
Preparedness Quotes

There are 10077 quotes

"If you were on a boat and the boat started to sink, that's not the time you want to start looking for life jackets. You already want to know where one is so you can go to it right away."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Trust is just simply knowing that you can get up there and handle whatever is gonna come your way."
"These three generators will secure shelter for inhabitants of Liverpool should the worst happen. Their fate is in your hands. Do not let them down."
"Check your own flood risk... sign up to free flood warnings."
"When you prepare for the worst, you hope for the best."
"A sustainable life is about being prepared, not scared."
"The IRS has the only division in any country's tax system where they have literally like actual agents, combat-ready field agents."
"Being prepared for stress and anxiety actually allows us to potentially avoid it, potentially navigate it with more integrity and authenticity."
"Don't forget the strong survive, but the prepared thrive. Stay safe."
"It's never a bad thing to have a safety net."
"The saying, which is 'Si vis pacem, para bellum', which is 'if you want peace, prepare for war'."
"We should hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I think the world needs the X-Men."
"It's just the reality of life; storms come, and you need to make sure that you're ready."
"We are well-prepared, and many of the systems that are in place in Minnesota are resilient enough to handle this."
"I hope that we have systems in place to prepare them for the things that we're exposing them to so young."
"Fortune favors those who prepare for extreme black swan events."
"If you stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready."
"The better it's better to have a gun and don't need it than to need a gun and don't have it."
"If this is the citizen rep journalist, could end up at anywhere at any time with any type of weather, I must be prepared."
"What would you do if your father was dying a terrible death? What you should have done was live the life that you should have lived so that at that point of unbelievable complexity you'd be wise enough to make the appropriate decision."
"We need to build these skills when we're healthy and in a good state of mind so that when we're in the mud, we ourselves have some equipment and some tools, and our friends that we're going to call have some equipment and some tools."
"If you're failing to plan, you're planning to fail."
"I was perfectly situated to like try to pull it together."
"This incident underlines the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and the power of nature, reminding us of the need to respect and understand the environments we explore."
"Life happens fast, and it can end even faster."
"When that happens, you want to have a plan in place."
"My grandmother used to say to me, 'Inky, either somebody is in the midst of adversity, or just came out of adversity, or won't be long before they head into adversity, so you need to be prepared either way.'"
"Be prepared, be patient, and be perseverant...if you're able to weather the market volatility and stay strong, you will come out fine."
"Remain amongst the region's elite or will CLG rain on their parade? I've got my umbrella just in case."
"The best time to get a lawyer, or a passport, or a locksmith, or a gun is before you need that lawyer, that passport, that locksmith, or that gun."
"The time to think about how to flee your country is before you have to flee your country."
"There is an old saying that you go to war with the army that you have, not the army you want."
"We should have been in pretty good shape. The US government very smartly built up massive reserves of smallpox vaccine."
"I think at some point, as they're shuttering the windows and the doors, they're going to be like, oh, we should've seen them coming."
"There is no drawbacks to investing in preparedness for you and your family... it's an investment in your future."
"I hope you never have to rely solely on your preps, and if you do, you will be ready."
"The best time to start preparing was a year or two ago, and the second best time is now."
"Even a little prepping can turn a natural disaster into more of an inconvenience and less of a life-changing event."
"The trials and tribulations of life that may have been accompanied by crippling stress can be passed through with greater confidence and security when life's essentials have been prepped in advance."
"Prepping puts you in a position of being capable of being a hero to others."
"You should probably keep an extra jerrycan in your trunk."
"We can't afford to ignore lessons that measles, Ebola, pandemic influenza, the plague, Zika, and other diseases have been teaching us about our vulnerabilities."
"Everyone needs a will and everyone needs a plan. If you're going to die this year, what happens to your family?"
"Always remember this... to bring a book wherever you go. You never know when you'll have five minutes to read."
"It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener at war."
"Not everybody who's prepping is prepping for the doomsday; they're prepping because sometimes it rains."
"You don't buy it because you think the world is ending, you buy it because sometimes it rains."
"Astrology is a great way to prepare you for what is to come."
"Mountainia knew they needed to prepare for battle; it was only a matter of time before chaos would strike."
"Once you understand love bombing, you are so much better prepared to see it for what it is."
"At a bare minimum, I recommend having a flashlight, a multi-tool, a lighter, and a folding knife. And that's your basic EDC that you carry in your pockets on your person."
"For me personally, I get a lot of peace of mind every time that I'm able to chip away at some of the various preparedness measures, whether it's fire, earthquake, food storage, or even pandemic preparedness."
"The most prepared human beings on the planet are Special Operations units, not because we're some elite human beings with superior genetics... but because of paying attention consciously to this idea of preparedness."
"There is nothing that you would ever purchase in the preparedness industry that is never going to have some utility to it."
"You're seeing that with the government now starting to prepare openly."
"The more educated we get and the more experience and knowledge we have, the better off we're going to be prepared for whatever happens in this world."
"Thriving, not just surviving, so we know we'll have the skills necessary no matter what happens."
"You don't trust him because he comes in prepared and he's negotiating what he's willing to respond to, working through all the details of it."
"We have to prepare for bad times during the good times."
"Preparedness simply allows your physical body to stay alive so you can pursue your spiritual mission."
"The best prep I've ever bought is a solar generator."
"I think prepping should be something that's taught in schools personally. Self-reliance and preparedness should be a subject."
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, let God do the rest."
"Don't forget the strong survive, but the prepared thrive."
"We're living in the age of consequences, and you got to get prepared."
"Don't just consume your way to preparedness; it's important that you're actually getting out there and learning the skills."
"If you want the job, then you need to be prepared for the job."
"I am optimistic that we are much better prepared to handle this than we could have ever guessed two months ago."
"Be ready to give an answer of the reason of the hope that is in you to every man." (1 Peter 3:15)
"A good landscape photographer should be always ready for bad weather as well."
"Be vigilant. The second it pops off, you've got to get over there because a lot of people are going to rush. It's going to be like Noah's Ark."
"If you're going to go to New York City, you better have your act together."
"When you're prepared, it allows you to be a rescuer."
"Be prepared not just for you, but also when you're prepared, what it does is allows you to be a rescuer."
"Maybe everyone is completely in the dark about what the heck is going on, but since you're prepared, you saved the day."
"Make no mistake, we will face ever greater threats. Our soldiers must be ready."
"Be fast, have no regrets. The virus will always get you if you are not prepared. If you need to be right before you move, you will never win. Speed trumps perfection."
"The best way to prepare for tough times is to make sure that you're always choosing to stay healthy."
"If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready."
"Science is on our side. The fact we can be ready for the next epidemic, it's very clear how to do that."
"To take advantage of opportunities, you need three things: education, access to cash, and patience."
"It's better for you to be prepared for the worst, and even if nothing bad happens, well, you're just prepared."
"This information is absolutely crucial for you, for your preparedness, for you to understand what's going on in the world."
"Better safe than sorry, right? If the worst-case scenario is that you go to Walmart, you pick up a couple of 5-gallon jugs of water and put it in your basement, keep it safe, you buy some dry food that lasts a couple of years... that's the worst-case scenario."
"Scientists attempted to warn us about the next pandemic long before the current one hit."
"This post-COVID economy could last for two years for all we know, and we have to be prepared."
"Focus on the positive, but be prepared for the negative."
"Be prepared, be curious, share your story, be yourself, and stay calm and relax."
"You know, I always come prepared with curtains."
"We have to be ready as if this hits us tomorrow."
"Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ prepares us for whatever life brings."
"Keep an open mind. Be prepared mentally and in terms of knowledge."
"I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I hope everybody is doing good, feeling great, stocking up on your water and your Roman noodles, sticking them in your closet or something."
"Crossing that intellectual chasm from awareness to preparedness, that's really the toughest part."
"You never know when times are going to get rough, and by the time they're rough, it's too late."
"Sanctify the Lord God in your heart, and then you'll be ready to give a defense with gentleness and respect."
"The most important thing is always to be prepared in a negotiation."
"Many challenges still lie ahead for Inazuma, but I am prepared for them."
"If we are smart and conduct our terrain analysis before it's actually needed, we won't be rushing around in a panic when things go sideways."
"The whole purpose of this preparedness thing is not to live in a petrified state of fear and dread and negativity."
"The whole point of being prepared is so that there's less uncertainty about the future."
"The time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining."
"Preparedness is all about personal responsibility."
"We need to be prepared for the next go-round."
"Whether it's a winter power outage or an earthquake, each prepper is getting ready for risks that are specific to their geographical and personal risk factors."
"It amazes me how fast a crisis can happen, and everybody's a prepper for like two days, and then all of a sudden the crisis goes away, and they're gone."
"That negativity, that knee-jerk negativity, is indicative of something. It's indicative that you're on the path to preparedness."
"The more prepared you are... when things go wrong, you can pivot."
"Your plan should be realizing that you may have to evacuate on foot at night."
"If you don't know what's just around the corner, that's okay, be prepared for anything."
"We will have early warning signals to monitor and protect against a resurgence."
"Lay yourself open to the attacks means you should be able to defend yourself, have the articulated structures at hand, orient yourself properly politically, philosophically, even physically."
"The industry has changed immensely, and we need to Future-ready ourselves."
"You should be career cushioning at like every day of your life, regardless if there's a recession or the economy is doing great."
"At the end of the day, you're so much better off knowing what's coming, knowing what tech exists, and being looped in than getting completely blindsided when it does knock you out."
"If ye are prepared you shall not fear. There is peace in preparation."
"If you're prepared for it, it's just an event; if you're not prepared, it's an emergency."
"You can't afford to get rusty even during seemingly peaceful times."
"Be prepared for anything, expect the unexpected."
"I identify myself as the mom of the group. I always have everything everyone needs."
"Never again will I not be prepared. Never again will I be worried about somebody else's opinion."
"Never again will we be unprepared. We're going to be ready."
"Don't wait for it to be 90 degrees outside before you turn on your air conditioner."
"I hope you picked up a few little odds and ends here, maybe I've got some stuff to offer that some of the other bug out videos didn't offer."
"You're not ready for this competition. You haven't practiced enough."
"If you're gonna take a principled stance on something at work, make sure your CV is in order."
"Make the most of where you're at today, so when your dream job comes open, you're ready for it."
"Training, planning, exercises, putting appropriate procedures in place, so that those responders come home safety at the end of the day is critical."
"It's not only important to be prepared, but everyone must communicate, have an up-to-date plan and practice that plan regularly."
"Prepare for the worst, then you hope for the best."
"He kept his hideouts filled with heavy military-style weapons, bulletproof vests, disguises, and gas masks."
"Life is an adventure; make sure you're ready for the ride."
"Contingencies are okay, that's what an emergency fund is. It's a contingency."
"Wouldn't you rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it?"
"Always be prepared, ladies, because even if you don't need this, somebody might."
"Living off the grid in the winter... there's five things that we had in mind when we were preparing: shelter, food, heat and warmth, water, and transportation."
"I remain positive... I want you guys to go out and be happy, live full and engaging fulfilling lives while being prepared."
"You're better off having something and not needing it than needing something and not having it."
"The best weapon you have is the one you're willing to master."
"Even if your enemy is a rabbit, you should at least recognize that he has big ears."
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet."
"Everybody should have enough supplies to go for a week; that's the first thing."
"Essentially, if you're not certain of the terrain, read the road map before you get on the road not after you're hopelessly lost."
"Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming."
"An emergency dental kit is just as essential. It is one of the least expensive preps you could add to your prepping supplies."
"The real reason why it's there is that there could be a shipwreck. A shipwreck could happen, and this particular event may never happen, but it's the fact that it could happen that explains why that lifeboat is there."
"You need to have the best possible equipment for those troops, and that's what we're doing."
"If we don't get serious about this, we are going to get washed away in a wave of fine-sounding arguments with no weapons by which to defend ourselves."
"Fear the man with one gun because he knows how to use it."
"We are always prepping for the worst, but right now, I'm in the market and I'm happy."
"It'll never happen to us until it's too late, and boom, it happens to you."
"Fast approaching the day when you're going to need to depend on yourself."
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, that way you’re rarely disappointed and often pleasantly surprised."
"If something's uncertain, you don't know what to do, so you have to prepare to do everything, and that's unbelievably costly psychophysiologically."
"Prepare for danger in times of peace and prepare to undergo high winds and waves and even for the stormy seas of a major test."
"You got to have your head on straight. You got to have these other aspects, these other elements. You got a grind."
"The fundamental problem of being human is that everything within you is designed for survival; it's not designed for contentment or happiness."
"We stay ready, so we ain't got to get ready. And we stay ready for the most part."
"Have reserves. Have in your four months of debt service payments worth of reserves at least. Have some money saved up in case something goes wrong."
"We are in a good position to take on inflation."
"You cannot prevent a storm from coming, but you can prepare for it."
"Any country that looks at the experience of other countries with large epidemics and thinks 'that won't happen to us' is making a deadly mistake. It can happen to any country."
"Wilderness is dangerous. Look over your shoulder, carry a big gun, and don't poke at the phenomena."
"The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war."
"Building an underground bunker... this bunker will include its own energy source, food and water supply, a living space, research and infirmary, a repair bay, and of course, the living quarters."
"Ultimately, I just want to be able to like, if my kids fall on hard times or they need help, that I have something there and I can be like, 'Hey, okay, don't worry. I can give you half your rent this month. You're okay. Life's not gonna fall apart.'"
"We can hope for peace. We must, however, prepare for war."
"We don't always expect people to break into our houses, but we still lock our doors, we still lock our windows."
"We need immediate support to people right now, but we also have to fix the overall systems that made us so unprepared and vulnerable in the first place."
"Prepare now because when it hits, it'll be too late."
"We're committed to doing everything possible based on the advice of our world-leading scientific experts to prepare for all eventualities."
"It's not about being afraid. It's about being prepared... These defensive assets, they're not for a rainy day. They're for a rainy decade."
"Thankfully, I did save a backup of this world before I went into the Nether, just in case."
"If you do any of these tests, you should be prepared for the possibility of uncovering surprises."
"If you are naively thinking that because you have a lot of guns and ammo stockpile that that somehow means security, you're so gravely mistaken."
"I walk anywhere from sixteen to twenty thousand steps or more. So you definitely need to have good shoes."
"We need to fix that...it's better to have a fire department already built than to try to fling it together when your house is already burning down."
"If the power grid were to go down, I'd want to have 200 gallons of diesel fuel in a generator like this."
"You don't have to get ready if you stay ready."
"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity, but you have to have that control preparation. You can't control the opportunity."
"Improvising is entering the unknown, and you can't plan for the unknown, but you can prepare for the unknown."
"I heard from one Nobel Prize winner, 'Only a prepared mind can see opportunity,' and we are using this opportunity by getting ourselves prepared."
"In order to be a well-rounded, self-reliant individual, you should at least have a general familiarity with all of the skills that I'm going to discuss today."
"The point of this video is to raise awareness and to help ensure that you have absolutely no delusions about what it's going to take to survive a long-term grid down situation."
"Jesus told us over and over and over again how important it was to be ready for his coming."
"Our troops are fully capable and armed, though the perpetual rainstorm isn't doing us any favors."
"Be prepared, never back down, ever have faith."
"We're ordering a big stockpile and we're thinking about doing an extra 200 million [masks] should we need them."
"Do not underestimate what we're against. Do not underestimate what we are up against."
"It's easy to prepare for futures that sound normal, but it's the weird stuff that catches us off guard."
"She ready for y'all like she came to play on her first days of the Court."
"Thanks a lot for listening, be well, be safe, and especially be prepared."
"I map out my life in the calendar... I reminded myself this morning to pack my frozen lunches."
"Top up your preps, ration from day one, and be cognizant of these seven rules of survival."
"Keep on prepping, because the [expletive] is about to hit the fan."
"The life of preparedness and self-reliance... can be enjoyable."
"You don't need to be scared by this stuff, you need to be prepared because of this stuff."
"Hope for the best but prepare for the worst."
"I don't think y'all ready. I don't think I'm ready. Who's ready?"
"We should be prepared for the worst but hope for the best."