I just want to start by saying that this review of the method is going to be focused on hypertrophy, gaining muscle, getting bigger."
"I got a bit passionate about it because I care a lot about hypertrophy."
"Plug the most accessory work on the days that are aimed at actual muscular hypertrophy."
"This can be helpful for strength but also has an indirect benefit for hypertrophy since these movements tend to be great tricep builders."
"Hypertrophy occurs through massive amounts of mechanical tension."
"I love bodybuild splits; I run a split myself, and I think it's a great tool for hypertrophy for natural bodybuilders."
"Hypertrophy is increased growth; the muscle cells become bigger and thicker."
"You need to keep a muscle under tension for at least 35 to 40 seconds. I think that's optimal for affecting gains in muscle mass."
"Volume is a major driver in hypertrophy, so you really want to think about optimizing it across the week."
"Volume and essentially progressive overload so becoming better at a movement is a key driver for hypertrophy."