
Life Perspective Quotes

There are 2070 quotes

"This idea that we're not as important as we think, which, of course, could be a wonderfully useful way to go through life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The only way to play this game is you're going to lose, which is really, really lovely."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Life is a test; it's important to be grateful for not only life's blessings but its sufferings."
"If we see our lives and the moments in our lives as seasons, enjoy where you're at, and if you find yourself in a difficult place, know that too shall pass."
"I've learned to be content regardless of what's going on."
"Life is a marathon, not a sprint. There are so many things that people see in the short term that can benefit you but in regards to 30, 40 years down the line..."
"You are a soul, and you are like an actor playing a character."
"Ordinary moments are, you know, we chase extraordinary moments instead of being grateful for ordinary moments, until hard shit happens."
"Physical stuff doesn't last that long. It can't go on forever."
"What's most important in life you say on your deathbed, this is where all the trivial small things you've been through don't really matter because this is it, you're about to meet your maker, you're about to stand before God in judgment."
"I choose peace. Life does not want you to suffer."
"Life is messy, and it's not always about you."
"Life is deeply counterintuitive. That's exactly how people fall into traps."
"Life was a punishment I was to endure and now I feel like every day is a gift."
"Anything and everything that happens to you is in your best interest; you just don't see it."
"Remember, life is not happening to you, it's happening through you."
"We're not victims of life; we're beneficiaries to it."
"Life is so, so short and you know what I make jokes about things like you'll be dead soon anyway or things like that, these are tools that I'm using to try to jar you out of your autopilot derp state."
"Humor is a hack to get through life better, to see the funny in things."
"How you see yourself affects every area of your life... We see the world the way we are."
"If anything, these kinds of things make you think of life a little differently. When you're laying on your death bed, it's not the assets or money that matter."
"Working with special needs kids gave me a different perspective on life."
"There is no happiness without a tragic sense."
"Life becomes easier, not free of challenges, but much easier."
"Life isn't a collection of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, instead all life is really about is moments."
"Forgiveness: Stop focusing your energy on past events. Life is too precious to waste. You create your reality by what you think, dream, and imagine."
"Life only makes sense in the face of death. It allows you to live life to the fullest, to appreciate each and every moment."
"We're not all running in the same direction, so life can't be a race."
"Once you have this new death experience, you realize that you're not alone; you're part of something much greater than yourself, which means that the problems of this bag of skin are not all that important."
"If you're not afraid of dying, that takes a lot of fear out of everything else in life as well."
"If you start acting like life is a blessing, it will start to feel like one."
"People who've had profoundly transcendental experiences... they look back at their entire life, they don't want to change one thing in their past because it got them to that moment."
"If you view life as a journey through knowledge, I think that you have a much better time doing it."
"Seek out moments of awe on a regular basis... Reminding ourselves how immense life is can help us better put our problems into perspective."
"This life is short. At its greatest human length, 70 years, 80 years, even 90 years, is relatively short."
"I entered this world as a tourist, a child with a plan who didn't need molding or shaping, only guiding."
"Every day we're to direct our hearts toward you, our Father who art in heaven...my life is not attached to this world."
"Let me actually think about life as it's the greatest project I'm ever going to work on."
"This life is very short, it's transitory, it's passing quickly, and they all taught that there's a better life, there's a paradise waiting, and that's what we're trying to get to."
"Your kids are adults in eternity; they're your friends. They're loaned to you for this short time. They are adults and they have their own mission and their own eternity to live."
"Life is what you make it. It's not bad, is it?"
"Life is short and you really have nobody to impress."
"Be thankful and appreciate the small little things in your life; that way, if anything big happens, it's just like a bonus."
"This is heaven... You were born into heaven. Why? What's your vision of heaven? Well, here it is. You're the creator. Manifest it."
"Your life on this planet is like a pop-up on the computer screen; you just pop up and pop out. In the meantime, will you rise and shine is the only question."
"We all gotta get off this ride at some point, and if it was my turn to exit, it was my turn."
"Your attitude towards life, you have an attitude. And that attitude can be anxious, insecure, or adventurous. It's like your work of art."
"You understand the light and the dark of life."
"Life is not happening to you, it's happening through you."
"Death is just another path, one that we all must take."
"Being at peace with yourself is the end of craving, the end of fighting this world, making peace with life instead of always trying to change it."
"In your 40s, mortality wasn't just a thought that was way off in the future. It actually became real."
"I view Life as a video game... my only goal is to... upgrade my character as much as I possibly can."
"Life is so short. I've been playing catch-up the last few years."
"This will change how you understand your entire life and how you see the lives of everybody around you."
"When you wake up, you realize that it's all a joke. Don't take yourself so seriously; life is a meme."
"Do you understand the difference? When a person is grateful for what they have, a great multiplication of blessings will come into their life."
"It makes me see life differently, that maybe I wish I didn't know, so that I could live a little bit easier."
"Let's take a break; you don't have to take life so seriously all the time."
"Humor...makes life lighter, brighter, happier, more tolerable."
"We really are making ourselves so miserable, so sad, and so angry at the end of the day, and there really isn't a need for it."
"Your true identities are the soul, and...this lifetime is just kind of like a theater where you play these different roles to heal and learn lots of different things."
"I’m just leading a charmed life. I have fallen into—or created—fortunate circumstances."
"By focusing on the positive things in your life, their significance in your life grows."
"We are in a transit lounge, my dear. We are going to exit from here sometime, and the life here is temporary."
"There are no accidents. That's one thing I've come to realize very fully."
"This life is but a fleeting moment compared to the eternity that awaits us."
"What does it mean to live an infinite life? Life is infinite; we are the players in an infinite game."
"Your life is not a snapshot; you're not trapped in this moment. It's a film strip."
"We are all going to die, and everything we do is a distraction up until that moment. Have a nice day."
"The people I love are so much more precious to me. I'm also much more willing to say sorry... life is so short, you know, reach out to people."
"Money doesn't buy happiness. It's much better to have money than not, but it's not everything."
"Who told you that life was about happiness? Who lied to you?"
"What if life was a game? What if I could play a person playing the computer on my computer?"
"I find the notion that we're going to live forever to be a repugnant idea. If I'm convinced that when I'm dead, I'm dead, that changes the way I live my life."
"You're going to go out of this life one day, and your feeling about that is not going to dictate if it happens or doesn't happen."
"You don't have to make the biology sacred, nor do you have to make it filthy. It is simply there; it's life."
"Your life is bigger than that one event. There is so much more to your life than that piece of your story."
"You guys are having so much more fun with life. Taking life much less seriously and purely enjoying it."
"Our civilization does not really harbor a concept of the whole of life."
"Every time somebody dies, you're supposed to get your act in order. It's a reminder to let you know one day this is going to be you."
"Memento Mori to me puts everything in perspective. As Marcus Aurelius says, it shows you what's essential and what's inessential."
"Life is short. I'm going to die, and what that means is you can't take any of this seriously."
"Life has felt like it's passed over some of you. There's an anger in you that you channel into well, what can I do to change things?"
"The probability of your parents meeting... multiply that by the chance of those two ending up having sex, and we are already in the millions... You're already a winner, some might call you a miracle."
"We're literally specks, specs of dust. What we do with our time here should be time that we're spending seeking our own happiness, not someone else's idea of happiness."
"Choosing reality is about owning how life and the world truly is, not stomping around and complaining about how you wish it would be."
"Life can be tragic, but sometimes it's magic, and that's easier to forget. When we find ourselves whipsawed between the two, all we can do is laugh at the cosmic joke and share it with each other."
"Just because you're over 40, life ain't over."
"God has already blessed us with everything that we need to thrive and live, but I feel like we always complicate things."
"We live in a world that likes us, where nature is not out to snuff out every good thing that happens to us."
"The flaw [of agnosticism] is this: it takes a very limited snapshot of life and leaves out there. It cannot fulfill your heart."
"Spirituality says that life doesn't happen to you, it happens from you."
"You are never alone. Although you may not understand it now, everything happens for a reason."
"3 of Wands is about a fresh, optimistic look on life."
"You live and you learn. Life is confusing and hard, but life is also beautiful and funny, and I'm just here to have a good time."
"Life is going to have extreme highs and extreme lows, but you have to love the here and the now."
"Your life is a movie... if you can get into that perspective, would this be a scene in a movie? It's usually like boring moments, mundane moments, difficult moments, stressful moments. Those are the moments that go in the movie."
"High School is definitely not the end-all-be-all."
"Your life is a dream... from the moment you were born - right now - to when you're gonna die, it's just one dream."
"You're inside of a dream. This is a dream. Your whole life is a dream. Wake up."
"I started questioning like what happens when you die because I'll be dead a lot longer than I'll be alive."
"The biggest thing that has changed my perspective on life in working in South Los Angeles is that I see things that most people will never see in their life."
"You have to be grateful for every day that we have, and however that looks, uh, then we do the best with the hand that we've been dealt."
"College was not the best four years of my life. Anyone who says life just gets worse after graduation is a big fat liar."
"Recognize the impermanence and the shortness of everything that happens in your life."
"Amor Fati, which says to love fate, to love every moment exactly as it is, instead of judging it based on your own personal preferences."
"Reflect, my esteemed Lucilius, what the saying means and you will see how wayward is the fickleness of men who lay down every day new foundations of life and begin to build up fresh hopes even at the brink of the grave."
"Not every day is a great day. No, that happens. We all have misses."
"Life is good even if you can't see it that way sometimes."
"If we truly lived with death by our side, so to speak, then our perspective of the world and our personal life would absolutely change."
"I enjoy Starfield for what it is... I'm at a point in my life where maybe I'm just more open to seeing the good side of things rather than the negative."
"This ain't no game, there, this is real life here."
"Astrobiology is a way of looking at life with the broadest possible lens."
"Life is so much better if you just surrender. Why are you fighting a fight that's already fixed?"
"Everything is happening at the same time in the right time. Be patient."
"We accept the love we think we deserve but more broadly we for sure accept the life we've believed we have earned and ask no questions after the fact."
"When you pass away and you're looking up at the stars before you turn to dust, I guarantee that these little things... are not your thoughts before you pass. It's about love, peace, stillness, beauty, truth, equality, happiness."
"Any 30-year-old guy listening to you saying 'my life is over' and you're like 21 years old... bro, you don't even have stepped into the world yet. How could you already be giving up?"
"This life, as we have it, no matter what your religious view, is not a dress rehearsal."
"Remember, you don't stop playing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop playing."
"Your outer reality is literally just your perception of your experience."
"What does it mean to live an infinite life? Clearly, our lives are finite. We're born, we die, we come, we go. But life is infinite. The game of life will continue with or without us."
"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."
"The more you force your life forward, the smaller and eventually invisible the things behind you become."
"All this activity... was teaching us to view muscular dystrophy more as an inconvenience, albeit a big one, but not as a reason why we couldn't do the things we wanted to do in life."
"Life is a test and this life is like nothing compared to what will come after."
"For the faithful, life is changed, not ended."
"Ideally, you should be looking for the positive in every situation. Things will go much better for you if you find your inner optimist."
"Outlast the temporary. Everything in life is temporary. In fact, our physical body is temporary."
"All pain is temporary. All things are temporary."
"Isn't life just an accumulation of memories of experiences that are spread out like a choose your ending children's book?"
"This life is a test. If it had been an actual life, you would have received further instructions on where to go and what to do."
"That acknowledgment that maybe this is all there is and it's okay to just enjoy it."
"Life should be full of optimism and possibility, not this garbage you're talking about."
"This life, the life on earth, is absolutely temporary. It is not going to last long."
"In a way, you've learned how to see the silver lining of a cloud because otherwise, life would be bleak."
"We're on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friends."
"People don't know what it's like to not have any options. It is a feeling that is hard to explain and it will control and change the way that you view every other part of your life."
"Life is so small... it is but a breath in the larger picture of eternity."
"When you're sensitive to the electricity of life, you realize death is not really described by death."
"My life is blessed, and my only stress comes from...it's a deeper conversation about purpose."
"The goal should never be to change the way you live your life; the goal should just be to give you some tools to look at your life a little bit differently."
"Life is not linear...neither is it a circle, it's a spiral. You will see the same things again but hopefully with a deeper understanding or from a higher perspective."
"It wasn't until someone said to me, 'Hey, your life is like the minute grains of sand in an hourglass, and when they run through, they're gone forever.' It gave me chills."
"Everything is exactly where it needs to be, no matter where you are in your life, good or bad. Realize that everything is an ebb and flow, everything comes and goes, and the challenges will pass."
"You have one life, this is one game, so make it a good game."
"Life doesn't hate you, and you can actually embrace all the changes that happen because they happen for your growth."
"Don't take life so seriously. It's some of it's a joke."
"The story of Mac Miller really affected me. This story shows how short life really is and how insignificant little criticisms are in the grand scheme of things."
"Luck and bad luck are sprayed in equal measure in everybody's lives."
"Life's like a ride in an amusement park... And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a choice right now, between fear and love."
"I would call my life perfect for me. It's perfect."
"The world is a stage, and we are all actors."
"Stop taking life so seriously; you're going to be just fine."
"I always look at the positive side of things in life."
"Don't take this shit too seriously. It's all a fucking game."
"When you look at the big fear of life and death, then you start thinking this is easy, this is nothing."
"The act of living brings me no hope at all. All I want now is to taste that despair of death that you only get once in life."
"Life's just better because you don't care about as much stuff."
"We are happy regardless of how bad things are falling apart in our country. We're happy to be alive. We're thankful for our existence. Happiness is a choice."
"Life fucking sucks. It's shitty. Everyone's got their own shit that they're worried about, and these guys look at how shitty life is and make light of it."
"I'm not motivated by the fear of hell primarily, neither am I motivated by the favor of heaven. I'm motivated by the graciousness of God who gives me life."
"It's better to look at life more realistically than to dream of power in another world."
"The mistake is to think of life as 100 years long and to think that you have this 20 or 30-year period in which you will concentrate a huge amount of the output of your professional life. And that's actually not very long."
"Let me see how much joy I can extract from this life that I find myself living. And that's a Stoic approach."
"I know better than to make my whole life hinge on the future because even when I get to the Future, I'll still be like, 'yo, what's next?'"
"When you're on your deathbed, the concept of limited resources doesn't matter to you."
"I realized that someone out there, someone bigger than me, was controlling me."
"There are no mistakes in life. There are only things that didn't go according to plan."
"Maybe it's not about the happy ending. Maybe it's about the story."
"Life's too crazy, brilliant, beautiful, and bizarre for there to be nothing after we die."
"The world can be miserable at times, but that is never going to change, so why not try to find a happy place within it?"
"Life doesn't need to dramatically change for her; all she needs is a willingness to see what she already has around her."
"There but for the grace of circumstance go I."
"How much of your life is determined by events so disconnected from you that you couldn’t possibly trace back to it?"
"Life is challenging but it's just the way you look at it and if you can you know figure things out along the way and try and keep it as positive as per as possible and always see the positive in any disruptive uh situation then you'll always come out on top."
"The fact that we are going to die gives you focus and gives you meaning."
"Everything that happens God either allows or he calls us. God is in control."
"Welcome Oh to the last day of the rest of your lives."
"Contemplating the brevity of life brings some perspective to how we use our attention...it's not so much what we pay attention to, it's the quality of attention."
"Life's too short, we're all going to [__] die."
"Life is never easy, but it's hard to make a case that we're not in good times."
"I don't fear death, I just fear not being the best human I could have been."
"This person is very significant; they're going to help you expand your outlook on life and relationships."
"Every broke person thinks when they get money they'll be happy... and every rich person is like, 'Money is not the key to happiness.'"
"Life isn't just all rosy because life isn't like that."
"Life is not going to be perfect... if you expect it to be perfect, you're fooling yourself." - Michael Strahan
"You gotta have a sense of humor. You don't take life so seriously."
"Bossing up has to do with how you view life, how you handle your finances, how you handle your business, what your goals are, what your outlook is."
"When you start looking at your actions... you expect life to just come to you by chance? What type of fairy tale life do you live in?"
"The more of us focus on that, if you're focused on that, if you're focused on the drama, you're never going to see 5D."
"Life is just so short. Realizing the fragility of life."
"Look at life as a marathon, it is not a sprint."
"Don't waste your time and you really think you have all the time in the world, you don't."
"Life is sacred but our time on this world is just a blip compared to eternity."
"Life is not a Marvel movie; there's no big bad guy at the end of the tunnel."
"How are the worst things that have ever happened to you the best things that have ever happened to you."
"You are in a future that is so far down the road it may never show up."
"Life is super long and people try to convince you that it's short."