
Resource Utilization Quotes

There are 289 quotes

"We're not going to do our best thinking when we're in crisis mode, but we don't have to if we have already used our resources in advance to come up with that plan B or that plan C."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you don't suffer from any physical disability, try to use at least one of your fingers to search my channel and to search Google Scholar."
"After a big storm, there's a lot of seaweed scattered about on a beach; you can harvest a load of that."
"You can make your creatures more effective and more importantly, it can help you utilize your graveyard as a resource."
"Our Artemis program is going to the South Pole because there are resources there. If you don't have to bring your water with you, if you can use the water that's there, that saves you a lot of mass."
"If it's a dead world that can really never harbor life because the environment, like the moon's environment will never permit it to ever take hold independently, I think we should go and not have second thoughts about using the resources of the moon, adapting the moon or wherever it may be to spread life."
"Each expensive missile used on a fake target represents a massive drain on resources for the Russian war machine."
"Utilizing templates is like instead of you reinventing the wheel, you can utilize something that already exists."
"It's not all about the size; it's about how you use it."
"We enjoy what we've got and cash in on what you've got."
"You do not have to be afraid of the material; you have to put it to work. You don't work for it; it works for you."
"God gave us fossil fuels to be able to flourish and to make dominion over the earth."
"Realistically when we're coding, we're using stack overflow. Every serious coder I know uses stack overflow to build better answers." - Chris Peach
"Lean in now is time to lean in. Lean into it and see what resources you have internally to get control of yourself and stay focused on what you need to do."
"The more connected we are to our families and our communities and to the intellectual tradition of this country, the more resources we're all going to be able to bring to bear to doing something to help."
"We're going to take whatever the Lord gives us and we're going to use it to our advantage."
"Absolutely, here's one: Cabal Coffers. Tap it and then it creates mana equal to the number of swamps you control."
"Tammy's Journal also lets you tutor if you get enough clues. The fact that it's creating a thing that can then draw you cards, I think makes Tamiyo's Journal count as card draw."
"The tools we need for a brighter future are right there, ready to be put to use."
"My best option might just be to use my commander as much as possible."
"We should not stimulate idle resources back into activity."
"They weren't just trying to purify the air, they were using the purifiers to condense the pollution and turn it into a usable resource. Very clever."
"Controlling fridge gases is one of the best ways to fight the climate crisis."
"You bring hydrogen oxygen together, it's rocket fuel. So you can have water there that you can drink, water that can serve as a, as rocket fuel, so then you don't have to bring it."
"Guidebooks are $20 tools for $3000 experiences."
"I have an unlimited value engine technically as long as you always have a minion to draw from your deck."
"You're probably better pulling up that link for the PDF of the manual and searching through it."
"So I just wanted to share with you to make sure that you knew that you could use the logos as well as the t-shirt design templates when you're creating t-shirt designs on Placeit."
"Every single object needs to be considered as a potential tool for survival."
"But long-term one of the things that we need to do who want to continue have a dynamic civilization and dynamic species is we need to go his the near infinite resources of space."
"I feel like a lot of people simply don't take advantage of all the different resources and opportunities available at a college campus, and that's sadly the reality."
"Google open source photographs can help the 3D modelers figure things out when official sources are lacking."
"Things we can clear out of our inventory... as much as I love it and the bow which I'll just combine into another thing."
"If we can take money from Pepsi and do something good with it, like that sounds like a good use of that money to me."
"Work is my creation. It is only through my work I am bringing this body, this intelligence, this mental abilities, my emotions, and the other human resources you have given me everything together to create whatever I create."
"Summons are one of the best things to use gems on."
"I love the fact that the way we're going to get away from fossil fuels, I love the fact that these are all the metals we need to go and build those batteries. I mean, it's the most amazing coincidence that I've ever encountered."
"The only question you have to ask is with whatever ability you have with whatever money you have with whatever time you have: are you being faithful to Jesus in those things?"
"Money is a valuable tool that gives you options and freedom."
"Work with what you have, but we're always working towards something better."
"It really makes it easy for me because I could simply reuse what others have done."
"You are the only person who can figure out what is your curated path in life."
"That's how you take advantage of your whole roster people. Don't just go all out on the front wall."
"Take advantage of slag... incredibly powerful and useful once you understand it..."
"Now you pretty much know everything you need to about the tools and resources available on Shopify to build your store."
"If you wasted a turn, you're essentially generating less mana over the game."
"If you're hungry and if you use those well you can improve."
"Capitalize on the resources available to you."
"This becomes so incredibly valuable this becomes the center of all the ideas you're exploring and it just never stops the degree to which this becomes a resource to draw on for ideas insights and execution."
"Your future is never predicated on what you lost, it's predicated on what you have left."
"We got a spiral staircase up at the top of the spiral staircase is a map table oh boy this was an advanced Society."
"Whoever's best at utilizing any of the tools that present themselves is probably your front runner for this event."
"All you need is this right here to start a YouTube channel in 2021, all you need is a phone and Wi-Fi."
"Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow was an easy way to get three materials for link plays without using your normal summon."
"It's also a great idea to check your pantry so you can use the things that you already have."
"You have to try and keep thinking of ways to utilize what you have to generate more Revenue stream."
"We have all the tools we need at our fingertips... all we have to do is stand up and be counted."
"We're deploying every scientific, governmental, medical, and military resource to defeat the virus."
"The true role of infantry is not to wither away under merciless machine gunfire but on the contrary, to advance under the maximum possible protection of the maximum possible array of mechanical resources."
"There's no waste from what we're doing, full utilization of this."
"Thriving is doing the best you can in the season you're in with the resources you have available."
"We're using every resource at our disposal to keep Angelenos safe."
"Methane makes the most sense for interplanetary trips because you can produce methane on Mars."
"We give them the tools, it's up to them to use them."
"Sticking energizing gems in as much gear as you can is going to be the way to go."
"I think consuming less is great and using what you have more is even better."
"Time management: Success in life is determined by the ability to make use of the resources you have on hand. Every day, you vote with your time of how you wish your life to be."
"So with this Idling Resource, we made our large end-to-end test more reliable."
"Utilize online resources... texture libraries, motion capture libraries, asset libraries."
"That's a really, really helpful way to use such a great resource as a replay or a VOD or a recording or whatever."
"The real test is figuring out how best to make use of it or them to help you achieve your goal."
"Don't pay for what you don't use. This is that, and we just naturally get to take advantage of those things."
"If the way they think and feel and experience life alters itself, we have enough resource capability and technology to address every human problem on the planet."
"Deathrite Shaman: tap it to exile a land from a graveyard and add one mana of any color to your mana pool."
"Utilization is at 90%, we have about 10 million more to go."
"Alter of dementia is going to be the best sack outlet you have."
"Great friendly talented people working at the company, but it doesn't seem as though their talents are always being put to good use."
"I'm a huge subscriber of stealing from any place I go if it's free."
"Magria intends to use electrochemical techniques to extract the magnesium more directly from the seawater."
"God's going to use something that's in your house."
"So the lithium from Cornwall may one day end up in the batteries inside electric cars."
"Develop and run with what you have, more is to come."
"You have the things in front of us that you need to make it."
"Stop fighting for a seat at the table when we have enough resources and intellectuals to make our own."
"Use your resources right now, promote your stuff."
"I might even strip a couple of the logs at the base of this tower as though stuff that the miners have been holding has like scraped against the sides of the blocks."
"I'd rather get as far as we can through the nickel, cobalt, and iron."
"It's always a risk to go back to the well, but here it earned more buckets of H2O. But its age 40 takes the round for its first win today."
"Melons and pumpkins are perhaps a little bit less useful than sugarcane because sugarcane can be crafted into paper which means maps and fireworks and all kinds of other stuff."
"Use it like a book, learn from it dedicated, throw it in First Aid, review First Aid if you want, use an accessory Pathoma book, and that's it. You'll be fine."
"In addition to making your study calendar it's also really employer you access your unit guide or course outline and use it as a bit of a checklist."
"It's not about the spending, it's about the will to use it." - Economist John Cochran
"Every single Wall Street trader, every single Wall Street investor is now looking to make money on the picks and shovels."
"Use what you have to do things only you can as much as you can because otherwise what's the point of having it at all."
"Money is just a medium, one tool among many in order to help you live the life that you want."
"Challenge yourself and remember the nerdy parts, the iterative process, but glue the tribe of resources and to get outside your comfort zone."
"Stop being obsessed with the new, use the same one."
"We're boosted up a bit from the energy of eating some of the coconuts."
"By leveraging the free and abundant resource of perspective."
"God has given us enough. Now it's up to us Africans to take what he has given us and do something out of it."
"And we should find ways to repurpose and make the most out of it."
"If you're not using it, why I still have to pay?"
"With the help of gold, you can craft golden apples."
"Many designers turn to design assets from websites like Envato Elements."
"If success means making use of the materials at their disposal, then they're going to do so."
"Information is our problem and our ability to tap into the resources that are already available."
"I think the hardest thing is using your life as a resource."
"Don't be that person who misses the resources that are right in front of you."
"We should ransack the tool house of organized religion for the best tools."
"And so when you think about the Apollo era, like the whole stack of the Saturn five, and the capsules, that whole thing was thrown away."
"All of these services could just be one monolithic service. It would save us memory and resources."
"I think it'd be like a placeable decorative item that we could harvest moon from."
"We're all called to do this and God will use what we have to give."
"Who bakes the best cake? It's not always the person with the best ingredients."
"We're surviving by the seat of our pants, living off the land with the guns and the weapons left around."
"We're probably going to go back to that geode and dismantle it for all of the blocks."
"It's not about how many horses you have, it's how you use them."
"Quality means being satisfied with your work and using everything in your possession for the tools to create the best thing you could possibly do."
"Knowledge is power. Take the transit to the skimmed tower or the Scimitar."
"Ukrainian forces, who are making the greatest use of incoming supplies, are crushing Russian forces at a number of key positions."
"All these vehicles were out of date, obsolete—they were going to be headed for eternal mothball or worse, the scrap heap."
"If you don't get players you need from the main path then use them exchanges."
"We're not motivated by the accumulation of gear... it's purely just down to the content that we can create from it."
"Don't knock stock footage, it's not just something these corporations and businesses use, you can use these in vlogs and gaming content in so many different areas to help make your videos better."
"Always check the bins, especially on good luck days."
"The first rule of Entrepreneurship is use what you got."
"Pretty cool right? So that's why you might want to use those pipes perfect use for ender chests."
"It's time to use your resources. We got everything we need to have everything we want."
"The only thing you can control is your attitude and your effort. There's resources, there's tools, or people that are willing to help you, you just have to put in the effort in order to do so."
"We have the tools, resources, and knowledge to implement a targeted approach."
"The void is a very real resource in the game world we see thanks to that timeline I keep going back to that monoghan discovered the void which on the timeline was redacted for privacy concerns and it's enabled them to build out their mix systems."
"Most chemicals are derived either from oil-based naphtha or ethylene that comes from natural gas because the United States has more natural gas than anyone else and at a lower price point."
"Use all of the resources available to you and to continuously ask yourself: Am I spending my time in the most high yield way?"
"What if you dare to think, okay now this is what I got but now what do I have access to as a result of what I got."
"The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones."
"Oil and gas helped Lenin industrialize the country and fueled the Red Army's victory over Germany."
"You gotta start someplace. You should drop your bucket where you stand, start building what you got."
"If Rosetta can land on a comet, could we one day mine them and use their resources to propel mankind deeper into space?"
"I want to beat Abby, that's my goal, and I'm going to use every resource that I have to see that that happens."
"Dig up the wealth, dig up the energy that you have there to become wealthier than you ever thought possible."
"Grow and maximize her potential with all the resources she has gotten, there is no way she wouldn't have grown to become exceptional."
"Google Earth and Google Maps have been a wonderful resource for me when I feel like... I might just go to an area that looks remote and just drive around and see what I can find."
"It's not too late. You don't have to wait for the new stuff. You can still get the old stuff and really, really win in February."
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with using samples if that's all you have access to. Make music by any means necessary."
"Isn't it beautiful isn't it majestic to see this amount of value you just keep spamming with the two musketeers at zero hp and you're like ah don't you wish you could kill them."
"A barrel of oil provides 6,000 different products for us."
"Thompson might not have 'whale' in his name, but he has a full toolbox to play against."
"You've always been enough use the resources all around you to create the life you want to experience a life full of joy and love the spirit world will nudge you through synchronicity you can do it."
"Focus on what inspires you and use what gear you have on hand at the time to make something."
"There is a way to solo this flawlessly in season of arrivals using basic weapons that you're going to be able to pick out throughout the world."
"We can actually use this copper that we got from their dead friends."
"Simply buying stuff will not give you the security you want it is good to have stuff like it's good to have stuff at your disposal that you can buy all the seeds in the world but if you don't know how to garden then they are not that useful to you."
"The big thing about the armor trims in general is that they more or less give diamonds a use in Minecraft again."
"It ain't what you got in this life, it's what you make of it."
"You're ready to manifest new. You have the tools, the information, the wisdom, the knowledge."
"Size doesn't matter, it's what you do with it."
"I feel like yeah, we do need to make some paper-producing factories over here, and this space is just perfect for it."
"I strongly recommend that you instruct students--and even as instructors--to go every month and download every one of these content packs, even if you don't need them."
"We do have resources we're just not using them."
"Hopefully you now feel well equipped to get in there, dive in, and extract the most out of it."
"It's easier to build something out of something than to build something out of nothing."
"But if the platforms are available, use all of that."
"Miracles begin with things that are in your house and within your reach."
"Money is not a goal, it's a tool. Two, it's the muscle."
"Don't squander that resource [time] just because it got hard."
"We have to understand, look, we've got advantages, let's draw on them now."
"Don't waste any of the water from your canned fruits or veggies, there's valuable nutrition in there."
"Not the size that matters, it's all about how you use it."
"Really doing a great job of milling every single content for all the juice that they have."
"It's unwise to just assume or hope that God will provide Divine protection... as opposed to being practical and using the resources available to us."
"So the way I figure out my teams for these events and how many teams I need is usually by looking at old game Fact guides or the Prima guides or Smogon Forum pages."
"James Turner's philosophy: you use whatever access you have to resources to enable other people."
"Discovering inner and outer resources is the definition of growing."
"Best not to waste a diamond in this could be important."
"You have the resources to manifest any idea."
"Well, I do most projects really so I'm just going to print all the stuff and then we'll build the bits."
"I genuinely wish everyone would win and every time a winner's picks I'm happy for them and at the same time I'm sad for the ones that joined the giveaway and didn't win I hope that someday in the future I'll be able to make all of you winners."
"Each corpse consumed in the land of the dead increases your damage by 10% for up to 10 seconds after it ends."
"That's the situation, let's tap into it. And the people that I see utilize the power of broke more than anybody at all are the people that, when they reach a level of success, they still use it."
"From miracles of science to assets destined for exploitation."
"Unlocking the secret potential of Skyrim's plants and materials for her potions and poisons."
"Master the cameras that you already have... your work will improve far greater than any new product could ever achieve."
"Reference is the most powerful tool we have."
"Occupy your children with books, conversation, and Internet resources."
"I think now that the FBI is involved and that the resources that they have, and what's the FBI is the world's most advanced crime-solving organization, and I think this case is as hot now as it was on day one."
"It's like buying a lot of expensive machinery and then letting it be idle, we don't want that, we'd want to use the computer as much as possible."
"We have just discovered an easy way to get a lot of money, and the best part is we already have everything we need to bring it back to Kerbin."
"Let me put any of this energy I have and in any of these resources that I have at my disposal into something that's positive and purposeful."
"Honestly, that is absolutely insane. Somebody could easily unlock every single brawler on their account with those 200 Mega boxes."
"Manifesting something, having the ideal situation, you have all the tools that you need."
"If you want money right now... reach out to the community page, the volunteers can help you find that money."
"Oil is a great resource. It's one of the best ways to power some of your machines."
"Armor is great, tools great, but I'm becoming a firm believer that the best bang for your buck you can use iron for is a shield."
"Every project which produces a specific product or service by using specific resources, and each of these the resources, the processes, the templates, the deliverables, all these need to be measured on a continual basis."
"I think the person who plays best knows how to use the best flute and would make the most use of it. So, he would deserve the best flute. Otherwise, there will be wastage of resources, waste of a good flute if it were given to a poor musician."
"We're essentially emulating the way life originated, working with local resources to build self-replicating machines."
"Thankfully today we're going to utilize a resource that does all of that whittling down for us."
"the prospect of mining the Moon is just around the corner so what are they so excited about should we be doing it at all how would it even work let's explore the unexplored"
"for magnificent desolation to a place that is full of important resources that we may use once we land there"
"...engage in starlifting to pull resources from the Sun and extend its lifespan."