
Life Philosophy Quotes

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"Life is a journey, like a trip is a journey."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm a big believer that you're either consuming or you are creating."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If one has the opportunity, I believe, to further reinforce the things that bring us joy, why wouldn't we?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Balance is always losing your balance and then recovering your balance."
"Once you realize that you are truly the captain of your fate and the master of your destiny... that's when life opens up to you."
"It's supposed to be absolutely overwhelmingly ecstatic every single second of your life."
"The greatest gift in life is the gift of giving."
"Life is the C between the B and the D. Life is choice."
"Happiness doesn't come from wealth, but wealth can come from happiness."
"I think we're here to live, we're gonna learn, you know, we're not here to be perfect. We're supposed to embrace all our imperfections."
"Sometimes reckless, sometimes brilliant, sometimes just stupid, but always willing to live life to the fullest."
"Life is too short to suffer, and I'm not gonna tolerate it because we all get what we tolerate in ourselves."
"Live your life on your own terms, and all I'm here to do is try to empower you with the science and the knowledge of sleep."
"People exhaust themselves gathering things that they think will make them happy."
"This idea that we're willing to sacrifice for the sake of a greater happiness is actually a big part of life."
"The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge. Everything is a pill that's worthwhile in life."
"There is only one thing that truly matters in life, one question that we all need to answer... Are you happy?"
"We should live our life every day hungry, understanding that we are to live until we die."
"Happiness cannot be a purpose; happiness is an outcome of multiple purposes."
"You can either live your life through love or you can live your life through fear."
"Your life will be so much better if you chase discomfort and pain instead of comfort and pleasure."
"Destinations do not bring any happiness, only the journey does."
"The more you give, the more that ends up coming back."
"My dad's only rule every day was if he woke up, he was happy."
"Life is not about survival; life is about transcending survival and seeing what lies beyond."
"When you prepare for the worst, you hope for the best."
"Your life is a physical manifestation of the conversation going on in your head."
"If you want more happiness in your life, start by removing complexity, particularly unnecessary complexity."
"When you have a reason for everything that you do, then there is logic and purpose to everything that you do."
"I just don't want to give up. I know there's more to life than working 9 to 5."
"Life is like a game, but you have to play it seriously. It has no point, but you play it seriously nonetheless."
"If it's not increasing your zest for life, then you have to change; you're doing it wrong."
"Ultimately, life is about making the best of it."
"You have to enjoy every sandwich, you have to enjoy every day what you're doing."
"Everyone has an addiction. You need to choose your addiction."
"Life comes from the inside out, not the outside in."
"The universe is change, and life itself is what we deem it."
"We don't stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing."
"The only thing that matters is how you treated others."
"Be good or be good at it. I'll see you next time."
"The point of life is simply to figure out who you are."
"Living life like a restaurant menu, you order what you want and wait till you receive it."
"Life isn't about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself."
"Life is just waves. It's all up and down. You're just riding waves."
"Spirituality is the recognition of the spiritual force of the universe and the recognition of your relationship toward all living things."
"The whole point is just to dance it all the way out."
"Trust the process and know that it happened for a reason, for your highest and best good."
"Karma Yoga erases that, it makes everything spiritual."
"This is my secret, I don't mind what happens."
"Things are going to happen the way they happen, and you just have to take the moments as they come."
"Become like water and just immerse yourself and go with the flow."
"Every day is an opportunity to create a living masterpiece."
"What's meaningful in life is basically what we find meaningful, what we experience as meaningful."
"All life and especially personal development... boils down to... increasing the quality of your consciousness."
"Life is only about one thing: who can love whom more. It's just a race for love."
"We have the tendency of taking ourselves too seriously, and life is much simpler than that."
"Everything is a part of your life for a reason, and there's nothing that's good or bad; it's the way that we view things that ultimately determines what it is."
"Life is actually pretty simple, but we love to overcomplicate it."
"Remember, boats are safe in the harbor, but that's not what boats are for."
"Being free is the best gift you can give to yourself."
"Gratitude for what you have replaces the misery of not having more."
"When you start to approach life with an attitude of what can I give, then life starts giving you a lot more back."
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming 'Wow! What a ride!'"
"The moment you stop learning is the moment you start dying."
"Life is a training ground to teach you how to love and how to be selfless."
"Life is an experiment in creativity, not just life but the entire universe. It's an explosion of creativity."
"You only live life once, you enjoy it as much as you can really."
"We all need to live in a certain state of worthwhile, meaningful, voluntary chaos. That's my stability."
"You only live once... we've got to make the best of it."
"Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can come together."
"Your happiness does not depend on the little satisfactions the world can provide... You are ever complete."
"We are here in this life so that we give and we serve."
"Let them live with their opinions but also live the life you want to live. Allow both."
"Develop a moral philosophy and answer the question, what kind of a life do I wanna live?"
"Music is like life, you know what I'm saying? And in life, you're kind of like this, you know what I'm saying?"
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
"The art of not caring isn't about indifference or neglect; it's about discerning what truly matters, about embracing life with all its uncertainties and absurdities, about creating our essence in the face of societal expectations."
"What's the point of being here if you're not having fun?"
"True happiness is the absence of the search for happiness."
"Being in the moment and being present absolutely being present."
"Life is not about min-maxing everything, life is about enjoying it, accepting it, being cool with it even when it's not perfect."
"Life is a manifestation of where you direct your energy."
"The journey is more important than the destination."
"I used to always be chasing happiness... but we're not meant to be happy at every moment of our lives."
"One of the beauties of life is the simple fact that no matter how stupid things get, reality always wins."
"Life is all about learning and growing, so don't take it in a bad light."
"You need to want what you have, not to have what you want."
"That's the moral basis of living; it's the foundation of actually figuring out the answers to your questions."
"The purpose of life is to live for yourself, to live the best life you can, and make the most of your own life without sacrificing to other people or asking other people to sacrifice to you."
"You must truly allow it to be as it is without any expectation of it changing."
"When it's time to die, I want to be able to embrace death like I've been embracing life."
"The only manner in which life can be lived with true fulfillment is to look within."
"Zoom out; your focus expanding your mind, collecting more perspective is literally the key to life."
"Life is like a dark room; on occasion, we find a candle so that we can see, but not for long."
"It's about the journey, not the destination."
"Everyone has a reason to be alive; everyone has a purpose on this Earth."
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain."
"The greatest value in life is not what you get, it's what you become."
"Everything's our choice. Every moment of your life is a choice."
"A neurotic is a person who incessantly demands that life be other than what it is."
"Amor fati... is saying yes to life, which is actually that there's a new Victor Frankel... The title to me is amazing, it's 'Yes to Life, in Spite of Everything.'"
"Life is too short to not to feel anything but amor fati... It's not easy, but it's simple."
"There is no deed in this life so impossible that you cannot do it. Your whole life should be lived as a heroic deed."
"The whole purpose of life is to feel good about yourself when you're by yourself."
"Life is very short. All accomplishments are ephemeral. What matters is what you do for the people you care about."
"Everything is unfolding just as it needs to; there simply isn't enough room in your mind for both worry and faith."
"A life with hope, even if it's the wrong hope, is better than a life with no hope."
"What you mean by happiness and what a good life is, are critical to how you live your life."
"The whole 'like, the journey is better than the destination' thing just becomes very, very true."
"You cannot commit wholeheartedly to an extreme forever. You have to be prepared to accept multiple contradictory truths if you want the most out of life."
"I think life just surf waves; stop trying to control it."
"Ethics in the context of how to live life well and make good decisions really feels like the right framework."
"If you can live every day like it's your last for real, it'll change your life."
"Expectations usually lead to disappointment. I prefer surprises."
"We're here for a good time, not a long time."
"Life is not happening to you, it's happening for you."
"Simplicity is one of the hardest things to master, and that goes for everything in life."
"Life is counterintuitive and sometimes the easy life is actually the hard life, and the hard life is actually the easy life."
"Life is like surfing; you gotta get a feel for it. And the best people that are able to live life most excellently are those who are doing it by feel, not through some sort of pure logic or some sort of formulaic way."
"Life is like getting into a rowboat heading out to sea, knowing for sure that it's going to sink."
"Radical honesty is not just helpful for limiting compulsive overconsumption but also at the core of a life well lived."
"Life is generally preferable to death, health is generally preferable to sickness, pleasure is generally preferable to pain."
"Winning can be part of happiness, but it doesn't have to be. That's not happiness."
"Believe what you want to believe; my takeaway is the general messages of positivity, love, live your life to the fullest."
"Positivity is the absolute game, but so is practicality."
"All that we have been or done is in the past, live in the now."
"Sometimes, you just have to accept, 'It is what it is.'"
"It's all about not taking life seriously. It's more spirituality than anything else... It's about having an overall encompassing compassion for all of humanity."
"Just because something feels familiar, it feels like we should stick with it. You don't gotta stick with nothing. Stick with yourself. That is the best way to go about life."
"Gratitude is of the heart, so that you show Allah the favor is from you, nobody else; of the mouth, so that you are always speaking about the favor of Allah; and of the limbs, so that you only use your body in that which pleases Allah."
"Life is a series of moments. Moments pass, that one is gone, get over it."
"Life is a series of moments, and moments pass, so let's make this one last as if it's all we have."
"I don't care what you attempt with your life. If you do it in love, whether you succeed in human terms or not, you cannot be considered a failure."
"The way you spend your days is the way you spend your life."
"There is a difference between spending life and wasting life."
"Trust that things are going to work out the way that they're supposed to."
"You must have goals but your happiness cannot be tied to these goals. You must be happy before you attain your goals."
"Your true greatness comes when you focus on building a life, not a career."
"Life is one big head game and once you learn to play the head game, it's no longer a game anymore at all. You can start living your life."
"What does it mean to live a life well lived? What defines your legacy and how are we remembered when we're gone?"
"It wasn't really about dying, it was about living. That the goal was to be able to have not a good death, but a good life all the way to the very end."
"I value love and integrity far, far above money, fame, and power. Those latter three are all ephemeral; they slip through the fingers of anyone who tries to hold on and leave behind an empty shell of a human being."
"Winning is a series of behaviors, habits, decisions, implementations, the cumulative effect of a life well lived."
"Ten percent of life is what happens to you, 90 percent of life is how you choose to react to it."
"If you fight every day for what you believe in and you apply it to every singular facet of your life, it doesn't matter when or how you pass away because living your life the way it was intended teaches those around you to do the same thing."
"Humility is the hinge upon which the heavens open up in your life."
"Everybody reaps consequences or blessings in their lives based on what they say and what they do."
"You did not come to this life to arrive at that death safely. The greater risk in life is not taking risks and waiting for opportunity that may never come."
"The greatest gift you could give yourself... is to make that decision that no matter what happens, I'm going to live in that state."
"Service is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth."
"No matter what you did yesterday, who you were with last night, and what you were planning to do tomorrow, this is a divine moment in your life."
"This too shall pass, right? But the good stuff too. So, you can't get too excited when something good happens."
"The true meaning of wealth in life and I hope that's the return of me living my life as a people pleaser, being positive and smiling to make people feel appreciated."
"It's not necessarily the length of time we spend here on the planet, but the quality of that time."
"You know you are definitely going to die, so don't live a life of abject fear."
"When you treat everything in life as like a little reward, it completely changes your perspective."
"We always have that choice every single day. We are our lives in effect is the sum total of all the choices we made up to this point."
"Life is just about being and experiencing; there doesn't have to be a point. Stop trying to grasp and cling for some sense of purpose. That's your ego doing that."
"Life is destined. Whatever happened is going to happen. All that [__] already written."
"I'm a big fan of living in a land of possibility, not probability."
"You shouldn't take life so seriously. We should be able to laugh at ourselves."
"It's time to move from living fearfully to living joyfully."
"Trust that things happen for a greater divine purpose."
"Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you will conquer death."
"The real key to happiness is not the big things that make you happy, it's the little things."
"A good life is about having a life full of problems you like."
"I was always a believer in purpose. I felt everything had a purpose."
"Nothing meaningful in life is easy, and nothing easy in life is meaningful."
"Life is too short and sometimes you just gotta go for it."
"The heart you're given is the heart you're meant to have."
"We talk about what can we do to be happy, but we forget that pursuing happiness is really not the best way to get happiness. Pursuing meaning, you pursue meaning and happiness will just come."
"I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time."
"Meaning is more important than happiness; it puts everything else into place."
"If somebody shows me respect, I show respect back. That's a good way to go through life."
"Contentment is not a chase; it's not a magical download. Contentment is a practice."
"It is our duty to look after ourselves and then also to help look after our neighbor. Life is a reciprocal business."
"Everything happens for a reason, but you have to go make that reason."
"It's important and productive to always be contemplating your own mortality."
"The present moment is all you have. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy."
"Everything happens for a reason, and even though the reason is sometimes unclear, I graciously accept what transpires."
"Happiness comes from within, from living a meaningful life."
"Of course, happiness is not the point; a meaningful life is."
"Health, relationships, passions, growth, and contribution: these five values are the fundaments of living a meaningful life."
"You are so meant to expand; you're not meant to stay stagnant."
"Time is all we have. And we may find one day you have less than you think."
"The true measure of wealth isn't money; it's happiness."
"The entire life consists of the present moment. There never has been anything else, everything happened in the present."
"Life doesn't go backwards. Life goes forwards."
"I'm no longer afraid of anything at all. When I die, it will be like a death in a play or a movie, simply to create the emotions for those watching."
"Discipline is freedom because no matter what, life is hard."
"There's a chronology to climbing a ladder; there's a chronology to living your life."
"Well, and also that wonderful cycle of the whole idea that out of something awful, something good comes out of it."
"We come out the other side with a different perspective, a different way of seeing life, a different way of being in relationship to life."
"To live a good life, you really need a synthesis of the pragmatic and the metaphysical."
"Life is like a sewer... what you get out of it depends on what you put into it."
"It's very important as you go through life that you not only know it but that you feel it and you put it out there."
"Each day is a small lifetime, and how can you live a good life today?"
"All you have is time, and so the way that you spend your days is the way that you're going to spend your life."
"You got this precious amount of time, this little sliver of life in the grand scheme of history, so how do you want to spend those days?"