
Empirical Evidence Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Science isn't about what we want to believe, it's about what's actually coming through and what seems to hold up to testing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's like saying all swans are white because all I've ever seen is white swans, and that's going to be true right up until you go to Australia where there are black swans."
"I want things that are justified by evidence because that is where the rational world is."
"If you find from your experience that something is a fact and contradicts what some authority has written, then you must renounce the authority and base your reasoning on your own discovery."
"If you've already shown the propensity to be able to believe in something you cannot empirically see, which is, for example, gravity, then it's not really that much of a leap of faith to believe in, for example, angels and demons in heaven and hell and god."
"Dark matter exists... we've crossed a threshold where we have enough evidence empirically to say that dark matter of some sort has to exist."
"Science is not concerned with narratives, ideologies, beliefs, dogma, or opinions. Science deals in empirical or measurable evidence and in hard facts."
"If you care whether or not your beliefs are true, do those methodologies involve empirical evidence and the analysis of that evidence in keeping with the standards of Science and sound epistemology?"
"Science and empirical evidence play a crucial role in shaping our beliefs."
"You don't have to concede on that point, but I think you and I both understand the importance of empirical evidence."
"The importance of empirical evidence is at the heart of all scientific achievements."
"I care about the facts, not your impression of an interpretation of a memory of what you heard."
"You can misinterpret them but they don't lie, the numbers are what they are."
"Science is not about polling too. All it takes is one to be correct."
"Science works where religion doesn't because science is the antithesis of faith and deals with knowledge rather than belief."
"You shouldn't believe any claim until it is supported by sound arguments and empirical evidence."
"The only thing that makes me think something is true as a scientist is data that confirms it."
"There's some pretty good empirical support for the idea... you actually are more likely to think about doing those bad things yourself."
"The burden of proof is on them. I'm showing you here with measurements that there's almost no difference at all with the very best cable versus a very generic cable you can get at home depot."
"Science isn't determined by consensus, it's determined by what's true."
"The rule is pretty simple. In fact, you can state it in four words. Let me do that. It's the rule that only empirical evidence counts, okay?"
"It started with that anecdote. It is no longer in the realm of anecdote anymore."
"People who actually do like science aren't just going to take your word. You have to show whether you're right."
"The data simply does not back up their claims."
"Numbers don't lie politics poetry promises may live but numbers don't lie."
"The beauty is John, it's science... there's empirical data that's why it's science and not a religion."
"It people shake their head and say it can't be so until you know you look at the data of the difference it makes."
"God can't make empirical evidence for non-empirical facts."
"I was very critical based on the empirical data."
"Philosophically, we want to use the scientific method... rational objective hypotheses cast against empirical evidence."
"It's somewhat of a miracle. That thing called science, I think that's true."
"Opinions of so-called experts don't count, your feelings don't count, the data, the facts count."
"Using empirics is a really good way to argue."
"Debating scientific facts... takes precedent over just facts on a paper."
"Science works. Hate the method for being so rigorous, hate the conclusions for not conforming to your expectations, but do not deny its power."
"The truth, facts, and stats really speak for themselves."
"Follow the science? Science has empirical evidence."
"When empirical data breaks that faith, it's no longer magical."
"They don't even try to pretend to use empirical data to back up what they're saying anymore."
"My claim is that we can know through observation and testing."
"Let the data validate you, data always tends to validate." - AI discussion
"Anecdote is not science. Everybody will tell you that. But if you see a million people do the same thing, that means something."
"Show us the experiment that shows that prayer works."
"With science and evidence, you don't have to watch something happen to know it's true."
"The only way to form conclusions about the world in reality is through the scientific method."
"The test provides empirical evidence for how important context is in our mental processing of what's being depicted."
"Evidence, experience, and facts are a lot more important than feelings."
"All the empirical evidence we have supports the truth of the causal principle."
"We found massive, massive improvement in performances: a 13% improvement in performance from the people working at home, which is huge!"
"Evolution not only is is not only is philosophically possible it's absolutely certain it happens it's directly observed it's measurable verifiable and repeatable testable yes."
"It's not our imaginations we're not making it up the data is quantifiable."
"Stats have to stop at some point, iTest as well."
"It's science, it's not Voodoo, there's no magic, it's just experience and science."
"You can never ever disagree with the findings of science."
"Why take a leap of faith given all that? Insisting on a little more empirical evidence before you make the leap seems pretty reasonable."
"We should trust scientists and you definitely trust a consensus of experts in a field."
"We must work to demonstrate the reality of the phenomenon."
"Science should always trump social power and feelings."
"He regarded this as an empirical indication of Ocean Gate's reliability and commitment to safety."
"Science doesn't lead to proofs to absolute certainty."
"Reality is all we've got until somebody demonstrates something else."
"All of this is measurable, it's science, it's undeniable."
"The best part about science and engineering is that it is measurable and repeatable."
"Science considers that dishonest. Holding that if you can't show it then you don't know it. So don't say it's true unless you can show that it is."
"Empirical proof connected with the inference against the background knowledge and how we arrived at better understanding."
"What matters is evidence irrespective whether it's extraordinary or not you when you see something anomalous you need to explain it."
"Science manages to come a lot closer to reality than any track record that religion has."
"Medicine's also based on facts, like facts and then intuition."
"The data points quite empirically that we're not alone."
"Facts are facts, things come true or they don't come true."
"The scientific method is by far the best measuring stick for truth ever devised."
"The science, follow the science, trust the science."
"If there are tens of thousands of eyewitness accounts and experiences, there is truth in all this plain and simple."
"I would take whatever can be proven correct. I want truth."
"There's actually a biological tangible um influence that we can view right on a physical level we can see it with our eyes we can you know view it even not in a scientific way just by observation just by being here on this planet."
"When there are measurable physical effects of a phenomenon, we can say conclusively the phenomenon is real."
"You can't rely on your everyday experience and expect to have the truth."
"And the empirical evidence is on their side. Women were, in fact, better investors than men."
"It's about empirical data, things that are experienced by people. Science is a human endeavor."
"Science is this useful human endeavor which is based upon empirical evidence."
"The adoption of the new view held nowadays by almost everyone except for the Austrians that economics is an empirical science."
"Your sex is an empirical fact of reality."
"The idea that we should only value things that we can get empirical evidence for is a philosophical claim; it's not something that can be defended empirically."
"There are all kinds of things about life that don't have empirical evidence, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't care about them."
"Electric culture is real there's palpable empirical demonstrable science behind it."
"Perhaps it's not better, but as a former student Gary Becker I don't think it could be any worse because that data doesn't work I mean there and that analysis does not work very well in empirical level at all."
"Everything's complicated, everything has multiple causal threads... so I hope that the things here and the things in the book will help ground empirically grounded reforms and policies."
"Empiric treatment is any treatment for a disease that's begun before that disease has been ruled in."
"Assuming we take an appropriate sample, we have a right to predict the future on the basis of the past. It's not all contingency and luck."
"Reason is based on empirical evidence that is testable, falsifiable, and verifiable."
"The hard data that is utilized definitely gives an authoritative tone to the discussion."
"There is no theoretical body of work in academic psychology right now for which there is more empirical evidence."
"We don't just factor the science in, we also factor in our experience."
"For a statement to be meaningful, it has to be something which is either logically true or could be verified by experience."
"Its absolute status rests squarely on empirical evidence."
"Intelligent design is not a form of creationism... Intelligent design starts with empirically observing the signs of intelligence."
"The empirical evidence... all pointed to the fact that Hillary Clinton was highly likely to lose and Bernie Sanders had a greater chance of winning."
"Statistically significant results mean that the difference was so big it could not have occurred by chance."
"I would reject it until I could test it."
"I've seen this work. I have thousands, tens of thousands of dollars of testing force plates, everything to make sure that this works."
"What is empirically true is often really different from what common sense would predict."
"By every empirical metric, the outcomes for the people are better."
"That's the evidence you gather from doing it yourself."
"A theory is an explanation for some observed phenomenon supported by a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation."
"...every single observation of the fundamental scales has been in accord with that theory."
"Anecdotes aren't data. But in fact, anecdotes are the beginning of data."
"There is empirical evidence of a beginning."
"The emergent scientific truth, the objective truth, is what has been established after repeated measurements and observations arriving at approximately the same result."
"And this is really, really striking because this is something that economists just never even really took seriously."
"Maths has an empirical fact that it pays itself off so many times over."
"We can really empirically realize the benefits of Bayesian marginalization."
"Evidence as far as what's produced results with actual humans is going to be the best evidence that you have."
"As an economist, I could show people empirical fact."
"Science has the final word on the structure of the physical universe because it uses this method that is more powerful than mere speculation, observation, and experimenting."
"Whenever religion picks a fight with science, science wins."
"A thing that you can examine and observe as a cause that you know exists and is confirmed to exist is always going to be the default."
"Science works, that's how you know."
"I'm thankful we've been given such empirical evidence about what we should improve upon."
"Science by definition is something that's constantly evolving and changing based upon our observations."
"Experience and logic beats scientific and meta studies every single time."
"That which can be observed and actually studied in a way that gives us information and meaningful feedback."
"The plural of anecdote isn't data."
"I'm perfectly comfortable with an empirical methodology for getting at truth."
"There is the difference between an empirical argument and an argument based on emotion."
"A theory is a well-substantiated explanation acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed."
"Cosmology is different from other sciences... there is no such thing as scientific proof, all we have is evidence gleaned empirically."
"Without empirical evidence, I am incapable of accepting the claim that there is a God in reality."
"A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment."
"Empirical evidence actuarial sciences entirely, the insurance industry that relies on making these sorts of calculations."
"At the heart of all those accomplishments lies an understanding of arriving at the truth through empirical evidence."
"Empirical means derived from data or from an experiment."