
Goal-setting Quotes

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"We want to set a goal that will challenge us, but isn't impossible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"First of all, set goals that are challenging, but possible, those moderate goals, not super easy, not super difficult."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you implement even a subset of the protocols that we cover today, you stand the greatest possible chance of both setting the proper goal and achieving that goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Really small tweaks to the way that we frame our goals can have an outsized impact on whether or not we're successful at reaching that goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The real question is what are you trying to change? And specifically, what end goal are you trying to achieve?"
"Near-term, input-based, controllable, and energizing goals get us over that hurdle initially."
"Don't rush it, but try to take the right steps toward what you truly want to do and be happy with what you're currently doing."
"The goal is to fix that receptor regulation."
"Work towards a goal. Having a sense of purpose is great advice."
"I define willpower as the ability to make choices that are consistent with your most important goals and values, even when some part of you does not want to."
"You set it an ambitious goal where you want to end up and you make your plan... and you know that if the car breaks down or something happens, you'll navigate your way."
"If you want to generate goals... ask yourself what do you care about, what do you actually value in this life, not what you should do."
"We have to set bigger goals and continue to progress through life because we have to have a purpose, we have to have a drive."
"Get up, get going, take advantage of that set of goals, know what skills you have to acquire."
"Whenever you set a goal, just add a few words to the end of that goal which is 'while enjoying every step along the way.'"
"Live each day based on clearly defined values, purpose, and goals."
"When people start small, they're able to make changes. But when they start too big and they aim too high, sure, they may do it for one week, for two weeks, for three weeks, but then on those days where they're unable to get motivated and do what they want to do, they fall off the wagon and they go completely back to zero."
"Creating a study schedule is something that I used to do...you take a big thing you have to do and you break it down into smaller manageable pieces."
"Be very clear on what it is that you want, visualize those things being true, and then give gratitude for that."
"A dream written down becomes a goal. A goal broken down becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality."
"Set goals with no limitations, dream big right now, and see some kind of image, some vision in your mind."
"When you're constantly looking for the next bar to hit, you can blind yourself to how far you've come."
"Celebrate those victories...celebrate that accomplishment...it just makes it easier for you to reach your goal."
"You don't want to try to be a completely different person tomorrow, you want to be 1% better 100 days in a row."
"Dream big, but start small. Then connect the dots."
"Happiness isn't the goal. Do hard work, especially when you don't feel like it."
"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." - Tony Robbins
"Clarity of purpose gives you direction... It simultaneously serves as your starting point, as your direction, as well as your destination."
"Figure out what your goal is, measure and test."
"You become what you repeat. So you're going to start repeating things that move you towards your goals."
"In uncertain times, you don't just drift, you don't just float; instead, you set shorter short-term goals."
"It's okay; it's going to get better. This period is going to allow you to sort of set goals and move on to a new phase of your life as well."
"If not now, then when? Dream big, start small, act now."
"My goal as a therapist is to get a person to achieve at their fullest potential, to be the best version of themselves."
"Try not to overestimate what you can do in a given week or month because you'll just end up beating the shit out of yourself and that does not tend to help you in the long term."
"Hit every single one of these three targets, when you're doing this stuff, you will experience an insane amount of dopamine."
"You have to have that morning routine and that evening routine of evaluating where you are and where you want to go."
"Figure out your goals and your motivation...motivation is one of the two keys...it's so important."
"You don't want to think about going from zero to a million dollars...you want to be thinking about what are the things you need to do to get to that next realistic step in your development."
"My goals must always be exciting and honorable."
"If you're going to aim, drop let's get it clear."
"What's the point of productivity if we're going to be miserable at the end of it?"
"One cannot actualize his goals until he visualizes them clearly in the mind's eye."
"You should work hard with everything that you're doing; you should be passionate; you should have goals. But the idea that you need to be productive at like max capacity every day of your life, otherwise you are lazy, you're failing...that is toxic."
"If for every single day of the year we could actually just do the single most important thing that we want to get done that day, that genuinely would change the needle for our productivity and also for our life."
"When we build our dreams on an unsteady foundation, those dreams are going to fall apart. But when we build our dreams upon a solid foundation, we have a solid plan and a solid know-how...we're not going to fall apart by the end of it."
"Specific and challenging goals make us work the hardest and perform well, much better than say, being told to do your best."
"The best solution, researchers say, is to channel Goldilocks and choose resolutions that aren't too easy or too hard but just right."
"Every single day I will write three non-negotiable things I'll do that day. Like a year is literally just 365 days, and I know that's so obvious, but it's also that accumulation."
"Having a strong and good enough 'why' will help motivate you to stay productive and stay on your plan."
"It's a great time to get started, to set some goals, and commit to your health and fitness."
"Financial Freedom is near enough impossible to achieve without focus."
"You need to make sure that you have your own strategy and look at the indicators for that and follow your investment goals based off of your strategy because if you don't, then you're going to go down this rabbit hole of never knowing what to buy and when to sell."
"Don't look at where you're supposed to get to in five months because right now that looks so difficult, it looks so unachievable. Just look at what you're supposed to do today."
"If you're trying to climb Mount Everest, don't look at the peak; it's too difficult. Just look at where am I supposed to put my next step."
"Choosing goals that align with your core values."
"Resistance is anything that stops you from accomplishing your goal. The biggest source of resistance is yourself."
"In the aftermath of the train crash, you now find yourself stranded in the depths with a new goal."
"When your heart is set on something, you get closer to your goal with each passing day."
"The issue that we're solving for is not a knowledge gap. The issue is an accountability gap."
"I responded really well to big goals. I need to find something that's going to be big enough to motivate me into action but not be so big that it overwhelms me into inaction."
"You've got to know who you are to know where you're going."
"If one's goal in life is to be a force for good in the world, the best way to accomplish that goal is by making as much money as possible for the purpose of giving it away to others, specifically the poor."
"Have a vision in your mind of where you are going in life. Engineer your life."
"Specifying a destination and developing a vision are synonymous in navigating life."
"My main goal is going to be to cut out the interceptions."
"Be confident about speaking what you want into existence."
"This is going to be a win. We're going to be able to make it to the next point."
"What is something that you desire? It's time to start actually visualizing it and planning it, and putting that plan into motion."
"Never leave the scene of setting a goal without taking some kind of action towards its attainment."
"I'm trying to be way, way, way more optically focused."
"Vision...having a vision for how you want your life to unfold."
"Aim for the best possible world, and you are at least constantly working towards a better world."
"On the horizon here, you have to just be patient and keep moving towards it. That's going to help you quite a bit."
"Write down the vision and make it plain... As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
"A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart and set out to accomplish it."
"You are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down."
"Living purposefully is about having goals, about growing."
"The goal is to increase your ability to love and like yourself."
"People generally overestimate what they can accomplish in one year but underestimate what they can accomplish in five years."
"Setting goals is the master skill of success because from it everything else is possible."
"You can learn anything you need to learn to achieve any goal you can set for yourself."
"Make one small promise to yourself that will get you further towards your goal, something you can keep every single day."
"As long as we can take out the head, the whole beast will fall."
"The goal-setting process is important only for that reason...to achieve big things...then you need to have some sort of goals to get you there."
"Good luck with your new year's resolutions. Please make SMART goals so that you set yourself up for success."
"You want to make sure that your goals are super specific and are within your sphere of control."
"Realistic means make sure your goal is actually useful in some way for you."
"Make your goal specific, make your goal measurable. You can't track whether or not you speak like a native."
"Set a goal you don't know how to achieve. Set a goal that actually scares you a little bit."
"The thing that you need to do is find meaning and purpose and go after it in a big way. Set yourself a crazy goal that you really believe in."
"A goal has to be the thing that you absolutely demand of yourself that you achieve."
"This is my favorite part of New Year's: making my vision board and resetting all of my screensavers."
"I'm a big fan of small attainable goals leading up to a big goal."
"Goals really do work, goal-setting does really work. If you follow a process, what you want will come true, it will manifest, you will have it."
"Have a goal, write it down, and be specific."
"I choose to set massive goals for myself... I personally love this way of setting goals because if I don't end up reaching my goal, I've still gotten so much farther than I would have gotten if I just set that safe mediocre average goal."
"A goal without a deadline is simply a dream."
"Have clear goals. Identify and don't tolerate the problems that stand in the way of your achieving those goals."
"The goal is not to do more, but to achieve more by doing less."
"It's never too late to set yearly goals, set goals, do a reflection of the past months, year, whatever. It is never too late."
"What I always do is I would reverse engineer. So whatever goal that I have, I say that's my goal, I want to reverse engineer and break that down into what do I need to do, what do I need to focus on, what skills do I need to upgrade?"
"I set a goal to write 500 words a day for my book, and I got my book done in two months. Wow."
"Set goals that are realistic and that you can accomplish."
"Clarity is power. And you so intimately know what has to happen during this day, this week, this month, this quarter, this year, to get you closer to your mountaintop."
"Smart goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely."
"It's a lot easier to work on a goal when that goal is a side effect of something else that you want to do."
"Everything happens for a reason, and it's an important time to stop, think, assess, and refocus on what you truly want."
"Committing every day to do one thing extra that will take you closer to your dream life, closer to that big goal you have."
"Life is short, you can't be messing around with your goals. You've got to make progress every single day."
"If you want to achieve any amount of success in life, what are your two, three, four, five, six-mile goals for whatever big goal you have? Don't just go after the twenty-six point four mile goal because if you try to go for it, chances are you're gonna fail and be discouraged and never want to try again."
"The ability to set goals and to make plans for their accomplishment is the master skill of success."
"The most important thing is that you have a vision, that you have a goal."
"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."
"Being super efficient and using my energy for what I'm only passionate about and having clear goals and vision for life is the foundation that I started with for the family."
"The best mix is to go for big goals and do work that is challenging."
"Goals in general are good, they give you something to shoot for."
"If you focus on measuring the gain, like where you are compared to where you were, you can keep improving without fixating on the gap."
"You've got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to get there."
"Invest in yourself and what you want to do first. Prioritize the time you need to get your goal set that aside at the start of the week and do not violate it."
"The only way to guarantee that you are never going to get there is to spend every 24-hour period of your life thinking and fantasizing about the future without taking any steps towards it."
"A goal or a plan starts with the present moment and it gets built continuously out of that."
"You need to know exactly what you want, and you must be dedicated to sticking with it until it comes to pass."
"Physical activity is key; just count the steps. 10,000 steps a day is enough to transform your metabolic state."
"Once you experience the one month day, you'll permanently elevate your baseline, and you'll pull your seemingly impossible goals towards you."
"The easiest way for you to achieve your goals or to achieve your dreams is to make them the lowest standards that you are willing to accept."
"Dwell in the end. The end is where we begin."
"You just got to set your eyes on a goal, and you just got to hop to it."
"My goal is to get men and women to a healthier place."
"With clear direction for what you want to achieve, you're summoning energies that bring good luck."
"Work backwards for magic. What is the magical outcome and then let's work backwards from that."
"The overarching principle is the same, and the principle is: we determine where we are now, we determine where we want to be, and then we design a program to be executed over time to get us to that goal."
"Stop setting goals. Goals are pure fantasy unless you have a specific plan to achieve them."
"We don't rise to our goals. We fall to the level of our systems."
"Visualize what you want your life to be in five years, ten years, and then work backwards... Your attitude will determine your altitude, and anything's possible, but do not lose hope."
"Imagine on an energetic level that whatever it is that you want to achieve, you could project yourself out there, see that, feel that, know it."
"People who vividly picture a goal are 40% more likely to successfully achieve it."
"Hey, what do you want to do tonight? The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world."
"I think most people lose because they overestimate what they can do in a short period of time and underestimate what we can do over a long period of time."
"Positive thinking, having set goals, visualizations, affirmations, and meditating all have their own place."
"You're not just aimlessly approaching another 24-hour cycle, but that you have your mind made up that you're going to accomplish certain things and you're going to progress your life exponentially in these next 24 hours."
"Why should you do something unless it's taking you somewhere better?"
"Think only what you want to happen and never let yourself get mentally lazy and sluggish."
"You have to set your own goals, educate yourself on how to reach them, and execute at the edge of your fear."
"I am determined to reach my goals, to make it, to accomplish that. Keep that determination even when you feel like giving up."
"I had to let myself off the hook for things that I had done in the past. Every human being should only ever do and believe that which moves them towards their goal."
"Help them own other goals. But when I say own, I mean it has to be your goals; you have to formulate those goals."
"Having a mission or a vision for your life is one of the best things you can do for your mental wellness."
"Leverage that knowledge towards healthy, adaptive goal pursuit and achieving your goals."
"You know at the Christmas dinner we always make some bets, and yeah this was one of the goals, to win together."
"My goal was just make sure to throw strikes, throw my best stuff over the plate, and force the guys to swing."
"You need to have a vision and a plan for your life, one that includes taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally."
"By achieving clarity of intention, we align our conscious and subconscious towards achieving our goals."
"We have a tangible goal to meet with Mr Beast given to us by Mr Beast. That's crazy."
"Give yourself a deadline... Be realistic with your deadline and understand that it works with your life, that it is doable."
"Everyone needs to set their own goals and intentions and with those in mind, you can start to manage your time and prioritize effectively and strategically."
"I think in being successful at anything, you have to be able to create a vision."
"When you get what you want out of your head and you physically put them on a piece of paper, research shows that you're 42% more likely to achieve those goals."
"Visualize the steps that lead you to the thing that you want, not the end goal."
"If you want to be successful at something, you need to surround yourself with people who are trying to achieve the same goals."
"To the possibility, I kept walking down the path toward what I wanted. I believed it, and my mind helped me achieve it. I manifested what I wanted."
"Become a student of whatever it is that you want. Researching, studying, and learning about what you want is a simple way to find all of the things that you can start manifesting."
"You need clarity on what you want and why you want it."
"2021 the most important thing you will do, is to create actual and lasting resiliency in the different areas of yourself and your life."
"Goal visualization focuses your subconscious on the final picture, providing insights into the intermediary steps that will allow you to get there."
"What are your values, what are your motivations, what are your roadblocks, what are your goals? And like dismantling those roadblocks and starting to make forward progress, that's what coaching is about."
"Don't forget to dream big and then act like you're dreaming big too."
"First and foremost what you're doing is you're developing understanding because you can't do outer work or inner work until you first of all have at least a sense of direction and understanding about what it is you're doing and why you're doing it."
"When you want to achieve something, you've got to put all of you into it and set your intention and keep pushing forward."
"Every day depositing something into your goals and dreams and the sky's the freaking limit."
"Visualization is powerful because it gets your mind soaked in the imagery and the goals, creating a sense of motivation so you can go out there and be inspired to do the things you want to do."
"When you visualize, you're taking conscious control of the process, optimizing it, and using it very consciously and deliberately to plant those ideas in your mind."
"I thought my goal was to win it, but at the end of the day, my goal is to love myself."
"Our minds are a goal-getting machine that will stop at nothing until it gets what your dominant thoughts focus on."
"If you want to do something, don't wait for anyone to make it happen. You are the one who's in control of this dream or this goal. Make that decision and the how will unfold."
"There's a goal at hand and that's the main goal is to win Olympia, so I'm very focused and I'm very obsessed."
"The worst question that you can ask is what stock should I put my money into because that question does not answer what your goals are, what your strategy is, and what you're trying to do with your money."
"Set clear, specific goals to increase your motivation and momentum towards achieving them."
"Manifesting isn't about the end, it's about the bridge."
"Our goal on this show is to question everything."
"The bar for success needs to be low enough to be attainableā€¦ but high enough that it can hover over your head like a carrot on a fishing pole."
"Strategic thinking is setting goals and developing flexible, long-range plans to reach those goals based on careful analysis of internal and external environments."
"Let's talk about how to build a dream life while working a nine to five."
"You need to understand when you are trying to build your dream life, you need to know the why."
"It's not about the end goal... it's about the process that's gonna get you there."
"Achieving your goals starts by making them pressure-free and attainable."
"Once you start seeing results, you're kind of off to the races."
"You cannot hit a target that you do not aim at."
"Your therapist can help you set and achieve your goals."
"Understand your goal. Be clear about it, and know that it can change as you progress."
"Without an authentic, actionable vision for your life, you'll always be jumping from one goal to the next but still feel aimless."
"If you want to make a change in your life, it's not about focusing on the end result; you have to change the process."
"Spend some time thinking, being alone, introspecting, coming up with goals, visions, ideas for what you want to accomplish in your life."
"Aim at the highest possible good that you can conceive."
"The ability to remember what your goals are and to choose to do things that are consistent with those goals is a big part of willpower."
"Be goal-oriented... Be very, very careful about what you set as your goal, because you can take yourself down some horrifying paths. But once you have a goal that's honorable and exciting to you... you're seeking truth, you're trying to get better."
"It's about how do we take that science and convert it into practical action; otherwise, we're just putting the process as the goal instead of using the process to get to a goal, and the goal is having a healthy life with good quality."
"A goal is just a dream which has been realized, and that's why you need to set goals because you don't want to just be a dreamer."
"It's important to set aims if you want to achieve something in life. You need to understand what you really want."
"We're kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal."