
Belief Impact Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"All three of these—placebo, nocebo, and belief effects—are all related to our brain's inedible ability to place an expectation on what is about to happen and actually change what is about to happen."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It almost became a form of self-fulfilling prophecy."
"People who believe they're lucky are actually luckier."
"You know God's existence is the most decisive issue of life because the answer you give to that one question sets an irrevocable course for everything that follows."
"If you can Fester the belief then there is a business... if you cannot Fester the belief there is no business."
"Jesus Christ became weak and ugly so that when we believed in him his righteousness is imputed to us."
"The belief effect isn't just changing what one subjectively experiences; it actually is changing the way that the brain responds to the belief."
"Belief always rules conduct it works wonders when you believe it signs and wonders but belief always rules conduct"
"It's very real for the person that believes it, more real than any form of real is for somebody that doesn't believe anything."
"If Jesus rose from the grave, you gotta accept everything he said."
"Visualizations and belief can impact physical health."
"It's a wild story to believe, but when you read it and discover, it's life altering."
"Whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life."
"The thoughts I choose to believe right now are forming my experiences."
"You create your own reality according to the nature of your beliefs."
"If you believe you can't, then you won't. And if you believe you can, then you will."
"Your beliefs and perceptions are responsible for creating your life experiences."
"Our perception is what drives our performance and our beliefs are what drive our behaviors."
"What we think is what we get. What you believe is what will show up in your life."
"Belief is what you stake your actions on, and that's faith."
"They don't believe that someone comes and rescues you."
"Reality doesn't change based on what you believe or think."
"Let go of doubts during Jupiter in Pisces, as they can manifest externally. Have faith in what you hope for, desire, or fear."
"There's power in prayer more than anyone has ever mapped out."
"Did their belief change the word of God? No."
"The teaching of hell has made many atheists over the years."
"The way we live as believers determines how we're gonna spend eternity."
"Strongly held beliefs can manifest into physical anomalies."
"Believing in your nation is one of those things that is key to your success."
"When you believe in certain things, you tend to notice a lot more than other people around you do."
"Belief is the driver of action, what you believe determines what you do and how you do it."
"Reality are those things that don't go away when you stop believing them."
"Beliefs create reality from the highest level."
"Age is literally just a number. Change your beliefs, change your behaviors."
"If this was just placebo effect if it was just temporary you would find a handful of stories you don't you have hundreds you have thousands"
"It doesn't matter what's true because what you believe is what you believe."
"When you are experiencing these things you start believing that anything is possible."
"That's the only way you're going to receive anything, if you actually believe it."
"It’s all coming about because of one belief, and that one belief is the ego."
"Change your state of being, you change your life."
"A lot of people don't know that, but the reason why they don't know that is because they don't believe in God until God shows himself in one's life."
"It's all funny games until somebody believes it, bro."
"When I believed my thoughts, I suffered. When I didn't believe them, I didn't suffer."
"I'm doing okay. I am no longer starting to think not believing is more profitable."
"There's a cost to that suffering, the cause is what we're thinking and believing."
"You are a creator of your own reality; what you believe is what you are."
"Wrong beliefs inform actions and lead to harmful consequences."
"Belief in the idea of Free Will has become dangerous."
"Just believe in it, it can lead to something satisfying and fulfilling."
"You're right there, you are capable of making manifestations happen."
"Realize the fact that you are creating your own reality by what you think, feel, what you believe."
"It's all about perception. What you believe, that is what you're going to do."
"We believe that nothing happens until you first declare something."
"Mere belief counts for nothing except that it is carried into practice."
"Your belief system is at the core of what you see around you. Everything that you see around you right now is what you believed in."
"When you listen to his account of seeing these things, it really gets you thinking."
"The important thing is to really embrace what's possible. If and only if you believe things, will they kind of come through."
"And whatever I believe, and whatever I assume, that's what will come to pass. So the next thing I did was I changed my language. I changed all my language, all of it."
"Build the fiction, move toward it, and the fiction will become fact."
"It's all about affirmation. Your beliefs create your reality."
"Every time you have a sensory experience, you stack rocks on either side of the belief scale."
"Your beliefs create your reality. It doesn't matter what is true, only what you believe is true because with work, that will become true."
"In Elden Ring, belief has an incredible effect on the world."
"The human brain is so powerful. It turns our belief into physical response."
"Some things are true whether you believe it or not."
"Your beliefs genuinely do affect you when you are clinically dead."
"If enough people believe in this imaginary friend called the squeeze, we are going to squeeze 100 percent."
"This illustrates the power of the placebo effect."
"Short-sightedness leads us to ignore the potential impact of our beliefs."
"The power of the mind, bear with me, and how if you put your mind to something and you truly believe that it will happen, it will."
"What can change the nature of a man? Whatever you believe can make you change will do so."
"You can manifest your reality by believing that it's true."
"Realizing that you are creating your own reality based on what you think, feel, and believe."
"Faith is precise, faith is accurate, faith receives the incredible, faith sees the impossible."
"What we fear, we create. What we believe, we create. What we say, we create."
"It's not too late yet, so we've got to tell people about Jesus."
"When people believe they can make a difference, often they do exactly that."
"Whatever you choose is what you get. Whatever worldview you choose to believe in, the truth of that worldview will always be on your side."
"Believing is being, the body executes loyal to every belief."
"Belief leads to action, action leads to results. If you don't believe in something, would you take the action? No. So actually, the daily doings will be a lot less if the belief isn't strong enough."
"If you don't believe in it, you're never gonna see it."
"Your behavior is an extension of what you truly believe."
"If you have a bunch of people believing these conspiracy theories are real, then that theory becomes reality."
"If you don't understand how your beliefs actually create your reality and shape your world, then you can potentially end up being a victim to this as opposed to being the cause."
"This is partly due to the powerful mind over body effect that belief can have."
"Your thinking process and what your true belief can actually impact your genes."
"By believing that things happen exactly the way they should have happened, I have released about half of the tension and anxiety and worry and frustration that I had in my life."
"No victims, just volunteers. Our beliefs and our choices dictate how our lives will end up."
"Your beliefs actually determine your biological and behavioral reality."
"Believing in God isn't just choosing between various theoretical or abstract possibilities, but actually having a whole picture of your life transformed."
"What you believe has a dramatic effect on your outlook and trading."
"The physiological effect of belief."
"According to your faith be it unto you, for all things are possible to him that believeth."
"Your view of God affects every decision you make and every action you take."
"Beliefs inform people's actions and those actions have consequences."
"Promise thinking changes things; it did it for Abraham, it'll do it for you."
"Thoughts have powers too, they do materialize."
"We can increase or decrease our risk of dying due to stress by simply changing our beliefs or what we think about stress."