
Challenge Quotes

There are 59713 quotes

"We want to set a goal that will challenge us, but isn't impossible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When it's really tough, and you just want... that's when you want to start telling yourself, 'This is the good part.'"
"You're going to have to push through when things get really difficult... that usually means you're on the verge of breaking through."
"Ease is a greater threat to success than hardship. You got to push through the pain."
"If something doesn't scare us, if something doesn't challenge us, it doesn't change us."
"The mastery of self is the ultimate challenge for anyone to go after."
"Hard isn't bad; hard is necessary, hard is truth."
"Delayed gratification comes from activities that give us some kind of reward for the long term, but it feels a bit hard and uncomfortable right now."
"If you do the easy things, life gets hard. But if you do the difficult things in life, life becomes easier."
"Whenever you challenge yourself... if you can push for one more, you're actually going to build your confidence."
"The journey to greatness often begins the moment that challenge and contribution become more important than comfort and ease."
"If you are in a position where you can't fail, you are also in a position where you will never be fulfilled."
"The only way that they will be fulfilled is to push themselves outside of their comfort zone and do things that challenge them, to chase failure, to fail so that in failure they will actually grow."
"One of my New Year's resolutions—every year, I try to do something uncomfortable for me."
"I would love for everyone here to really challenge the core assumptions we have."
"Communication is key to any relationship. I dare you to prove me wrong."
"To attack is easy; to understand is hard. And I choose the hard path."
"I'll always take the hardest path, and it becomes the best path."
"Can you handle this? I don't think they can handle this!"
"If you actually go one day eating a healthy meal and you count your calories, it's insane how hard it is to overeat on actual food versus how easy it is to overeat on dog [__] food."
"One of those kinds of games where you have to die several sad deaths before you really get further."
"Challenge the idea that mental illness is a disability."
"The avatar is not a border cop; it is not their job to keep these two worlds separate. It's helping the two sides coexist where the true challenge of being the Avatar lies."
"Keep pushing forward even when you're going uphill and it seems challenging. Eventually, things will get easier."
"A great relationship is one that both supports and challenges."
"We chose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
"We are a species of explorers, believers. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
"Sometimes you have to do something just to show that you can do it."
"Courage is the ability to do something even though it might be scary or dangerous or difficult at times."
"Every moment of pain and confusion could be obscuring moments of immense growth, and it's so hard to see until you're out of it."
"Mindfulness is about falling awake. Whereas masters are falling asleep, we do it every night and through most of the day too, at least on autopilot or semi-asleep. But falling awake, that's a challenge."
"The Mars Sample Return project is the most challenging thing we have ever attempted within NASA."
"This is the most dramatic story a human family has ever faced."
"The glory of science is it can challenge things that we believed since we were three months old."
"Every challenge is an opportunity for waking up."
"In this arena, we don't just fight our opponents; we battle our limits."
"This is what I've devoted my life to do, so bring on every challenge, every competition, and I'll step up to the plate."
"Self-esteem is earned by you doing something difficult for you."
"The living failures can seriously smack the shit out of you."
"The Giant Steps solo from John Coltrane was the most difficult one to learn and to memorize."
"I'm so happy to have put this challenge out because that's what I love to do."
"He felt like he was just playing the game on hard mode where everyone else had easy mode."
"Kaiso Ironon is a Pokémon challenge that was designed to be unfair and not even fun. It was designed for the Pokémon veterans that have nothing better to do than to waste hundreds or thousands of hours not even getting the first badge."
"Gym 1 kills almost every run that makes it out of the lab."
"Adequate has made it... what a champ. Ain't nothing but a thing, just an ocean to swim across."
"Art itself is a perpetually unsolvable problem. No one can make the perfect, bestest piece of media ever. But that doesn't stop us from trying and constantly iterating on what's come before."
"It's SE's most unique challenge, and in my opinion the mod is at its best when you're conquering other planets and setting up isolated bits of manufacturing."
"Obvious exception being Arcospheres, they're an interesting and unique challenge that wholly deserves to be the final obstacle."
"Civilizations, like people, thrive on challenge and decay without it."
"I'm excited to announce that the September challenge of the month will be the first ever animation challenge of the month."
"There is no easy way from earth to the stars." - Seneca
"Fighting all of the bosses in a row ended up being one of the most enjoyable parts of the game for me."
"The bigger the goal, the bigger the resistance."
"Your attention is appreciated and never taken for granted. I hope you find it challenging, useful, and engaging."
"Naked brutality is super duper mega hard because you start with nothing, you're completely naked."
"If every problem could be solved by just following a set of instructions, everyone would be a grandmaster."
"PewDiePie challenged himself to learn how to draw from basically stickmen to actually drawing in a 100 days."
"Being their friend, he would challenge them, but to pave that road first...the challenge is no longer a threat to your identity."
"Know thyself, which is the hardest thing to do in the world."
"This is going to be tough, you guys, but I think we're going to all bond by the end of this."
"For those unaware, Lasso is short for Legendary All Skulls On, and beating it requires you to complete a Halo campaign on the highest difficulty with modifiers that make everything substantially harder."
"Despite us doing the mission in the hardest way possible, we did end up getting it done."
"Parenting isn't always an easy job... but parenting is a necessary job."
"Coming out of a comfort zone is stepping from strength to strength."
"Jedi are probably the best warriors in the galaxy, but they're gonna have a very, very difficult time."
"What would you do if a secret society is calling me and blackmailing me into doing a bunch of freaky... you know what I mean? I'm outsmarting them immediately."
"Did you think did you did you think it was going to be that easy to get rid of me?"
"It's really challenging for parents to have a child with ADHD...how hard it is to be a parent with a child with ADHD."
"You guys are light... it's much easier to be the dark or to be angry, but your challenge in life is to be the light in dark situations."
"Every challenge we reach, we can approach it from a place of fun and optimism."
"The hardest person in the entire world to be with is yourself."
"Beating someone super strong by being super nice wouldn't that be a truly great puzzle?"
"Learning something new can be a struggle, but some people love the challenge."
"When the senses are shaken and the soul is driven to madness, who will stand?"
"Is the American dream still alive? My name is Grant Cardone and I took on a challenge to build a million-dollar business in 90 days from a small town in Colorado during COVID."
"When you start to accept it, see it for what it is, and flow through that challenge completely differently, it's far more positive."
"So, making your decks unique is challenging, it can take a lot of work, but I think it can be very rewarding."
"I'd made it back to rank 8, but I wasn't prepared for the most difficult opponent I've ever faced during one of these rank one challenges: the dreaded 10-minute queue times."
"It is very hard to build a very big business. Like, most people will never build a business that makes a million."
"Pick something hard; you have to pick something that's either physically and or psychologically hard."
"The bullet hell section and the menu choice... you're aiming to create a challenge for the player that makes them weigh up their choices."
"A good challenge-based game thrives on this."
"We all have a decision to make: We can choose failure right now... or we can choose to go through the hard door."
"Technically, that is the hardest championship because it's LeBron and the Lakers."
"If you tell me you're a failure, you're crap, you're this, then I'm like, okay, I'm going to prove you wrong."
"It's like solving a puzzle with missing pieces and cryptic clues."
"It's my job not to affirm what they say, but to question and to challenge them, no matter what they call me."
"The types of problems you all are trying to solve are actually vital."
"Becoming an entrepreneur is the greatest board game you'll ever play."
"The point of college is to keep you physically safe but intellectually unsafe, to force you to confront ideas that you vehemently disagree with."
"It argues that yes indeed it's hard to do a challenging thing right after another challenging thing, but there's no reason to think that you can't do both of those things while engaging the utmost tenacity and willpower."
"I've done all of the challenge shrines all over the island."
"Pyramids are fun, you know. Challenging going up, coming down."
"Embrace a good challenge; it's the essence of growth."
"If it was easy, everyone would be doing this."
"Success in entrepreneurship is just incredibly unlikely. It is rare."
"It's hard to do a challenging thing right after another challenging thing, but there's no reason to think that you can't do both of those things while engaging the utmost tenacity and willpower."
"It's hardcore. If our hunger hits zero, we die."
"You can only get so physically fit for a challenge, and at that point in time, your mind and your body have to come into alignment, and then the mind takes over."
"It is possible to fight corruption; the only problem is we have refused to genuinely fight it."
"The most powerful underwater boss I have ever seen."
"Relax, grab your favorite snacks, and enjoy as I try to survive 100 days in a cave only world."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 has been an absolute nightmare to work on."
"Learning something new is like building a muscle... You need to put tension on the muscle, you need to stress everything to make it grow."
"This is the balance beam pillow fight challenge."
"If you're going to write the hero of a story, a central character who ultimately is able to conquer the evil he or she faces, you need to make them earn it."
"Whoever's the winner gets to spend $100 billion of Mr Beast's money."
"The real goal is just one. We gotta complete this challenge with one fish, no matter what."
"I do not want to lose a single more time in this video."
"Be inspired by this video everybody, to go out and challenge yourself, enjoy Mother Nature, find that happiness, and experience the things that you want to out of life."
"Life is challenging; that is all. I accept the life's challenge, I plan to work on myself so I can win not just one day but every day."
"To prove your adaptability, you must draw your tattoo directly onto your canvas's skin free hand."
"But if you can get through to doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness."
"My challenge was, 'I'm gonna relish this. After every card name a different hotdog topping.' And you didn't even say relish."
"You have to pick a hard problem and try to solve it and push yourself against it in order for what it is that you're intrinsically capable of to manifest itself."
"Aging is our greatest humanitarian challenge."
"The skill in games design is to find that Goldilocks zone where a game is challenging and rewarding while not being frustrating to the point of making a player quit."
"I've done metal textures, I've done armor, never have I ever had to use blue steel to get my point across."
"It's fun to play, it is genuinely, inconsistently challenging and entertaining, and it has a colorful naturalism that carries the player along with it."
"Discipline and consistency is the hardest thing to do."
"You need to add something or subtract something that makes it harder, not easier, to engage in or resist a behavior."
"I must say, you managed to survive my realm. That is an impressive outcome."
"Prayer is a battle. It's against ourselves and the evil one who doesn't want us to have union with God."
"You never defeat me. And now I will take your dad with me. Good luck finding us in the sky."
"The pursuit of justice is never easy, but we have to do it."
"You've got to go into that hell hole of life that you have f***** up and fix it."
"All of this is painful, but there is a silver lining because there's always a silver lining."
"The greatest gift that any challenge will ever give you is a perspective shift and the realization that you can face hard things."
"The Dark Soul series is best enjoyed, in my opinion, by going in blind. It is a series that rewards exploration and punishes mindless actions."
"If you're going to try, go all the way. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives, jobs, and maybe your mind."
"I think Resident Evil games are a really good example of how you surround the player with frustration... that's where the fun of the game is."
"Nothing meaningful in life is easy, and nothing easy in life is meaningful."
"If I win, you have to be my assistant for 24 hours."
"I think I'm going to prove you wrong. Easy path, hard path? Hard path, every time."
"Confidence doesn't come from mapping everything out ahead of time and knowing exactly what's going to happen. That's closer to cheating. Confidence comes from playing the map blind."
"Some people don't understand this because their comfort zone, breaking out of their comfort zone, is not that hard. Whereas for some of us, breaking out of our comfort zone is very hard."
"Developing yourself is going to be the hardest thing you do in your life."
"I once went in an escape room and I'd still be there if they didn't let me out."
"It's the most challenging experience but it's the most fulfilling and rewarding."
"My entire mission is to tell you what I think and why, and to challenge what other people believe, and to do it as honestly and fairly as possible."
"What I tell fellow entrepreneurs is like, this is our time. Like when things are challenging, when they're difficult, when they're not stable, is exactly when entrepreneurs do well."
"Discipline is one of the hardest things to actually achieve."
"Street credibility isn't just about the talk; it's about being able to back it up when it matters."
"We do these things not because they are easy but because they're hard."
"That's what a human being is: it's a creature that faces the dragon. The dragon can burn you to a crisp, but it has what you need."
"When you come for the kings, you best not miss."
"If you're uncomfortable with something, that's when you should do it the most."
"Are you going to prove me wrong, or are you going to sit there and whine?"
"Never take the easy way out. If there are two ways to say what you want to say in your target language, one you know and are comfortable with and the other you're not sure of, use the one you're least comfortable with."
"Can we get every ride photo on Walt Disney World in one day? That's 14 rides across four parks. Let's go."
"This is kind of a fail but also a win in a way."
"Definitely a fun challenge to try if you guys want to do something a little different in cast, get way outside your comfort zone."
"Through challenge comes change, through adversity becomes an advantage."
"That was kind of fun, I love a little challenge in The Sims, it's always a good time."
"And here's the thing, this isn't like, easy. But it's definitely doable."
"It's not easy to be so well-rounded, but it's a path worth pursuing."
"One of the great things about Glenn [Keane] is just how incredibly generous he is. He gives you work that you just can't handle, but he works you through it."
"No one ever became a skillful sailor in calm seas."
"Stay resilient through what the world throws at you because the world's gonna throw a lot of [stuff]."
"With just a few minutes left of this challenge, I made my way up the metaphorical and literal mountain to one of the prettiest views I'm aware of."
"You're definitely going to need it cuz some of the stuff gets pretty crazy."
"It's easy to love people when they love you back. That doesn't even count. It's when you have to dig deep."
"It's the start of a very, very big climb up the mountain, and we need to scrutinize every step."
"Is the challenge worth the potential reward?"
"When you're in a state of flux and everything feels really challenging, really hard, this is when you're experiencing the most growth."
"When somebody tells me it can't be done, I have to do it."
"The hardest thing in life is figuring out who you are and what you want to do for the rest of your life."
"Games are such an interesting medium because they mix this idea of a challenge, a simple contest, a competition with something that can make you emotionally invested."
"Isaac was really fun to play, genuinely challenging. That was awesome."
"Absolutely fantastic. Are you not entertained?"
"The mountain you're climbing is huge and formidable, but so is your ability to climb it."
"Let's make the angels weep, the devils cry, and the gods die."
"Not to focus on the fact that there are challenges, but the fact that the challenges can be overcome."
"We understood that it could be tough...but if we never start, we're never going to know what we're capable of."
"When life puts you in hard situations, don't say 'why me,' say 'try me.'"
"It's going to be an aggressively long process."
"Some [bleep] are always trying to ice skate uphill."
"You don't get in the ring to fight someone and to get punched by somebody and think it's easy."
"He's always outmatched, but his bravery leads him to do great things."
"Run the race that is set before us, no matter how grueling, how hard, what the odds are stacked against you."
"You're forcing your brain now to operate on a level it's not used to, but then it becomes used to it."
"Life change in midlife can be very messy... it's going to require you to push yourself and pull yourself in ways that maybe you have never stretched before."
"The hardship was the actual design of development and progress."
"You cheated not only the game but yourself. You didn't grow, you didn't improve, you took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained."
"If I survive this round, I win. If I die, you guys get 50,000 Robux."
"How do you win the Nobel Prize in physics? Not by showing your theory is correct, but by overthrowing the theories."
"This is one hell of a rabbit hole, one whose beginning is driven by men who simply want a chance at a fulfilling relationship."
"Philanthropy is difficult; it usually comes at a cost in time, effort, and money."
"Thanks to all that happened, he has been able to fight powerful enemies and get stronger than he ever could have gotten as a human."
"Students, it is time for your first challenge."
"Welcome to the maze. You must find glass in the maze to escape, or else you all fail."
"People are willing to throw themselves into impossible situations, even with very little hope for victory."
"The greatest enemy of progress is your last success."
"Leech Seed takes away 1/8 of my HP and gives it to Erica's Pokemon."
"The real challenge is performing when you are under pressure."
"He walked straight into a boss battle and he didn't quick save before he got here, so he is screwed."
"Do something hard every day; the art of challenging oneself and pushing those limits and boundaries is a central practice and skill that will help you whatever life has in store for you."
"It was like playing Dark Souls in Genshin, and it was awesome."
"Never quit. We faced not a boss that is notorious for stalling time."
"I want to do difficult things; the fact that it's uncomfortable means I have to do it."