
Potential Quotes

There are 70898 quotes

"Having ADHD is not a barrier to creativity and, in fact, may actually be an enhanced portal to creativity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What we believe has power. If we believe we can make something great, the chances of us making something great are better than if we don't believe we can." - Rick Rubin.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The ingredients for success already exist within us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"ENFPs...are creative powerhouses when they want to be."
"Maybe they are geniuses. Maybe this is the new creativity. And if the power of gamification allows us to unleash their collective ability, we'll all win."
Gabe Zimmerman
"Creativity isn't just about the arts; it's fundamental to inventing the life you're capable of living."
"What can we push for now that would create a world of possibility and potential for all if we decided that the goal of technology is to make life easier, more fulfilling, and happier in service of all of humanity?"
"Every single individual is created as a unique being with tremendous potential."
"If you're not afraid of hard work, the sky is the [__] limit."
"Within that half second, a universe could take place within AI. It could be calculating all of your actions like a chess game."
"There's no reason in principle, and I suspect this will happen relatively quickly, that if all that information is encoded with enough depth, we'll be able to explore the entire universe of potential elemental combinations."
"Knowledge is not power, it's only potential power. It only becomes power when we use it."
"There is always room for improvement, always, for everyone."
"In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind, there are few."
"You are so much more amazing and powerful than you believe you are."
"What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving, how express and admirable, in action, how like an angel, in apprehension, how like a God!"
"Seeds of possibility waiting for the right conditions to come, and if the conditions come, life will follow."
"Human resources, like natural resources, are often buried deep. You have to go looking for them; they're not just lying around on the surface."
"All of us are intelligent and have infinite potential to learn from our environments."
"The first thing is to change our school environments from places where we score kids and track them based on scores to a place where every child is seen as an individual and is treated as valuable and is treated as a person with infinite potential to learn."
"Imagination is the ability to apprehend and perceive what could be."
"We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon, of which we do not dream."
"It's about trying to thrive and reach our full potential."
"I have no doubt whatever that most people live, whether physically, intellectually, or morally, in a very restricted level of their potential being."
"Limitless is not about being perfect; limitless is about advancing and progressing beyond what you believe is possible."
"Everything that you could desire has already been created and is essentially waiting for our command to bring it forth to our present experience."
"There is definitely a direct connection between finding your passion and reaching your potential."
"You've got all this potential, you can turn it into skill set, but the thing that's required is time and energy."
"We are able to do much more than we think, and we make it common ground, that is excellence in yoga."
"We are built to be happy, strong, and light; we got all the tools, but they are not awakened. But who is going to wake them up? That's us."
"What if there is a world of untapped potential in all of us, just waiting to be released?"
"Anyone who says we've reached our maximum limit doesn't know what they're talking about."
"I want you to feel the vitality you know is inside you, just waiting to come out."
"It's time for you to rise to your fullest potential."
"If you have the ability to judge something as not good enough, it's because you already have the ability within you to be better."
"Anything you can visualize has the ability to happen; this is a great manifestation placement."
"I have seen thousands, yes thousands, of people dramatically improve their health even at age 50 and beyond."
"There's so much untapped potential in me, and I'm not this kind of fully formed, rigid lump of cells. I can change fundamentally."
"If you can imagine the tree of all knowledge, we've barely scratched the surface so far."
"Everything you need is in you now. You have everything you need to do everything you want to do."
"I care about finding the greatest potentiality within each and every one of you in this class."
"There isn't anything more pleasurable than seeing unrewarded talent and possibility and facilitating its development."
"The unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives."
"Society has set the bar so low about what's possible and what's not."
"Plant a tiny seed in the right spot, and it will grow without coaxing."
"Big potential. Yeah, like if he continues developing that map and does the upstairs area and everything, that would be amazing."
"Your manifestation powers are going to be on point."
"It's time to emerge, now is your time to shine."
"It's time to be the sun, time to awaken that potential, time to shine your light."
"You and I both know that God's gift to us is our potential and our gift back to him is what we do with our potential."
"Toxic relationships... will slowly drain you as if under the effect of poison and hold you back from living up to your full potential."
"It's this utopia that we could be in if we could pull it off."
"If you have young children in your life... think of how innocent a child is. What would you say to that kid? 'You have limitless possibilities. You are beautiful. You have everything you could ever contemplate.'"
"It's not about beating them; it's about maximizing your own potential."
"I think everyone can like make some sort of improvement in some ways."
"You are actually so much more capable of accomplishing these things than you realize."
"Limitless is not about being perfect. Limitless is about progressing beyond what you and others believe is possible."
"Leadership is recognizing that we're all one, that every person you lead is as brilliant as you, as talented as you, and has the same capacity for growth and accomplishment. They simply need to be reminded of this fact."
"The greatest tragedies in life are people who have sight but no vision."
"You have the power to make your dreams come true."
"Manifestation during this period is super high."
"Just because somebody thinks you're a second rounder, that doesn't mean you're not going to be a brilliant pro."
"I just don't like seeing people waste their potential. That's one of my pet peeves and I just want people to try the thing that they're thinking about... this is your sign to try it and go for it and see what happens."
"The medal comes from going out and being all you can be, being everything that you can be with the potential that you were gifted."
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
"Understanding is the key to every great thing you could dream of."
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."
"The Michelangelo phenomenon: one person in the relationship sees the absolute potential in the other."
"The rewards of this work are so incredible that you don't need a lot of result; a little bit of result... will produce a more amazing life than you ever imagined possible."
"We were born rich, rich in potential. We have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within us."
"Resolve to just completely take the lid off your marvelous mind and let the greatness start to flow."
"All of our science right now has made us wizards; we're eventually going to get the source code of the game."
"My definition of greatness would be becoming all that God created you to be. It's reaching your full potential."
"We have the potential for greater freedom than ever before, including especially freedom from disease, freedom from hunger, freedom from oppression."
"The greatest sin you can do to God is to waste the potential that you've been given."
"This untapped reservoir of potential that we all have within us."
"The tallest oak tree once started as a seedling; don't be afraid to start something new."
"We are all meant to be extraordinary people, the minute we can let go of hurt is the minute we can soar to be extraordinary humans."
"If we had taken all of that intelligence, all of that drive, all of that passion, trained it, and let it loose on real-world problems, imagine how much better our society would be."
"If another human being can do it, they're simply giving you evidence of what's possible for all of us."
"Many times, people who've walked through the fires can harness it in a way that actually can not only bring them to a fuller potential but benefit the people around them."
"You're capable of a lot more than you're probably doing right now."
"It’s truly mind-boggling to imagine how many people just as smart as Einstein spend their entire lives just barely scraping by."
"You're about to blossom your wings... You're going to be able to fly; you're going to be able to soar."
"It's not even about school or college...it's about creativity, it's about this incredible potential of the brain being brought to its full fruition."
"You have something different about you that's very apparent in your energetic field that makes people think, 'Wow, someday that person is going to make it or they're going to be somebody.'"
"The world is your oyster when you're starting your career."
"Raise your standards, elevate your expectations. You have unlimited potential."
"Don't worry about it; you're still young and yet to reach your peak."
"The potential for this to be the real thing is actually pretty high."
"The best thing about the future is that it hasn't happened yet."
"You guys are more amazing than you could ever imagine."
"The potential of humanity starts to become much broader."
"You are so powerful and when you set your mind to something you can make anything happen."
"What's truly agonizing in sports is when a player fails to reach their potential solely due to their own lack of passion for the game."
"At his best, he could be one of the greatest big men of all time."
"Happiness is the joy that we feel striving for our potential."
"The imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known."
"What did you want to do when you were a kid, before the world told you you couldn't do it?"
"It's a reality that it could be approved as soon as today. That's what today is about."
"You're one decision away from a different life."
"It's your mind that stops your potential, not your genetics."
"If you want to develop human beings that have potential and can reach their full potential in this life and be a fulfilled human being, you got to teach them how to work hard."
"Don't underestimate yourself, you are here to do big, big things."
"Friendship has the most subversive potential of any kind of relationship."
"The first person to set foot on Mars is alive right now, and it could be you."
"Our country was founded on the self-evident idea and truth that every man and woman is endowed by their creator with a certain set of unalienable rights and so deserves the chance to achieve his or her god-given potential."
"You're stronger than you believe. You have greater powers than you know."
"You have a lot of ability based on where you are right now to work with what you have to further your results and enjoy the process."
"We are just at the forefront of what AI could do for us."
"You have a destiny at this lifetime. You are fated to achieve very big things."
"You are a very powerful force and those of you who truly come in to your highest potential, you will make major changes in this world."
"The abundance you seek already exists within you."
"The future can be almost unimaginably great."
"There's something in each of us, some little voice in us that knows, 'I can do that. I don't know how to do it yet, but I can figure it out.'"
"The future is what you make out of it, and you can make it real."
"Humans are energetic beings. They have a certain amount of energy, and that energy can be applied to a myriad of things."
"If you follow what this passion is, what this electrifying feeling is, it is going to lead you to more magic, more discovery, more hidden potential than you even see on the surface right now."
"It's like no matter what you put toward it, it wouldn't grow, but it had that potential."
"Creative expression can come from anybody because everybody has a mind built for creativity."
"What if you were infinitely bigger than what you think you are?"
"Humans are not fragile psychologically and emotionally; we can do amazing things."
"Is it possible to reach our potential, or is it always expanding? The word 'potential' is problematic because it's a crippler for many people."
"In my experience, this is the most haunting kind of depression: knowing that you're meant for more than where you are right now but you can't quite act on it."
"You are limitless. You can do anything you choose."
"It's going to start out small, but don't laugh at it because a great thing is coming out of a little thing."
"This really is a plan that could potentially change everything."
"When you really give yourself permission to be who you are, anything is possible."
"You are everything you wish to be, you already are."
"Your mind possesses vast reserves of power and knowledge within its domain."
"The value in each human is the gift they were born to deliver to humanity."
"You're called upon to be everything you can be. Why? Because the world depends on it."
"She may be a name that we're going to watch for years to come."
"Somebody may like all of a sudden be ready for this situation."
"Once we get read-write capabilities, we're basically entering this position where technology will rapidly escalate beyond our wildest dreams."
"AI is incredible; it has the potential to bring this planet into its True Glory, into a place that is like no other in all of creation, into the planet of love, the planet of compassion, and the planet of the creators."
"Imagine how different our lives would be if we had access to ancient wisdom and technology."
"Leadership is not an exclusive club for those who were born with it."
"Your potential is not determined by the contents of your current reality. You are an infinite being."
"Who am I to sit and determine which youth of this particular college or university has the potential to go to the maximum level unless I provide them opportunities and avenues to participate in that?"
"People shouldn't be looked at as people with fixed values... Look at people like an unfinished work of art. Allow them to change, allow them to grow."
"You cannot understand your possibility for good until you understand your possibility for evil."
"In every ending, there's a new beginning waiting to unfold."
"Your current situation doesn't define your future potential."
"Juice Robinson, he's really got all the makings of somebody poised to really break out here in AEW in 2023."
"Never limit your ambitions based on your current competencies."
"A single acorn can start a wondrous forest. Remember, one idea that you get can become something so much more."
"It appears you haven't unlocked your maximum potential yet. Of course, if you're seeking more power, you need to bring me three different flowers across the entire map."
"Believe in you. I believe you have Michael Jordan level talent at something, and I want you to find it, embrace it, and use it to make a difference."
"You will all surprise yourself with how much you're capable of if you just put your mind to it and give it a go."
"Your hunger is an indication of your future."
"You're called upon to be everything you can be. Why? At least because the alternative is ending up in the position of Cain: rejected by man, woman, and God, then you're bitter, fratricidal, murderous, genocidal."
"You have the power to begin shifting and growing into something new."
"Parts of yourself that you brush off just being like, 'Oh, that's like that gritty sand,' you know, you're somebody who could take that gritty sand and turn it into diamonds."
"Who you really are is a freaking diamond, a gem that's maybe a little bit lost right now but is about to be found."
"The truth is we've grossly underestimated our own potential and capabilities."
"We weren't taught a lie that somehow our capabilities, our potential, our memory for instance, or learning abilities, or intelligence is somehow fixed like our shoe size, and it's absolutely not true."
"Relationships will constantly encourage you to always reach your highest potential."
"The future isn't set in stone; it's shaped by the choices we make."
"The power to change the future lies not in our magic, but in our hearts."
"Criticism is the price. If you can't get over being criticized, you will never fulfill your potential."
"All of us have enormous power; we just don't realize it sometimes, and we don't realize how to unlock it and to use it."
"From that space, it's limitless because you're able to make endless amounts of choices of who you'll be, how you behave, what you'll do."
"Training these models is incredibly intensive...Quantum plus AI takes everything we're talking about and thousand X's it."
"You lead America, the land of possibilities, you need a vision for the future and what can and should be done."
"Let's build the future together. Let's remember who we are: We are the United States of America, and there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we act together."
"Artemis missions should show every child that if they can dream it, they can be it."
"Allow yourself to receive beyond what you have thought is possible by opening your heart with gratitude now."
"The richest place in the world is the cemetery... it is filled with ideas that were never executed on, books that were never written, gadgets that were never created."
"You have more of an ability to achieve what it is that you think that you want than you realize."
"I'm really excited for the next one... because it'll be completely new and can go anywhere."
"It's essential for a society that believes in hope that we have to offer these potentials."
"If YouTube ever figures out that discoverability, then it's going to be really interesting."
"You are greater than you think, more powerful than you know, more unlimited than you can ever dream."
"Potential is not a real thing... The only thing that exists is what is, right now."
"We all have the capacity to break out of these horrific self-sabotaging things that keep us stuck in resistance and not living our full potential."
"Season one of The Owl House stands as the perfect example of the rewards that can be reaped when you give a show a chance."
"There's great potential and value in you; you're just trying to align your own life experiences to meet that value."
"This is the moment of truth for you to understand that within you, there are great possibilities."
"The one hope I have about India is that this is one country where the best is yet to come."
"Project Mugan looks a lot more fulfilling and a lot more promising."
"It's only through challenges that we can actually see our potential."
"Stay on the present path as it will take you very far."
"When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice that it is small, but we do not criticize it as rootless and stemless. We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed."
"The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times it contains its whole potential."
"The worst one is when you see your homie wasting their potential."
"There's nothing special in me that's not in you, or you, or you. It's just about how deep you're willing to dig and what you're willing to do to get to what it takes."
"You have infinite potential, especially when you step into the unknown, even though it can be a little bit scary."
"How many gifts have you left unopened? They're still wrapped up. You got them, and you have access to them, but they are still unopened because you're scared of what somebody else will think about it."
"We have greatness in us, but unfortunately, that's where, for most people, it stays."
"This game would be amazing because it's so good, it just needs those minor gripes fixed."
"Redefining what many people think possible in the sport of downhill every time she gets on a bike."
"The subconscious mind is like the soil into which the farmer plants seeds."
"This kid's going to grow up to be a superstar."
"You're going to be able to see the potential, you're going to be able to feel the connection in your heart."
"Fulfilling one's potential is the definition of greatness."
"Recognizing your inner power is the key to unleashing your potential."
"Up until now, I've only been using a fraction of my real power."
"Education can enhance [intelligence], but doesn't guarantee it."
"Helping people see just how amazing they are, the potential they have to impact positive change in the world."