
Discipline Quotes

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"Through simple practices like forcing oneself to read a book chapter start to finish without looking at one's phone... redirecting one's focus when focus moves away is a way of keeping working memory and cognitive function online, maybe even strengthening it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Explosion of creativity plus discipline equals success."
"The law of inspired action: 'I only write when inspiration strikes. Fortunately, it strikes at nine every morning.' - William Faulkner"
"Discipline's good because we can control it a little bit more than we can control motivation. Over time, we can strengthen our discipline."
"Environment should come first, and motivation and discipline are good, but secondary."
"Knowing when to trade and when not to trade is just as important as finding good trades."
"Discipline is what a high state of motivation looks like from the outside."
"Building your levels of personal discipline is not easy, but let me tell you, it pays off."
"You start to fall in love with discipline...because you no longer have those urges."
"I think most young men have zero order in their life... They spend most of the day masturbating, watching anime, or do whatever. I think men need ordering, some sense of discipline."
"You're training your body, you're training your mind at the same time."
"Discipline is a mindset, just like good mental health. It drastically improves your work rates."
"Learn to do the hard work especially when you don't feel like it... Discipline is the single most important thing that men need."
"The only difference between you and your dream self is discipline."
"Focus on building healthy habits that are sustainable to you because in the long run, those healthy habits will help you be more consistent, more self-disciplined."
"The happiness formula: discipline plus purpose plus gratitude."
"Genius is built, not born. My skill is the result of discipline and practice."
"It's so easy to make the Positive Choices... I have not binged even one time."
"Discipline is when you don't have motivation to go and do something, but you do it anyway."
"If there's one book that you should read in terms of becoming more disciplined, it's David Goggins' autobiography 'Can't Hurt Me'."
"The act of doing this every single day is what we call blisscipline, the discipline of bliss."
"Self-improvement, especially the way that Adonis wants us to do the holistic self-improvement, we improve everything: our mental health, our physical health, we try and build an aesthetic body that makes us feel proud of ourselves and requires discipline, which then grows us into being more like men."
"Discipline, it's willpower, it's presence and gratitude. There's so much more."
"The most important part, especially for young men, is discipline. It's willpower. It's presence and gratitude."
"The lack of discipline was literally destroying other areas of my life. If I would have just put in the discipline, it would have molded me. I would have been five times better off."
"Great people in business, no matter how much money, success, or fame they have, maintain the discipline of what got them there."
"You either pay the price of discipline or you pay the price of regret. Discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tons."
"True power is discipline. But how you get disciplined is you have to make yourself a disciple of something that you want to be like."
"Discipline underpins everything we do; it even underpins love."
"The emotionally immature man seeks out motivation to do something hard one time; the emotionally mature man uses discipline to do something hard a thousand times."
"Discipline requires you to do your best when no one is watching."
"If you can discipline yourself to do the things that you know you have to do to create success, your success is virtually inevitable."
"Discipline is the pathway to feeling powerful and in control."
"Hope is a discipline that she practices every single day."
"Spirituality is the discipline of understanding yourself."
"Creativity isn't all fun and games; it has a disciplined side, a side that's all about hard work and perseverance."
"The beauty of martial arts is in the consistency and the discipline it requires, not just in the physical training but in how that discipline affects every aspect of your life."
"The ability to remain calm when disciplining is certainly a skill."
"Success is a large amount of discipline and timing."
"Changing your life does not take motivation; motivation is garbage. Changing your life takes discipline."
"They say that discipline is doing what you hate like you love it."
"The importance of personal accountability, discipline, setting reasonable expectations, and of course not being egotistical, creepy, or deplorable to others."
"The core idea of the book is really that the secret to productivity is not discipline, it's joy."
"Gymnastics teaches you so much about controlling every part of your body."
"Discipline is doing what you hate like you love it."
"In order to master anything, you must first master yourself."
"Self-love is doing all the hard stuff you don't want to do. That's like the real self-love."
"You're one decision away from a different life...changing your life does not take motivation, it takes discipline."
"Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but doing it like you love it."
"The most valuable form of discipline is the one that you impose on yourself."
"For every disciplined effort, there is a multiple reward."
"When you set up the disciplines that give your life structure, miracles can happen."
"It's so easy once you know what you're supposed to be doing, but it's so hard being disciplined."
"You're going to have to work. It's so easy once you know what you're supposed to be doing but so hard being disciplined."
"Reform yourself... be disciplined, be decent, be good, be respectful, be balanced, prepare yourself for success."
"Science is a self-correcting discipline, one that relies on critique after critique to correct errors and a merciless series of checks and balances in order to prevent errors from being published in the first place."
"Consistency means doing the same thing or something similar again and again and again every day, every week, every month, every year. Consistency is not exciting, but it's super effective."
"I feel like internal motivation is discipline... Motivation is something that is fleeting."
"Discipline, the root of all good qualities, the driver of daily execution."
"It's really important not to give them everything. You have to have those boundaries."
"When a player gets sent off, it isn't to punish the team and it isn't to punish the fans of that team, it's to punish that player."
"Bruce Lee...an icon of discipline, right? Of achievement."
"I thought about how Mr. T would handle it: 'I pity the fool who doesn't have a hall pass.'"
"Discipline, focus, eliminating the distractions - distractions are the enemy of greatness."
"Getting to a certain level of physique development or strength level or endurance capacity, anything impressive, is always manyfold harder than staying there."
"It's hard to wake up and run in the morning when you're sleeping in silk pajamas."
"I'm seeing it a little bit, you just got to have discipline. Your focus needs more focus."
"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."
"Discipline is doing the things you know you should be doing even when you don't feel like doing them."
"Get yourself disciplined, not so you're a slave, but so that you could be a master."
"Goals, discipline, and energy. You can accomplish anything you want."
"Be disciplined, put in the consistent daily hard work because that gains success."
"Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter. If you can't do the little things right, you'll never be able to do the big things right."
"Discipline in all things is mandatory and necessary if you want to grow."
"Creating discipline where your inbox doesn't run your life."
"Discipline and consistency is the hardest thing to do."
"You need to work harder; you need discipline."
"Success... is taking a small series of disciplines and doing them consistently over time."
"Time management and the discipline that goes along with that are absolutely the most important early life skills that you can acquire."
"Consistency, dude. The fact that he's doing it every day, that kind of discipline is what shows in his improvements."
"Discipline is what separates the great from the good."
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments."
"Self-confidence comes from the lack of neglect. If you will not neglect to do the small daily discipline, that's where self-confidence comes from."
"Suffering and pain is understood to be a function of an untamed and undisciplined mind, and happiness and joy is understood to be a function of a tamed and disciplined mind."
"Let's explore and celebrate this quality of discipline in a holistic, multi-dimensional way: discipline within our mind, discipline within our breathing, discipline within the alignment of our yoga postures, discipline within being consistent within our practice."
"Maybe most importantly, discipline within how we show up within our life, within our relationships, within our career, within all that we do in our life. But this is the place to strengthen those qualities; it's on your mat."
"Sometimes discipline shows up in exercising self-restraint, knowing when to pull back, knowing when to take a more gentle approach."
"When we're starting something, a new routine, a new series, a new yoga program like Transform, we have to establish these habits and eventually with consistency and repetition, and persistency, what in the beginning felt hard to create a momentum for begins to become automatic."
"You need to get serious about being in a healthy weight with healthy food."
"You don't get deliverance without discipline."
"Success really takes is relentless discipline, discipline on a level which you cannot fathom."
"True masters rely on discipline, not motivation."
"Discipline over motivation. Motivation is a small thing that can last 2 minutes or an hour."
"Be religious about your discipline because that's a set of rules."
"People with discipline are extremely attractive."
"You know it's worth it to have discipline but you think there's an easier way. You think that it's something that people have. But it's not. It's something you choose."
"Discipline is knowing what you're supposed to do and doing it. It's about making the choice to get up early, to do some kind of workout, eat good foods, clean your room, make a list of things that you're supposed to do, and then actually doing those things."
"It doesn't matter how your parents raised you and brought you up. You can have the discipline. You need to decide to do it."
"As long as you're blaming other people, as long as you're counting on other people to give you discipline, as long as you do that, you will not have it."
"Discipline is doing the things you know you're supposed to do in your life and then wake up in the morning and do those things. That's what discipline is."
"Being in the military does not make you a disciplined person. Being from a disciplined family does not make you a disciplined person. Being in a disciplined group does not make you a disciplined person. What makes you a disciplined person is choosing to be disciplined."
"It's not easy, but you're not going to get it from anyone else but you. And it's worth it. It is the thing that is going to bring you freedom."
"The road to sustained happiness is through disciplining your behavior."
"Discipline is going to give you the power to stay committed to whatever that goal is."
"When that alarm clock goes off at four or five in the morning, your mind says no, you just say this is what we do."
"You want to be more disciplined? Get after it."
"Discipline is one of the hardest things to actually achieve."
"If I miss a day, fuck it, I miss a day, but I'll never miss two days in a row."
"Organization, intentionality, and discipline are marks of a spirit-filled life."
"Discipline is the root of all good qualities."
"Discipline equals freedom. When you have personal discipline, when you are able to finally follow through on everything that you know you should do, that's holding you back right now, it will absolutely change your life."
"For me, discipline has literally been something that separated me and my companies from the competition. It's improved my marriage. It has, at 47, put me in the best shape of my life."
"Discipline doesn't care if you're tired. You're tired, do it anyway. Discipline says, 'Oh, you don't feel good? Well, do it anyway.'"
"Many of the modern day self-help, spiritual or new age practices and beliefs...have caused a community crisis in discipline, especially self-discipline."
"When we say that a person is disciplined, what we're talking about in Layman's Terms is that they can take action regardless of how they feel."
"Discipline is not about your ability to bulldoze yourself, it's about your ability to work with resistance, instead of against it."
"Bottom line, you need discipline. And discipline is one of the main components of that bridge that you keep looking for between wanting something and actually achieving it."
"Discipline is actually an essential element of life satisfaction."
"Discipline is one of the most important things we can develop in our lives because without that ability to be self-reliant and willful to get things done on a continual basis, we never get that great amount of momentum and progress towards what we really want."
"Discipline is freedom because no matter what, life is hard."
"Discipline is important. Discipline is freedom."
"Discipline is doubly necessary if you have some kind of neurological condition."
"Simple daily disciplines, little productive actions repeated consistently over time add up. The difference between failure and success with a slight edge, you could be a millionaire."
"Just thinking about it makes me want to be more consistent. You can anticipate that eventually you do end up getting to a place where you build routines and rhythms into your daily disciplines long enough, you stay in motion long enough, and things just happen."
"No discipline is enjoyable while it's happening; it's painful. But afterward, there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way."
"Educating yourself, developing career skills, building discipline – all these things matter."
"If you change your mindset and really focus on what discipline really is, you start to welcome discipline, you welcome self-discipline into your life."
"The benefit of discipline in my eyes has always been that through discipline I get things done."
"All champions have discipline. It's the discipline to work hard. You know, not when everyone is watching but when no one is watching."
"Your dedication, your focus, your discipline will really pay off."
"It's one level of discipline. I think this is a lot like discipline, and I would say consistent discipline has been one of those prodigy-like strengths that I had."
"Commit to a schedule and even when you get bumped off of it, just take your time and get back on track."
"Changing your life does not take motivation; it takes discipline."
"We are some of the most strictly disciplined people in the country by a wide margin."
"You've been more disciplined, sticking to your word, sticking to your gym routine. These are all signs that you have ascended to the next level and have turned into your higher self."
"Discipline with desire is easy. If you want something bad enough, the discipline's not too difficult."
"Changing your life takes discipline, the discipline to make a decision to change."
"So run to win... We do this, we live uncomfortable, we become disciplined ones or disciples for an eternal prize."
"Without practice and exercises and techniques, there will be no results."
"Motivation has an expiration date, and when motivation dies, discipline must take its place."
"Discipline equals the strength of one's why plus the reward of the pursuit minus the cost of the pursuit."
"My number one competition is me. It's always you versus you. You got to be the one to get up every morning, be disciplined, put in the consistent daily hard work because that gains success."
"Discipline defeats the infinite excuses that say not today, not now, I need a rest, I'll do it tomorrow."
"Anything you want, all you need is discipline."
"Discipline is the daily process of creating the life you want by consistently chiseling away at the things that don't belong."
"Through discipline, through self-discipline, through repetition, you develop mental armor for your mind."
"Discipline means taking the hard road, the uphill road to do what's right for yourself and for other people."
"I miss telling them, 'Hey, you got to eat that, or you're not going to get your dessert.'"
"Discipline, that's you deferring a portion of your salary towards your employer's retirement plan, the 401(k), that's the money that's getting invested, giving it enough time with the free match, and this thing, you are going to turn that one dollar not into 88 dollars, you're going to turn it into 176."
"To achieve these goals you must apply discipline and consistency every day."
"Discipline is the ability to do hard stuff that you don't want to do for benefits way down the line."
"You're gaining Freedom that a lot of people have never even tasted."
"Discipline is not telling everyone else what to do; it's having standards for yourself that you live up to."
"Self-control and discipline...is the key to success; it's the key to everything."
"Only the disciplined ones are free in life. If you are undisciplined, you are a slave to your moods, you are a slave to your passions."
"The only way we can stop worrying, stop fearing, stop hating is to put a discipline upon ourselves."
"Champions put in place the habits and daily rituals that manufacture success."
"Motivation is your overall level of desire to do something, whereas discipline is your ability to do it regardless of how you feel."
"Discipline is about achieving that long-term goal... those long-term goals are going to take a while to achieve."
"Success happens when you can sacrifice these short-term pleasures... and wait, put in effort, work hard, and help you get to that long-term sustained pleasure."
"Discipline isn't easy for anyone, so don't think if you see someone and they're just rocking it day in and day out, don't think that they don't have the mental battle every day."
"You don't have to be in the mood to be consistent, you just have to be disciplined."
"Discipline doesn't require emotion, it just requires execution. Just doing it."
"Jim Rohn says it like this: 'There's a pain of discipline or a pain of regret. Choose your pain.'"
"It's really about risk management where you're not allowing your risk to get out of hand."
"You can't always rely on motivation; it's the discipline that gets you through it."
"Like in football, by acting together with determination, discipline, and teamwork, we will win."
"Remember, wherever you stand right now, with hard work, discipline, dedication, you can improve a lot."
"The importance of sticking to that one pattern is paramount."
"When you're on the mat, you focus on one thing and one thing only."
"The pain of discipline weighs ounces, while the pain of regret weighs tons."
"Not everything has to be content for other people, but you clearly have discipline to sit down and do something so long."
"Don't let your fallen fall into this trap... so much of success is built upon the back of discipline."
"Discipline...before I went in, I kind of didn't have a real clear vision of where I wanted to go in life."
"The discipline... helped me kind of stay really balanced."
"Structure, discipline, and the mindset that doesn't matter what the situation is, you have to succeed, are things the Army teaches you."
"Concentration, discipline, and the ability to focus on one thing at a time are qualities of all successful people."
"Discipline is easy when you have that 'why' answered."
"I also have a disciplinary coach and he teaches me on body language, manners, and etiquette, shaping me to be a better person."
"Fasting is one of the most powerful weapons we have in the Bible and also in the Church."
"All respect to the young men out there who are saying no to Hedonism and are choosing whether it's practicing their faith or staying disciplined."
"Every successful person will tell you, you can't achieve results without some kind of discipline."
"Do not rely on motivation alone; rely on your discipline, your hard work, and simply your actions."
"Mental toughness isn't something that you sample; it's something that you live in every day."
"The quickest way to build self-control is to follow through on your disciplined practices."
"Focus is a muscle, and you've got to put in the time and energy to get better at focusing."
"Discipline is choosing what you want most over what you want now."
"Meditation is thousands of years old and it's remained popular... because it is so effective at building willpower."
"Exercise is a really good way to build willpower because well it takes discipline."
"Taking right action is the general rule of thumb that is important to building willpower."
"Finding what resonates with you and becoming that through routine through discipline you are finding who it is you are always meant to be on this earth."
"You must experience one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."
"If you're taking your faith seriously, you are going to be more focused, more disciplined, more physically healthy, more mentally healthy than people who aren't practicing in an earnest manner."
"If you just take this on as a daily discipline, you'll be able to continue consistently developing the spiritual journey of yoga."
"Rules and rituals will save someone from going down the social media depression anxiety time suck vacuum that it really is."
"The moment your alarm goes off and you want to hit the snooze button, use the rule 5-4-3-2-1, activate your prefrontal cortex, and get up."
"Most people misinterpret discipline with punishment."
"The discipline of doing something painful every day is one of the most important disciplines that any human being can have."
"The truth is, these things take a lot of work and a lot of discipline in many different areas of self-development."
"Change your body first. It does something to your mind. It forces you to develop discipline, resilience because you have to push through the pain."