
Interaction Quotes

There are 16797 quotes

"Creativity is a way of interacting with the world or combining or recombining things in the world in a way that appears novel to us and to other people."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We have to understand how genes and environment interact and figure out how all that works."
"What we can do to optimize our wellness is a journey that we all can undertake, exploring both our inner selves and the ways we interact with the world around us."
"Your brain, which is the hardware, and your mind, which is the software, both affect one another."
"Players say 'I would like to roll perception on the room' because they want more information about their environment, and when you have a player character that prompts themselves to make a perception check, stop them and ask them what specific actions they want to take."
"The relationship is a figure eight; it's what I do that makes you do something that then makes you react to me a certain way."
"We could be creating the kind of afterlife we experience right now, every interaction you have and the impact you have on the people around you, you will feel it."
"I love seeing when you all answer each other's questions, or you can make friends in the comments. That is what we are here for."
"It's actually a dance; it's really an experience between them and you."
"Relationships are not feelings. Relationships are ways of relating to each other."
"I'll just sit on you, bro. He's going, 'Just sit on you.' Oh my days, is that you playing football?"
"Reality is a network of interacting conscious agents."
"If you come up to me on the street, I will roll a D20 because I will probably have one on my person. If you get a 20, you get to kiss him."
"We need five warm and fuzzy interactions with a partner to undo the loss of trust that comes from one fight."
"What I want to see is, an interaction between the genuine ideas that the spiritual traditions have come up with and the new methods of science."
"I'm trying the ultra-low latency setting today on YouTube so you should be able to know what I'm thinking before I say it."
"I'm still goofy with my kids. I laugh with them, play with them."
"Leadership is not a title. Leadership is an action. Leadership is the way in which you interact and how you treat the people around you."
"It's not an interview, this is a conversation."
"Whenever you do pick up a flower, he will put it in your hair for you, and you'll get the notification kind of on the left of the screen."
"Not only was I able to buy this shoe early, I was able to meet Virgil, talk to him for about 10 minutes, and have him sign the shoe."
"Love is the key. If you're walking along, give someone a smile, you've shared a little bit of love."
"I love the just chatting stuff. I love just like talking to the chat or like responding to emails from people."
"Every interaction is an experiment. When you think about it that way, you become so much braver."
"Meeting and interacting with users from different countries is going to allow people to virtually immerse themselves in different cultures."
"It's super rare that I feel like I speak to somebody who is actually listening to the words that I'm saying and then responding to them."
"It's like having a True Companion that reacts to your interactions."
"Always ask questions...ask deep open-ended questions so if you ask a yes or no question...you can't just say you know do you like cheese yes or no right."
"Art isn't just an expression or a medium; it's an interaction, an event, a conversation between the creator and the observer."
"Characters should be more than just a role. They should interact with the world and others in meaningful ways to truly come alive."
"People who visualize themselves as successful are more likely to be objectively successful because it changes the way they interact with the world."
"Communication is only complete with understanding."
"Our relationship with AI might be just as important as the relative intelligence of the machine itself."
"Building good relationships isn't just something that happens to you; it's a skill that you can learn."
"Tyler, why are you so grumpy? Did your girlfriend call again?"
"We are Homo Ludens, those who play. From the moment we enter this world, we instinctively invent ways to have fun and share our interactions with those around us."
"I'm confident even one of these, just one could dramatically change the way you interact with people."
"Roast the bear, and the bear will roast you back."
"It's important that as individuals we just relate to each other, as a friend, a colleague, a co-worker."
"Now, kiddo, if you're gonna dish out Fs, why don't we make 'em friendly hugs?"
"Communication is the most important thing that needs to happen."
"Humans are evolved to be able to interact with the world in ways that are advantageous and to learn from it."
"I want to be able to connect with you guys as much as possible."
"I think that we are a social species; I think that we crave interaction with other people."
"Knowing a language really means understanding the culture and being able to interact with other people in real-life situations."
"It's so much fun and to have this interactive capability, you able to go back and forth with fans and answer the questions and react, see some of their great ideas."
"I love it, there's something about it, like I like pulling certain things out of people."
"I'm not asking you to do anything, I'm just talking to you."
"Stop being jerks... Be Christ-like in how you choose to interact with someone."
"Toss somebody IRL a compliment today... you know, I promise you that shit goes a long ways for other people."
"Social interaction is one of the most important tools that we can use for making change."
"Someday the senses that I have... it's all built into these things, human senses. And I can speak to it and I can get answers."
"The interaction characteristically is one-sided, controlled by the performer, and susceptible to mutual development."
"You could have some really awesome conversations during these random moments."
"The moment to moment of a player going, 'Oh, you're so sneaky. I see what you did. I wanna get to that lever, but I have to face stick to do it, and then I have to bounce off an enemy.'"
"Villagers are capable of sitting down in a mine cart or boat."
"Try to approach somebody from the front, give a greeting, make eye contact, and tell the patient what you're going to do and what you have."
"It's a creature raising game, sort of, and you use voice commands to talk to the creature and provide company."
"Every interaction you have is more or less a negotiation for a desired outcome."
"It's like every little thing is a game; everything is engaging."
"YouTube's format prioritizes live streams which often provides more direct interaction between creator and their audience."
"The single most important thing is not profession or how tall you are; it's about how you communicate and interact with an individual human being."
"You must express your thoughts to other people and they must be free to express them back."
"This is a garden, and we are gardeners. This perception changes how we interact with our environment."
"When two people talk at the same time, we don't get double the information. We actually get none."
"It's just the sheer complexity of the human body and the way it's interacting with this ecosystem that we live in."
"But why do you have scissors? I need to cut your hair."
"Subscribe so I can get a meal today and comment suggestions for the next event."
"We cannot have democracy if we interact primarily through mechanisms designed to make us angry and hate our fellow citizens."
"The solution is not more hate; the solution is more engagement."
"I don't want to fight with you; I just want to spar with you."
"Don't cross your hands, you don't close yourself off...that physically creates a barrier between you and the person you're having a conversation with."
"This is what we call a birdie bubble. When you're really engaged with that bird, you're in that bird's personal space at the bird's level."
"When you're listening, I've got an acronym for this: RASA, which is receive, appreciate, summarize, and ask."
"Hello there, ladies and gentlemen. I'm all ears, and well, let's get right on with it, shall we?"
"The whole fun of Dead by Daylight is the interaction between the killer and the survivor."
"Ocean sunfish are known for their curious behavior, such as leaping out of the water and allowing smaller fish or birds to clean parasites from their skin."
"Teaching has a lot to do with the rapport between the professor and the students, the classroom dynamics, and the honesty and sincerity that teaching requires."
"I just got recognized three different times at the gas station. Let me say this: if you ever see me out in public, say what's up. I love that. It's gratifying."
"Imagine that if we engage in interactions voluntarily, that we can cooperate."
"Mr. Slow also gets an A for maintaining a calm and respectful demeanor throughout the encounter."
"The defining feature of a Let's Play really is... the community."
"All you have to do is just cross paths with people, and you start the healing process."
"The world, as far as I'm concerned, is an accumulation of thoughts, ideas. It's 8 billion individualized movie screens attempting to interact, to co-exist together."
"It's always a real privilege to get to sit down and spend a couple of hours talking with him."
"Globalization, in its broadest possible sense, brought the previously separate world zones of Afro-Eurasia, the Americas, Australasia, and the Pacific Island Societies together, with both positive and negative impacts."
"Respect everybody, whether I agree with them or disagree with them."
"I want to have better communication whether and I want to be receptive to what people are trying to really say."
"You're fun to be with. Oh, thanks, Rick. I appreciate it."
"There's this kind of almost call and response between you, the player, and the amp, and it's so immediate and so dynamic."
"Put those three things together, let them interact, and you get all the incredible complexity that makes the universe such an interesting place."
"Patterns are essential not just in science but for our interaction with the world around us."
"In the metaverse, we'll be using voices, gestures, and even making things happen by just thinking about them."
"Sorry, I just needed to make sure you were real."
"You're as pretty as a doll, and I would like to play with all the things that make a little doll so nice."
"Inhabit your own life, be yourself, live in and interact with the world."
"First impressions on Deja: she was really nice, like really nice."
"It's really fun. You can click on human units enough times, and they're just like, 'Stop clicking on me!'"
"I don't think one lever flick is enough, though. I feel like we should just, uh, you know, do a little bit of... You're just spamming it."
"We need to think now of what happens when artificial intelligence is co-resident with us in this world. It lives with us, it watches us, it helps us, maybe interferes with us occasionally."
"The moment that stuck with me is when Kamala Harris laughed and Joe Biden said, 'You can’t just do everything. There is a constitution.'"
"Early Education is sort of misunderstood... you think the child is fine just sitting at home playing, but actually they do need some sort of interaction and beginning to learn about language and alphabet."
"The collectibles are the catalyst for interacting with the world, observing it, being inspired to take action, and just taking it all in."
"I think the relationship is over because once you've gotten to a point where the partners don't trust each other, every single interaction you have is going to be plagued with that."
"If this next account works first try, you have to subscribe."
"Is this working? It's a handshake in progress."
"You guys are so engaging, so interactive, so educated in crime that I'm learning things from you."
"This is an incredible encounter with a whale; the animal swam up to the people to say hello and didn't mind being stroked."
"She was so pleasant. That was the most fun I've had ordering at a drive-through in my whole life."
"Dostert has been sharing peculiar videos from his property located in the wooded upper peninsula area of Michigan, where he alleges he's exchanged gifts with the mysterious beast."
"He has a charisma that carries beyond the flair... His interactions, his personability with the people he interacts with... when he walks away from them, they are friends, and not only friends between the two of them but friends with all of his viewers."
"I'm like so appreciative of that, so like if they comment, I'm gonna do my best to comment back."
"The awareness of personality types, the awareness of preferences and how people tend to interact, behave with one another, make decisions, can only add it to both our effectiveness individually with those that we work, but certainly with the products that we create for the world."
"Relationships are really just your triggers bumping up against somebody else's triggers."
"One of the reasons I love my job is that I get to meet with developers from all around the world and hear what you're up to and what you're finding difficult."
"If you are nice to a woman online, don't friend them afterward. Just go on your day... just be a decent human being, move on with your day."
"For the rest of us, who can approach Cthulhu Wars with a will to win but a sense of humor about it, seeing all of these powers interact in daft ways is endlessly surprising and also great fun."
"Which is your favorite NFL rivalry? Comment down below. I want to see them all. I'm really interested in what you guys have to say about this one."
"We should only look at the quality of their character."
"I owe it to service to the kids to say, 'Hey, if I see Cam, this is my opportunity to touch him, to talk to him, to laugh with him, to compete with him.'"
"Thank you so much for sending in your questions. I hope you had fun. I had so much fun answering a bunch of your questions."
"Everything you guys say, all the questions you have, we do read them. We try and answer them when we can."
"Thank you for the comments with ideas, suggestions, questions. I am reading them."
"Feel free to introduce yourself, and at the end of the lecture, we're gonna give you time to ask questions."
"Life is all about memories. It's really, that's what it is. It's about memories. It's about you...since you've been here, you got here maybe an hour ago, okay, all you've talked about to me are memories already."
"The only cop that Mateo knows personally is his middle school's resource officer, Officer Suarez, who has a high five, a handshake, or a fist bump for each student as he walks down the hall."
"It's liberating to be honest with yourself, and it's liberating to have a sincere interaction with other people without it being mediated through some ideology."
"Smashing that like button is Urichi energy, and passing is scared Muzon energy."
"This Panda needed that jacket and this man came so close to it that it decided to grab and get the Garment itself."
"Conversation is ideal, even though it may be the scariest."
"Every time you accept or don't accept a prompt, you are training it."
"I hope you enjoyed the video I certainly enjoy recording it as much as being a total bitch to some of the people"
"He's cracked at the game, he responds to chat in ways that make a lot of sense."
"So how do the 16 Myers-Briggs personalities interact with each other?"
"I'm gonna dress up as F from the alphabet lore and I'm gonna actually FaceTime him and freak him out like crazy."
"Hey, what's up, you want some attention? I'll give you a brush pet."
"We may have this new normal where sharks are just closer in the water now, and there will be more interactions."
"Norimo has definitely revitalized the character of Mr. Freeze but he also adds an interesting dynamic to her character."
"The more things you touch and interact with, the more it immerses you into it."
"If you enjoyed today's video found it helpful informative be sure to support it with a like."
"Thanks for watching, let us know some of your pet peeves in the comments below."
"That timing was insane, it's like the game is actually listening right now."
"Tamela did not know stranger literally ever. I've seen pictures of her and videos of her from this party where she did not know a lot of these women and it's you would think she'd been best friends with them her entire life."
"Dude, if you want us to remove that doll, can you turn one of these candles off?"
"If you thought that was freaking awesome, smash that like button!"
"Your crowns have been blown open as a result of these interactions."
"Communication is ideal. Words aren't as important as tone."
"Now's a good chance, let us know in the comments what you think of that."
"Who picks the best storage units? Let me know in the comments."
"You ask questions, and I answer them." - Gary
"Join me tomorrow at 7 p.m. EST for a Q & A live English lesson. You can ask me anything."
"Thank you so much for watching and do not forget to Like and subscribe"
"Why don't we start a bit of a poll in the comments?"
"I just want to say thank you for taking time out of your day to spend time with me."
"You don't just want to go 100 all the time with no downside to that. That's a very boring type of interaction."
"Are you a good cop or a bad cop? I'm a very reasonable cop, ma'am."
"He offers I take it I'm not going to listen I have no Pride you're giving it I'm taking it man it'd be rude of me not to take it."
"Make sure to drop a like and a sub, and I'll see you guys next time!"
"The sea turtle swam right up to him and did it as casually as if they'd met every day. It was as if the sea turtle told the diver that it had something stuck in its shell and that made it uncomfortable."
"Eighty percent of the time, they’re going to fill it in."
"Small talk is good as long as it is done well because when done well, it's just talk."
"You gotta have some level of ability to manage the conversation."
"Any vehicle you see in the game, you can drive it."
"Relationships are a two-way street, it's a process of give and take."
"Now is the time to prepare yourself because these energies interact with us."
"If you're excited let me know in the comments."
"Comment down below your thoughts... do you guys want to see more of the audio better this time?"
"Hey piggy, guess what? We're safe. You know what? I'm gonna give you a name. How do I give you a name? Do I hit you with it? No? Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just gonna call you Timothy, okay?"
"I'm just trying to see what that guy is. Alright, that's my fault. Alright, guys, who's ready? Boys, we're gonna give away 2,800 V-Bucks to one of you guys!"
"Let's go to super chats... if you really do like it because that's the most powerful way to help."
"I know, it just came off that way, didn't it? I did have a pause for no reason."
"Your brand exists whether you want it to or not. It's built from the very first moment you interact with someone else."
"Join the channel's Discord server for community events like the book club."
"The interaction between everything is actually pretty incredible."
"If anyone wants to point to anything that I've got wrong there in any way, please do make a video about it so I can respond."
"Let me see the scar. Yeah, hold on. They make fun of me whenever I don't like, don't go like this then what do you stab you? What do you say? Number two pencil [Laughter]."
"Every interaction that he has with somebody, everybody is smiling."
"If you have any questions for me, drop me a comment below."
"I think the war metaphor can work... what it does communicate is this continuous interaction." - HR McMaster
"Leave the comment if you want to ever see mike again or if you want him on the barber shop."
"One of the things I love in this game is timescales with your size."
"The animations you see in Pokemon camp, the overworld, and all the characters in the game are amazing."
"I very much appreciate Callie's comment here."
"Let's see your eyes, I mean slightly sarcastic because we're playing Minecraft, we're talking about bees."
"According to science, interaction under the influence of F sharp actually allows a transference of energy not only between individuals, but also from the very universe itself."
"Will the hyenas be able to catch the zebra? Comment your opinions and thoughts on this."
"Players may also talk to one another in acronyms, saying things like GG."
"That's a great shot. The music changes as you do things right in the game. That's really clever."
"I'm excited to see what you say in the comments down below."
"Still, the E32 is a cool car to check out, and there aren't many of these left in nice shape."
"New decks new decks to build more interactions more stuff."
"The dislikes help too. It counts as an interaction, so you gotta thank the haters."
"Destroy the like button, let's have YouTube engineers fix it because it's gonna be destroyed so much."
"What makes a stream entertaining? Stream snipers."
"I want your thoughts on it please what should we do?"
"I'm a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told that she's here. Could I see her, please?" - The Terminator, The Terminator.
"Comment for the YouTube algorithm and like for the YouTube algorithm."
"Turn everything you do and every interaction you have into deliberate practice."
"If we could hit 50 likes playing this game, guys, we'll start some giveaways right after this."
"X-Pang's intelligent robot horse mimics natural movements and supports voice and touch commands."