
Resistance Training Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"The other thing about resistance training that I think has a certain allure for some people, men and women, is that it's one of the few forms of exercise that because of the enhanced blood flow to the muscle that occurs during the training, the so-called 'pump,' it gives you a transient but somewhat real window into what your results will be."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Resistance training stopped the progression of the beta-amyloid plaques that cause Alzheimer's."
"Imagine losing 20 pounds and eating more at the end of it. That's what can happen with the proper application of resistance training."
"No form of exercise reliably raises testosterone in men like resistance training... it's hard to lose muscle in a high testosterone environment."
"Resistance training is non-negotiable for maintaining health and quality of life."
"For hypertrophy purposes, resistance training should be performed in a way that maximizes stress on the target muscle."
"The single most important thing you could possibly do is resistance training."
"Exercise, specifically resistance exercise, has been shown to boost testosterone."
"Progressive resistance, meaning getting stronger and lifting heavier weights, is a foundational principle of muscle growth."
"Resistance training significantly improves brain function and structure."
"I get questions all the time about what does resistance to interrogation mean the best possible resistance training is inoculation by that I mean the more times you're exposed the less likely you are to fall for it."
"Prioritize resistance training for longevity."
"The best way to stimulate muscle to stay is progressive resistance exercise."
"Just because you don't understand how to manage volume doesn't mean full-body training is bad for you."
"Resistance training has carryover for endurance athletes as well."
"Resistance training was actually the most effective at slowing cognitive decline."
"Focus on resistance training for maintaining a lean physique."
"Resistance training is very helpful because you're signaling the muscle tissue and talking to the liver and the fat cells."
"Resistance training is your most powerful tool to combat muscle loss."
"Resistance training tends to be more effective for losing weight and keeping it off than cardio."
"Resistance exercise, pretty great straightforward advice."
"If you load a muscle with 90 pounds of resistance, that muscle does not know whether the 90 pounds of resistance it's getting is 90 of the 100 pounds you're lifting or 30 percent of the 300 pounds you're lifting."
"When you do keep your back a little more straight the eccentric load of the way down is gonna force your rear delts to work."
"Resistance training has a very important role in preserving muscle mass during periods of caloric restriction."
"Bands force you to grind through the entire range of motion."
"Quality is more important than quantity, and I have that same applied principle today with regards to resistance training."
"Resistance training is crucial for muscle retention during weight loss."
"Resistance training will provide a stimulus for muscle retention during a calorie deficit."
"It's never too late to get gains in muscle mass and strength, particularly with resistance training."
"Staggering one's stance while doing certain forms of resistance training... generates anti-rotational forces."
"People that don't engage in some form of resistance exercise... I'm not saying you have to go to the gym and work out three hours a day, but you got to do some form of resistance training to maintain muscle mass."
"So think about that. If you're somebody who's kind of averse to resistance training, you are going to lose muscle size and strength."
"Resistance training is simply the best way to maintain muscle mass."
"If you have been doing resistance training up until that point and continuing it, you're building not only bone but certainly built up a lot of bone density reserve earlier in life, but muscle mass helps, right?"
"Most women will say, 'I'm down for this resistance training but I'm terrified of getting too bulky.'"
"Resistance gets those muscles nice and strong which also in turn will help with your bone density."
"So, if the target muscle is being maximally stressed via resistance training, it is going to receive the best hypertrophic stimulus."
"If you do all the resistance training in the world but you don't eat enough protein quite simply you still won't maintain or build muscle mass it will still decrease because your body simply doesn't have the building blocks."
"Your body weight acts as resistance."
"So if muscle mass is still an important measure, the resistance training in a gym is definitely the gold standard."
"Resistance training is a fountain of youth."
"Resistance training is probably the most important exercise that has to be instated."
"The most important piece of advice would be to do resistance training because the trickle-down effect of that is life-changing."
"Better than even weightlifting resistance training is sprinting."
"We use a two to one ratio which means 260 pounds feels like 130 pounds."
"Strength and resistance training are vital to maintaining your musculature allowing you to perform everyday activities."
"Exercise is huge in libido, and it turns out that you'll get a bigger bang for your buck by doing resistance training rather than straight cardio."
"Resistance training is superior for metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and combating modern health issues like obesity and diabetes."
"Resistance training doesn't necessarily make you big and bulky. It's hard to build muscle, and muscle is very dense. It gives you shape and makes you tighter and more compact."
"Resistance training is the best form of exercise for improving functional flexibility."
"Resistance training provides us... with mobility to twist, reach, grab, squat."
"Resistance training is at least as good, but better, usually better than the typical stretching forms of exercise."
"If you take away a little bit of the resistance from the bottom from the beginning of the range of motion here you're going to add it slightly later in the range of motion when your mechanical advantage is better."
"Everybody should do some sort of resistance training. I don't care how old they are."
"High weight, slow resistance training tends to be very effective for tendons."
"Heavy slow resistance training is just picking up a heavy weight and doing very slow controlled movements through your full range of motion."
"Cycling is more compatible with resistance training and may cause more growth compared to running."
"Building muscle requires resistance training."
"Resistance training becomes an absolute necessity."
"Train yourself to meet resistance with the work."
"If you adapt to the resistance, maybe add a little bit more, you're in charge."
"Resistance training works, because it addresses the quality of life issues associated with muscle loss as we age."
"Resistance training tells your body we can't use our muscle for fuel because we need it."
"The beauty of resistance training is that you're turning your body into a fat-burning machine even when you're not working out."
"A high protein diet along with resistance training on a calorie deficit diet... the metabolism slowdown is greatly reduced."
"Resistance training is the driving force to body recomposition."
"I think there are things we can do to adjust it; I think resistance training is one of those modifiable factors."
"Two or three times a week, having some kind of resistance, some kind of dumbbells in your hands is the way to at least maintain your bones and muscles."
"Resistance-based training regimens have demonstrated decreased rates of fracture, muscular tenderness, and muscle injuries associated with sport-specific practice and competition."
"Press into the strap like you're going to break it in half."
"You can change your metabolism; add muscle to your body, do resistance training three times a week."
"Resistance training decreases the risk of cancer, decreases the risk of heart disease."
"Keep pulling that band to work your abs and torso."
"Resistance band training is all about just finding what works for you."
"The most efficient way to build muscle is resistance training."
"One of the best attributes of somebody who's got long-term success with resistance training is an open mind."
"Resistance training is one of the best ways to burn body fat."
"Nothing beats resistance training when it comes to fat loss and health."
"Strength training or resistance training allows you to target, sculpt, and strengthen your body."
"Resistance training has far more benefits than aerobic physical activity when it comes to the brain."
"The more I study the importance of resistance training, especially as you age, the more I've started kicking myself for being lazy about that."
"Resistance training can actually directly increase fat oxidation."
"Resistance training is important for muscle mass and metabolism."
"The best and most simple way to get whatever body you want is, and will always be, resistance training."
"Resistance training building muscle is the key to longevity for a multitude of reasons."
"Westside Barbell Club... Louis Simmons is a huge fan of band resistance."
"I hope this opens up a lot of people's eyes to the merits of bar plus band resistance and they start incorporating it more into their own training."
"The more resistance that you handle in a movement, particularly doing it correctly, you're going to stress the muscle that much more, causing it to grow."
"Resistance exercising is inherently anabolic by improving net muscle protein balance for up to two days."
"Resistance training outperformed aerobic exercise, mixed exercise, and Mind Body exercise for depression."
"It's really important to encourage people to incorporate weight-bearing exercises and resistance training their whole life."
"You did an amazing job, and I'm so proud of you for adding some resistance to your at-home workouts."
"Breathe deeply and open your thighs against the theraband so you feel the resistance."
"Dips are the squat equivalent of the upper-body; few exercises will put more resistance into your push chain muscles."
"Most people gain more mass with about four days a week of resistance training, maybe five at the most."
"Resistance training is appropriate for anybody, it's just how it's applied."
"It's definitely possible if you follow this time restricted feeding combined with this resistance training, consistency will definitely give you those results."
"The best way to counteract muscle mass loss and muscle strength loss that has been consistently identified in the scientific literature is exercise, resistance training specifically."
"The type of resistance that they provide is so different from what you'll find with machines and free weights."
"People who invest the effort into doing resistance exercise of some kind really benefit tremendously at a whole body level."
"Adding resistance training increases our metabolic rate and improves insulin sensitivity."
"Resistance training is the most important thing that people can do for their physical being with aging."
"Resistance exercise does improve endurance exercise performance."
"I rediscovered this equipment not only as a useful tool in my resistance training but pretty much the only tool in my resistance training now."
"Resistance training can regulate fat cell metabolism at a molecular level."
"Your most powerful tool for changing your body composition is not your nutrition; your most powerful tool is resistance training."
"By working range of motion within your resistance training in your workouts, you get to improve your mobility."
"As long as all of your working sets are at least close to failure or within 0-4 RIR, your muscles will produce mechanical tension and will grow as a result."
"Really important that we fight sarcopenia which is natural loss of muscle by doing metabolic weight training resistance training."
"Can you build muscle using resistance bands? 100% you can."
"We're going to work out your entire body only using resistance bands."
"Once I realized how much resistance bands benefit me fitness-wise, it took my fitness to a whole another level."
"The resistance band is awesome because having it around your thighs, you're automatically going to be pushing outward against it, so it's activating your glutes."
"Resistance training is one of the strongest nutrient partitioning agents we have."
"Pick a resistance that's going to challenge you."
"We'll do a variety of different resistance exercises which is going to help with improving your actual body composition but also to get an idea of your techniques and be able to help improve your posture."
"Anabolic activities like resistance training create a more inefficient metabolism, meaning your metabolism is going to be faster."
"For the average person, prioritizing resistance training and not relying on cardio for fat loss is going to be more efficient and help them get results that last longer."
"Really press into the band, firing up the outer glutes."
"The body responds best to the resistance provided by free weights."
"The best results for anybody is cardio and resistance training that's combined in here."
"Resistance training is one of the most important things to sustaining health."