
Crisis Management Quotes

There are 3609 quotes

"If you were on a boat and the boat started to sink, that's not the time you want to start looking for life jackets. You already want to know where one is so you can go to it right away."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"True leaders emerge in the moments of greatest stress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The first step in crisis management... is just slow it down."
"Don't ever leave play, pleasure, joy, fun for the end. They are incredibly important experiences of life in the midst of crisis."
"The purpose of the crisis is that's how we transform."
"Disinformation goes to a whole new level, politics becomes non-stop damage control."
"We need to be able to project leadership. It's difficult times that we're going through, and you want to make sure that you feel like your prime minister has a handle on things."
"The crisis becomes an invitation, a catastrophe is an invitation."
"If you allow a crisis to direct you and shape you and refine you towards meaning and purpose and towards a life that is in alignment with your values, then a crisis can be something that is woven into the tapestry of your life so that it makes your life both better and more."
"We keep modeling and predicting what's going to happen next as opposed to reacting to what's actually happening now on the ground."
"This kind of crisis is not solved from on high. This kind of crisis is solved at the grassroots by the people."
"This was a wake-up call to the aviation industry in terms of how do you cope with multiple failures on board the airplane."
"Don't put your family into a crisis just to become a homeowner. But also, don't say home ownership's out of reach in Billings, Montana. It's not."
"We're the only nation in the world that has come out of every crisis stronger than we went into it."
"It is therefore urgent that we take effective measures that address all of these variables in order to alleviate the humanitarian situation and prevent the recurrence of these adverse circumstances."
"This is a public health crisis, and you cannot solve public health crises one person at a time."
"Having access to revolving credit you can use when COVID hit... that's the key to success, the key to that peace of mind."
"Five days of pain is much better than five weeks or five months."
"Competent, robust networks of people working together for their common good and defense cannot be manufactured during or after a crisis, only before."
"I think it's reasonable to draw an analogy here with wartime."
"The standard to which we should hold them is not the alternative president that could have been elected before they were in office, but their decisiveness, their boldness, and their ability to make decisions that are proportionate to the crisis facing the country."
"It's time for people to notice the emotions that arise for them and to really question: 'I have this emotion; the crisis is new, but are these emotions really novel, or do I kind of know them from the inside already?'"
"We really ought to cover all the bases because of the nature of this emergency, because we've got thousands of people dying a week that shouldn't be dying."
"In a time of crisis, people need something simple that they can all rally behind."
"These are extraordinary circumstances. I think we all understand that. And in extraordinary circumstances, it is essential for the federal government, indeed, for all of us, to behave — to rise to that extraordinary challenge."
"In times of trouble, it's really not company that you need, it's sound wisdom."
"If you're going through a crisis, it accelerates eventualities, almost like a fast-forward button to the future."
"Crises can be engineered to facilitate the redistribution of economic ownership and to implement legal, structural, and political change."
"I'm a person that looks forward thinker. I guess they would say no, I think that we've handled it really well."
"I've had to learn... the worst attacks have the most possibility embedded in them if you can stop panicking and pull back and evaluate the situation."
"Why do we lurch from crisis to crisis and lapse into complacency in between? This outbreak is a reminder of the importance of a well-prepared, well-trained, well-trusted, well-funded public health system."
"We've paid a very high price for what we're going through. But the hope is that we learn from it."
"What you're describing is an apocalyptic failure of the multiple layers of fail-safe that are supposed to protect us from such things."
"In any kind of crisis situation, you just get on with it. It's only afterwards that you fall apart."
"Every human being goes through either physical, moral, spiritual, internal, psychological crises, and Allah...revealed this book to us...to actually help us navigate these crises."
"We have to ride this out. What are government funds for? They're for riding us out through common crises, better this than war."
"Thanks to the measures taken, it has been possible to save the lives of hundreds of people and to ensure that the election was conducted peacefully."
"Our number one priority was the passengers and getting everyone to safety, so we were all focused on that."
"The real measure of a community is how it handles its darkest moments."
"In crisis, get alone with God. In victory, get alone with God."
"I am optimistic that we are much better prepared to handle this than we could have ever guessed two months ago."
"This crisis will not be one that suppresses you and puts you down; it will be a crisis that will unlock your sleeping potential."
"We have to vote with our money. It's the only way we're going to get through this crisis."
"Civilization is a race between education and catastrophe."
"Instead of this just debilitating debacle worldwide, it actually could have been the opportunity for another enlightenment."
"If we are on the Titanic right now, no matter what, the Titanic hits the iceberg. We are trying to one, make people aware that the Titanic's about to hit an iceberg, get them in lines by the rafts, the ones who want to survive, start getting the rafts in the water in a calm and orderly fashion before people start panicking."
"People in a burning house shouldn't argue with each other... It serves nobody's interest to argue with somebody on a burning ship or a ship that's sinking. At least get to land first, then you can have your argument."
"To understand what is existing now is essential to decide how to move out of this global crisis moment."
"The president has instructed me to urge everyone during these critical hours to remain calm, to stay at home, and to offer their prayers for peace."
"When the shit hits the fan, you are the hero."
"We have emerged from every one of the crises that we have encountered stronger... but it's going to take all of us working together on it."
"Now is not the time to count pennies. Now is the time to address these monumental crises."
"It is unfortunate what we're dealing with, but we appreciate both the respect that the media has shown."
"If you would not have a man flinch when the crisis comes, train him before it comes." - Seneca
"The reality is, managing a crisis like a pandemic isn't something you can prepare for; it's unprecedented."
"I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic."
"It's about making sure you have money to buy groceries right now and a job to come back to later, once we're through this."
"I don't need to raise my voice... calm breeds calm, panic breeds panic."
"We're facing right now a period of multiple crises."
"Our objective here is to address the core issues of the crisis."
"Crisis is an opportunity to improve and advance over old ideas."
"The great news is that all you have to do to turn this crisis into your great opportunity, is to educate yourself."
"Following these disastrous results, the bank announced a major restructuring."
"In the cockpit, the crew is fighting for control of their jet."
"In crisis management, you've got to contain the crisis first, and then try to clean things up."
"A crisis this massive, this multifaceted, demands our sustained focus."
"Inspiration was in short supply... AMD rode out the crisis by innovating aggressively."
"We're in a deep dark hole, our government should be helping to dig us out."
"It's really, really important to just discuss... how can we do better next time if this were to happen."
"It amazes me how fast a crisis can happen, and everybody's a prepper for like two days, and then all of a sudden the crisis goes away, and they're gone."
"When humanity transcends national communities to work together, that in and of itself would be the first step towards surmounting a crisis."
"When there's some sort of a dilemma or predicament, it doesn't throw you off, but you have this gift of working through crisis management."
"Create a vision that will carry you through a crisis. It's mandatory in healing, it's mandatory for self-confidence, mandatory for the body to instill belief and hope."
"The only person who's going to save you from this crisis is you."
"My goal is to share with you practical and Biblical principles that will help you navigate this crisis with calmness and competence and confidence."
"Don't panic. Planning is what we need to do, not panic. If you're panicking and you have fear, you're not going to make rational decisions."
"Building community resilience is critical to weathering crises. A group of people working together is much stronger than a bunch of isolated strangers."
"It's hard to not be emotional... usually, in the middle of a crisis scenario, I'm pretty good at being not emotional."
"If you plan ahead, then the times when something unexpected happens, it's so much easier to handle."
"If you're in the red, you need a red phone. You need that person you're going to call who's going to have your back, judgment-free, love on you, remind you, throw you that life raft."
"I still do maintain and I'm not going to budge from this belief that... we could have dealt with this all over the world in a much more calm, logical manner that would have had a lot less collateral damage."
"Covid should have taught us a lesson that we should have learned during the Great Recession, that we should have learned in the wake of 9/11."
"You will not have wasted this crisis because you will know yourself better, literally, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually."
"Every crisis comes with opportunity for the minority of people who think different."
"The problem is not just Trump's ineptitude, the problem is the for-profit health care system. We don't have an infrastructure that can cope with a national health crisis because our health care structure is designed only for one thing, and that's to make money."
"It's imperative we stay cool in times like these."
"Remember the lessons we learned: if you wait to act until it's obvious, it's already too late."
"Now you've seen how bad things can get and how quickly they can get that way, well, they can get a whole lot worse. So we're not gonna fight anymore. We're gonna pull together and find a way to get out of here."
"The hardest part to manage through a crisis is often your mental health...what it did for me is give me a sense of confidence."
"Everyone here is working diligently around the clock to address the changing situation."
"No one should feel as if they're alone in this fight. Our government is here to help you through these challenging times."
"Just because we are in one crisis right now doesn't mean we can forget about the other crisis, the climate crisis, that we're also facing as a world, as a country." - Prime Minister Trudeau
"The Prime Minister spoke directly to young people, calling on them to lead by example in this crisis, saying they can shape the future we live in not just with their choices but with their leadership as well."
"Greatness in politics comes from seizing crises to galvanize the nation behind a transformational program."
"We grieve when even one life is lost, but the fact that we have come nowhere near that number is a testament to this President taking immediate action."
"Desperate times call for faithful men, and not for careful men. The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men, lauding them for their courage."
"So in a last-ditch effort to save his family's legacy, Mike has decided to pull back the doors, bust open the books, and make the call for help to Bar Rescue."
"One day I woke up...and my number one agent resigns. This all happens before 6:05-6:10. So, I'm in bed, anxiety is high, panic is high. I have no idea what to do in that moment. All I thought about is, 'What are my next five moves?'"
"There's nobody anywhere in the world better to handle the situation than the Army Corps of Engineers."
"Now Stalin began to regain his nerve. His prime task was to steady the country, dispelling the swirl of rumor and panic."
"We're all trying to make sense of that, and we're all looking for anything that's clear and concrete in the midst of this fight, in the midst of this painful crisis."
"What makes it worse is that we know this could have been prevented."
"There are solutions to all of these crises; it's about taking these steps now so that you can better prepare yourself."
"To take on the challenge of something like lockdown, you have to try and be the calm one, the consistent one, and get us through a very tough period."
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that, it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before."
"Leaders lead during crises. That's exactly what President Biden is doing."
"It was worrying for everybody, but it wasn't really the people who are panicking or getting really concerned first, it was really the government doing all of this stuff."
"There's so much bipartisan work here; we could show this country there's no red or blue states, there's no left or right, there's only one way out of this crisis, by us bonding together."
"It is often said that cash is king and that times of crisis lead to the rich getting richer."
"This is going to be so costly that it's going to cause leaders to rethink."
"In the midst of crisis, pleasure and joy are not only possible; they're vital."
"It's not the end of the world. It is the shift itself that matters."
"The general rule in economic crises is err on the side of helping more people rather than fewer."
"It's not any time for witch hunts. It's time to get this enemy defeated."
"We're doing our damnedest to do the most important things, and that means saving lives."
"We need to embrace more aggressive, ambitious solutions than we would have considered pre-crisis."
"We will be judged, you and I, by how we resolve these cascading crises of our era."
"The bank went from boom to bust, threatened to take Britain down with it."
"It's inspiring for me to see that so many places around the world, whether they're struggling with politics or natural disasters, or many of the onslaught of issues that Sri Lanka has faced, you always just see a huge exodus, and this is the time that you really need people to hang out and to not give up on the country or the people."
"Stop the bleeding. Stop it before you bleed out."
"Failure to curb this crisis is definitely not an option."
"We have an excellent Governor General right now, and I think, on top of the COVID crisis, nobody's looking at constitutional crises."
"He who has cash during a liquidity crisis makes the rules."
"This is not a financial crisis. This is just a temporary moment of time that we will overcome together as a nation and as a world."
"A point I often stress is that a civilization with a well-informed public that’s strong-willed and eager to tackle problems is one that is not guaranteed to get through a crisis but has way better odds in its favor than civilizations missing those."
"Well, folks, the banking crisis is continuing to evolve, with now potentially Warren Buffett stepping in, and that is usually not a good sign for what's going on in markets but a great sign for potentially where we are in the cycle."
"Now is the time to work hard and get through this period of time... so hopefully we can get through this insanity of this banking crisis relatively unscathed."
"They believe that they can contain the threat without triggering a mass panic."
"Americans are dying by the thousands, and we're all on a leaderless ship."
"We have to expand the existing hospital capacity. Yes, ambitious goal. Yes, very difficult. Yes, it may be impossible in some places. But remember, a hospital is highly regulated. We are waiving all of those regulations and saying just from a physical capacity point of view, see if you can increase your capacity 100%."
"They tried to cover it; they tried to pull it out. It's like trying to put out a fire; they couldn't put out the fire."
"Crisis totalitarianism means to make all things submit to the management of the crisis, no matter how important they are."
"Don't let the crisis overwhelm you, have its way with you, and do its work on you."
"At what point does crisis management become crisis totalitarianism? At what point must we say, 'Nope, that's too far?'"
"I signed an executive order invoking the Defense Production Act, giving us powerful new authorities to help state, cities, and hospitals procure needed supplies."
"It's not when a problem happens with a brand that earns brand loyalty; it is how they handle their problems that deserves brand loyalty."
"I want to be crystal clear: we did not handle this right, and I did not handle this right."
"We need help right now to avoid economic collapse, however, we don't want to put more burden on future generations."
"We call it the crisis next door... and we're reversing that, the way we're not punishing the drug traffickers and often we're punishing the addicts too much."
"If you were a leader, even in the face of a crisis, you would keep your head and wouldn't use compulsion."
"We cannot turn on each other like this. We've got to stay cool. We've got to be smart about this."
"And their frequent failures remained inextricable from their great successes, as they overcame unrelenting crises throughout their history by learning from their weaknesses, thinking practically, and adapting: from kingdom to republic to empire to papacy."
"All of us in this together are going to get through this."
"The safest thing to do as a public leader is to overreact."
"Our children's lives are dependent on that 3:00 a.m. call, and we need to know that we have a president who can wake up in the middle of the night and who is on his feet and thinking about those things."
"The current situation, where dinosaurs are running wild, is untenable to those in charge."
"Just keep in mind, this will end. We will end this terrible scourge that we're under. So hang in there, don't get discouraged."
"Effective risk communication is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal right now."
"The best thing we have done throughout this past 44 days is we've worked together, and we haven't raised political flags."
"We are in a middle of a crisis, it is not only impacting Democrats but Republicans, impacting red states and blue states."
"The effective prayer of a righteous man brings about the release of God's supernatural, divine energy into our crisis to make a difference."
"I can't control what I can't control, but I can control what our government does and I can control what support and information and health services that we can deliver at a time of real great crisis."
"We need to act like this is a crisis before it feels like a crisis."
"Software, especially operating systems and internet systems, are incredibly complex pieces. You really can't just throw blame; all you can do is alert people and hope to God that we can fix this really quick and reduce the amount of actual attack damage that we can get."
"In these times of need, we need a little bit of music to get everyone back together."
"We have a wartime president fighting an invisible enemy, and we have the full force of government coupled with the full power of private enterprise bearing down on this problem for the American people."
"Straight talk is so important today... I'm so tired of having people say to me, 'Oh, if you tell them the stuff, they're gonna panic.'"
"We can't wait until the crisis to fix these things."
"We have to do whatever we have to do. The priorities are life and safety, and then the economy."
"The 25th amendment was exactly for situations like these."
"Science and experts have been guiding our approach and our response to this crisis."
"Although the existential dread of our current crisis and the uncertainty we're experiencing can be overwhelming, I find it sobering to know that you and I have the power to hasten our return to normality."
"Nobody was prepared for this. What we've done nobody can even imagine."
"The human factor is actually one of, if not the most, important parts of the entire damage control effort."
"Let's talk about um something you mentioned earlier um the scam sure you guys know what we're talking about I don't want to raise any red flags here protecting the good old algorithm so you have some interesting views on that you as soon as um everything started and everything was uh shutting down yeah picking my words very carefully yeah you started running basically you and your brother correct?"
"Don't panic, you can prepare for the crisis."
"Trump admitted to Woodward on March 19th, 'I don't want to create a panic.'"
"Every crisis comes with opportunities for people who think different."
"Everything was going to be fine, no human-to-human, keep the borders open. I closed the borders."
"The daring and determination of our people in this crisis reminds us that no matter how hard it gets, Americans will keep on fighting to victory."
"Don't kill your business in trying to save your business."
"There is no matter what happens, there's something good for you coming out of the situation."
"They were panicking, nervous, they needed a huge distraction and they're pushing this distraction."
"Leaders don't wake up during times of peace, they typically step up during times of crisis."
"How you handle this moment will define how your story ends."
"Every crisis is an opportunity to cram down a social justice viewpoint on the world."
"Your leadership in that situation shown through."
"This is crazy what we've got going on here is crazy."
"Companies can make great products for 10 years, have one bad launch, handle it poorly, and destroy their reputation for the next 10 years."
"It's been brought to the global forefront, and with this attention, some solutions and endeavors to work together could help curb this recurrent crisis."
"If we didn't figure out how to deal with this and open the country back up, the economic devastation would be far worse to our social fabric than anything the coronavirus could do."
"When you elect somebody, you're trying to think about who will be a competent manager during the time of crisis."
"Montgomery arrived to find an Eighth Army low on confidence and morale, with Rommel’s Afrika Korps less than 60 miles from Alexandria and desperate to strike soon before American resources could tip the material balance in favour of the Allies."
"Montgomery’s calm yet firm leadership under pressure, restored cohesion to the Allies’ northern front in this moment of crisis."
"If my house is in complete chaos and my kids can't eat, how dare you tell me that it's wrong to want to care for my own first?"
"We've been working literally around the clock to make sure that our healthcare workers, the people on the front lines, have the personal protective equipment and also the ventilators to be able to meet this moment."
"The job of FEMA and Admiral Polowczyk has been to make sure that we're getting the real data from the cities, from the states, that we can make real-time allocation decisions based on the data."
"How do you make the economy more resilient? What happens when something like this happens again? And something like this will happen again."
"If you stay calm and think clearly even in the middle of a life and death event, you improve your chances."
"Now is a time of huge uncertainty... it's also an opportunity."
"We need to solve this fast. Every day that this problem continues is a tragedy."
"Daniel may have been dragged into the business but right now he's the only one who can save it."
"What will the country do? Will people get transfixed on fear and insecurity and the threat, or will they see this as an opportunity to truly lead the world?"
"We're deploying every tool, resource, and power at our disposal to protect our seniors and Americans of every age and background."
"It felt as if everything was about to come crashing down around us, but it didn't."
"Things weren't completely screwed up here, but a major incident could set off a serious shitstorm."
"The aim is to make sure that we save the maximum number of lives and protect the vulnerable."
"We will get through this and we will do whatever it takes."
"We have got to begin addressing the enormous crises facing this country."
"Fortunately for us, we can sidestep this disaster."