
Self-importance Quotes

There are 471 quotes

"This idea that we're not as important as we think, which, of course, could be a wonderfully useful way to go through life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's important to try. Not just, 'Well, you tried.' No, I mean you tried. You were you... in those moments, you were all that matters in the universe."
"Losing a sense of self-importance ends up being the key to truly moral behavior."
"You should be the main character in your own life."
"It's just a reminder to me that like prioritizing my well-being matters. I matter."
"Experience genuine gratitude... it helps us lose the sense that we're the most important person in the world."
"The most important person in your life is you."
"Your relationship with yourself reigns supreme."
"Don't forget; You're Important & Your Safety Matters."
"You matter, you count. Your journey, every single thing you are doing, thinking, feeling, saying, all of it, is so significant."
"My very being Towers above all, the whole universe."
"People want to feel important. We all have a storyline going in our heads and we're the main characters of that storyline. We want the world to at least some extent reflect that."
"Your mind is the most important thing about you."
"I see myself as somebody important. It's not about who else is in first class, it's me. It's the way I feel."
"We're not taught to value other people. In a very bizarre, narcissistic way, we're sort of taught to value ourselves."
"You are the most important person in your life. Don't let anybody else matter more than yourself."
"The most important person in your life is you... If you're not well, my church can't be well, my business can't be well, my marriage can't be well."
"Take a step back and deflate the self-importance and ask yourself why do I use these words. Why is it always I, me?"
"Ultimately everybody wants to be important in some way, right."
"Suicide means you've killed the most important existence of all - yourself."
"They want to bring you out of that because you do matter and there are going to be good people that come into your life that appreciate you and honor you and value you the way that you absolutely deserve."
"The number one most important thing in my life is me as a spiritual unit."
"You're gonna be having a sacred important power when it comes to your way of thinking."
"This feels really fulfilling, like I really feel important."
"Despite what society tells us, I realize now that I matter."
"You are more important than your children, your happiness is more important."
"It's really hard for people to mess with you when you know how important you are."
"You are the most important person in your life."
"Honestly, if it wasn't for me leading the team..."
"Step on yet another person's neck than admit that she's not at the top."
"You are the priority on this planet called earth."
"I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal."
"Needing to be known, needing to be glorified for everything you do always is not necessarily good."
"By the end of this it's really just going to be like 'I saved the day none of this would have happened if you weren't here I saved the day.'"
"A high value man is a man that puts himself on the pedestal first, that puts him first."
"You are not wise enough, not interesting enough, not smart enough to understand that I am the best human on this earth."
"You are not the center of the universe. Things go on just fine if you're not there."
"Your relationship with yourself is the main, most important relationship you'll ever have."
"There's something about telling myself that my life is just as important as that character in a movie and equally as amazing it just helps me romanticize it and enjoy it more."
"I enjoy being up first. I like it. It's partly to signal to myself, 'Rich, you're more important than all of this.'"
"You're not impressed by any of it because again you're the star of your own Universe."
"I'm telling you right now, you matter and don't ever forget that."
"You are always going to be the center of your life."
"Nobody's more important than you; you are the star of your life."
"The most important person you're ever gonna lead is yourself."
"It's about you putting yourself in the pedestal looking after yourself being true to yourself."
"You are the superstar and the center of attention in your universe."
"I'm Odin's first born, the rightful Heir, the savior of Asgard, and you're nothing so simple."
"You're that important. Your higher self has come all the way back from your future, allowing you to settle and connect with your higher self right now."
"At birth God selected me to be the most woke empty house billionaire business guy. He said, 'This guy is it, everybody else, you're not.'"
"You are always going to be the most important person in your life."
"In reality, the only person in this world that matters is yourself."
"It doesn't matter what matters is you. You are the one that matters, you are the one that can take control and power."
"Everything they're showing us is somebody who is so self-important and so about themselves."
"I live in a nice house in a nice place because it makes me feel like my happiness is important."
"I am now a mighty king. Oh, look at my cape! Oh yes, and that crown!"
"You matter. In order for you to be happy, you have to have self-happiness."
"What makes me happy right now in the moment, nobody else matters."
"You are the most important part of the entire thing."
"Is it not a magnificent thing that I, the Baron Vladimir Harkin, do?"
"Finding your own personal identity is so [ __ ] important."
"The number one most important thing in my life is not my wife, not my kids, and not my business. It's me as a spiritually in it."
"The game is all about me. I am the Alpha and the Omega of this game."
"My values, my traits are the most important!"
"Your happiness, journey, purpose, and calling matter most."
"Recognize that my problems matter, even if they're not as serious as others."
"You are important. Don't ever stop believing that because if you disagree with me you're just wrong."
"At the end of the day, you're the only thing that matters... so put that in your pipe and smoke it."
"I'm a woman, you know what I mean? Like, you need me. Like, I'm a woman."
"You are the star of the show, the main character in your own movie."
"Your attitude is more important than your past, education, or financial situation."
"So many of y'all have main character syndrome."
"You matter, your happiness matters, your health, your love, your energy."
"I am the protagonist and this is my story, and you're merely just living in it."
"There is nothing humble about assuming that the universe revolves around you."
"I'm a very important person, you know." - Barnaby
"We're important to ourselves because we give life meaning."
"At the end of the day, obviously I'm the most important one in my life to me."
"The world revolves around something big and shiny and it ain't your butt, get over yourself."
"Because I'm such a god, basically the most important person you'll ever meet."
"Your goals mean something to you, less to everyone else, to you they mean the most."
"A narcissist is someone who has an inflated sense of their own importance."
"Believe in yourself and knowing that you are just as important as anybody else."
"Ah yes, a chariot fit for a champion such as myself."
"Your soul is a manifestation of your being, which means it's very important."
"Your day-to-day matters more than external validation."
"Start taking actions and acting like your feelings matter."
"I basically live life like this: I know I mean nothing in the universe, and I wake up every day trying to be the most important human on earth."
"Paranoia is simply another form of grandiosity."
"The narcissist feels certain that he is the source, the prime mover and shaker, prima causa for all events around him."
"You're an important person, I'm reminding you of that."
"It matters what you promise to yourself. That's what matters."
"Make personal work a priority because it is so freakin important in figuring out the stuff that matters."
"If I'm that important that this is news to me, I think this is awesome."
"It's not all about the editing, you know, it can be about me too."
"I'm too important to lose. I matter the most to him."
"You are important, you are in control of your life."
"It's liberating, the insignificance. Sometimes you get caught up in significance and you think you matter more than you actually do."
"The stricter your standards are, the more important you will be to him."
"You are fundamental in the creator's creation. It is important that you understand how incredibly important that you are."
"Being willing to stand and being alone... my peace and my solitude became way more important."
"That is the foreground. You are the foreground."
"You are the main character in your life."
"There's a sense of looking after yourself that's really super important."
"Like other Otsotsuki, he openly viewed himself as a superior being, looking down on all others as beneath him and prioritizing his own survival more than almost anything."
"This is main character energy, my group fives, you are stepping into main character energy in your life."
"What is most important is what is within ourselves."
"You are the most important person in your world."
"You're the star of the show; you're the main attraction."
"My needs are as important as those of other people."
"You're going to have to learn that you are more important than your attachments."
"Every character thinks they’re the main character."
"Equality is understanding that there is nothing and no one in the universe more important than you, and there is nothing and no one in the universe less important than you."
"They're absolutely full of themselves."
"It's all to me as long as I want it's mine, this whole industry, this whole business runs off of me."
"Without me, this world would crumble to pieces."
"Main character syndrome, she's got main character syndrome."
"The sun revolves around you, you are the main hero in your story."
"The only person who really matters is your own."
"There should be nothing bigger than yourself."
"The incredible windfall that these self-trained self-important self-indulgent nitwits have fallen into by getting said billionaire Boy Child to [ __ ] fund their goddamn vision of what this fakata wrestling is."
"He's just like, invented his own importance, his own understanding. He's as you said, delusions of grandeur."
"Well, off the record, I'm never going to be replaced and I'm never gonna be forgotten in any room whatsoever."
"We're all main characters in our lives, we're all important, and we're all allowed to take up space."
"You are meant to be the main character of your own life."
"...president of the godamn universe!"
"He sets himself up as the object of worldwide worship."
"You come first before anything else in your life."
"A sense of self-importance and entitlement... they believe that they're special, they believe that they're unique."
"He is a man who's positively bursting with self-importance and vanity."
"You felt like you were the most important person in the room."
"It instills with him a sense of his own importance, of his own status."
"What I think, want, need, and feel should be as important to me as it is to you."
"You are the main character in your life, and they find you 10 out of 10."
"I'm back in the center of the universe. I'm the most important thing. There's no reality without me. How convenient, right?"
"We all have a main character syndrome, especially Earth."
"Narcissistic personality disorder is a complex and often misunderstood mental health condition that revolves around a pervasive pattern of behaviors characterized by a grossly inflated sense of self-importance and a lack of empathy for others."
"Why am I thinking about that constantly as if the whole world's going to fall apart without me?"
"The narcissist believes his presence guarantees positive outcomes, regardless of his actual contributions."
"They think they're all that in a bag of chips. Knight of Cups in Reverse, I think some contracts and whatnot are going to come back on them."
"Far too often people who are very uh impressed with themselves they use the veneer of postmodernism as a shield from having to actually use time-tested methods such as finishing a [ __ ] story."
"If it ain't about me, don't talk to me."
"I'm a big deal. I got it like that."
"People truly believe that they're the most important person in the world."
"You're the most important person in your universe."
"The scale of narcissism is the scale of how special you feel."
"Don't stop taking yourselves so damn seriously."
"You stop that. You're not part of anything bigger than you, because there's nothing bigger than you. There's you and then there's the earth which you should embrace around you."
"You walk up and down the street all day playing main character."
"Is it just me, or are people that say they are a big deal usually not a big deal at all?"
"Learn to dance, man. That kind of self-importance with nothing to back it up is just... we don't care."
"We like to rely on our own stupidity because when we rely upon our own stupidity we feel that we are somebody. We know better, we are important."
"I'm the most important one in school."
"You know, who the most important person in the world is, is you."
"You should always feel like you're the most important person in your life."
"Nobody cares as much about you as you."
"Nothing else matters but the sound of my voice."
"Having a grandiose sense of self-importance. Example, they exaggerate their achievements and their talents, they expect to be recognized as superior, even if they haven't achieved that superiority."
"Okay, just build a bridge and get over yourself."
"No one cares about you more than you yourself."
"You're not a superstar, maybe in your head you think you're the main character and you're like the most important person, but you're not."
"It doesn't matter how important you think you are in your world... when you're in a room with someone saying, 'elbows on the table.'"
"I am number one in my world. Self-love and self-care is everything to me."
"Nobody thinks that they're a supporting character in life, these people all are the protagonists of their own stories."
"Every single Doja Cat song ever was written about me."
"I think in my head I'm like oh I know what you're going to say and what I'm going to say is more important so I'm just going to overwrite you."
"The worst of people who think they are somebodies is that so often they are just nobodies."
"The moment you think you're more important than somebody else is the moment you have clipped and limited your own full potential."
"Human beings have begun to think too much of themselves."
"I thought I was special. I thought I was the best waitress since sliced bread."
"Why does she feel like she's the main character?"
"She thinks she is achieving the greatest thing that humanity could ever achieve."
"Just take time for yourself sometimes, but like you're way more important than any other thing out here."
"Stop waiting for people to drop everything and be thrilled that you showed up. It's important because it's important to you."
"If you were to disappear off the face of the planet tomorrow, this company would go on without you."
"Enchanted by the Griffin's sharp sense of humor and apparent self-importance."
"...every single person is most important to themselves on earth, because all of us have the potential for Buddhahood."
"Everyone who goes on this show sees themselves as the star of their own story."
"You will be the most important to you."
"The ego is a self-importance machine. It is like a puppy dog who will stare at you until you play with it."
"Why would you ever let someone in your life be better than you or more important to yourself than you?"
"I think the bride needs to get over herself a little bit."
"It is part of the general solipsism of our time, part of what Dean Fitch refers to as the odyssey of the self-centered self. I count and nobody else counts. Under the circumstances, that which gives me pleasure is, in and of itself, a venerable objective."
"What works for you is to me the most important."
"The only way to feel empowered in the present moment is to assume that this present moment is the most important aspect of your existence."
"Focus on something you want to do that's important to you, not to anybody else. That's important to you."
"...personal time is so important, you guys."
"Why do I care and I'm going to show you why you should care."
"He tells her that her own feelings are more important than someone else's."
"We are the only thing that matters."
"You're either the star of your own movie or you're the cameo in someone else's movie."
"This ride be free, I'm kind of a big deal."
"The drive for success was on; I'd proved to the world I was important."
"You have immeasurable value, you have intrinsic importance because you are made in God's very image."
"All that matters before anything else is you."
"The only person that matters in your doll world and in your conversation about your dolls and what's going on with you is you."
"The birth of agency, the birth of how someone who is small begins to understand that they matter as well."
"When it comes to us, it's all about God, but when it comes to God, It's All About Us."
"Freedom today is the most important thing in my life and it comes through forgiving myself."
"The most important thing in all of photography is you."