
Exercise Science Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"This is one of the unique factors of strength training... it's an entire molecular cascade."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The important point here is if you're already doing let's say an hour a week of moderate to high-intensity cardiovascular training or resistance training for that matter, you're going to need to add something in order to get further activation of this brain hub for tenacity and willpower."
"The traditional dogma of delayed onset muscle soreness is that it is a result of 'micro tears' in the muscle... in fact, you can be quite sore from exercise and have no measurable amount of muscle damage."
"As of 2020, incline benches have officially been shown to result in superior upper chest hypertrophy compared to flat and decline benches."
"The pump is not nearly as correlated with hypertrophy as many think, and mechanical tension is far more important than the pump for muscle growth."
"Lactic acid does not make your muscles hurt when you exercise; in fact, it might actually help."
"Mechanical tension is probably the primary hypertrophy stimulus."
"Exercise selection is just as much an art as it is a science."
"See you next time for another edition of exercise scientist reacts."
"When volume is equated between routines, there should be at the very least no difference in muscle growth."
"If volume is equated, a higher frequency training style builds more muscle mass."
"Instead, I think RPE or rating of perceived exertion is the best practical tool we have for tracking effort."
"Exercise creates muscle damage, stimulates autophagy."
"Exercise intensity: a potent activator of autophagy."
"What's driving changes in strength and Power are the adaptations of specificity."
"Muscle fibers can increase in length, known as the increase of sarcomeres in series."
"The best exercise for muscle growth is one that most robustly stimulates muscle growth in a single session of measurement but also accumulates the smallest amount of fatigue for that muscle growth."
"The SAID principle is actually really easy. The body will adapt to the specific demands that are placed on it."
"I don't really think that we have to get sore after every workout in order to make gains."
"There is no such thing as lower abs. Your abdominal muscles are one big panel to run from top to bottom."
"Adding just nine weekly sets of direct neck extension work led to a 13% increase in total neck cross sectional area."
"Dr. Mike is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to lifting he literally has a PhD when it comes to physiology exercise physiology sport physiology god man."
"Intensity determines the type of adaptations you're likely getting, whereas volume determines the magnitude of adaptations."
"Lower loads can yield similar adaptations with sustained isometric contraction."
"When people are saying they're doing hit cardio they do one minute hard one minute easy one minute hard one minute easy how is that possible understanding the science that you require a one to six work to rest ratio to recover."
"Creatine helps you re-phosphorylate your ATP, so if here's an image of your muscle cell utilizing energy during exercise what creatine does is it helps to add on different phosphorus groups to those ADP molecules to remake ATP."
"When it comes to exercise science guys, we do it better than anybody else."
"With all other factors equated, exercises which train the target muscle through a larger range of motion and more specifically train the muscle at a longer length tend to produce superior growth."
"Exercises which provide more tension in the lengthened range of an exercise seem to be a little better for hypertrophy."
"I started exercise science back in the early 80s."
"Creatine is one of the supplements that is the most researched and that we know actually works."
"Nothing works forever with strength training; that's why you have so many contradictory studies."
"Both intensity and the duration of exercise help to signal adaptation."
"The hip thrust has demonstrated the highest glute EMG readings for compound exercises."
"Full squat produces greater neuromuscular and functional adaptations and lower pain than partial squats after prolonged resistance training."
"Biomechanics is one of the three foundational exercise sciences, often ignored, yet essential for optimal performance."
"I have multiple degrees in exercise physiology with an emphasis on nutrition."
"The eight to 12 rep range would build the most muscles, that's why it's called the hypertrophy range."
"Man's specific physiological characteristics dictate what training causes must be adapted to achieve the desired effect."
"The issue of recovery ability should be one of the two most important issues of central concern in exercise science."
"Post-workout muscle anabolic signaling is higher later on in the day."
"What really makes a muscle grow? You activate, load, and exhaust muscle fibers. That's really what builds muscle when you break it down to its most simple form."
"A wide range of loads are similarly effective for hypertrophy."
"The antagonist is always going to be the muscle that opposes the agonist."
"The principle of specificity states that training responses and adaptations are correlated to the type, frequency, and duration of exercise performed."
"We've come a long way in exercise oncology."
"The fear is that if you do strength and aerobic conditioning at the same time, the signals get crossed and you don't get the desired adaptations."
"Exercise science is an awesome career path."
"Once you've grasped the principle of intensity, the issue of a limited recovery ability becomes the next most important issue in exercise science."
"The relationship between volume and hypertrophy and the relationship between intensity and strength, that's what it is."
"I really like exercise science; I'm fascinated by the way the body works and how exercise can benefit all of us."
"I love philosophy more than I love exercise science."
"Fitness and periodization come in; that's where the science comes in."