
Metaphor Quotes

There are 14743 quotes

"Life is a journey, like a trip is a journey."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Freedom is like a muscle; it's only strong when it's used."
"So the next time you're out grocery shopping, think of it as casting for the blockbuster movie that is your circulatory system."
"It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop."
"Mathematics is like the bones of the living conscious experience."
"The princess of Wales is keeping her private medical information private, as she should. Loose lips sink ships."
"Stop listening to people, believe in yourself, and go to the gym; it actually does change your mental state."
"Life is just waves. It's all up and down. You're just riding waves."
"We build the airplane of our life, we build it while we fly."
"A battle against cynicism is a battle against the dark arts."
"It doesn't matter how fast the wind blows, it will not knock me down."
"The deeper your roots are... the taller and the stronger that tree will grow."
"Snowfall isn't like rainfall. Rain is passion. It's spontaneous and it's loud. Snowfall is like a secret. It's whispers and firelight."
"Our era of history is like a dam that's about to break."
"I used to enrich valuable minerals. I made dust out of a 2 cm stone, and then it was turned into steel. Now he turns enemies into dust."
"The episode metaphorically captures the deliberate obstruction faced by the clean energy movement."
"The cold turkey might be great on a sandwich, but sometimes it's not the easiest thing when you're breaking bad habits."
"It's a bit like the night before Christmas, isn't it?"
"You tried to bury me but you didn't know I was a seed."
"The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction."
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."
"You can't swallow an elephant in one bite, so we devour it one bite at a time."
"It felt like her blood was boiling beneath her skin."
"The ocean continually recurs in mythology, folklore, and literature as the ultimate metaphor for consciousness."
"The best way to stop an incursion is just to prune the timeline so the rot doesn't continue to spread through the tree."
"Red pill versus blue pill, you got to take the red pill and dive deeper into the rabbit hole. That is where you can grow more."
"If your kid came to you on fire, would you say, 'I'm so glad you trusted me to tell me you're on fire, but if I put out the fire, that's going to really hurt, and you're going to end up with scabs anyway, so I'm just going to love you where you are right now?' No, you throw them on the ground, and you start rolling them, you get a blanket, and you start hitting the flames."
"Life is like getting into a rowboat heading out to sea, knowing for sure that it's going to sink."
"It's not about the size of the sword; it's about the sharpness of the blade."
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."
"You never know; life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
"Success is like being pregnant. Everyone says congratulations, but nobody knows how many times you got fucked."
"If you want to keep your heads under rug and remain plugged into the Matrix and not talk about the elephant in the room, well, so be it."
"If you want a strong blade of your soul...you have to go into the forge."
"It's like trying to build a Ferrari with parts from a Land Rover, a Vauxhall Astra, a tractor. The parts just don't fit together."
"You've got several files in the heart that you need to shred."
"Democracy is like the beautiful silver platter upon which rests the golden apple of freedom."
"The bottom line is, the 'Queen of the Skies' has lost their way."
"Life's messy, clean it up, organize it, and put it into a bento box."
"The mind is like this restless monkey... and then somebody has made it drink wine, and then a scorpion has stung it."
"There isn't a region in the brain for creativity. There isn't a region in the brain for this. The thing is working as an environment, as an ocean filled with like a kelp forest and jellyfish."
"Windows thinks it's going to sleep, it closes its eyes, it passes out, and then its body gets up, goes out into the night, and commits murders it'll never remember."
"The beauty is in the butterfly, the growth is happening in the cocoon."
"We're like Robin Hood, we're like Robin Hood of heart."
"They're trying to plug the Titanic's hole with chewing gum and it's not working."
"Noah didn't wait for his boat to come in; he built it."
"Let's make the angels weep, the devils cry, and the gods die."
"The truth of the matter is that where you choose to fish for your men is filled with a bunch of piranhas."
"We're literally in a climax for four hours. It was like a movie. Fantastic."
"This is like the Titanic... Donald Trump's real estate empire is like the Titanic. He's already hit the iceberg, and we're just watching the slow motion sinking of this, of his life, into the abyss."
"Some [bleep] are always trying to ice skate uphill."
"Your culture, being composed of dead fathers, so to speak, can't progress without you because you're its eyes."
"Our journey begins with the observation that the way we talk about nature can ultimately be scaled to a grounding cosmic metaphor which itself comes to serve as the lens through which we form our deepest questions about what we are and our place in the universe."
"It kinda lulls you into this place of like, rocking a baby to sleep almost, in a tempest."
"Moana, like Merida, Pocahontas, and Mulan, had a physicality to her, making the character's strength as literal as it is metaphorical."
"Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
"Some values are more important than others, and if we're reading this as a metaphor for homosexuality and parental acceptance, she's saying that accepting their kid is more important than upholding old traditions."
"Aristotle said that to be a master of metaphor was a sign of genius."
"Metaphors plant ideas deep in our subconscious and it really does work like magic."
"Changing nothing more than the metaphor in a piece of text leads people to fundamentally different reactions."
"The metaphorical always beats the literal. It offers seductive simplicity in place of the inherent ambiguity of what is, as a matter of fact, unknown."
"That's how we'll really build bridges. And it doesn't require a single rivet."
"Metaphor is basically a very, very short story. And like stories, metaphors are really powerful because they communicate more richly than verbal language can."
"Metaphor is probably the most powerful piece of political communication."
"Our conversation is littered with metaphors, scattered with metaphors."
"Metaphors are political in that they are used by people to lead people towards things, or indeed to make them recoil."
"These walls feel like paper when that gun's in play."
"In order to drain the swamp, it helps to know how deep the swamp is."
"This is the Mike Tyson of Cuisine coming at you with an uppercut."
"Remember, it is not your job to feed the 5000; it is only to provide the Loaves and fish."
"Mathematics is about poetry and religion and literature as well. It's their metaphor, metonym, simile, association."
"The comet's appearance is linked to the 'Kundalini of Earth and of the awakened human', triggered by the messenger that is the comet."
"This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
"The most technical way it's like driving on top of a wardrobe."
"It's like repeatedly setting someone's house on fire and calling on some random abstract force to give them a bottle of water to deal with it."
"Twin kill, twin kill little stars, robbed of wonder, torn and scarred."
"Would you cut off your ear because the music does not please you?" - A unique idiom used in their society instead of "cut off your nose to spite your face."
"You're like the Avatar, bro. When the world needed you the most, you vanished."
"Sorrow is being written like a disease - a virus infecting the happiness of each story world."
"You can’t trust what they have to say because they’re currently holding a hot potato, and as much as they insist that they just really, really enjoy the feeling of a burning hot potato in their hands, do they?"
"You are the garden. If the garden doesn't exist, humans don't exist."
"Imagine trying to feel whole, to feel full, but no matter how much you filled yourself up, it was like shoveling dirt into a bottomless pit."
"Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?"
"If you chase a shadow long enough, you're bound to find the caster."
"Every book has been written by the same author, every building and bridge built by the same engineer, every picture painted by the same artist, every sonnet composed by the same poet, all music conceived by the same musician."
"Astrology offers a symbolic and metaphorical system of imagining within a frame of order."
"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."
"It really is a great way to put it, a house of horrors."
"In the darkest room, you put a little light, automatically, and naturally dispels the darkness."
"It's like an explosion could occur and he wouldn't even wake up."
"Common Sense is a flower that doesn't grow in everyone's garden."
"Pancakes really just show us about ourselves. They are the black mirror from which we peer into, seeing our own souls and thereby the souls of our ancestors."
"Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of his light is as if there were a niche and within it a lamp; the lamp is in glass, the glass as it were a brilliant star lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow forth of itself though no fire touched it. Light upon light!"
"The world's a banquet, and most poor sons of [___] are starving."
"The internet is like a living, breathing thing."
"Imagine being trapped in a zoo. Well, if we really do live in a galactic zoo, then you'd already be in one."
"Childhood friends are like tragic heroines, right?"
"Give people light and they will find the way."
"Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer."
"Like the wind, he fears no bounds of space or time."
"Politics is like writing your name in the sand; it's only a matter of time before the tide comes up and washes it away."
"What does Priest mean to us? What's an engine to a car?"
"You're one less rhino in Congress once I'm done with you."
"Sean Carroll is the Bob Ross of theoretical physics."
"The Internet is the world's biggest library; the problem is all the books are scattered on the floor."
"Energy-wise, you're almost like you're dripping your life force energy."
"They handed me the recipe for the secret sauce and then spat in my face when I asked what's in the French fries."
"Evil enters like a needle and spreads like an oak tree."
"Your Jannah is waiting for you to build its houses."
"You can't keep writing checks if you have no balance in your account."
"Faith in God is like gold in a woman's purse; she doesn't often know it's there, but it's right there."
"That's like letting the devil out of hell for good behavior."
"Dying is like, you know, you're at a party and that somebody taps you on the shoulder and says the party goes on, but you have to leave."
"When the lion rises and roars again, and the hyenas disappear back into the jungle."
"What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think dirty laundry? Is it the piles of clothes you have yet to throw in the washing machine that you've been putting off for forever?"
"The citizens of Lakewood are drowning, and you're all talking about adding more water."
"Forgiveness is letting go. Not forgiving is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies."
"It's the 11th hour, but it's not midnight yet."
"That's what this whole experience is like, being pulled out in an undertow where you're like, oh, this..."
"It wasn't the airplanes that killed him, it was beauty that killed the beast."
"My feelings are made out of vibranium. You're gonna have to come a lot harder than that."
"The treasure was right in front of you the whole time. Maybe that's a metaphor for life."
"The more you squeeze, the more slips through your fingers."
"You are the Garden of Eden, and when someone has sort of crossed a line, you almost prohibit them from your paradise."
"Bicarb is like the slow juggernaut; it's slow to compensate but it's definitely going to just crush everything in its path."
"Remember diamonds are formed under pressure."
"It feels like a dance, feels like a romantic movie."
"The hooks don't leave you. It's like when the bee leaves a bit of a sting inside of you."
"Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die."
"You don't drown by falling into the water; you drown by staying there."
"When you add more water to a lake, you get an ocean."
"Even if the pot and the kettle are both black, they can still point to each other and say it's time to get cleaned up."
"When you eat with the devil, you eat with a long spoon."
"You don't birth unless you break water; it's impossible."
"Life stages are just the chapters we find ourselves in, not the whole story."
"Your faith and your expectation... are the wings of the same bird."
"That's why I say it's too cold outside for Angel to fly."
"Your collectors are, basically, horrible, gigantic mosquitos, and you could physically see them getting engorged with blood when they collect it."
"At the end of the day, we're all just exposed chicken nuggets."
"We need a wall on the border between humanity and the viruses."
"Hope and regret all shook up in a Mason jar."
"It's only when the tide goes out that you see who's been swimming naked."
"If you don't know what an iceberg is, it plays on the 'tip of the iceberg' saying, presenting a chart full of information."
"If you start praying in the Holy Ghost, you do an airstrike."
"This is a spiritual warfare, and if we were in a club, you know what to do... But this is a spiritual battle."
"A robot apocalypse is almost like your children turning on you."
"If the darkness reaches out, we must reach back."
"I fold money, incom-plete. I'm on a path to secure my place like I'm PayPal."
"We keep seeing these Black Swan events. Black swans are supposed to be a rare little bird, but we seem to be getting hit by a flock of them."
"He compares her to a gentle quail egg in the chaos of a bowl of stir fry."
"Poetry is not made to be sucked up like a child's milkshake; it is much better sipped like a precious malt whiskey."
"We are not literally transforming pizza into cookies. That would be kind of cool, but we're not doing that."
"Ostriches don't literally bury their heads in the sand, but it's become an apt metaphor to explain how people can be in such unbelievable denial of fact or record realities that are otherwise as clear as the existence of gravity."
"It's like we had a massive dragon to slay, but another bigger, badder one just showed up."
"Gold is not an ornament. Gold is the reality of these ornaments."
"This animated series is so important because it evolved the X-Men into being a story that was about a metaphor for racism and homophobia."
"Stanley's sad endless and futile search for meaning and hope becomes all the darker when it's seen as a metaphor for the desperation of working-class people escaping into a fantasy."
"Plato presents this passage as an intricate metaphor symbolizing the predicament of a philosopher tasked with enlightening the masses."
"Borders just couldn't weather the daunting challenges they had ahead, ultimately they had to turn the page to chapter 7, that being the final chapter for the company."
"We're like Godzilla. Oh my goodness, we're huge!"
"Transmutation: Turning lead into gold, a phoenix from the ashes."
"It appears that when someone gets a 'gut feeling' about something, it might be more than a metaphor."
"A house divided amongst itself cannot stand."
"Inside our metaphorical dungeons, is a dragon. But we don't know if we can slay it or befriend it unless we try."
"I ain't even playing, got a really bad habit. If it moves, gotta grab it, fuse like a magnet, lose won't have it till I'm doomed in a casket."
"These guys in the next few months will be toasted. They'll be like a marshmallow over a campfire."
"Celeste... a metaphor for her own internal anxiety and depression."
"Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your whole body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light."
"It's harder to see when you're in the dark, but it's easy to look over and step over what may trip you up when you have light."
"It's basically a metaphor for a guy running from his problems and then, when pushed to the very literal edge, he has no choice but to confront to overcome it."
"This is the staircase to hell; instead of going down, you have to walk up to get to hell."
"I embrace it in the same way that Matt Damon embraces Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting: under duress and wanting to punch it too."
"To use a metaphor - in the ideal family, it functions a bit like a really good Indian Curry dish where the unique flavors that go into that particular dish is what creates the complexity (and the beauty) of the flavor."
"We got much more than a rainy day. We got a pandemic."
"Lifting up her spirits like her demons in a neck brace."
"Achieving financial freedom is kind of like climbing a mountain. If you want to successfully reach the top, you need two things: a map to show you how to get there and a safety net that prevents you from falling through the cracks."
"I'm still up to bat, but in a different league."
"If you want to drain the swamp, you cannot put the biggest alligator in charge of the exercise."
"You don't stick a knife in a man's back nine inches and pull it out six inches and say you're making progress."
"It all starts with one, a single grain of sand, till every woman, every child, every man is a grain of sand sliding through the cracks in the Pharaoh's hands."
"The idea of people having a worm in their head is a great metaphor on how people will allow that little voice in their head to dictate their entire mood."
"It's like a boomerang. A sad boomerang with existential dread propelling its forward momentum."
"There is no hiding place. It's like a boxer; when you're in that ring, there's no hiding place."
"There is no deeper cruelty than caging the cage."
"You only get one flesh car in this life, so treat your flesh car right with the fuel it needs."
"Love is the ballast you want in your ship's hold as you set out over the abyss."
"Where no duck swims in the water, shoot the Sun."
"I love that I'm fighting Skynet but in the shape of scorpions."
"The Carousel Ride stops, and it's time to get off, and I think we all have to be ready for that."
"As powerful as cancer is in a physical sense, the metaphorical use of it in this context shows how it can manipulate, control, and ultimately devastate lives far beyond the physical realm."
"The Big Bang and the cycle of expansion and contraction could be the giant heartbeat of God."
"The tongue is also a fire, a fire that can bring warmth or burn down a house."
"You're the opposite of a car tire 'cause you've never had the drive to use a rubber."
"The biggest empire is not Rome or America; the biggest empire is ourselves."
"Buckle your seat belt because this is going to be a long ride."
"Someone wrote that a big investment bank is like a giant vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity."
"While Godzilla was created as a metaphor for the atomic bombing of Japan and the devastation felt by an entire nation after World War II, the king of the monsters has continuously transformed into an avatar for many different ideas as the years go by."
"Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart."
"I lost a friend like keys in a sofa, like a wallet in the back seat, like ice in the summer heat."