
Strategic Thinking Quotes

There are 1574 quotes

"We're not going to do our best thinking when we're in crisis mode, but we don't have to if we have already used our resources in advance to come up with that plan B or that plan C."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We urgently need a radical and irreversible shift in our thinking towards a strategic security mindset."
"You cannot solve today's time management problems with yesterday's time management thinking."
"Conor McGregor's greatest gift is his anticipation."
"The world has changed, and let's think about multiple actors and not just two of them."
"There are few traps that cannot be turned against their designers."
"Strategic thinking is creating your positioning in life at work, at home."
"Strategic thinking is setting goals and developing flexible, long-range plans to reach those goals based on careful analysis of internal and external environments."
"Regardless of how chaotic a situation may be, there are principles that can give shape to your thinking about the situation."
"Knowing when to quit and when to keep pushing allows you to be strategic in your life."
"As powerful as Baryon Mode is, it is extremely dangerous if used for too long or recklessly, making this form a double-edged sword."
"It's not about a money mindset; it's about mastering the game. Money is a game."
"When you're on the field, you're supposed to know everything. I supposed to think like you. Every single coach that I ever played for, I can think the next move what they think, because it's been buried in my head on a consistent basis."
"I always have strategies. I think I'm a very strategic person."
"Negan proved himself to be a smart, strategic thinker."
"By replacing results-oriented thinking with goal-oriented thinking or objective-based thinking, you will without a doubt see some improvement."
"Game sense is knowing what people have to do based off of your actions and knowing what you have to do off of their actions."
"It's obvious to anybody with a brain that Elon Musk is not a checker player; he is a chess player."
"What makes a deadly encounter fun and memorable is placing it in an interesting way that provokes creative thought and good survival strategies from your player characters rather than just a slaughterhouse."
"Knowing you have a way to get there other than heading into the unknown fog, that can take a lot off of your brain, a lot off of your shoulders."
"You have to be very careful not to work within the same box that your opponents do."
"Don't look at cards like defense, midfield, and attack; look at card stats and say where do these stats suggest that this player would play best and play them there."
"Strategic thinking is the heart of politics, and if you have no strategic thinking, then basically what you're saying is you want to run shouting into a wall over and over again."
"You can't operate in a world and not understand how to play a chess game. You always have to think three steps ahead."
"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic."
"When each card in a deck builder has its own unique flair and function, it brings with it unique upsides and downsides that a player has to work around through smart play and clever deckbuilding."
"There's a really cool angle if you take it the way of like the cops going 'We need to think like the robbers'."
"It's silly not to consider that the worst case scenario could happen."
"When faced with two competing theories, a good strategy is to think about implications that should be happening for one of those mechanisms but not for the other."
"He believes if he can break the social structure of the hole, he can create the solidarity that Imagury was striving for."
"Analyze the half-life of decisions... some decisions... have a long half-life and pay dividends over time."
"Think strategic, think about the long term with all decisions that you make, and you will do a better job making better decisions."
"You really have to pick your fights because you don't have enough battery to fight everyone that you encounter."
"At the end of it all, it's about fighting the right battles, not just any battle."
"He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight."
"One of the things that we need to do when we think strategically... is to talk to our pieces. 'How you doing? Okay, not so okay?'"
"When you begin your life in your career, it's about what you make. And as you get a little older, gain a little bit more experience, you start to move up here, and now you start to move into the realm of strategic thinking."
"Actually, go through this exercise of, in the military, this is commonly referred to as, you know, what are the second, third, fourth order of effects that will occur as a result of pursuing a specific course of action. It's weird how difficult it is to be that person in the room. It requires courage."
"Gojo acknowledges that he could just kill all the higher-ups, but he realizes that similar people would simply fill the power vacuum."
"Even underneath all of his tactics and ruthless choices, there is a heart... he does want something beyond just his Machiavellian scheme."
"It's cool to lose the battle as long as you win the war. It's about the long-term goal."
"In many ways, this diverse skill set is very valuable for companies because you can understand the bigger picture."
"What is important for our national security? What's in our best interests as a nation?"
"Part of the skill of being a poker player is finding situations where you're profitable you know regardless of your skill level."
"Perhaps it is time for us to go on offense." - Dave Rubin
"The secret to his success: he steps into the future and then he looks back and says, 'What would have to have been true for us to end up here?'"
"First principles and innovation." - Matt Farrell
"If you calculate lines where you're not losing or you think it's equal, then you can always play the line and then look for more when you reach that situation."
"More awareness should mean a greater ability to make complex plays."
"One of the weird things is watching him think incredibly long term."
"If somebody presents something to you, break it down in your head. Okay, what sector is this? Is this gaming? Is this defi? Is this Web 3.0? Is it something else?" - Evaluating digital assets logically.
"Never change things by fighting the existing reality."
"How do we want this community to interact with the larger world at this particular moment in history?"
"So if you're planning your future for example you can see pitfalls and then you can avoid them which is a big deal."
"If you want to change the world, you have to play a different game than the game the world is playing."
"Encouraging you once again to take a look at Big Ideas 2024."
"And it can turn players into risk-calculating tacticians."
"The most important thing is second level thinking."
"It's not as important how hard you row, but what boat you are in."
"You had to be very smart about this, but you got through it."
"The strategist is really able to think outside the box."
"It's part of the Art of War—when you're strong seem weak."
"Once your games get sufficiently complicated where you need game theory to figure out things, and you're working on things on multiple levels, it's probably too complicated for someone to actually solve it intuitively anyway."
"Because if you have a big foundation then you've got months and years to monetize, 'cause you'll have time versus 'Oh crap, I have to monetize now. "Oh, that one Hail Mary didn't work now I got to go back to my nine to five.'"
"One can't defeat an enemy that they don't understand."
"That's his drive. And by the way, we can say this about a lot of names at the top. They chose their enemies wisely."
"If you can really nail that... business at a high level is a people game."
"What helps us, what hurts us, identifying enemies, friends, and opponents, and then after six innings, you got some stuff to spread around."
"Expect to really feel that future orientedness in September where you do really plan out your future."
"Only the paranoid survive. You've got to think about the downside risk and be more skewed towards the bad scenario than sort of the wishful thinking scenario."
"The art of war is of vital importance... a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin."
"Are we gonna lose? Can they kill us? What can they play that would pump all these?"
"Whatever you do, don't just react for the moment, think 10 steps ahead."
"If you don't have a plan, you're often just like a rudderless ship."
"Even if Thor actually aims for the head this time, it might not be enough to take Thanos down once and for all."
"You aren't going to hit something unless you aim at it, that's for sure."
"Thinking makes you act effectively in the world; thinking makes you win the battles you undertake."
"In crises, it's sometimes good to slow things down."
"Slowing down to think ahead is going to give you the best chance of survival."
"It's chess, not checkers, he's playing chess."
"What the king does most of the game but the moment you sense that an end game is near it's time to start thinking about the king and what it can do."
"Sansa has made a series of smart tactical choices proving to be a pretty savvy Lady of Winterfell."
"Elon Musk understands this is really 3D chess."
"Imagine yourself, you're Vladimir Putin right now..."
"Spend your time on the tails, not the average, to find valuable insights."
"Life is not about having good cards but about playing a bad hand well."
"Curious, not furious. Learn to move closer to the people who frighten you because that means there's something they have that you lack."
"Diagnose what is missing... remember, what is war strategy? What is strategy? Reconnaissance, looking, observing, plotting, data points..."
"Life is like a game of chess. You can't take moves back, all you can do is look at the position you're in and make the best moves possible."
"Lean into the part of this that honestly felt like an opportunity."
"Controlled chaos and risk management: the essence of strategic brilliance."
"You cannot react. If you've reacted, then you've kind of lost the battle, so to speak."
"Having different solutions to problems is something that adds depth frankly."
"Rather than being afraid of it, you need to learn to harness it and use it to your advantage."
"It's always better to avoid falling in than have to contrive a way out."
"It was only by giving my opponents tactical advantages that I was able to outmaneuver them strategically and win the battle."
"Sometimes the best solution is to take a step back and look at what's happening over the macro scale."
"Thomas Muller is among the most intelligent footballers."
"Sound reasoning can make for crazy plays that are correct even though to amateurs they may look like donkey moves."
"For flop play, our fold equity should be the first determinant of our action with our pot equity coming to close second."
"He saw the West as behind... using these revolutions as a sword against him."
"Stop trying to play their game, the only way to win is to not play."
"It's sort of like the prisoner's dilemma in game theory where it's like no matter what you think the other person's going to do, here's what you should do with the vaccines."
"Synergistic ideas gas players to think from an interconnected macro perspective."
"At the top level, President, congressional leaders, they're thinking six months and a year down the road."
"Strategically, victimhood is a bad game. It leads to resentment, anger, and hostility."
"Every AI is a chess piece, and it's got weaknesses and strengths."
"It shouldn't be an 'or' proposition, it should be an 'and' proposition."
"Start thinking about it in terms of range creation and ask the right questions."
"When a plan goes off and you’ve thought creatively through each option’s drawbacks—when you’ve reacted to the problems that will inevitably come up along the way—you know you’ve really conquered something."
"It's not about he's trying to cause accidents of course he isn't it's that thing of knowing that if there's a 50/50 and if it all goes wrong it can play to your advantage."
"I think Abby thought, hey, I'll kill two birds with one stone."
"The theory crafting that you can put into it is so cool."
"Being able to be a macro thinker in order to actually create robust strategies is necessary to elevate your game in any capacity."
"Let's be honest but I prefer to destroy my enemy in a battle of wits and by wits I mean struck by lightning. Rest in peace."
"Stick with the plan and stop reacting to mainstream media."
"The hardest thing as a beginner is to spot what is defended and what is not."
"Having no strategy in and of itself is a very powerful strategy."
"Understanding how to play out the game on a macro level is pretty hard and it takes a lot of games to develop a strong understanding."
"Positioning is key... You always have to be adjusting, always have to be thinking about that."
"He sees a game a couple of steps ahead of everyone else."
"An epic view, my God, why can't my enemy do stuff like this? It's so original."
"When you're in a situation, you lose the ability to gauge and really see what's happening unless you have an ability to step out and go into the bird's eye view."
"She's also in total control of the situation five steps ahead of everyone like Fury used to be."
"The story is a chess game where only the best minds survive."
"Paul sees that Leto makes mistakes, and he realizes that his dad won’t be around forever."
"History doesn't necessarily repeat itself, but it can often rhyme."
"In my view, what we would see on the other side, the winners would be those who think today of this crisis also as an opportunity."
"You have to think chess moves not checker moves with precious metals..."
"The relationship between Charles and Magneto is absolutely love. It's just old school strategy, never personal."
"Move and counter move, calculation and desperation."
"Being strategic is key to staying focused and on track. It helps data analysts see what they want to achieve with the data and how to get there."
"Wait, I'm starting to get ideas. Um, what if I take this spawn and then I remove this? I swap out this ergot last second and then I remove Shen, yeah, and then I play uh, poor Deadeye."
"Survival strategies: roll a 10, evaluate your options, count the number of spaces ahead of you."
"Surely, statesmen, real statesmen, real political leaders would have been able to see a little far down the road..."
"This is the kind of long-term thinking that we need."
"His unbelievable ability to care for others, to plan, to think on the spot, and to put others before himself even when it might mean certain death is astonishing."
"I love the Bengals stack, pushing Thursday Night Football."
"When fundamentals change, you'd be stupid not to change with them."
"My answer is actually playing chess with your checker game here because if I get rid of wiping my butt then I don't have to wash my hands which means I've gotten rid of two inconveniences with one fell swoop."
"It shows how clever SpaceX approaches the whole Starship program."
"People are making good trades that are strategic and reasonable."
"Respect team power but don't be afraid of it."
"Eisenhower's main stipulation: unconventional approach."
"Wow, this is amazing, but then um so basically what he did is he saw the system saw what they were doing he was like you."
"Choose your battles. You've won on CRT, taxation, and many aspects of diplomacy."
"I think that's a good way to think about investing."
"As long as you keep that triangle going, you've got the CEO mindset."
"In the face of adversity, Frederick stood bold, cunning, and supremely intelligent."
"Frederick's victories: Turning the tide of war through strategic brilliance and military innovation."
"Just recognizing that there's a game going on is a huge part of the battle."
"You gotta always know the answer to the question before you ask it. I always said it, know the answer to the question."
"Ron sacrificed himself on the chess obstacle... he's a brave ass dude."
"Patience and timing are your two greatest tools and every encounter can be overcome by taking your time and studying your enemy."
"The art of war is of vital importance... it is a matter of life and death."
"Chaos can breed opportunity if you know how to play it."
"Is it better to have constructive and cooperative relations with a country like that or is it best to be better?"
"Parallel societies are necessary. We need to start thinking about that."
"So what does this move do? Well, it attacks the queen. It attacks the rook."
"It's never too late to do the right strategy."
"I like that from Arsenal, that feels proactive, that feels clever."
"The fight resumes. Leon keeps seeing his movements in a simple way as if he is able to predict where his moves are going even though he is using the aura."
"Thucydides said that the society that separates its Scholars from its Warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."
"Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the greatest literature in the world based on real history. It has epic battles, drama, tactics, strategies, and larger than life characters."
"It's about how can we manipulate the system to work for us."
"Lincoln's greatest qualities included his ability to think ahead and his determination to preserve the union."
"The direction is so much more important than getting perfection."
"We're playing checkers one jump at a time, they're playing chess."
"When the chips are down, you've got to be dynamic, think outside the box."
"Only an opponent who is a fool of pure evil and pride would reject this lesson."
"People need to really understand the terms of the battle that we are actually engaged in."
"You've got to think about the not the next move you've got to think about the next six seven moves."
"It’s the motivation that’s key to figuring out how they would operate and how we might detect them."
"I'm kind of seeing Proton in a completely different light now as a way to liberate Steam from Windows. As a strategic goal, I think it's genius."
"Trust no platform or corporation, pit them against each other for your benefit."
"Thinking of YouTube as an infinite game, I focus on decisions that contribute to long-term enjoyment and value."
"Point one: we all have a lot to learn from Master Sun and his book."
"Knowing what the bad guys want is one of the most important tools in your toolbox."
"Poker is a game of infinite solutions. You always have some percentage assigned to some answer."
"It's important to separate what you can get right this second from what's coming down the line. Those are kind of two interesting topics I'm going to blend them a little bit together."
"Even if it gives us a lower score, it's okay, we gotta slow down, think, we gotta use our brain, bro, you gotta go at your own pace."
"If you want to understand Caesar, you need to think like him. One, anything is possible. Two, do what the enemy least expects."
"Absolutely, so you know especially if you find this one of the best ways especially on this composition."
"Sometimes eliminating a threat sooner might be the only option to prevent something far worse."
"It's almost like you're playing a very strategic game."
"Part of this is just about trying to understand markets, how they work, look for opportunities and navigate them accordingly."
"We're officially at post-COVID. How you do the next 12, 24, 36, 60 months will be predicated based on what kind of strategies you have in place."
"So I thought this was a really smart play by Reed of course he's read freaking Duke no surprise they're not making a mistake anytime soon."
"It changes the nature of how I approach industry-related news. It cuts off some degrees of what I can do, but it opens up many other doors of what value I can add and conversations I can add in different ways."
"Understanding money was the key to uncapping power."
"Bruno's the sort of player two seconds ahead," unparalleled vision.
"We need to make big decisions, and if we don't make big decisions, we're going to be talking about these same things for the next eight years."
"A well-designed set of status effects can turn a fight from a mindless thing into a thinking sport."
"Set traps... always look at who the most recently banished traitor voted for."
"The person most likely to screw you over is the person you least suspect."
"Three things you always ask yourself: How many enemies are alive? Where are they in relation to you? Where are they moving to?"
"Maybe I had to do that but really what that came from was it was simple you know I knew with his guys where he was and where he wasn't what he wanted."
"Dolphins should have pack tactics, that's what they do."
"Playing to your outs... figure out how am I gonna win this game."
"Thinking your way through it is preparing for a strike."