
Stillness Quotes

There are 1041 quotes

"The library of options, the library of possible interactions with whatever it is that you're thinking about, increases exponentially when we are motionless."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What movement does for the body, stillness does for the mind."
"The essence of embracing stillness is where a lot of the magic happens, where a lot of the realizations and enlightenments come from."
"Silence and stillness are not something to fear but gateways to deeper understanding and peace."
"Meditation is about just being totally still and just watching these clouds kind of move through the atmosphere without moving, without judging them, without thinking about them."
"Embracing the beauty of stillness and inner peace."
"Sometimes the best decision is to do nothing, to be still."
"The spirit world is subtle, it speaks to you often in stillness and silence."
"All the problems of human beings come from not knowing how to sit still."
"Create some sacred time in the morning... just create 10 minutes of stillness and silence somehow."
"Stillness is where we feel happiness, where our best work comes from, where we make good decisions, where we're at peace."
"Stillness. Any amount of stillness you can give yourself, whether it's five minutes or three hours. Go someplace, be quiet, turn your phone off, turn off everything, and just sit in stillness so you can hear yourself."
"The power of stillness and surrender can have such a great impact on our mental well-being and our physical health."
"That is the most powerful meaning of life, stillness, inner peace, realising there's nothing to get, nowhere to go, the end of craving, the end of wanting."
"Every time you do that, you find out what the monks and nuns experience, when you stop all this wanting you find the deepest meaning of life, stillness, peace of mind, nirvana."
"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."
"Just being still in the moment is so important."
"One of the wonderful things about stillness is that there's no judgment, there's no criticism, we accept you as you are totally."
"Just a very best feature of all and so here are now in these interviews I constantly just try to come back to the present should just being still."
"This question and the words we're speaking... taking place against an invisible stillness."
"The more you explore the potential of this stillness, the more you realize it's infinite."
"Sin is dust settles on a ghostly figure and he just sits there."
"Stillness in the face of challenges is a sign that tells God that you believe in his ability to show up anytime, anywhere."
"Now's the time to be still and not act, simply breathe and focus on your own power."
"The mental is in a sense much more powerful than the physical in a subtler sense."
"So it's now this universal stillness which is the spiritual land from which the world grows."
"Don't wait, slow down. Cultivate stillness within and know that there is no rush. At the end of our days, we don't care about our to-do list, we'll wish we had loved more, lived more, and been at peace."
"When we allow ourselves to be, there's stillness. Stillness isn't necessarily inactivity, stillness is potential."
"You're here to teach movement is necessary, but so is stillness."
"Stillness and stagnation are not the same thing."
"The truth is like most of the profound work that you will do is when you are still."
"Embrace the beauty of Stillness and inner peace."
"Sometimes staying still is actually where growth happens."
"Even though nothing's happening, I feel like things are still happening."
"My personal advice would be to find some stillness."
"I stood there for what seemed like an hour though I looked around the trail, mountainside, and up in the trees, I could not identify anything out of the norm. Absolutely everything was still."
"There are some moments in all our lives when time stands still."
"In Stillness there are underlying movements."
"Discover your inner stillness, that place within that can never be disturbed."
"Stillness is such an important state for us to develop and cultivate."
"Nothing is so like God/Brahman as stillness."
"Listening to the silence immediately creates stillness inside you."
"The more space we make for stillness and silence, the more we have to give both to ourselves and to others."
"In quiet meditative moments, focus on the stillness within and enjoy this inner refuge."
"In the stillness of dawn, a new beginning awaits."
"But let stillness fall upon you with its sweet and cooling showers, and you will find happiness."
"Be still and know that He is God."
"I feel like in our society there's no longer space for stillness; it's like stimulus, stimulus, stimulus."
"There is a sense of this stillness before movement begins."
"The moment that you move up into the higher level of Consciousness is when you rest In the Still Point."
"The greatest miracle is this: that stillness and vastness that enables the universe to be, is also within you."
"The whole vast prairie was still; only the wind blew over the blackened earth where there was no grass to rustle."
"We were all completely motionless. Everything was so damn quiet that we could hear our hearts beating."
"Thanking yourself for finding the time in your busy schedule and fitting in this practice, welcoming stillness and self-love."
"She endured the last utmost limit of agony and silence and stillness."
"The Stillness and the silence inside you is the place you find God."
"Embrace stillness, embrace peace and love your friends and love nature and love life."
"Nurturing inner stillness is not merely a practice but a way of life that opens the door to lasting peace and happiness."
"Stillness is the access point to acceleration, manifestation, realization, transformation. It is the integration of the mind, the heart, the body, the soul, the spirit."
"Silence and Stillness is how you suppress the voice of self, and the word is how you silence the voice of the enemy and silence the voice of secular culture because the word of God is that foundation."
"Tom has this ability to be still and listen. And it's very powerful."
"As he was doing it, the air seemed so still it felt like the whole world came to a halt to watch."
"Some of the greatest work I've ever seen on screen is just stillness in people."
"Recognizing those points of stillness... knowing that's where you need to stay."
"Being still is not emptying the mind, emptying the mind is not a good thing because you don't know what will fill it, being still is filling the mind by fixing our eyes on Jesus and focusing on Him."
"Stay still and know that God is God."
"The power of any kind of meditation is the surrender to stillness and nothingness."
"This move is a hold, right? An isometric hold, which is never easy but worth it. There's a lot of power in staying still."
"Just standing there really narana seemed to do this quite a lot."
"There's a need to become still within yourself."
"Finding Stillness, dropping into that zero point, just watching your breath, feet on the ground...closing your eyes...watching your breath."
"I was so happy that I had to stand still at that moment of happiness."
"There's about a hundred thousand people that found stillness on Christmas Eve."
"Learning how to be still and content is powerful. It's the secret to happiness."
"Silence can heal and replenish you, surrender to the stillness within."
"You've kind of used interchangeably meditation and Stillness do you feel that a Stillness practice could be things other than meditation so I I yeah I like thanks for making that observation but the thing is these days people consider a lot of things to be meditation."
"I've found that through meditation, if I just sit quietly, I can find a mental stillness that is beneath all my concerns, worries, fears, whatever."
"In that absolute stillness will appear the thousand-petaled lotus of freedom, and the fragrance: the fragrance of peace, of hidden love, of blessings."
"Suddenly the world stills here in this moment."
"My heart thundered wildly in my chest, but the beast, whatever it was, showed no more movement."
"Your power is really in the Stillness."
"As a woman sometimes we feel like we just always have to be doing something but there is so much beauty in being still."
"Be still and know that I am God. Let go of what you can't control, let go of what you're trying to control, let go of the things that are breaking your heart."
"The world seemed to be frozen again."
"Through this stillness, we will feel what needs to be felt, through this stillness, we catch a glimpse of all creation."
"Sometimes you got to be still, man."
"Life stopped and I couldn't go anywhere. When I couldn't go anywhere, I became present."
"The stillness of the forest trail was so primeval, that the tread of a soft booted foot was a startling disturbance."
"May we be still and know that he is God, and may our lives be a testament to the transformative power of his presence in the midst of a noisy and chaotic world."
"You're really good at stillness. I think this is not something that everyone sees from you, which is why your outer level is all about hard work, bringing success."
"Find that Stillness, expand the moment, feel into the fullness, allow yourself to be completely and totally satiated in the reality of your biggest, boldest, most beautiful dreams."
"Within stillness... it is also helpful in connecting with our inner child as sometimes we need stillness to hear the voice within."
"I want to try to create that something that pause that Stillness that's there."
"That's the first time I've seen someone trip without moving."
"Be still and know that I am your God."
"You're being called to meditate and be still, deep quiet meditation."
"The power of not moving and blending into your environment is the best camouflage out there."
"Be still and know that I am God, but we're not still, the noisier we mistake noise for power."
"Thank you for making me sit still long enough."
"The power of Stillness is really revealed when there's no one being still."
"Stillness is not a practice, it's just what is."
"Without the stillness, without the dimension of careful watching, that action can sadly become more and more anxious, hectic, and paradoxically, at the end of the day, self-serving."
"It's so quiet out here that I don't even need to put bells on. Like it's so still."
"Know that that's very normal and you can come to stillness at any time whenever you need to pause."
"Stillness is that quiet space where God migrates from the periphery of our lives."
"In this moment, we're stepping away from the rush of life into a world of tranquility and stillness."
"If you have good composition, first off you don't necessarily need movement."
"Nobody move at all, I just got him asleep."
"By being still, we find what's behind our ambitions."
"Thank yourself for showing up, for making more time for meditation, for making more time to sit with yourself in Stillness in silence, just you and yourself."
"The spirit of God thrives in stillness, in silence, in solitude."
"The girl lay motionless, a silent testament to the precipice upon which peace now teetered."
"Desire doesn't come from pushing yourself; it arises out of stillness, calm, and meditative states. Let it emerge naturally without force."
"I just like for those 15 seconds you didn't move."
"Through meditation and other things... this state of stillness is actually possible."
"There was a deafening silence and stillness."
"So, it's the part in all of us that needs stillness and doesn't always know the spiritual part of knowing what it is to be quiet on purpose and actually understanding that you can learn meditation."
"Sixes benefit by learning to trust their own inner silence, our own inner stillness."
"If you haven't cultivated a relationship with your Stillness this is no longer just a good thing to do, it's a vital thing to do for your balance, for your well-being, and for allowing in your wisdom."
"But after a little while that same stillness returned, and it happened so quickly it felt as if the forest took a gasp of air and just never exhaled."
"To enter deeper into the cosmic web of potentials that exist for you in the present moment, continue making time for whatever brings you to a point of total stillness. This is where your true self resides."
"Experience the rest you have longed for. Embrace the stillness around you. Listen for God in the silence."
"I froze in place as I looked into the silent and still shadows filling the opening."
"His life now depended directly upon his ability to stay immobile. He must not move. He must not move."
"I am your Stillness, I am your silence, I am your tranquil place, I am your Oasis."
"Finding time for quiet and stillness can even help us sleep better."
"The option isn't gonna come from us rapidly making money ourselves. The option is gonna come from some stillness to find the option."
"The sage experiences heavenly joy whether she leads the world in motion or rests in stillness."
"Do nothing. Time is crucial because again, this is another technique that's going to set the stage for inner stillness."
"A man must first be still enough to see himself clearly. Only then can he be of service to others."
"Live in simplicity and abide in stillness and you will be able to penetrate the mysteries of creation and dissolution."
"Empty yourself of everything, let the mind become still."
"Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature."
"Your assignment is to practice stillness. If your spirit man is calm, still, when the word of God drops in your spirit man, immediately you will pick it up."
"Stillness is the quieting of the soul."
"It's hard because it's like no wind."
"to be still and know that you are God."
"In the stillness, we can hear God's voice and learn to trust his plan."
"In these quiet moments of stillness, we're not alone, this is when we often feel God's presence the most."
"Being still isn't always easy, today our world is like a speedy race car, we're always in a hurry and we often forget to slow down."
"The moon has broken, and in my entire life, I’ve never witnessed an evening so still."
"Suddenly the entire class seemed to rise up against the headmistress. She didn't move. They cried out. Matilda didn't move. Nobody moved."
"Waters true nature is the emptiness that is vibrating so fast that it is perceived as not vibrating at all, as still."
"When I'm still, I feel it. Peace, fastness, transcendence."
"At last the wind died, the earth stilled."
"It was as if time stood still in those void-like moments."
"The job of meditation is learning how to keep things perfectly still."
"We might do instead is become like Jesus to have that still center that nothing can disturb."
"There's wisdom in this stillness my dear."
"There's balance here for you in the stillness."
"In stillness there is a profound strength waiting to be."
"Mindfulness is going slower, being still, and then your awareness becomes fully powered."
"Don't move. Stand firm and stand still. Be still and know that I am God."
"People don't listen when they pray. Be still and know that I am God. Stop and pray."
"So make sure that hole is very big, otherwise you'll keep collecting more and more and more of stuff which you never did, you don't know how to be still, we think too much."
"When you are still, your energies come back, especially in your brain and in your mind, and healing happens."
"Jeez, oh no, not his kid. Just please stay still, kid. Don't move."
"Metacognition is 'What am I aware of right now?' Without inferring, just in stillness."
"You know, whatever you do, you don't move, you keep still."
"Just allow your whole entire self to slip deep into the very source of stillness and inner silence."
"Find that stillness. When you're in the hustle of the world, can you find stillness in your mind?"
"Be still, and you will know that I am God."
"This is really a question of get still, get really chilled, recognize the magic is happening and you can have this."
"Just be still, rest, don't panic. The impossible is possible here."
"It might feel welcome here to just find stillness, observing how it feels to curl inward."
"Only when the pond is still can you see the clarity."
"Simple is the way to go leaving space leaving room that's when you're actually going to find Freedom and true rest and Stillness instead of constantly adding more to your space you really don't need more."
"This is a very, very good example of what you can get when you stay still with orcas visiting you."
"There's a stillness, there's a comfort."
"It's the stillness of it all. Time doesn't heal wounds, choice heals all wounds."
"Observe the absolute Stillness of your mind. Experience the Peace of light Consciousness that surrounds you."
"Feet on the ground, be present, and you'll find exactly the same stillness, the same grace."
"Seeking stillness isn't about shunning the modern world, it's about finding pockets of peace amidst the noise."
"To question God requires stillness, and He will answer in an almighty way."
"As soon as we passed the fence... everything seemed to get very still and very quiet."
"Your best decisions come from stillness. Stillness is amplified in nature and meditation."
"At the still point of the turning world, neither flesh nor fleshless; neither from nor towards; at the still point there the dance is."
"When we enter that state of stillness, no words can describe the joy, the peace."
"Don't let intense emotions control you; learn to be still."
"The night was unusually still in the state park, the kind of stillness that makes your skin crawl."
"Busyness is the enemy of rest, being still, reflecting, contemplating."
"Stillness is powerful. It's a scary thing to do in regular life, to just, you know, sit and feel like you're interesting."
"And one verse that I like is Psalm 46:10, 'Be still and know that I am God.'"
"Our fight is spiritual. It's time to be still and inquire of the Lord before engaging in Warfare."
"Only in stillness is where pure originality is born."
"Understand through the Stillness, act out of the Stillness, conquer in the Stillness."
"It was like the whole world stopped, I didn't hear any noises anymore."
"Sometimes Stillness is the most productive thing that you can possibly do with your time."
"Allow things to move through you. There's a certain stillness that can represent situations not necessarily moving on at the pace that they might have been earlier on."
"Stillness, journaling, having feedback mechanisms to see ourselves and reflections are all really valuable."
"He said that all that is required is to stop all effort and to simply remain quiet."
"That stillness is what's actually going to bring you forward into how you need to handle a situation that right now might feel like it's uprooting you, that is challenging you."
"We don't know how to be still and know that He is God"
"Being mindful of repetitive and useless thinking is essential for cultivating inner Stillness."
"Actions can demonstrate Oneness too, but Stillness is the primary medium."
"That bone has not moved in a long time."
"So that you can actually taste Stillness."
"There are places where time stands still."
"You know what I hope to be? An aperture into stillness."