
Novelty Quotes

There are 6571 quotes

"Creativity is a way of interacting with the world or combining or recombining things in the world in a way that appears novel to us and to other people."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creativity is not just novel combinations. They are novel combinations of things that reveal something fundamental."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is released in the greatest amount and places us into a greater state of motivation, when something happens that's positive and novel."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creativity is being the ability to take two or more concepts or conceptual understandings and put them together in something new that fulfills being novel and also being useful for some kind of context."
Balder Onarheim
"The internet’s addictive power comes from the fact that it is a novelty machine."
"The internet is a novelty machine, something dopamine is particularly reactive to."
"The success of original films often lied in the novelty, the fresh narrative, and unique storytelling techniques they bring to the table."
"If you want to bring excitement into a relationship, you need new experiences."
"This machine can literally print a human replica of yourself made entirely of chocolate."
"I'm really excited for the next one... because it'll be completely new and can go anywhere."
"Y'all ready for something new? Oh, you thought it was just burgers and fries? They got more flavors than you've tasted or you heard in your life."
"This does not happen very often, guys. As a matter of fact, since I've been doing live streams, I have never covered a landing on another planetary body."
"Those robots are brand spanking new; they haven't even had their first oil change."
"It's a box in a box. It looks like a Spider-Man gadget."
"Every time you're eating something, like your favorite kind of chicken, your favorite kind of fruit, every time you're biting into it, it's like the first time you're about to have it."
"Our retrospective feeling about how long something took is related to the novelty and the number of new memories we accumulate over time."
"People want to see and experience something they haven't seen before."
"There is truly no other thing out there on planet Earth like this. This is one of a kind."
"Everyone's attracted by whatever looks novel."
"Harold Bloom argues that aesthetic appeal goes hand in hand with strangeness or a kind of newness."
"Hot off the pin press from our friends at Crowdmade, we've got a new enamel pin of Ursa Major that glows in the dark. The constellation glows, my guys. God, that is so cool."
"This is the first time ever, so, um, yeah, looking forward to it."
"Look at the food in here, guys. You can get full pieces of salmon, and rice, and veg, and roast potatoes. What? They're Mickey-shaped potatoes."
"Here the Mickey waffles, guys. Mickey po... I'm not really sure why it looks like this. I thought it was going to look a bit different."
"I love going back to places that I really enjoy, but you can't beat that first-time walking in somewhere and not knowing what to expect."
"Humans are fascinated by the effects a new thing can bring now and not thinking about the long-term consequences."
"There's a Titan clockman in our game. This is sick."
"The Celebrity Silhouette has real grass on the top."
"Learning something new, doing something new is incredibly revitalizing."
"Nothing states or yells at people, 'I love the outdoors,' like a fish mailbox."
"But never have the Sorcerers of the Darklands accompanied the invaders. There's a first time for everything, and a last time as well."
"We really just want to entertain you, show you things that you haven't seen before, and do it in a fun way."
"Yes, we've got yet another new colony of ants joining us this week, but I guarantee, these ants are unlike anything you've ever seen before!"
"I'm not suggesting everyone go out and get one of these, but wow, what a weird thing. The amount of effort that's got into a novelty to make it actually function as a proper device."
"Let's have fun, yeah. Now, this is different right here. I'm excited, though. I'm super excited for this."
"This is new. That's stunning. Wow. Oh my God."
"Novelty isn't about creating just new positions and new interactions in the bed itself; novelty is new parts of us that we bring, new parts of the partner that we are with."
"It's like it's one of the only novelty-shaped chocolate bars out there that actually tastes delicious."
"The world's largest ax... but it's inside its near 23 foot long steel ax head that all the goodies are kept."
"It's not sticky, it just feels like squeezing a banana without the mess."
"I watched this ASMR where this girl did my taxes, quote-unquote, and it made me fall asleep for like a solid month straight."
"This is one of the coolest things this year."
"Welcome to the Lunar Embassy, the only company in the world to be recognized to possess a legal basis for selling and registering extraterrestrial properties."
"It's brilliant. It's a man with chainsaws. What more does there need to be?"
"Bell announced that she'd be selling her bath water for thirty dollars per jar, which hilariously sold out in less than two days."
"We are in totally uncharted territory. This stuff has never happened before."
"We want with the same person to have novelty and surprise and mystery and danger and risk and unknown and discovery and exploration."
"The Omni King finds it funny and so novel. He'd never had this happen to him before and he enjoyed it, saying that he wanted to see more fighting in the future."
"If I showed you a mermaid flavor, your curiosity wouldn't peak a little bit?"
"Video games had that kind of novelty to them- an unfamiliar environment filled with things waiting for you to explore."
"Life needs excitement. Life needs new things."
"Before you go, don't forget to check out established titles by clicking the link in the description below. Become a lawyer lady today."
"Collecting all the fish, would be an interesting day of live streaming."
"The vibes are high because it's very new, although we will be sick of it in a week."
"This is completely new, we are just learning."
"Seeing this in here is actually kind of cool."
"Happiness is on the other side of fear. Deliciousness is on the other side of a snail."
"Welcome to Legal AF, where lawyers know what they're talking about. How novel."
"A really good game with that premise would be novel even today."
"There's nothing new under the sun except the Christ that you are."
"I kind of love how that looks, I don't know if I've ever used that before, this bench."
"That's how we learn new things, by doing things a little bit out of the ordinary."
"I love anytime I can try something new especially something that I don't even know existed is really a treat for me."
"No one has ever tattooed head to head live on national television before."
"For the first time, there's excitement, buzz, freshness."
"Have you ever wished your Butterfinger was shaped more like ammunition?"
"There is always something new under the sun."
"It's not a repetition of novelty you want, but a deepening rule of familiarity."
"There's this other Galaxy of experiences that you haven't had yet."
"Radioactive sunflowers for Kansas, dude. This used to just be a house that regular people lived in until the accident, and these guys have turned it into a laboratory for mice. I like research about radiation, yeah, oh my god."
"I don't think I've seen so many sparkly shoes in one place in my life."
"But you know for the first time ever this well this is this is unprecedented territory which we're going to discuss."
"Now that we have a helicopter, we can also test out a plane."
"Hey isn't that traveler sort you remembered I promised thanks we see go ahead open blew your mind look at it whoa really it's the real deal."
"The hook of these games is surprise, showing you something you haven't seen before."
"It's really not nothing. It's something new."
"This is something obviously new and very exciting."
"It's a new way for us to discover places that we may have not seen before."
"I mean, it's no different than any dating app, really. With Rent-A-Friend and also with the website called Showaround, people will pay you when they arrive in a new city. It's kind of cool 'cause you make a new friend and you get paid for it."
"Oh my god! This is f*cking awesome! Morty! This is really cool!"
"Novelty of hearing an actual child deliver South Park dialogue absolutely never gets old."
"Empire was old hat, Influence was the new hotness!"
"Here we have it right here, okay, I've never seen that before of all cars too, it is the Bugatti Chiron."
"The essence of any sports fan's enthusiasm lies in the hope that they'll see something they've never seen before."
"A hundred black preachers in a room with a GOP candidate, that's never been done before."
"Evolve provides that fresh experience that I've been craving."
"AI is a very different technology from anything we have encountered in the past."
"Always and new. There's no question about that."
"Capitalism is basically as a decentralized incentive system incentivizing All Humans should both do novelty search figure out new ways of making money and exploitation take the existing ways and do the most of them that you can."
"There is something really novel about seeing an evolution of every rainbow road track."
"Novelties can be good or bad depending on the position."
"Proof so cute a cheese puff butterfly... we all agree cool it's also got super psychedelic colors."
"This has never happened before, my mind is blown right now."
"There might be some interest in the rather novel prospect of a Defender plug-in hybrid."
"Not just the same old crap. It's got something to do with the scouts being summoned to the capital."
"Sometimes it's cool to just switch things up a bit."
"I mean, it's super cool but it's kind of crazy at the same time."
"I enjoyed the fact that it was different and it was a very American thing to do."
"I want to eat grilled cheese in space one of these days."
"The next big thing... this is a whole mad situation."
"Against hardened players, it's refreshing to experience something new amidst a sea of repeats."
"Is it worth it? Well, I think for your first time playthrough, it's definitely worth it for the novelty."
"Wow, that's really cool, that's actually really, really cool."
"It's like the simulation is just spawning in new species like Pokemon."
"Never in my 29 years of life did I ever see cutting the front end off of a Porsche. But this is one of the coolest damn things I've ever done in my whole life."
"Very weird but it's good... it's a yellow Lappy Taffy... this is heat."
"It's all about getting out of your comfort zone, it's something new and fun and fresh."
"The secret is the novelty, but it better be good novelty if you want it to last."
"It's our first time working here and it's just like Minecraft."
"Of course for the grand finale we got the biggest box this guy is called the mugin fireclass 1 custom chainsaw zombie killer M249 airsoft machine gun now that is a name."
"I was immediately like, this doesn't feel like the same old."
"If you want something you've never had, you have to be willing to do something that you've never done."
"That's why people love it so much because they're not used to this feeling and they get to actually live something."
"This is fundamentally different in a novel way."
"If you venture into newer things or keep things on a new level, that's your best path to happiness."
"This new setup was pretty fascinating, and of course, a first for me."
"To listen to someone talk about things that are new and fresh."
"It's refreshing to hear something different in the same genre."
"Such a great story and it's so and it's such a new story yet from centuries ago."
"There's something new every time you come and play Sea of Thieves."
"We're a casualty of our own success. Nothing is new, it's just forgotten."
"Anytime you do something for the first time, stands out a little bit more."
"This would be the first time we've done anything for the assassins, so I hope to hell it works."
"That's basically a [__] medal made out of chocolate."
"They want a new experience with you this time around."
"So, I think that what we are supposed to do is a 24-hour in a car challenge."
"Taste that real thing, ever tasted a sweet algorithm?"
"Everybody's going to find it really really cool to at least try."
"Everybody admits that it's fun, it's exciting, it's something out of the ordinary."
"Oh my god, that looks amazing! Jailbreak shower curtains!"
"It's completely new stuff, never been done before."
"Statue candy, literally a statue of a cake, got it."
"It's both familiar and new at the same time."
"Squishy GameCube - they had squishy GameCubes there as well."
"I guess I was hoping for something a little more weird."
"It's obviously the first time to tell well not even first time is the first time."
"This house truly is one of a kind, something we've never seen quite like this before."
"Take action. Do something you haven't done before."
"Dopamine is always about what's possible, what's new, what's more, what we don't have now."
"The ratings actually, um, this is the first time I've ever done something like this."
"Going into a brand new season is literally like being a kid on Christmas because of everything that is brand new."
"Oh my God, it's really cool, I haven't seen anything like that before."
"Lobe is the first AI-generated cryptid, emerging unexpectedly from an unspecified text-to-image AI model."
"Listen, at least it's fresh. Doesn't mean it'll be good, but at least it'll be fresh and different."
"I've got something really different for you today."
"I've honestly never written on black paper before."
"It just kind of adds this next level of awesomeness to your notes."
"It's like some weird alien creature... but I'm not mad about it."
"The best way to increase the likelihood that you're gonna bring something cool and novel and interesting into your life is to try things and to keep trying things."
"I mean, it's a mini that's naughty. It's a pretty cool, that is utterly ridiculous."
"Our little Wild West Town over here is starting to look pretty legit."
"There's a dog on one specialist, but I don't think we've seen dogs as a streak."
"It looks and plays completely differently, so give it a shot."
"Oh man, it's like I've never been it's an amazing backdrop I've never been here like I've never been to a beach you know car event so and forget the cars like yeah you guys are used to it I'm from Canada I don't have stuff like this everywhere."
"Guests visiting the downtown Disney District on November 24th were treated to a picturesque snowfall, the first ever seen in the retail and dining area."
"But we officially got hockey. Let's get flash step, honey."
"Sometimes something different is refreshing."
"Milani lipsticks... like delicious new watermelon Jolly Rancher for real."
"You're so different than what I'm used to, but I like it."
"Grandpa Joe's candy shop in Miamisburg created and sold pickle juice soda and sold out almost immediately. The store bragged, 'If you're the kind of pickle lover who relishes hot flavor in all things pickled, this is going to be a really big dill.'"
"It's time to start renting a bay, rent a booth, rent a bait."
"Let's go see if we can see the space restaurant."
"We were filming one of the first ever Robin Bob Ham Ham Graham videos."
"There are no experts on an unprecedented disease."
"You're always a little scared of something new, but if it's not new, it's not scary."
"Fart jars are a symbol of feminine power, hope, joy, and lightheartedness in even the darkest of times."
"Who thinks to put a chicken nugget inside of a waffle?"
"That is something that is brand-new and it's absolutely incredible."
"Just imagine a living ice cube that can heat itself up."
"We've got our first martian born finally. Hey, nice!"
"Kudos to the tissue people. It's freaking American flag tissue box."
"Some of the eggs are gonna have candy in them some of the eggs are gonna have a white egg inside on the white egg is either going to be printed Prize or game."
"Whoever's gonna come up with the Erykah Badu vagina scent, you've got a purchase from him."
"Isn't this fun I don't think we've done this before."
"I've never shot this before, you ready? What is that? It's a laser blaster!"
"All those themes that they mentioned and imagine something fast that develops, something surprising, something new."
"Those are bomb-disabling dolphins, so the only one who's going to be sleeping with the fishes is you."
"It's like a Kinder egg, a little surprise inside."
"People needed a new word to describe something new that happened in emergent reality."
"In the grand scheme of things, social media is still very, very new."
"Doing something that you might never have done before."
"It was pretty cool when people were doing tricks with them. They were so hard to find at first."
"Having a new area like this, this is pretty sick."
"What the heck, it's like an actual like this thing is huge are you guys seeing this man what the heck do it has bouncers on the outsides of it that's actually dope."
"Can you believe this? I think that's pretty cool. Like, I've never seen seven states on top of a mountain before."
"We appreciate that it might be a little bit novel at first, but we really think it will help morale."
"It's a different style, feels fresh, feels new."
"Naturalness is novelty. It's the little flaws you know."
"People are becoming emotionally attached to JPEGs. I've never seen anything like it."
"There is value in experiencing new things you know it's good for your brain it's actually really literally good for your brain."
"Your individual ESG score is still rather new."
"Anything that's like a variation from the norm is always exciting."
"I'm genuinely happy, you know, like when you open up a new present, I'm just like, 'Oh, at least it's something different.'"
"Approach every new experience with newness and excitement as if they're your first love all over again."
"It's always nice to get something new and I'm happy we got a bunch of new stuff to look forward to, new old stuff at least."
"An ask me anything session with a beer sounds like a fun twist!"
"This is something new. This is something different."
"Novelty in life is one of the most powerful things you can tap into."
"The experience was magical for everyone who had never lived something like that."
"I think it's easy to call it a gimmick but there are gimmicks out there that are genuinely fun and genuinely like enjoyable to use."