
Methodology Quotes

There are 2907 quotes

"Science isn't about what we want to believe, it's about what's actually coming through and what seems to hold up to testing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you desire happiness, you need to go about it in a similar way."
"Agile is a set of methods and practices that focus on iterative development."
"Science is not just a proclamation about something; science is the method by which we discover things about the world."
"Don't do product development astrology. Do product development science."
"It's about protecting ourselves and there's a way to include people but doing it the right way."
"We're trying to establish, if you recall, best, better, and worst."
"The RULER method is an acronym that stands for Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, and Regulating."
"If there's a methodology presented that's going to lead me to consistently plausible, reasonable positions, I'm gonna go with that."
"In economics, the best way to understand big puzzles is to break them down into little puzzles."
"Teaching students how to think and how to question rather than teaching them what to think."
"Science is a way of gathering objective data about the nature of the world."
"Science isn't just another ideology or belief system because it progresses based on the scientific method."
"Science is the set of activities all in interaction with each other in an attempt to better understand what's happening in the natural world."
"Science is never sure about either of the premises of the argument... deduction, although it's seductive as a way of learning true things, is not the way that science works."
"A literature review is not the place where you introduce your own original thoughts and ideas. It simply sets the stage so you can do that later on."
"Science as I understand it has testable hypotheses and is not ideology."
"The beauty of science is it eventually has a technique that allows us to say, 'Yeah, but that belief was wrong.'"
"The goal of a procedure like factor analysis is useful insight."
"Science is relatively unique in that it has built into itself, built into its procedures, methods of getting rid of bias."
"Science above all disciplines takes elaborate precautions to eliminate that bias and to end up with objective results which you will get anywhere in the world if you follow the procedures correctly."
"Science isn’t shaped by how attractive a narrative is. It’s shaped by scientists who have studied science for a very long time so that they can now do science."
"We talk about the scientific method as if it was a fixed thing, but it's a living and evolving thing. What counts as good science at one point in the history might no longer count as good science 100 years later."
"I like the scientific method. I like testable results."
"Physics is to be regarded not so much as the study of something a priori given, but rather as the development of methods of ordering and surveying human experience."
"Quantitative is like running the numbers. What does the hard math say?"
"Even if you're clearly on one side of the aisle, I would encourage people to familiarize themselves with both methodological approaches."
"It's important to dip your toes in a little bit of both, even if you just loved one of them."
"Physics is to be regarded not as the study of something a priori given, but rather as a development of methods of ordering and surveying human experience."
"The pursuit of truth is of exceptional importance, and also that there are methods for distinguishing material facts from ethical facts."
"Train test split provides a much better estimate of out-of-sample performance."
"Science is not a belief system; it's an investigation where accuracy and accountability are paramount, and where sensationalism is strongly discouraged."
"Aristotle's greatest contribution to mankind was that he provided a methodology by which to find solutions to problems rather than providing these solutions themselves."
"Science everything is based on evidence, not on belief, and evidence is collected by instruments, not by people."
"A Scientific method is based on 'the collection of data through observation and experimentation.' -Science Daily"
"Science's self-correcting nature is at the core of why science works."
"The Bayesian approach is a tool to one, include mathematically our prior knowledge into statistical procedures."
"You begin your study with the Quran, and when you study all the data in the Quran concerning the subject and you have brought them together in a harmonious whole...only then do you turn to the hadith."
"Science is not a declaration of faith; it is this rigorous skepticism of trying to prove yourself wrong."
"Science is the single most reliable method we have for understanding the world... it's because the information that it provides and the models that it provides are accepted tentatively, they're subject to revision at all times."
"Science is knowledge that has been gained by observation, proven by demonstration, and refined by classification."
"There is a science of getting rich; it's an exact science."
"None of us said science was perfect and science doesn't make proclamations about truth; science always allows itself to be corrected."
"The number of times that science has been proven wrong has always been tied to science proving science wrong."
"Teach your dog in the spirit of using the least aversive method that's likely to actually work."
"The central value of the scientific method is that it corrects for bias."
"It's quite extraordinary because even if you could trust that methodology... it's just a nonsense to be honest."
"We've been fortunate to live through some revolutions ourselves, even probably responsible for some. The main process that seems to happen is a methodological advance is made that opens up some new area."
"This video is a comprehensive methodological analysis of the state of the current education system and how it's failing the current generation in its fundamental purposes and teaching mechanics."
"You don't do critical thinking by accident; you do it on purpose."
"The only time that science has ever been shown to be incorrect is with more science."
"The measure of reliability is how likely is it to make a mistake, and there's not a single thing that you can point to that is more consistently reliable than science."
"It's called the Kanban Method and it's employed by teams everywhere around the world to get all sorts of huge projects done."
"In the world of programming, there's a similar kind of field and structure called unit testing, where we test each little small unit...that we can in a program."
"All of the electronic methods that police would usually use to track down suspects were not available. They had to do this the old-fashioned way."
"The defining feature of science is skepticism."
"Beyond the rhetoric of UFO groups, it is clear that if scientific institutions were to undertake a serious study of UFOs, they would not make long philosophical speeches on the wonders of science; they would proceed methodically."
"Science has never settled by the scientific method itself; it's never meant to be settled, it's meant to always be tested."
"Religious studies is much more grounded in academic disciplines like anthropology, sociology, and history."
"Science is not a body of knowledge nor a belief system; it is just a term which describes humankind's incremental acquisition of understanding through observation."
"Induction is a method that consistently produces reliable results."
"It's more or less the scientific process, and when it's done right, it helps us to get closer to the truth."
"There's so many ways to do stuff in C++ and everyone thinks that they're doing it the right way."
"The universe, however chaotic it may appear, has a sort of profound methodology to it."
"Science broadly just describes a process by which we analyze problems and then kind of like come to conclusions about those problems."
"There are four main pathways to the truth: science, reason, intuition, and imagination. Any worldview that tries to get by without paying due respect to all four of these is bound to fail."
"The scientific approach is the best approach, technically the best kind of approach when we are incorrect, science lets us know with a tap on the shoulder."
"Science itself is not a simple process...it is to correct for human biases."
"Science is a systematic enterprise that organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe."
"If any of you are unfamiliar with an iceberg chart, it is used to present both known and unknown issues and emphasize the importance of looking beneath the surface."
"Only God is to be worshipped... and He is worshipped based upon the methodology and the customs of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him."
"The best place to start is with what you know and work your way back in time."
"Learning is more than just content; it's about process."
"Scala combines the functional way of thinking and the object-oriented way of thinking."
"Science is a process of verifying truth or falsity."
"Data science is a tool, and so once you have a question to answer you use data science to answer that."
"That's fundamentally the way this has been done."
"What if we can remove the fluff, remove the ceremony?"
"I feel like they need to come at it with a more scientific approach."
"There are always opportunities out there. The amount of ideas is just insane. The skill is to get the methodology right that works for you."
"An interesting little side note: the German denazification process was considered such a success that decades later Americans sought to apply a similar methodology after occupying Iraq."
"If I asked a question like, 'How fast can a child learn how to read in a classroom?' scientists change the answer to, 'How fast does the average child learn how to read in that classroom?'"
"Science is not a set of facts, science is a method by which we try to work out facts."
"I think they're closer to that personalized methodology."
"There's a whole system of medicine where we take the RCTs."
"Science itself, the modern scientific method, is partly a product of rhetoric."
"Just because all we knew was a rather quick and dirty formula at a certain stage, it wasn't enough to dismiss hugely important questions."
"Science is a process of understanding the physical world, not a declaration or verdict."
"Consistency vs. intensity: How you do something is just as important as what you do."
"Teaching how scientists think is just as important as teaching scientific facts."
"The proper methodology is never to go first to the hadith, always go first to the Quran."
"So my concern is not about whether diversity is good or bad. It's great, it would be great to see more different types of people, but it is about the approach in which we are taking that leaves out a lot of people."
"This is the real meat and potatoes. I call this the six in one journaling method." -
"Science is a method of inquiry, a means of exploring reality."
"She's very methodical and surgical about things that she does."
"The first step in solving any problem is figuring out exactly what that problem is."
"We don't have the luxury of ignoring evidence; in science, it's not allowed."
"There's not just a one true way of doing things."
"Identifying the why, why we like this, and then figuring out how you can quantify that, how you can break it down into small steps, is how you build a lot of outlines."
"Your scrum backlog may actually be an indication that you should be using a waterfall project."
"I believe in science completely... in its methodology which is this error correcting mechanism relentless unflinching and it's to me kind of spiritual discipline."
"Once our sample size becomes sufficiently large, there really is no practical difference between the T distribution and the Z distribution."
"Our target goal is 10%. We don't try to make a lot of money in one load. We try to make steady money throughout the year."
"Using criteria of beauty to assess theories is bad scientific methodology."
"Self-help often backfires because it's a very different frequency when you approach a shift because you love yourself and want to help yourself in some way."
"Here we are really using object-oriented programming to encapsulate functionality."
"There's a lot of science to it... but there's also a lot of trying things and then testing them."
"You don't have to reinvent the wheel, the formula is there, you just keep using it."
"The strong point of the methodological plotter is once they come up with a system that works for them they are usually the most prolific."
"Solving the square one can be broken down into three steps: convert to cube shape, orient layers, and permute layers. It's that easy."
"The entire conception behind science is to recognize the possibility for error and imperfection."
"The scientific method is a way to base our understanding of reality on what reality appears to be, on what reality tells us."
"Persuasion, not compulsion, is the only way to convince them. Compulsion will never result in convincing them."
"How you do something often matters just as much or more than what you do."
"Small differences matter - precision in thermocouple placement is crucial for accurate results."
"If you started with a conclusion and worked backwards from it, it's not only not science, it's the opposite of science."
"Science isn't determined by consensus. That's the thing. It's not determined by a vote. Science is determined by as many voices coming together as possible and then one voice ultimately is correct."
"Everything that I do is experiment on myself."
"History is the best way to predict the future."
"Experimentation is necessary in order to see what works best."
"Let's look at them as we would any other historical source."
"Gospel methodology, concepts, and insights can help us to do what the world cannot do in its own frame of reference…."
"Science is not a set of facts and dictums, it's a method, it's a process."
"I do hope you've enjoyed our little journey through the thought process and the methodology."
"We can actually quantify the extent to which this does work, what we know and don't know."
"Write code in small chunks and check your work as you go."
"Premise two is simply an inductive rule of inference widely used in scientific, philosophical, and ordinary reasoning."
"The final step of this framework is called the experimentation step."
"The LRC method: Listen, Repeat, Compare, Repeat - a powerful speaking practice."
"The methodology chapter is, in my experience, usually one of the most enjoyable chapters to write."
"Trial and error based, you lose a lot of the tension."
"Science is the one language game we are playing where we get really straight and rigorous about what constitutes evidence."
"Science is the single most consistently reliable method for accurately understanding the universe."
"Data analysis: that's where you look at raw data, organize it in some way, and come to some conclusion."
"Maybe the next time somebody comes up with this idea, there's better methodology in place."
"This series is not about ranking my personal favorite racing games but rather aggregating them based on a number of criteria."
"Imagination is as vital to any advance in science as learning and precision are essential for starting points."
"A good summary presents information in the same order as the original if possible."
"Functional medicine is we have a methodology right an operating system to navigate to the root cause."
"Science is repeatable, you need to be able to take that and repeat it over and over again."
"The different methodology to be relevant and accurate."
"Your programming has to feature some deliberate method of progressive overload."
"The BRR method forces you to invest in real estate the right way."
"It's imperative to go through a series of steps to determine the asset's true value."
"Not just trying to improve what we're focusing on, but how we're focusing on it."
"Science is not a consensus it comes from creating hypotheses and then supporting them through experimentation."
"If we want results, this is the way to do it."
"The world of psychology as a whole is continuing to push away behaviorism for the last 80 years."
"We're not inventing something new, we're going and we're looking at the data."
"They just wrote over top of them which helps us because we can see what they've changed."
"All we do... is we add answer 'let's work this out in a step-by-step way to be sure we have the right answer.'"
"Isn't the point of science to ask what, why, how, and just say okay to checking something out?"
"That's not only an allowable approach, that is the best approach."
"Progress and self-perfecting is not automatic it requires use of the right methods and the determination to persevere against all discouragement."
"Step one: take out the bad stuff. Step two: put in the good stuff. Problem solved."
"Science isn't claiming certainty or pronouncing truth. It's tentative, probabilistic, subject to revision."
"Acknowledging regularity in nature isn't presupposing; it's an acknowledgment based on consistent observation."
"The problem of induction isn't a problem with science; it's a misunderstanding of what science does."
"Data has to be logged and cross-referenced... before it will be accepted as proof."
"Being process oriented leads you more naturally to thinking critically."
"Science is built off of questioning, science is built off of finding ways to refute those before you and improve on their research."
"Let her rip, you know an iterative approach."
"Good science is to stimulate an environment of conjecture and criticism."
"Method acting is not about being in a role between takes immersion into a character is merely one of the techniques used for rehearsals and role research."
"Physically writing out my thoughts is just more effective and meaningful to me."
"You're solving a problem, you are seeing what the method is that you need to enact to get where you need to go."
"The best way to do it is to research, right?"
"There have historically been two major approaches to trying to build artificial intelligence."
"The lines between unit and integration tests are very fine, and the definitions don't really matter as long as your tests safeguard against unwanted behavior."
"Classic textual criticism, what every textual critic should do."
"He not only gave the idea and the thought, he also gave a method to go there."
"Test-driven development means that you write the test before you write the code."
"The goal is to create this ability to predict based on data, based on facts."
"We predicted what evidence we should be interpreting in the first place."
"There's a science behind it, but it's also a bit of an art."
"Getting as close as you can to the problem helps inform how to solve for it."
"Politicians have a very scientific method for figuring out what they're going to do..."
"Doing history involves a probability judgment, always involves a probability judgment."
"We can make very educated guesses in terms of the impact."
"The science is settled if it's repeatable, right? That's kind of the process."
"It's controversial, it's definitely unsettling, but the thing is, in my view anyway, David is remarkably careful and yes, scientific in his approach."
"If we don't know what we're looking at, how do we work with it, how do we treat it? And I think that's part of the problem."
"I respected Chef when he came in. My opinion changed of him when I met him and he's reiterated to me I don't have to agree with his methods, the result is what it is."
"So being able to formulate research questions like this is just kiss perfect."
"The estimate of this kind became the Fermi estimate."
"The real purpose of the scientific method is to make sure nature hasn't misled you into thinking you know something you actually don't know."
"Follow the data, follow the science, follow the facts, follow the metrics."
"A healthy mix of both methodologies will probably yield the best results."
"We need to ensure that the scientific process and method is free."
"You are continuing to advance through the financial order of operations."
"Don't focus on the dollar signs... What is important is getting good methods down."
"We have to try and verify and be as certain as we can. So there's two parts. This first part is finding where it is. And the second part is actually checking to see if it's right."
"Whatever works for you to get the result in the end."
"Whenever you have these kind of hypotheses, whenever you have these ideas, it is always a good idea to test them out."
"I want direct access to eyewitnesses... so I can have the best history possible."
"No method Works a hundred percent of the time."
"A lot of reading, dozens of experiments, and lots of head-scratching... I've come up with a way to give me crisp, perfectly formed results every time."
"It's a simple concept. It's a kiss method concept."
"I know your principles work, and God, today I'm asking you that Transformation Church would not just use the message of the Bible but we would use the method."
"I made a mistake, I should have had more sources there."