
Cognitive Benefits Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"The library of options, the library of possible interactions with whatever it is that you're thinking about, increases exponentially when we are motionless."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Producing words, saying them out loud, makes a difference to your ability to remember them later."
"Bilingualism is often seen as a brain-sharpening benefit, a condition that can protect and preserve cognitive function well into old age."
"Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool...for weight loss, for improving cognitive function...and for longevity."
"Learning another language definitely has benefits that no one can argue with, like, for example, you will know another language."
"Functional programming makes me happy because there's never any unstated context they have to know about so it reduces his con cognitive load it makes it more relaxed."
"Resistance training significantly improves brain function and structure."
"Video games are good for the brain in moderation."
"You aren't going to hit something unless you aim at it, that's for sure."
"Thinking makes you act effectively in the world; thinking makes you win the battles you undertake."
"Rosemary oil has been shown in clinical studies to improve memory and focus."
"Your brain feels less foggy, I feel sharper, I feel less heavy, I feel less tired, I feel like I can do a hundred things in a day just because I've switched over my food."
"Exercise massively boosts attention and focus."
"If you're not moving your body, you're not moving your brain. Really helps me keep my together between my ears."
"There's something about physically writing that helps our brains to soak in the material that we're learning."
"One cup of blueberries a day reverses the cognitive decline."
"Learning another language opens up your brain."
"Kids who are brought up in multilingual environments are actually their mental progress happens much quicker."
"Exercise is great for boosting memory and focus."
"Color in particular helps everything from focus to memory and I think one of the things that we see in Ghost of Tsushima is a mix of that as an indicator..."
"My brain works so much better when I do intermittent fasting. I had no idea before how much this frequent eating was destroying my brain and keeping me in a brain fog."
"Recently, it's been shown by a group at University of Cincinnati that eating just one cup of ripe strawberries per day for six weeks actually improved memory, reduced depression and frustration, and improved cognitive executive functioning score."
"Playing those action games doesn't lead to attentional problems; actually, those actual video game players have many other advantages in terms of attention."
"Our results support the working hypothesis that executive functioning may be one of the mechanisms mediating the often reported link between musical training and heightened academic skills."
"This could have cognitive properties that could be very positive outside of the basic stimulate you out of your tree kind of thing most people seek out of energy drinks."
"Belonging in nature makes a huge difference to cognitive ability, memory, happiness, anxiety, and sense of worth."
"Coffee does improve another kind of performance too, cognitive performance."
"It's very lightly challenging for your brain, so it's helping up there, but it's also just really fun."
"Have you ever noticed that when you go on vacation you get smarter?"
"With understanding comes a better memory of things."
"Prosody really does make a difference in helping babies pay more attention to parental speech."
"Learning a second language can slow down aging."
"Juggling actually helps you to build better brains."
"Your brain is going to work better if your body is in shape."
"Reading is one of those things that actually expands that intention span a lot."
"Reading can lower the risk of dementia, increase emotional regulation, and increase verbal recall."
"Board games like this do very well over time all year round and for it to be your unique game that actually contributes to something positive like memory gain or getting your memory better, maybe you've got a bad memory is very good."
"Playing on a regular basis can directly affect and impact the regions of your brain that are responsible for fine motor skills, information organization, memory, and spatial awareness."
"Nature's effect on mental health and cognition."
"Cognitive and demographic diversity are keys to success."
"When you learn how to code, it really unlocks your brain in a very interesting way."
"I feel like I'm literally getting a higher IQ as I play the game."
"You make yourself 31 percent smarter just being in a positive frame of mind."
"Having everything in his head helps you as a singer."
"The act of actually typing it out as opposed to simply thinking it is even more effective."
"I'm convinced that everyone has a little bit of batshit in them and I don't think that's a bad thing."
"Learning a language is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain."
"Blueberries have been linked to improvements in learning, thinking, and memory along with reductions in neurodegenerative oxidative stress."
"I think everybody needs hobbies to distract themselves or at least to help their brain function."
"Cognitive optimization, not being fatigued, having deep efficiency in my ability to get things done, and longevity, those all make it just an absolute no-brainer for me to get as much sleep as I need."
"Physical exercise is the not so secret superpower for your brain."
"Learning a different language gives you a different way to see the world."
"Reading activates a different part of your brain. Read every day."
"Eggs: versatile and nutritious, essential for brain health."
"Learning another language also keeps your brain healthy."
"Video games rot the brain? No way, they help with critical thinking skills and other things."
"We want to fast in the morning able to increase our Focus but not fast for so long that all but you also want that first milky moderate." - Andrew Huberman
"Short-chain fatty acids have been shown to maybe play a role in neurogenesis, and may have some effect on cognitive development and improving memory."
"That 40 minute brisk walk is actually the level that we have seen reverse brain shrinkage in people who are having some cognitive problems later in life."
"Our brains really like order, and constant visual reminders of disorganization drain our cognitive resources, reducing our ability to focus."
"Meditation is the process of training your mind to focus, be aware, and redirect thoughts."
"This has the tremendous advantage of creating new connections between different parts of the brain, making you smarter and quicker to react to pretty much anything."
"When you exercise for as little as 20 minutes, the increased blood flow literally sends more blood to your brain making you concentrate better."
"An active mind exponentially increases the results from every single thing that you do."
"I love the fact that I get to learn about lives that wasn't mine and it makes me use both hemispheres and my brain which makes me a smarter human."
"Creatine can actually improve your working memory."
"If you want to be smarter, if you want to feel sharper, keep the blood sugar stable."
"Nutritional ketosis quiets the brain and enhances cognitive focus."
"Knowing another language provides you with greater job opportunities."
"This step not only brings more knowledge but also improves brain connectivity and reduce stress."
"Engage in artistic activities to cultivate creativity and refine cognitive abilities."
"Solving puzzles helps keep the brain sharp and is an excellent way to learn."
"Skateboarding and action sports in general, things like mountain biking, basically take your brain for a process that takes it to another level."
"Learning a new language or playing the guitar boosts cognitive reserve."
"Iboga's a cool plant, great for getting people free of addiction and rewiring your brain."
"Learning a new language also improves your memory."
"What's good for your heart is also good for your brain."
"Lion's mane mushroom is known for generating nerve growth in the brain, improving focus and mental clarity."
"Chess is a worldwide phenomenon... it's just an absolutely fun and all-consuming rabbit hole that just makes you smarter and more connected."
"Bilingualism is not bad for you. It's probably good."
"I think when people book a treatment, especially if they don't have the opportunity to get a treatment very often, they'll just go book a massage. Actually, cognitive therapies joined onto massage can be really just as beneficial if not more so."
"It's fun and it's good for your brain, good learning."
"Learning a new language challenges your mind, boosts your confidence, and gives you a practical life skill that can open many doors."
"Learning a language is good for the soul and good for the brain."
"The strength training group scored significantly higher at the end of the study... and they retain that gain 12 months later."
"This workout today is not only going to work my biceps, it's going to work my brain as well. My goodness, we've got a lot going on, folks."
"It's very good for your brain if you can train your hand to do something it doesn't necessarily want to do."
"Music literally teaches or trains the brain to learn better. It improves abstract thought and quantitative reasoning."
"If there is a panacea for any prophylactic effect against cognitive decline for aging or otherwise, I would say it is music."
"Eating chocolate while studying helps the brain retain more information and is directly linked to high test scores."
"Speaking many languages is good for the head, heart, mind, and soul!"
"Something new and challenging for the mind is always great."
"Learning to play music... seems to pull from the most corners of our mind and I can't imagine that not being good for you."
"Tremella is known as the beauty mushroom but also has some interesting compounds that make it a candidate to stand up against Lion's Mane as a brain mushroom."
"The cognitive benefits of being bilingual."
"Learning a new language is not only known to improve focus, cognition, and memory, but it can also provide an interesting and insightful broadening of your framework of the world."
"Higher physical activity and physical fitness levels are associated with improved concentration and memory, and mood."
"Not using your phone will have a positive impact on your memory."
"Desiccated cow brain seems to be very beneficial for people in controlled studies for cognitive decline."
"Creatine can actually benefit your brain just like your muscles."
"When you're bilingual, you often have better impulse control."
"Exercise promotes not only our sense of well-being, our mood, and our anxiety level but it promotes our ability to think and to socialize."
"Combining aerobic activity and strength or resistance training might actually give you the most benefit of all for your cognitive functioning."
"Strength training outperforms other forms of exercise in cognitive improvements and performance."
"A high-fat Mediterranean diet with supplemental extra virgin olive oil... found robust improvements in their cardio metabolic risk factors, their cognitive function, their waist size."
"Bilingual is the more languages, the better."
"Learning languages is a blessing; it not only improves your brain but also connects you with new people."
"Memorize scripture on a regular basis; it's not difficult and it actually helps to preserve and improve your memory."
"Blueberries are good, blueberries taste good, blueberries I've heard are very good for your brain."
"I think the handwriting it's important to make the brain work."
"A low sugar intake benefits both memory and learning."
"When students exercise more, their memory improves, their mood improves, they learn better in school."
"I think it's good for my mind, it's good for my brain, it's good for my body."
"Consumption of cacao also seems to help with cognitive function, visual function, reducing fat mass and obesity."
"The benefits of learning math are huge, from all sorts of angles."
"Step is one of these things, it is so good for your brain, for your mind and body coordination."
"It's really, really good to keep your brain sharp."
"Physical activity is essential. It's important not only for maintaining muscle strength and all the benefits that come with that, but also for producing growth factors that increase mental health and cognitive functioning."
"Deep reading is our species' bridge to Insight and novel thought."
"Taken as a whole, video games have a positive effect on our cognitive abilities."
"Exercise can improve your brain function and protect memory and thinking skills."
"As our thoughts reduce, our focus increases, and as our focus increases, our productivity increases."
"Learning an instrument can improve grades in other academic subjects."
"Regular practice of a headstand will improve your intellectual power and your memory."
"Increased alertness, attention, and mood, focus better, think deeper, inspire creativity, relax."
"The cognitive benefits of UVB radiation above and beyond vitamin D3 synthesis is being extolled by many keepers."
"Aerobic exercise will produce improved cognitive function."
"Learning a language is so good for you; it is so beneficial to your brain."
"Playing action videogames can potentially increase gray matter volume in the brain."
"By stimulating their bodies this way, their minds were getting sharper."
"It's amazing that Nintendo has managed to turn 'oh he's playing video games' into something that won't rot your brain."
"Sleeping on a regular schedule is a game-changer for improving cognitive function and mood."
"Doing puzzles can target the mental health, the brain health benefits."