
Achievability Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"We want to set a goal that will challenge us, but isn't impossible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We must set missions with clear, achievable goals, not ones we'll never reach."
"Sometimes going for optimal is really really hard but going for very good is substantially easier."
"I honestly think that's very very achievable."
"It's not an all-or-nothing type thing; it's totally doable."
"Building a creative career is not as daunting as you think it is."
"Everybody has a purpose and you should be working towards it and it is achievable."
"If there's people out there listening and watching my videos and they're 'oh never achieve this this is impossible', no it's totally achievable."
"I just want people to employ some sort of plan that's achievable, that they can implement, that they enjoy."
"Sometimes when faced with a really hard problem, it helps to focus on what can be achieved."
"Know your millionaire math: it's more achievable than you think."
"It's a quest for an achiever and a goal that's achievable with its out of reach if that makes sense."
"We need to get into that competitive spirit; peaceful competition is achievable."
"The more you're able to break down a goal, the more believable it is."
"Streamlining the process made it exciting and doable."
"There is no substitute for hard work, then there is no substitute for doing things the right way so it is doable."
"The work is always harder than you want it to be but it is easier than you fear and it is something that we can do."
"Break down your goals into manageable steps, and suddenly they're not so impossible."
"Remove the obstacles before you set off; it's more than doable."
"Genuine emotionally intelligent connections are not only desirable but also achievable."
"Every goal you set in life, as long as you grind for it, it's so doable."
"Set small, realistic goals that you can achieve in the short term."
"Things that seem impossible are actually you can almost put them on the calendar."
"It's not that easy guys... but it is definitely doable... with a little bit of effort and persistence."
"With the right training and guidance, this is not impossible."
"Whoever's chasing whatever you want to be, and if we are inspired you in any way, man, first of all, it's so obtainable, it's so possible."
"It's absolutely doable and possible if you're organized and motivated."
"This was a lot of hard work, but definitely doable for a beginner."
"This is within the grasp of do-ability, it really is."
"It's within the grasp of do-ability, of course it is."
"this is a very very ambitious set of rules but it can definitely be done"
"Anything is obtainable. There's always a way. You just have to do research."
"I think this is really attainable."
"I think it's more in reach than a lot of people realize."
"It's achievable. It's so achievable for everyone out there."
"...this is not some unattainable goal this is realistic..."
"For me, most of what I want is very achievable... I think it's just like time, you know?"
"Shift your mindset to work with what you have because every spot is actually doable."
"You're guided by what is achievable."
"When you're an advisor you're living your freaking dream and it's doable you can do it."
"The future is so bright and it's so achievable."
"We have to make the goals achievable for us."
"I think it's a very achievable goal for you."
"I'm so excited for this upcoming month, I feel like a lot of those goals are actually attainable."
"If you're patient, you can do it. It's definitely doable."
"What's so interesting is that I want people to feel like it's doable."
"Don't let anybody tell you it's not doable, I'm doing it."
"You're not as far away from these dreams as you think you are."
"The goal you set has to be achievable, it needs to be realistic."
"Achievable: The goal that you set has to be achievable. In other words, it needs to be realistic."
"Our job is to make the results of our work visible desirable and doable for the early majority."
"I know it's easier said than done, but it is doable."
"It is very much possible and it's actually a whole bunch easier than what most people think."
"It's considerably harder but totally doable."
"We have a lot going on but I think it's a very doable goal."
"A vision is credible when it is achievable, believable, and credible."
"What's the reality of that dream though? No, it's hard. It's hard. And I don't think it's really achievable."
"Your goal has to be something that can realistically be achieved within the given time frame with you and with God."
"This straight away felt like a realistic target. It felt like something that was achievable with limited time."
"It is doable, it is achievable, it is achievable now."
"It's an ambitious goal, but achievable."
"That big goal of a hundred thousand dollars per year just seems so much more doable."
"We have six months left, which gives us two more quarterly goals to achieve, and I think that is totally, totally doable."
"I feel like it's actually kind of attainable."
"These goals are lofty but possible."
"Losing weight is not an easy thing, but it's not something that's impossible to do."
"Anything that you want in this life is very very much achievable."
"I always said to myself, I don't want anyone to see what I'm doing and think it's impossible to do."
"This is a really good board for you. It's very... all obtainable. It's not like making yourself too overwhelmed with like goals and stuff, but overall it's just making you a better you."
"It's not that we're trying to do something that's unachievable. It's definitely achievable but it's just very ambitious."
"It's not hard, it just requires some effort."
"It's not easy, but it's important and doable."
"When you break it down into small tasks and take things one step at a time, it's absolutely doable."
"It is a doable exam, what matters is your study strategy."
"The most important thing about making goals is not to make them too hard for yourself."
"What we need to do is doable. We can see the trajectory from here; you can't see the objective, but you can see the direction to head."
"Feels so good knowing I can do it; it's manageable, it's doable."
"These projects are super achievable but at the same time they're also very impactful."
"It's a goal there, it's an achievable one if I put my mind to it."
"My advice is always to keep it simple; start with something that you know you can do."
"My philosophy on life is that nothing ever was unachievable."
"It might sound absurd but it's actually very reasonable to make an extra $100 a day in passive income if you do it right."
"It's manageable and you can do this."
"It's quite doable to be the most knowledgeable... especially today."
"The ultimate goal of opening this canal up is eminently achievable."
"It's doable, it takes work, but it's doable."
"If you break it up into seven days, it's three minutes 43 seconds per day. Totally doable."
"Daunting, yes, but completely doable."
"It's going to be hard and it's going to be work, and the learning curve is steep, but it's doable."
"It's like learning a new language; it's hard, it's frustrating, but it's totally doable."
"It's an obtainable goal; it's obtainable."
"Profit target of 10 percent, it's not really that small profit target, but it is not something unreal, it is absolutely doable."
"It's real doable, baby. It's real, real doable."
"My true purpose, I feel like on YouTube, is showing you guys that your dreams are achievable."
"Set yourself short-term goals... it's more likely that it's going to be more achievable."
"Most of the physiques you see in the 50s are natural; they look perfectly achievable."
"If you focus on the truth, then yeah, this is doable."
"So getting a perfect 90 is difficult, it requires practice. But I won’t say it’s impossible."
"It can be done, the thing is you cannot do it at a fast speed, you know, you have to take your time, you got to be patient."
"It's quite confidence-inspiring to sit on the start line and go, all I have to do is execute to the best of my ability, and this is achievable."
"That's specific, it's measurable, I think it is very achievable, I think it's very realistic, and I do think it's very timely."
"Having like a strong community is actually low-key a lot more achievable in terms of how many of us can actually get there."
"Being able to see the pinnacle of something like that, it makes it more achievable for you."
"Does that sound achievable to you?"
"All of the things I want to do this year are achievable."
"At the end of the day, it's not impossible; it's actually kind of easy, really."
"Work hard, train hard, pay attention, keep working hard and it can be doable."
"This exam is very doable, don't let these low pass rates scare you."
"The more simple you make things, the more readily achievable they are."
"The objective of the research is realistic and feasible."
"If you break it down into manageable small steps, you really can do anything."
"Start with whatever feels most doable and achievable for you right now."
"Make sure your dream is attainable."
"A little bit every day is very doable."
"I feel organized, I feel like I know what I need to do, and I feel like it's totally doable and manageable."
"The algebra 2 Regents is a doable exam, it really is."
"Keeping it simple, really really achievable."
"Setting up for success makes it much more achievable."
"10K a month consistently is so reachable; that's like light work."
"Seeing somebody doing it is very important. That allows you to know that man, this is reachable."
"These things aren't as hard as you think, you can do them, you can improve on your technical skill set."
"All that you desire is so achievable."