
Revelation Quotes

There are 21706 quotes

"For something to be creative, it actually has to reveal to us something fundamental about the world or about how we work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's only now that I understand the depth of the depravity of this creature."
"Going into the stillness of meditation, you have what wisdom traditions have called revelation - revealed truth."
"History has a way of repeating itself, unfolding from its genesis to its revelation."
"What happens in the dark always comes to light."
"You spend long enough thinking about something, and you start revealing things you're not supposed to know."
"Now Fumi demanded to know who she really was. She told him that she was the second princess of the kingdom."
"Timothy won, and he won because we know what you did to him, and it's not hidden. We know who you are."
"Power doesn't change who someone is, it reveals who they always were."
"The unity we seek is already there, but it is only revealed when we trust the world."
"Pluto reveals; it is an exposure in 2023 of all that has been hidden."
"So many new revelations come every single week, and we get to see the benefit of all of the incredible foresight in planning done by creator Hajime Isayama."
"A mystery in the Scripture is something that was concealed in the Old Testament that is revealed in the New Testament."
"The deepest transformations come from the simplest revelations."
"A true murder mystery: who could it be? It was Josh. Technically, Josh killed me with a clue."
"They may actually surprise you by coming around, confessing everything you've ever suspected."
"You have to have some basis, some light that you're moving toward, and revelation is that light."
"We will show them signs in our furthest arrangements in the sky as well as in themselves until they come to the understanding that this is the truth."
"God reveals to redeem. He does not reveal to make you angry, to make you fearful."
"The book of Revelation is fairly obviously metaphor; it's not meant to be taken at literal face value."
"The mantra is everything is revealed in due time."
"When you start speaking your truth, the truth will be revealed to you."
"Hidden greatness is usually revealed during hardships."
"Prince Vox, the aforementioned villain, is in fact a much older version of Joanna Dark from the relatively far-off future, in disguise."
"The face of truth is hidden by the golden disc of the Sun... let me see the truth which is behind thee."
"As each seal is broken open, specific conditions and events prophesied to affect the entire world are revealed."
"The following discoveries are the reason I decided to make this video, so hold on to your seats."
"Everything is getting ready to be revealed, and the truth is literally right around the corner. The awakening is happening, and now is the time to step up in light and love."
"This business is very personal and it's going to reveal a lot of things about you."
"You get this majestic moment of a secret sky castle being revealed to you for the first time."
"This video will be incredibly eye-opening. It will make you understand the Bible more than you ever did before."
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
"When you're in chaos and order can reveal itself."
"It's the only book of the Bible that has a blessing on those who read, hear, and keep the words of the book."
"Apocalypse only means a lifting of the veil."
"It turns out that Chris wasn't actually some secret CIA agent who just happened to stumble upon Janelle's life... Chris was Janelle, Janelle was Chris."
"We are really close now to the Extraterrestrial presence being revealed as genuine. It's an amazing time to be alive."
"It will be a great day for humanity when we can start to finally see what has happened here on Earth."
"At some point, the secrecy will be lifted. At some point, this will all come to light."
"One revelation could change your entire life. My life has changed dramatically because of one revelation."
"Apocalypse does actually mean like revealing, uncovering, so rather than being destructive, it's a time when everything hidden becomes revealed and available."
"The true is the whole. This is the spiritual revelation that takes place within the scene, beneath the action, beneath the metaphor."
"The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever."
"Dreams are a revelation whenever you go to sleep and dream, God is giving you a revelation of what is happening in the spirit that you're not aware of."
"This is a really technical point: lots of times you'll hear it referred to as the Revelations... but it's actually just the Revelation of Saint John."
"The truth has an uncanny way of revealing itself."
"The truth of this would tear the Mechanicum apart."
"When God reveals something, He removes the veil."
"Change your life: a sudden revelation that offers freedom."
"After reading the Bible... the first words that came out of my mouth when I closed it was, 'There's a God higher than what we know.'"
"We can't just sweep it under the carpet; we've got to expose these stories to the light."
"A revelation of Father God that is going to be so powerful, it's going to be life from the dead, resurrection power."
"I'm glad you're back, and if this your first time joining us for 'Three Cosmic Messages,' a series on Bible prophecy specifically focusing on the book of Revelation, thank you for joining us."
"The book of Revelation is a book of contrasts: there's the dragon and the beast, two leaders; there are two signs, the seal of God and the mark of the beast; there are two harvests, the harvest of golden grain—the saved—and the harvest of gory grapes—the lost."
"If we understand Revelation, we can begin to live confidently because Revelation explains where we came from, why we're here, and where we're going."
"So the theme of the book of Revelation really is much more than the persecution that's coming; it's the triumph of Jesus Christ in the last days of verse history."
"Open our eyes that we might behold wonderful things from your word."
"Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore."
"Jesus said, 'Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.'"
"When he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God."
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
"You can praise without God, but you can't worship without revelation."
"We were going to be revealing the start of another chapter."
"The truth in the end always has a way of coming out."
"I don't think Donald Trump caused the division; he revealed it."
"It's only by venturing deeper that the true nature of the complex is finally revealed."
"The ultimate purpose of revelation is to become a Word, not just receive a Word, not just release a Word, to become a Word. Or let me say it in another way: The ultimate purpose is transformation."
"All true worship is a response to revelation; if it's not a response to revelation, it's a performance, not worship."
"This entire village was an illusion; it was all fake."
"When the Smoke Clears, The Truth Gonna still be here."
"Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come."
"God's presence brings a revelation of His words."
"We live on a planet of orphans, and He came to reveal the father."
"What happens when you take these biblical patterns and present them through Revelation, you've just had a demonstration of Revelation rather than knowledge."
"Revelation is knowledge set on fire by the Holy Spirit."
"The truth is about to be revealed for you... once you come into this information, it changes everything at a very fast pace for you."
"This revelation of [Lilith] being in heaven... adds even more to this history surrounding her."
"This is like breaking open the seal on something that you've been keeping under wraps, my friend."
"What happens in the dark must come to the light."
"She held his disgusting hand and transferred her mystical energy to his eyes, allowing him to see the truth about their world."
"A breakthrough is a sudden burst of the anointing or awareness or revelation knowledge that will propel you past things that you thought were impenetrable."
"Time reveals a lot of things; time reveals a good friendship, a good relationship, a good economy, time reveals a bad policy."
"The truth has been suppressed so long and so many lies have been compounded that that's why it's had to be held back."
"What we need is a revelation, one that will enlarge our hearts and comfort us in adversity."
"This secret interpretation of the law will blow your mind. It's shocking how the government's twisted the law."
"It's only when the tide goes out that you see who's been swimming naked."
"If this is really the truth, it's the greatest news ever announced."
"Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed."
"Call upon me, and I'll answer you, and show you great and mighty things that you know not."
"Hey, listen up, I got something of extreme importance to show you."
"God told the prophet Daniel that many of the things he had seen in his visions would be concealed until the time near the end."
"The only force that we see in revelation is the place of right worship."
"My silence ends today. Please know that this brief account is a mere scratching of the surface."
"The revelation that Atlas has manipulated you because of your character's childhood mental conditioning... it's been there the entire time."
"Sasuke would be hailed as a hero, though he would be upset with what he had learned."
"The truth is hard to spread, but it always reveals itself eventually."
"Live your truth now or it'll come out later, and it could be messier."
"Whatever is in the dark will always come to the light, and for now, this mystery will be one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in aviation history."
"This startling revelation was a huge breakthrough for the scientific community."
"No one has seen God at any time, but the only begotten Son, who's in the bosom of the Father, He has revealed Him."
"It was a revelation. Who knew? We didn't actually have to live in cities that were totally overrun by cars."
"Situations do not make heroes; situations expose heroes."
"I was shocked that this is the world that we live in, that everything I thought I knew about the Middle East was a lie."
"Marla then signed off by saying that the truth must be revealed, leading to uploading all of the evidence to Jacob, the link, and then sending that evidence to Danny's core in the hope that Cole will be stopped."
"Raja was the last queen to find out she won Drag Race while filming."
"And the voice shouted, 'Come and see.' And I saw when the lamb broke one of the seven seals, behold a white horse. And he went out to conquer."
"Discovering that the legendary Philosopher's Stone is created from live human beings, the brothers are thrown into a deep despair."
"However, nothing can remain a secret forever."
"If this document was ever leaked, it could lead to a complete Broken Masquerade scenario, where the anomalous cat is let fully out of the bag."
"Secrets are going to be revealed to you. A truth bomb is going to be dropped on you in August."
"True worship begins in Revelation, that is to catch a glimpse of Him as revealed by the Holy Spirit through the word."
"Halfway through the book of Romans, I finally came to the revelation that Jesus Christ is the highest power."
"In The Promised Neverland, a group of orphans slowly learn the orphanage they live in is more of a farm where kids are raised like cattle to be sold as food to hideous demons."
"It is one of the greatest revelations that we could possibly have if it turns out it is true."
"The story takes a turn when a model of a UFO was found inside the attic of a house that Ed Walters used to own."
"My fellow American brothers and sisters, what I'm about to reveal will not only shock you but will also challenge everything we've been preparing for."
"Well, as it turns out, Nick's revealed to be a synth."
"This scandal is probably the tip of an iceberg."
"God has been speaking to people. Everything about revelation tells us that God wants a relationship with us."
"For there is nothing hidden which shall not be manifested; neither anything kept secret that would not be brought to light."
"The unveiling of these icons is a powerful testament to the enduring strength of truth."
"This is the interview that I needed because this is crazy on a lot of different levels."
"A bombshell is something that is very surprising, amazing, or shocking."
"It's here the penny drops, and James finally comes face to face with the truth: his wife didn't die of the illness but was killed by him with a pillow while she was bedridden."
"The greatest revelation that he's come to... is through psychedelics."
"The notion that life exists elsewhere in the vast expanse of space is an incredibly momentous revelation."
"Christ in you is the hope of glory. It's the mystery that's been revealed."
"I'm going to reveal to you some things that are very shocking, some things that probably blow your mind completely."
"You will get clarity. Some sort of truth is going to be revealed to you."
"Momo knew she couldn't hide it, so she had uncomfortably revealed the truth in a whispering voice: she told them that she had Yin and Yang eyes."
"Only now at the end of nearly ten years am I allowed to supply those missing links which make up the whole of that remarkable chain."
"I'm crying, and I don't know what I'm crying about, because I don't cry. Crying is a gift."
"The truth is this isn't your first killing game. You're the ultimate survivor."
"No matter how deeply you try to bury it, there's only ever one absolute truth."
"We're seeing the unmasking; people are pulling off their hoods."
"He showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord."
"The word epiphany means manifestation but also means a sudden insight or revelation."
"You know the main reason Jesus became man? Yes, to die for our sins, but to reveal the Father."
"The apocalypse tells us that the beast was, and is not, and is to come."
"A shocking revelation that would set off a chain of events to expose the true extent of Epstein's depravity."
"Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe. You just don't know it yet."
"This theory has been months in the making, and I can't wait to share it with you."
"It's nothing to keep secret, so I may as well spill it now about that summer competition I mentioned to you before."
"What we're about to connect here is going to blow some of your minds."
"The truth will always expose itself. It will seep through the cracks in some way, and you have to be ready for that."
"A time must always come when the truth will force itself to come out."
"This revelation could send shock waves through the automotive industry."
"I want you to understand that the Book of Revelation is not the revelation of the Antichrist. It is not the revelation of the end times. It is not the revelation of the mark of the beast. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ."
"He who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way, and then the lawless one will be revealed."
"More secrets, more corruption will be revealed in 2020 as part of the process of the deconstruction of the old order."
"She then marveled at this hidden power which adaru had just demonstrated to her."
"It's about time. Whether it was what they call in the defense department called post-traumatic stress disorder or depression or just being so traumatized, I said now's the time I have to just tell it all."
"I do not want anything that cannot be found within the framework of the revelation the Christian revelation."
"At the end of this movie, Cornelius Fudge finds Voldemort. He stares directly at him and he's like, 'Oh my god, he's back.'"
"It's amazing that it remained a secret for so long."
"This was the truth behind the riddle of the pyramids."
"Somebody actually wants to break from this, and it's a growing truth with the Ace of Swords."
"The calvine photograph stands as one of the biggest mysteries in UFO history; Finally Revealed after 32 years, it shows that answers only bring new questions."
"God is exposing everything, everything, everything."
"Surely the Lord is in this place, surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it."
"Moses is tempered in his suffering to be at a point that he can take notice of what is revelatory."
"Well, that was about the funniest thing that I've ever learned or read about, and I'm very happy about it."
"The revelations have the eloquence of a majestic symphony, guiding us through the tumultuous journey of faith."
"The greater the glory! Victory reveals itself!"
"I know you think you made that money, but if you get a bigger revelation, you're going to recognize actually it's God just sharing his money with you."
"The problem is receiving a revelation of righteousness."
"The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing."
"The best part about Scooby-Doo always was the fact that the real villain was Zali too."
"Revelation is not intended to quench thought but to stimulate it"
"You've been calling your daughter a liar throughout the whole show, and she just passed her lie detector test with flying colors."
"Recognize what God has already revealed to you personally while waiting for that next Revelation to come and that the next Revelation should correlate with what you've previously been given."
"This is an Empire of Lies now here's some good news uh empires of Lies create truth bombs and the truth bombs are beginning to explode."
"That's myth busted... guys that is myth busted."
"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, no secret will not be known and come to the light."
"Guys they just kissed they kissed, oh my God wait okay yeah they they are definitely not just friends dude."
"Sometimes the greatest mysteries and covert operations are found to be hiding in plain sight."
"The Holy Spirit is the key to understanding the word, not just to the point of information but revelation."
"Everything I've ever known could quite probably be [ __ ] and it makes me happy."
"A bombshell voter fraud revelation in Wisconsin."
"It was about this time that Yun learned that Otto had suffered brain damage."
"Those are the top conspiracy theories that turned out to be true."
"I'm blown away... she was telling the truth."
"The New York Times now admits the Hunter Biden laptop story was real."
"One revelation of Truth can turn anyone around."
"Call to me and I will answer you and I will tell you and show you Great and Mighty things which you do not know."
"I love being able to infiltrate some aspect of the boring middle-class culture of the country and then show it to people."
"With the open heart, one gazes for the first time with new eyes upon the creation."
"The moment of disclosure will trigger an intellectual revolution worldwide relating to the true structure of power on planet Earth."
"The truth is about what's happening in the intelligence community needs to be brought out."
"They took me to a naval base and I saw them doing some [__] on a living creature."
"I feel like the biggest revelation out of this will be that there's still love there."
"The path forward, your future, whatever you've been waiting for, is going to be revealed to you."
"The character of a nation is difficult to discern until its people are put to the test."
"That statement to the Nazgul king, 'You fool! No man can kill me,' would still hold true, because this new Castilian ruler wasn't a man but a woman. And her name, in case you're wondering, was Isabella."
"As it turns out, it is in fact not the kraken."
"Be encouraged every day that goes by the truth is going to become more and more evident."
"Next Sunday, there's going to be a revelation, some new reveal."
"The secret is us and it's always has been and always will be however it no longer has to be a secret it can be now be sacred you know if we wake up you."
"Ghost has entered an animatronic, gross, didn't need to know that."
"The moment of truth comes after you started."